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Sidney Rice MRI results (1 Viewer)



Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Sidney Rice said he suffered a sprained posterior cruciate ligament in his right knee Sunday against Indianapolis. Rice said he was told there’s a “good chance” he will be able to Sunday against Carolina, but he can’t say for certain. Rice went on to say that he’s “pretty sore” and “it kind of hurts when I walk a little bit.” He hopes that when the swelling goes down, the pain will decrease as well.

Source: St. Paul Pioneer Press

Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Sidney Rice said he suffered a sprained posterior cruciate ligament in his right knee Sunday against Indianapolis. Rice said he was told there’s a “good chance” he will be able to Sunday against Carolina, but he can’t say for certain. Rice went on to say that he’s “pretty sore” and “it kind of hurts when I walk a little bit.” He hopes that when the swelling goes down, the pain will decrease as well.

Source: St. Paul Pioneer Press
As long as his ankle is OK because that seems to be the target Jackson likes to throw to.

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