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Rodrique Wright (1 Viewer)

Frenchy Fuqua

Guy was supposed to be a top 10 pick coming into the year. He was supposed to be at least a 2nd round pick going into the Draft. Here we sit with 4 picks remaining in the 6th round and he is still on the board. Got to be a bad report out on this kid (more than just attitude), his potential certainly warrants a mid-round pick. Any scoop?

Guy was supposed to be a top 10 pick coming into the year. He was supposed to be at least a 2nd round pick going into the Draft. Here we sit with 4 picks remaining in the 6th round and he is still on the board. Got to be a bad report out on this kid (more than just attitude), his potential certainly warrants a mid-round pick. Any scoop?
Career underachiever at UT. I'd say those interviews and the like might not have gone so well for the youngster.

DT Rodrique Wright By: Alain Poupart

Associate Editor

Date: Apr 30, 2006

Rodrique Wright had heard rumblings about his stock falling heading into the draft, but he never anticipated not being picked until the seventh round. And when the Dolphins finally ended his wait by selecting him 226th overall, he found out what perhaps proved to be the reason for his major fall.

Wright said the Dolphins told him after drafting him that he had a shoulder injury that probably was going to require surgery. That came as news to Wright, who said he never felt any pain and recently bench-pressed 425 pounds.

"It's very strange," Wright said after being drafted. "Actually, I've been getting stronger. I haven't had any problems."

Wright said his best guess would be that he would have suffered the injury during practice for Texas' bowl game during his junior season, but he can't be sure because he played every game in 2005 and never felt any pain beyond what he thought that normal soreness.

Wright said some NFL teams had him undergo an MRI in the spring, but not all of them. Not until Sunday did Wright have any inkling that he had any kind of shoulder injury.

"I was informed today by Miami," Wright said. "I've been confused as to why I went from the first round to the seventh round."

Wright probably would have been a first-round pick had he entered the draft following his junior season, but he decided to return to the Longhorns, who he helped win the national title.

But his draft stock fell in the process, even without the injury, because he didn't dominate as much as expected despite the fact he earned consensus All-American honors. Scouts felt Wright had a tendency to slack off, particularly if the play wasn't headed in his direction. He also had a lackluster performance in Texas' Rose Bowl victory over USC.

But it's clear there was something else behind the major downfall, something Wright still has a problem accepting. That's why Wright said the first thing he might do upon arriving in Miami is get a second opinion on his right shoulder.

"I'm not happy," Wright said. "Obviously, it's disappointing. I know it's an injury issue and not a talent issue.

"I don't know exactly what the injury is, it wasn't explained to me. I'm not totally convinced. Maybe there was some kind of error."


Glad the Colts didn't take a late-round flyer, what with all the great run-stuffing DTs they have n all :wall:

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I was confused watching him drop round to round without getting drafted. Equally confusing was Jonathan Scott's slide.

I was confused watching him drop round to round without getting drafted. Equally confusing was Jonathan Scott's slide.
Scott was another UT player that fit the mold of being the last guy to the office and first one to leave.
Great pick by the Dolphins. They may need to shelf him for a portion of this season to repair the shoulder, but this guy is a definite first day talent that slid well into round seven.

Adewale Ogunleye also suffered a major injury after his senior season and he went undrafted as a result. After a year of rehab, he turned out to be a pretty good player.

Sabans 7th rounders were all guys with talent that needed "coaching up" so to speak. No one "coaches up" like Saban these days so it should be interesting.

Guy was supposed to be a top 10 pick coming into the year.  He was supposed to be at least a 2nd round pick going into the Draft.  Here we sit with 4 picks remaining in the 6th round and he is still on the board.  Got to be a bad report out on this kid (more than just attitude), his potential certainly warrants a mid-round pick.  Any scoop?

I always felt that Wright was a bit overrated, but not to the extent he would drop to the 7th round. Really strange. Wright was great as a freshman, but never improved on that performance. Still, he is an intelligent and well-spoken guy, so I would be surprised if he bombed interviews badly enough to slip that far. Maybe the shoulder injury explains it, but I can't believe someone didn't take a chance on him earlier than that. Hell, Johnny Jolly from A&M went before Wright. That's a joke IMO.
Joseph Duarte, of the Houston Chronicle, reports Miami Dolphins DL Rodrique Wright (shoulder) was informed Sunday, April 30, that he has a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder. He will be evaluated in Miami Thursday, May 4, and will likely need surgery in the next couple weeks. Head coach Nick Saban told Wright the condition would likely worsen if he did not have surgery, "but once it's fixed you'll be good as gold."


DT Rodrique Wright By: Alain Poupart

Associate Editor

Date: Apr 30, 2006

Rodrique Wright had heard rumblings about his stock falling heading into the draft, but he never anticipated not being picked until the seventh round. And when the Dolphins finally ended his wait by selecting him 226th overall, he found out what perhaps proved to be the reason for his major fall.

Wright said the Dolphins told him after drafting him that he had a shoulder injury that probably was going to require surgery. That came as news to Wright, who said he never felt any pain and recently bench-pressed 425 pounds.

"It's very strange," Wright said after being drafted. "Actually, I've been getting stronger. I haven't had any problems."

Wright said his best guess would be that he would have suffered the injury during practice for Texas' bowl game during his junior season, but he can't be sure because he played every game in 2005 and never felt any pain beyond what he thought that normal soreness.

Wright said some NFL teams had him undergo an MRI in the spring, but not all of them. Not until Sunday did Wright have any inkling that he had any kind of shoulder injury.

"I was informed today by Miami," Wright said. "I've been confused as to why I went from the first round to the seventh round."

Wright probably would have been a first-round pick had he entered the draft following his junior season, but he decided to return to the Longhorns, who he helped win the national title.

But his draft stock fell in the process, even without the injury, because he didn't dominate as much as expected despite the fact he earned consensus All-American honors. Scouts felt Wright had a tendency to slack off, particularly if the play wasn't headed in his direction. He also had a lackluster performance in Texas' Rose Bowl victory over USC.

But it's clear there was something else behind the major downfall, something Wright still has a problem accepting. That's why Wright said the first thing he might do upon arriving in Miami is get a second opinion on his right shoulder.

"I'm not happy," Wright said. "Obviously, it's disappointing. I know it's an injury issue and not a talent issue.

"I don't know exactly what the injury is, it wasn't explained to me. I'm not totally convinced. Maybe there was some kind of error."


That explains it, thanks!
Apparently, every team knew that he had a shoulder injury, but somehow no one told dude what was going on? Doesn't that sound strange anyone else?

Apparently, every team knew that he had a shoulder injury, but somehow no one told dude what was going on? Doesn't that sound strange anyone else?

Yeah, its a weird circumstance for sure. Maybe he thought there was something wrong with his shoulder, but he didnt think it would effect his standing in the draft since he was always able to play without pain. Something small and insignificant. I get the feeling he had no idea that his shoulder was potentially degenerative and required surgery.
I hope that his falling to the 7th round puts a bit of a chip on his shoulder and he plays with some passion. I can see him becoming one of the biggest steals of the draft if he plays up to his potential.


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