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People who deliberately lie and spread hate (2 Viewers)

I added AOC. 
By request I have added Joe Biden as well. I think that’s a bit silly. I don’t think anyone would truly believe that Joe Biden is seeking to divide us for political or monetary gain. But apparently some do. 

So, just to be clear, you added ALL the other members of "The Squad" except the actual leader of said squad?  c'mon, Tim.  That's ridiculous.

George Soros sole purpose is to divide us.  That's why he gives to these causes that undermine us as a people and our democracy.
Seems like weak  :fishing: doesn’t it?

This seems like a fool’s errand since practically every politician and pundit that makes headlines or that the general public have heard of, probably at least going all the way back to Monica Lewinsky, is divisive.  Because that’s what draws money, clicks and clout.  If you’re not making waves in some way in that arena, then the public at large simply doesn’t know you/pay attention to you.

In fact, here’s a challenge: try to come up with a list of people in the National political arena who truly are NOT divisive.  That everyone from all sides can agree on as being good faith uniters.

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I see nothing wrong with starting the thread, nor Tim's criteria. If you look at the list right now, it's a pretty good list. 

Biden probably should be nowhere near there, but who am I to quibble? The rest deserve their fate, really. AOC and Soros definitely belong there. Koch should be there, too, if Soros is. That's more of a class divide than anything. 

And to comment on the BB/Jayrod little interlude back upthread. I think they're both right. People have latent tendencies towards division and in-group/out-group thinking. We've seen that come to extreme examples in the 20th Century with the death of God and certain leaders' proclivities and tendencies to appeal to a homogeneous group's worst instincts. It's pretty easy to blame each individual and their individual conscience, but groups act differently than individual humans, and politics happen often in groups and by group pressures. It would seem unrealistic to deny that leaders and influencers have an effect on people, and that our best hope is to cling to those with the best of hopes for humanity rather than cynical ends. 

Division is real and it is top-down, often adopted by those who can't order chaos in their lives and can't see causes for what they are. 

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Biden shouldn't be on the list...and I lean slightly right.

AOC is the definition of polarizing and divisive.


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