toshiba said:
And the bigger question is if Joe decided to not take it off of here and it happened enough does their host have the right to remove footballguys from their service?
I would think yes. Just like if I owned a bar and let groups hold meetings there (I see this all the time from fantasy drafts to book clubs to cycling clubs). If a group came and I discovered they were a NAMLBA group, I would tell them no more meetings here. I would do it because I didn't want my establishment to be the place where NAMBLA is and I don't want customers having an unpleasant experience and not returning. But if I decided I was all about free speech and let them host their meetings, I would think it would be well within the rights of whomever I am renting from to not renew my lease. It's not about censorship it is about the reputation of the business.
Where I would be concerned about censorship is if Verizon started kicking people off data plans/text messaging or Google edited or removed email accounts over messages/emails exchanged between willing participants. In that case it is a private communication and not a public communication.