The flaw is not caring, TripItUp. Not about delivering care, the whether & how of which is arguable. It is that you don't care and appear to term yourself a citizen. I've followed your posts long enough to know you're a thoughtful person and you certainly have the same right not to care as anyone. But this country was built by communities, not individuals. The great extent of frontiers & resources and how little fettered was innovation set us apart from the rest of the world's nations, but America was built town by town, with care for any & all who shared in the Grand Experiment. Channel flipping between ballgames last nite i came upon the revisionist western Silverado. Remember how the four heroes came upon a hijacked wagon train and jumped into action, risking life & limb without incentive greater than Rosanna Arquette nor second thought. That's America. You're walking west and there's a guy mopping his brow from digging postholes by his lonesome, you spend the afternoon, day, week, rest of your life diggin' postholes with that guy because that's how the frontier is tamed. Chippin' in.
You've had this selfishness marketed to you and you've bought it. Yes, there are hordes of filthy beasts who don't care and are beneath your consideration, but everyone from the odd child of trailer junkies who don't want it to be like this, to hordes fleeing subsistence living to the south, to the person who just realized that the old ways which kept his family sound for generations have passed him by & ain't coming back got the right to do what they're doing and if you see it you should help. The question shouldn't be who you get to determine is filth or not, but who you gonna help. If you are to call yourself a citizen, you are not here to prove anything. You're here to provide everything you can. Otherwise, your life has no value but to you. Go in peace.