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Reggie Wayne Re-signs With Colts (1 Viewer)

This signing is about 2 things:

1. Reggie will be the Colts' #1 WR within the next 3 years, so that is really what this is about from a personnel standpoint.

2. The Colts are opening a new stadium for the 2008 season. They need to keep the team "exciting" until at least then.

buy some good defensive players, they have no chance at winning a SB anytime soon.
Colts were the # ??? defense last year? Was it 1, 2 or 3? When Manning stops choking the Colts will have a chance.
Agreed, the defense hasn't been the problem in the post-season.Colts' playoffs losses

2005: Pittsburgh 21, Indianapolis 18

2004: New England 20, Indianapolis 3

2003: New England 24, Indianapolis 14
Not that the offense has been stellar, but the defense is a big part of the problem in the post-season.2005: Pittsburgh TOP: 34:54. Rushing: 42/112.

2004: New England TOP: 37:43. Rushing: 39/210.

2003: New England TOP: 32:14. Rushing: 32/112.

The Colts have a small, quick, attacking defense that does well all year when they're playing with the lead. When they run in to a big, physical O-line in the playoffs, they get pushed around.

They currently don't have a defensive tackle over 300 pounds on the roster. That's where they should be investing their money. Not on Reggie Wayne.
:goodposting: and QFTYou can look at points scored, but when you watch/examine the NE games they were lost on 3rd downs. NE/Brady/Weis were the masters of converting 3 and 8+ nearly every time. Long, sustained, clock eating drives = frustrated and impatient Manning = easy win for the opposition each year in the playoffs.

Someday (I pray) Manning and/or Moore will get that boared into their brains, and so some patience and dedication to returning the favor. They absolutely NEED to be able to win a slug-fest type game (they can, when they put their collective minds at it).

That is way too much money for a ordinary WR.

You know what , any WR with little talent would do as good in Indy with Manning at QB.

Look at what Stokeley did as third WR two years ago , he could not repeat this year due to injuries .

But Stokeley could do as good as Wayne if he was number 2.
I agree.The Colts aren't going to win a Super Bowl if they pay offensive players based on how good Manning makes them look. They would have been better off promoting Stokley and spending this money on other needs.
As a Manning owner I am happy because they keep a solid WR and they won't have money to help the defense so Manning will need to score a lot. If I were an Indy fan, I would be scratching my head. Why would you spend about 6.5 mil a year even if it is for 4 years on a solid WR, but not a top 10 guy? I think Plaxico Burress is a good comp (and maybe better) and I believe he got 5 mil a year.
That is way too much money for a ordinary WR.

You know what , any WR with little talent would do as good in Indy with Manning at QB.

Look at what Stokeley did as third WR two years ago , he could not repeat this year due to injuries .

But Stokeley could do as good as Wayne if he was number 2.
I agree.The Colts aren't going to win a Super Bowl if they pay offensive players based on how good Manning makes them look. They would have been better off promoting Stokley and spending this money on other needs.
As a Manning owner I am happy because they keep a solid WR and they won't have money to help the defense so Manning will need to score a lot. If I were an Indy fan, I would be scratching my head. Why would you spend about 6.5 mil a year even if it is for 4 years on a solid WR, but not a top 10 guy? I think Plaxico Burress is a good comp (and maybe better) and I believe he got 5 mil a year.
I don't think people are giving Wayne enough credit. Sure he is in a great situation, but the guy has good speed, runs very precise routes and doesn't drop the ball. The same can't be said for Peerless Price or Plaxico Burress. Also, I don't think stokely is on par with this guy
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That is way too much money for a ordinary WR.

You know what , any WR with little talent would do as good in Indy with Manning at QB.

Look at what Stokeley did as third WR two years ago , he could not repeat this year due to injuries .

But Stokeley could do as good as Wayne if he was number 2.
I agree.The Colts aren't going to win a Super Bowl if they pay offensive players based on how good Manning makes them look. They would have been better off promoting Stokley and spending this money on other needs.
As a Manning owner I am happy because they keep a solid WR and they won't have money to help the defense so Manning will need to score a lot. If I were an Indy fan, I would be scratching my head. Why would you spend about 6.5 mil a year even if it is for 4 years on a solid WR, but not a top 10 guy? I think Plaxico Burress is a good comp (and maybe better) and I believe he got 5 mil a year.
I don't think people are giving Wayne enough credit. Sure he is in a great situation, but the guy has good speed, runs very precise routes and doesn't drop the ball. The same can't be said for Peerless Price or Plaxico Burress. Also, I don't think stokely is on par with this guy
I am impressed each time I see Wayne play. He should be able to put up hall of fame numbers for the next 6 seasons or so.
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