Hot Sauce Guy
So I just drove 16.5 hours from ABQ ~> home after the national fiery food show.
Couldn’t get a dogsitter for tomorrow, so yeah - that was a new challenge.
Anyway, between my iTunes & various regional radio stations, I listened to 1,064 miles worth of music, and some very popular songs have some super dumb lyrics
If there’s already a topic for this, let me know - I searched but couldn’t find one.
My first nomination: Stairway to Heaven
You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger Led Zep fan than me. But this song’s lyrics are vague at best. And not like Plant mailing it in with classic blues song rip-offs like he does in Black Dog - no, I’m talking half finished concepts, to downright unintelligible messaging.
Oooookay - what’s the sign say? We don’t know either of the meanings because we have no idea.
Is….is the songbird singing that? I’m so confused.
The rest isn’t too terribly bad, but man - I’ve belted out the lyrics to this along with the (album, then tape, then CD, then digital copy) more times than I can count and somehow never realized how goofy this song is.
the other one that stood out to me today was Bon Jovi, who’s “seen a million faces”, and he’s “rocked them all.” in Dead of Alive.
Yes, Jon Bon Jovi will rock your face.
He also has a “loaded” 6-string on his back, whatever the hell that means.
Any other hit songs with super dumb lyrics? Name & shame!
Couldn’t get a dogsitter for tomorrow, so yeah - that was a new challenge.
Anyway, between my iTunes & various regional radio stations, I listened to 1,064 miles worth of music, and some very popular songs have some super dumb lyrics
If there’s already a topic for this, let me know - I searched but couldn’t find one.
My first nomination: Stairway to Heaven
You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger Led Zep fan than me. But this song’s lyrics are vague at best. And not like Plant mailing it in with classic blues song rip-offs like he does in Black Dog - no, I’m talking half finished concepts, to downright unintelligible messaging.
“There's a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings”
Oooookay - what’s the sign say? We don’t know either of the meanings because we have no idea.
Then it jumps right to “In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven”
Is….is the songbird singing that? I’m so confused.
The rest isn’t too terribly bad, but man - I’ve belted out the lyrics to this along with the (album, then tape, then CD, then digital copy) more times than I can count and somehow never realized how goofy this song is.
the other one that stood out to me today was Bon Jovi, who’s “seen a million faces”, and he’s “rocked them all.” in Dead of Alive.
Yes, Jon Bon Jovi will rock your face.
He also has a “loaded” 6-string on his back, whatever the hell that means.
Any other hit songs with super dumb lyrics? Name & shame!
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