I think the rule is read the rules.
First off thanks for contributing nothing to this thread rusty. I did read the rules and I don't see any mention of the penalty for incorrect lineups. If you do I would appreciate you adding something, besides lame attempts at humor that have been tried unsuccessfully for years in chat rooms, and sharing that paragraph from the rules. If not zip it and let the people running the show respond.
Sorry didn't mean to upset you I wasn't referring to you.I meant those folks who invested 200 dollars and didn't bother to read the rules.Sometimes when you post things they don't read like you mean them.First thing I do when I enter a contest is read the rules.Each team will consist of ten (10) NFL players in a FFPC starting roster format: 1-QB, 2-RB, 2-WR, 1-TE, 2-Flex, 1-K, 1-D