Regular season is over. I have created two Playoff leagues on One will be a $250 buy-in and one will be a $500 buy-in. Scoring and rosters are below. You will choose available players each week and try to score the most points every week of the playoffs. After the playoffs are over the teams with the most points will win. Payouts will depend on how many teams join. Should be at least top 3 teams are paid out
If interested email me back at letting me know which league or leagues you want to join and I will send you an invite to the league/s and the Leaguesafe payment link. If you join a league you must be paid before the playoffs start to be considered eligible for the winnings
Any questions let me know
QB = 1
RB = 2
WR = 3
TE = 1
K = 1
DEF = 1
If interested email me back at letting me know which league or leagues you want to join and I will send you an invite to the league/s and the Leaguesafe payment link. If you join a league you must be paid before the playoffs start to be considered eligible for the winnings
Any questions let me know
QB = 1
RB = 2
WR = 3
TE = 1
K = 1
DEF = 1
Number of Passing TDs | 0-10 | 4 points each | Test |
Passing Yards | -50-999 | 0.05 points each | Test |
Pass Interceptions Thrown | 0-10 | -1 point each | Test |
Passing 2 Pointers | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Number of Rushing TDs | 0-10 | 6 points each | Test |
Rushing Yards | -50-999 | 0.1 points each | Test |
Rushing 2 Pointers | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Number of Receiving TDs | 0-10 | 6 points each | Test |
Receiving Yards | -50-999 | 0.1 points each | Test |
Receptions | 0-99 | 1 point each | Test |
Receiving 2 Pointers | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Length of Field Goal Made | 0-29 | 3 | Test (Warning!) |
Length of Field Goal Made | 30-70 | 3 points for 30, and then 0.1 point for every 1 thereafter | Test |
Extra Points | 0-10 | 1 point each | Test |
Number of Punt Return TDs | 0-10 | 6 points each | Test |
Number of Kickoff Return TDs | 0-10 | 6 points each | Test |
Fumbles Lost (to Opponent) | 0-10 | -1 point each | Test |
Fumble Recoveries (from Opponent) | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Interceptions Caught | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Sacked a QB | 0-25 | 1 point each | Test |
Safeties | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Total Points Allowed | 0-0 | 5 | Test |
Total Points Allowed | 1-5 | 3 | Test |
Total Points Allowed | 6-10 | 1 | Test |
Total Points Allowed | 10-99 | 0 | Test |
Defensive Conversion Returns | 0-10 | 2 points each | Test |
Number of Defensive & Special Teams TDs | 0-10 | 6 points each | Test |