Free Yahoo NFL Divisional Challenge
I'm looking for owners for my unique kind of league. If interested, respond here, or send an email to d j u a n e (at) m s n (dot) c o m (preferred) with team you’d like to choose.
It's a yahoo league in which you pick an NFL division, and only players from that division to represent your team. Mostly basic scoring, points league, offensive, defensive, and even points for special teams (kick/punt returns) any questions feel free to ask.
Only teams available -
AFC West (Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Oakland Raiders)
NFC North (Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings)
Free Yahoo NFL Team Challenge
I'm looking for owners for my unique kind of league. If interested, respond here, or send an email to d j u a n e (at) m s n (dot) c o m (preferred) with team you’d like to choose.
It's a yahoo league in which you pick an NFL team, and only players from that team to represent your squad. Mostly basic scoring, points league, offensive, defensive, and even points for special teams (kick/punt returns) any questions feel free to ask.
Teams are available on first come-first served basis. Hoping to fill all 32 teams!
Teams now available –
AFC – Denver Broncos, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Los Angeles Chargers, Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, Oakland Raiders, Tennessee Titans
NFC - Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Green Bay Packers, Los Angeles Rams, Minnesota Vikings, San Francisco 49ers, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
I'm looking for owners for my unique kind of league. If interested, respond here, or send an email to d j u a n e (at) m s n (dot) c o m (preferred) with team you’d like to choose.
It's a yahoo league in which you pick an NFL division, and only players from that division to represent your team. Mostly basic scoring, points league, offensive, defensive, and even points for special teams (kick/punt returns) any questions feel free to ask.
Only teams available -
AFC West (Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Oakland Raiders)
NFC North (Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings)
Free Yahoo NFL Team Challenge
I'm looking for owners for my unique kind of league. If interested, respond here, or send an email to d j u a n e (at) m s n (dot) c o m (preferred) with team you’d like to choose.
It's a yahoo league in which you pick an NFL team, and only players from that team to represent your squad. Mostly basic scoring, points league, offensive, defensive, and even points for special teams (kick/punt returns) any questions feel free to ask.
Teams are available on first come-first served basis. Hoping to fill all 32 teams!
Teams now available –
AFC – Denver Broncos, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Los Angeles Chargers, Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, Oakland Raiders, Tennessee Titans
NFC - Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Green Bay Packers, Los Angeles Rams, Minnesota Vikings, San Francisco 49ers, Tampa Bay Buccaneers