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***Official - 2024 Major League Baseball Thread - I Got 100 Problems But My Pitches Ain't One *** (1 Viewer)

College is different than the MLB
No it's not, especially at high level D1.
What what? For a pitcher at a high level program pitching into the finals of the CWS? That's certainly a higher stress level than a mid July game in the majors. The discussion is about a pitcher going deep into games/going into high pitch counts.

Ummmmm, it's a lot easier to get outs against Brody Jank Waznowski from Central Florida than it is the starting 9 of a MLB team. Is this a bit?
So he’s not exerting himself physically as much in college?
College is different than the MLB
No it's not, especially at high level D1.
What what? For a pitcher at a high level program pitching into the finals of the CWS? That's certainly a higher stress level than a mid July game in the majors. The discussion is about a pitcher going deep into games/going into high pitch counts.
Under no circumstances is that a higher level of stress than trying to get out major league hitters. Are you being serious or kidding around?
So the stress of a win or go home game is less than the stress of a game between two teams out of the playoffs in mid June? I think we can agree to disagree on that point.
The stress of throwing to professional hitters.
College is different than the MLB
No it's not, especially at high level D1.
What what? For a pitcher at a high level program pitching into the finals of the CWS? That's certainly a higher stress level than a mid July game in the majors. The discussion is about a pitcher going deep into games/going into high pitch counts.

Ummmmm, it's a lot easier to get outs against Brody Jank Waznowski from Central Florida than it is the starting 9 of a MLB team. Is this a bit?
How does who you're facing affect the ability to throw more or less pitches? And if you take the time to look at the list of 100+ pitches there were no Central Florida's there. These were conference and CWS type games.

Can't tell if serious. Seriously.
Yea one of the wilder things I’ve ever seen here. Every MLB hitter is good. Every college team, even the great one, has multiple future non-pros and even the pro caliber guys won’t be there for years.
FFS, the quality of batter makes no difference in the amount of effort to throw X number of the same type of pitches.

People can log on and say anything here.
College is different than the MLB
No it's not, especially at high level D1.
What what? For a pitcher at a high level program pitching into the finals of the CWS? That's certainly a higher stress level than a mid July game in the majors. The discussion is about a pitcher going deep into games/going into high pitch counts.

Ummmmm, it's a lot easier to get outs against Brody Jank Waznowski from Central Florida than it is the starting 9 of a MLB team. Is this a bit?
So he’s not exerting himself physically as much in college?

He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out. He struck out 15.3/9 last year at LSU vs 10.45 vs MLB. He was striking out guys who are waiting tables at the Bakersfield Yard House today. Do you remember when the 1987 Cowboys laid waste to the Eagles because Dallas (a non-union city) played many of their starters against Phily's (pro-union town) scabs? Cowboys exerted themselves to a 40 point victory.

Competition matters. In all sports. This isn't hard.
College is different than the MLB
No it's not, especially at high level D1.
What what? For a pitcher at a high level program pitching into the finals of the CWS? That's certainly a higher stress level than a mid July game in the majors. The discussion is about a pitcher going deep into games/going into high pitch counts.

Ummmmm, it's a lot easier to get outs against Brody Jank Waznowski from Central Florida than it is the starting 9 of a MLB team. Is this a bit?
So he’s not exerting himself physically as much in college?

He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out. He struck out 15.3/9 last year at LSU vs 10.45 vs MLB. He was striking out guys who are waiting tables at the Bakersfield Yard House today. Do you remember when the 1987 Cowboys laid waste to the Eagles because Dallas (a non-union city) played many of their starters against Phily's (pro-union town) scabs? Cowboys exerted themselves to a 40 point victory.

Competition matters. In all sports. This isn't hard.

I can't believe this is even a debate. If you went out into your neighborhood right now you could probably throw a perfect game against a bunch of t-ball players with very little effort or stress. If a bunch of high school kids had the same game going the stress levels would go way up and the dominance level would go way down.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.

