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Ren's old crypto thread || we know how to buy this stuff now (1 Viewer)

BTC shot right thru major resistance at 7,800 in the last few days. 

Any VET holders in here? Binance finally did the VEN>VET conversion. Pretty excited about the future of VET. 

Here is a really good Pod cast on “security tokens.” It’s pretty lengthy and the finance / tech / legal discussion gets pretty granular, but it’s worth a listen for anyone into 1). secure investments; 2). emerging crypto trends; and 3). securities law’s intersection with both.

the potential for fractionalizing and liquefying private equities (be it stock in a local business, real estate holdings, or a piece of fine art) is very intriguing.

some form of this is inevitable imo

Alot of people got rekt this year and have left crypto since the easy money is gone. For those that are still in, hold on tight, crypto is a long term play and the strong hands will be rewarded, we are in the first inning...

Alot of people got rekt this year and have left crypto since the easy money is gone. For those that are still in, hold on tight, crypto is a long term play and the strong hands will be rewarded, we are in the first inning...
Care to elaborate?

So I got into crypto GPU mining last December and one coin that has started to get pretty interesting this summer in my opinion is Votecoin (VOT).  Its currently not worth much and the price hasn't moved much lately, but it has a really nice wallet that has an actual use case built in.  There is functionality built into the wallet that allows for the creation of polls for people to vote on and the ability to vote on other peoples polls.  To date this has mostly been used for opinion polls but also for sports betting.  

During the NBA and NHL playoffs this summer I hosted a bunch of the games for folks to bet on.  It got a little traction with the Discord group of folks I mine with as well as some from the votecoin discord, but I really didn't advertise it much.  But it was fun and it presented the opportunity for me to combine a bunch of things I enjoy and find interesting all together (crypto, computers, football, and gambling).

I created a little website last month and have posted all the Week 1 NFL games for people to bet on.  If you are interested in crypto and like betting on football games, feel free to take a look.  www.betVOT.com

If this is against any sort of posting rules, I apologize and will delete the post.  Just thought the folks in this thread might be interested as it combines crypto and football.

So I got into crypto GPU mining last December and one coin that has started to get pretty interesting this summer in my opinion is Votecoin (VOT).  Its currently not worth much and the price hasn't moved much lately, but it has a really nice wallet that has an actual use case built in.  There is functionality built into the wallet that allows for the creation of polls for people to vote on and the ability to vote on other peoples polls.  To date this has mostly been used for opinion polls but also for sports betting.  

During the NBA and NHL playoffs this summer I hosted a bunch of the games for folks to bet on.  It got a little traction with the Discord group of folks I mine with as well as some from the votecoin discord, but I really didn't advertise it much.  But it was fun and it presented the opportunity for me to combine a bunch of things I enjoy and find interesting all together (crypto, computers, football, and gambling).

I created a little website last month and have posted all the Week 1 NFL games for people to bet on.  If you are interested in crypto and like betting on football games, feel free to take a look.  www.betVOT.com

If this is against any sort of posting rules, I apologize and will delete the post.  Just thought the folks in this thread might be interested as it combines crypto and football.
How profitable have you found it versus buying crypto outright?  I really want to get into mining but have no idea where to even start.  I figure now is as good a time as ever.  

Is BAT still a keeper for down the road? I own some shares and hadn't really looked at them in a while

How profitable have you found it versus buying crypto outright?  I really want to get into mining but have no idea where to even start.  I figure now is as good a time as ever.  
Mining is not very profitable currently unless you have cheap electricity (<.8 cents per kwh) and even then we are only talking $0.5 to $1 per day per card.  The good news is that used video cards are pretty cheap right now as mining demand is low and the new Nvidia cards have been announced.  

Many of the hashing algorithms have ASIC's out for them and it has really limited the use of GPUs for mining to only a couple of options.  

But there was a time a couple years ago where people mined at break even on ethereum and when the price went up 20X they made some pretty good money.  If I were to start now I would start small with 6 1080's or 1080ti's in one rig and see how it goes for a while.  They put out a lot of heat that is nice in the winter but sure sucks in the summer.  I have my rigs out in a small room in the garage as they are too hot for the house.  Looking forward to moving them inside this winter and not having to pay to heat the house. 

If you have excess solar that you don't get full credit for from you electric company it would be a good use for that.

abbottjamesr said:
Mining is not very profitable currently unless you have cheap electricity (<.8 cents per kwh) and even then we are only talking $0.5 to $1 per day per card.  The good news is that used video cards are pretty cheap right now as mining demand is low and the new Nvidia cards have been announced.  

