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Player Consistency - WCOFF Scoring (1 Viewer)


I was having a conversation the other day with Bagger, Tiger Fan and radballs about WCOFF and average PPG. It started me thinking about player consistency. I have seen analysis done where the author determines an arbitrary level of consistency to test. That is nice, but it does it apply to WCOFF, or my local league even.

So I decided to play around in my lab, and this is what I came up with.

I wanted to know the total number of times in the past 3 seasons players had scored 10 or more points. I also wanted to see that total broken down by individual seasons. I then wanted to see what the level of consistency those players had in reaching that level. Here are the results.

Player Consistency - WCOFF Scoring

The 10 point threshold is fairly arbitrary. If you look in the URL of the link provided, you will see ppg=10. You can change that number to whatever you want and it will display the results. For the sake of speed, I have limited the number of results to 70.

Chad Johnson being #1 WR on that list does not surprise me in the least. That was one reason we took him as the 2nd WR off the board in our WCOFF league last year.

Fun to look at the numbers. Thanks, Ken.

nice tool. Playing with the points nets some interesting results as well. Bumped it to 20. LT and James are both over 55%, amazing to be at thyat level so often. SA is not far behind them. Holt is above 50% (guess this is ppr). C-Pepp is around 60%!!! What a difference no Moss makes, lol.

Thank you. I've got it bookmarked and it's quite useful.

BTW, this is currently for WCOFF Scoring only. It is not set up for custom scoring yet.
Meaning it will be soon? That would rock. :thumbup:
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I was having a conversation the other day with Bagger, Tiger Fan and radballs about WCOFF and average PPG. It started me thinking about player consistency. I have seen analysis done where the author determines an arbitrary level of consistency to test. That is nice, but it does it apply to WCOFF, or my local league even.

So I decided to play around in my lab, and this is what I came up with.

I wanted to know the total number of times in the past 3 seasons players had scored 10 or more points. I also wanted to see that total broken down by individual seasons. I then wanted to see what the level of consistency those players had in reaching that level. Here are the results.

Player Consistency - WCOFF Scoring

The 10 point threshold is fairly arbitrary. If you look in the URL of the link provided, you will see ppg=10. You can change that number to whatever you want and it will display the results. For the sake of speed, I have limited the number of results to 70.
Ken,Nice work. To me PPG is opne of the most important factors to consider. One example of it's value is knowing you have a higher injury risk player you are considering drafting and you want to compare his performance to other players. While said player might miss some games the PPG may reveal his value is a good as a top 5 player.

Consistency is another factor that is I find crucial in my analysis of who I want on my team. Combined with PPG this information is excellent!

Thanks for sharing this info!


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