He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
So you think once they get to the bigs they exert themselves more throwing fastballs? They try to throw harder then than before? Try to put more spin on the ball in pro ball than college? I don’t understand
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Assuming he’s facing better hitters in the bigs would be a good start. IMO
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."
This 🤷🏻‍♂️
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."
This 🤷🏻‍♂️
This will be the first and absolutely last time I ever agree with a cowboys/dodgers fan ;)
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."
This 🤷🏻‍♂️
This will be the first and absolutely last time I ever agree with a cowboys/dodgers fan ;)
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
Did Skenes velocity all of a sudden jump x mph once he got to MLB? Did his breaking stuff break more? Is his stike zone efficiency better or worse?

I am guessing that Skenes isn't all of a sudden getting more break, spin rate, velo in MLB than he did last year (other than a natural progression of strength & training improvement)

These would be the types of data that could point to increased "level of effort" between MLB and D1 performance.

I believe all of those things are essentially the same meaning he put just as much effort into pitching at each level. In other words, he wasn't holding back in college because the competition was less.
Given how confident both sides of this (kind of) dumb argument are, it makes me think you are all wrong and there’s no definitive answer.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
Did Skenes velocity all of a sudden jump x mph once he got to MLB? Did his breaking stuff break more? Is his stike zone efficiency better or worse?

I am guessing that Skenes isn't all of a sudden getting more break, spin rate, velo in MLB than he did last year (other than a natural progression of strength & training improvement)

These would be the types of data that could point to increased "level of effort" between MLB and D1 performance.

I believe all of those things are essentially the same meaning he put just as much effort into pitching at each level. In other words, he wasn't holding back in college because the competition was less.

I think less about effort and more about stress. He has to be better with his location which makes each pitch being thrown at a higher stress level. I'll be interested to see how he adjusts once batters get a book on him.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
Oh ffs …lmao .

He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
Oh ffs …lmao .


Another great rebuttal from you.
Blake Snell’s line today is absolutely insane. Giants giving him the Matt Cain treatment and immediately taking his W away after he was pulled.
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
Oh ffs …lmao .


Another great rebuttal from you.
Your entire argument is that he struck more guys out in college than in the big leagues. No ****ing **** :lol:
He didn't have to. It was far easier to get guys at that level out.
So he only threw pitches at 75%? Or 80%


Yup, I'm convinced now. Pitching against college players is exactly the same as pitching against major league players. Congratulations, you win.
Whatever you say dude….
That’s not what I said, it’s obvious to everyone except you…


What did you say then, dude?
We were discussing stress on a pitchers arm in college vs pro ball

And some of us think there is a cavernous difference between pitching to boys in college vs men on a major league roster. You don't, I do.
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's suggesting that the pitcher was using max effort to pitch to guys at the D1 level when the pitcher was also in college and it's the max effort, not skill level of either the pitcher or the hitter, that taxes the arm the most. That seems plausible to me. I doubt the pitcher would be like, "This is just college, I'm going to give 80% now and save my full effort for the MLB."

His K rate in college was 50% higher than it is in the Bigs. Do with that data what you will.
Is it ridiculous to think he was giving max effort in college and just having better results because the level of competition is lower?

I believe the competition levels matter more than you.
You’re actively avoiding responding to direct questions so I’ll drop it.

I'm wrong a lot so I'm fine letting this go but I'm convinced the sledding for Skenes is a lot more difficult and that degree of difficulty matters more to me than you.
It matters a ton in terms of outcome but that’s not the issue. You’ve been ridiculing the position that he was putting full effort into his collegiate pitching. Maybe he was skating in college because he was so talented, I have no idea. But it’s not an absurd suggestion to say, at least in the abstract, that a college pitcher was throwing with max effort to do all he could to win and to impress pro scouts in the process.

I gave you a data point that his K/9 was 50% higher in college. What data point have you given me?
Oh ffs …lmao .


Another great rebuttal from you.
Your entire argument is that he struck more guys out in college than in the big leagues. No ****ing **** :lol:


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