Many of the hashing algorithms have ASIC's out for them and it has really limited the use of GPUs for mining to only a couple of options.  

But there was a time a couple years ago where people mined at break even on ethereum and when the price went up 20X they made some pretty good money.  If I were to start now I would start small with 6 1080's or 1080ti's in one rig and see how it goes for a while.  They put out a lot of heat that is nice in the winter but sure sucks in the summer.  I have my rigs out in a small room in the garage as they are too hot for the house.  Looking forward to moving them inside this winter and not having to pay to heat the house. 

If you have excess solar that you don't get full credit for from you electric company it would be a good use for that.
If I was an investor this would make me quite nervous.  If the mining system collapses the transaction system collapses.  

It's also stupid to waste all this electricity on what amounts to a hobby at this point, but whatever. 

There will be a lot of psychological pressure when BTC starts hitting 52 week lows in the next month.  At current levels only about 20 days from crossing that.  It will change the narrative of the media reports as they will be saying "BTC hits another 52 week low today....." sentiment in that environment is hard to rally from.

If I was an investor this would make me quite nervous.  If the mining system collapses the transaction system collapses.  

It's also stupid to waste all this electricity on what amounts to a hobby at this point, but whatever. 

There will be a lot of psychological pressure when BTC starts hitting 52 week lows in the next month.  At current levels only about 20 days from crossing that.  It will change the narrative of the media reports as they will be saying "BTC hits another 52 week low today....." sentiment in that environment is hard to rally from.
An equilibrium will be found in mining, it is pretty self regulating.  Most people won't mine at a loss, so fewer will mine which makes mining more profitable again and so on.  These crypto winters have happened in the past and it will survive this one as well.  There is a lot of good development of the technologies going on now that most people don't see.  Crypto wasn't ready for the masses at this last bubble, but given another year to five years it will develop the tools and technologies needed to support a larger user base.  

As far as wasting electricity, its a fairly small investment compared to the current resources wasted on paper currency, brick and mortar banks and the computers used by them.  Not to mention the salaries of all the bankers and tellers and countless middlemen involved in our current system.  A half a trillion dollars is quite the hobby as well.




The rewrite of Brave named Brave Core is available on the Brave Dev channel (self.BATProject)


Hello BAT community!

An early build of the rewrite of Brave on desktop named Brave Core is available on the Brave Dev channel: https://brave.com/download-dev

Close to a year ago, on Nov 10, 2017 we made our first commit for this rewrite: "Hello World!"


In hindsight, we should have used a cooler first commit message, something like the Bitcoin genesis block text of: "Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks" :P.

This version is known as 0.55.x.

0.55.x will eventually be the first version of Brave Core to replace the Brave builds which are available on brave.com.

You will see 0.55.x get updated at least weekly and progress through its 3 week life on Dev channel, spends 3 weeks on Beta channel, then migrates to release channel within a week after Oct 16th.

Some big items from the top of my head that you can look out for in this release:

All extensions are now installable by default. We maintain 3 levels of support: Allowed and vetted, Allowed and unvetted (we give an extra warning), and blocked. Currently the blocked list is empty but we plan to add unsafe things there.

You can import both from the current version of Brave, Chrome, and other browsers.

Beautiful welcome page.

Multi channel support, initially with the release of Dev channel. Beta channel and Release channel coming in 3 and 6 weeks respectively. Channels will always be updated, where Dev channel will always contain the newest code.

Ad-blocking which is more efficient than the current version of Brave since all blocking is done on the network thread now.

Regional ad-blocking, but with auto selection of region instead of opt-in like in the current product.

Tracking protection support.

HTTPS everywhere support.

Cookie blocking support.

Fingerprinting protection support.

Referrer blocking support.

NoScript support.

Permission based autoplay support.

WebTorrent support.

Default built-in light and dark theme support, dark theme by default only for Dev channel, but can be used in any channel in preferences.

Persistent "Block this element" support by right clicking on anything in any page.

Chrome specific privacy invasive things are all removed.

Search terms fed to Google suggest off by default, instead use Alexa top sites as a data source.

An early form of Brave Rewards, formerly called Brave payments is in, but currently disabled on Windows.

Brave's new tab page.

Restores last session by default.

Distinct search engine selection for private new tab page.


Safe browsing proxied to be more private.

Flash disabled by default, but can be turned on.

Using PDF.js by default instead of PDFium which has frequent security problems in Chrome.

Widevine on macOS.

I'm forgetting lots more...

Some big items landing in an update within the next couple weeks are:

Tor private window support.

Widevine on Windows (Linux will be later but not within 2 weeks).

More UI changes to look more Brave-like.

