Hey guys. I suppose I got @tted to possibly add some background on Grugier-Hill's situation. Best I can suss out, it's fluid. I checked the game logs. He's taken a ton of snaps this year since Week Three, but HOU's LB situation has been spotty in terms of the availability of their big three guys, Cunningham, Kirksey, and KGH. Kirksey and Cunningham have both missed time, so one day KGH is paired with Kirksey, another day he's paired with Cunningham, and who really knows how the coaching staff sees it. I'm not really an expert on KGH, but his snap counts are very high because at least one of Kirksey or Cunningham have been missing for most of the year. When they're all healthy, Grugier-Hill probably logs about 77-92% of the snaps in any given game, game-depending, often towards the higher end of that range. It's Cunningham that's sat since about Week Three, probably averaging anywhere from 20-30% of snaps when they're all healthy.
So I looked at their contracts on Sportrac. Cunningham has an out in 2023, so they say, and Grugier-Hill and Kirksey are both UFAs at the end of this year. So...do with that information what thou wilt. I will say this: KGH, in my dilettantish estimation, and from my limited viewing, looks the part. His undercutting a route against Tennessee for a big pick and his huge 30-plus performance this week with TFLs and sacks was something that looked good on the field as well as the stat sheet. He propelled many teams to victory if you started him.
Thanks again, trader jake, for the report. I wondered why Jamin Davis got so much run last week. Collins was hurt, eh? Makes sense.
Anyway, good luck to everyone who reads this forum. We're all sort of in it together and hopefully can use the information.