Referral builds

You can find a detailed rundown of the roadmap here:


You can find release schedule related information here:


I'd love to hear your feedback in this thread, and if you find issues, please feel free to post them here:


Here are some screenshots for your enjoyment:

Welcome page

Same shields panel and protections

Brave/BAT Rewards

Customize sites you're contributing to

Webtorrent sample site

Change default theme color in settings


Notice that the list of unavailable coins is not sorted in any particular order (alphabetically, by market cap, or price), yet basic attention token and xrp are up towards the top.

Definitely makes it look like they are prioritizing bat over other alts.  

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Bitcoin Core guru Jimmy Song gives advice on how to use Bitcoin as a method of payment: put it on a credit card and pay it at the end of the month.

It will never cease to amaze me how these clowns became the braintrust for Bitcoin's development path.  Imagine where it would be if they'd just gone with consensus and avoided the split.  They set Bitcoin and the entire space by extension back for years.  

Bitcoin Core guru Jimmy Song gives advice on how to use Bitcoin as a method of payment: put it on a credit card and pay it at the end of the month.

It will never cease to amaze me how these clowns became the braintrust for Bitcoin's development path.  Imagine where it would be if they'd just gone with consensus and avoided the split.  They set Bitcoin and the entire space by extension back for years.  

Bitcoin Core guru Jimmy Song gives advice on how to use Bitcoin as a method of payment: put it on a credit card and pay it at the end of the month.

It will never cease to amaze me how these clowns became the braintrust for Bitcoin's development path.  Imagine where it would be if they'd just gone with consensus and avoided the split.  They set Bitcoin and the entire space by extension back for years.  
:lmao:   :wall:

This is one of the reasons why I still don’t believe in any of these coins value. So, they are investment vehicles but you can’t spend them anywhere unless you pay with a credit card and pay off the credit card with bitcoin.

If any of these coins are truly being used then the values won’t actually matter. People will use the coins to transfer local currencies for purchases and maybe they will hold money in the coins if they are stable. If the coins aren’t stable then all stores will dump the coins immediately. They can’t risk losing money on their products. Anyway, long story short, the coins need to be stable IMHO and that means they aren’t investments outside of currency trading. Not many regular folks trade currencies.

:lmao:   :wall:

This is one of the reasons why I still don’t believe in any of these coins value. So, they are investment vehicles but you can’t spend them anywhere unless you pay with a credit card and pay off the credit card with bitcoin.

If any of these coins are truly being used then the values won’t actually matter. People will use the coins to transfer local currencies for purchases and maybe they will hold money in the coins if they are stable. If the coins aren’t stable then all stores will dump the coins immediately. They can’t risk losing money on their products. Anyway, long story short, the coins need to be stable IMHO and that means they aren’t investments outside of currency trading. Not many regular folks trade currencies.
There are vendors where you can use them, but I get your point.  It might be up in the air that they enter mainstream use at some point, but I think it’s inevitable that it replaces a lot of supply chain stuff and parts of the financial industry itself.  

End Game

Things seem to be really coming to a head in the last few weeks.

There’s been a very bizarre narrative coming out of the BTC camp which is that people should not be using BTC at all!

Why are they doing this? Perhaps they just realize just how screwed Lightning Network really is. I had heard through the grapevine by one of the LN devs 
that the whole system really needs to re-engineered.

So, as a result, these people are doubling down on the nonsensical “store of value” meme (Bitcoin’s value proposition was always based on the fact that it
was a superior payment method. Without an actual usage, “store of value” becomes nothing more than a ponzi scheme).

Now comes the latest announcement, Blockstream has finally released their “Liquid Bitcoin” sidechain product, which has its own token: LBTC.

This product is supposed to be for exchanges to trade and settle BTC, but it seems that Blockstream is now openly pushing for INDIVIDUALS to convert their Bitcoin into “Bitcoin Liquid”

So it’s finally come to this: even the leaders in BTC want you to stop using BTC (and instead use LBTC).

This is alarming. When even Blockstream is saying don’t use BTC, I think it’s the end for BTC.

Bitcoin Cash and the Future of Real P2P Money

Thankfully, there is a way out of this for Bitcoin. It’s called Bitcoin Cash. It’s not an altcoin… It’s a legitimate fork of the Bitcoin ledger from August 2017, when enough people had enough sense to realize what was happening, and were able to act in time to preserve the ledger.

The Blockstream gang has thrown Bitcoin off its course for several years, but you cannot stop an idea whose time has come. Peer to Peer Electronic Cash is here to stay, and no amount of deception can stop it.


This is an excellent summary of where we are now and how we got here. 


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