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Starters most likely to change teams (1 Viewer)

Well IMO there are only two stud offensive players who I think are going to change teams and that's Edge and Owens. I think Wayne and Alexander will both be back with their original teams. I could see Moulds, Jimmy Smith, and Isacc Bruce going somewhere else next season though. One guy who I think will excel if he goes to the right team would be Bryant I mean he played very well being a number 1 Wr on a run first team with Dilfer and Frye at Qb. If Bryant could go to a passing team where he would have help he could have a much better year IMO.

Why are you so sure about Edge? Moulds is gone for sure.

I was really looking forward to Nate Clements testing the waters in FA but from the blog...


... so it looks like there is a stronger chance than ever he'll be staying in BUF. I've heard rumours that BAL has soured a bit on Chris McAlister and hope SD shows interest there. There is also some talk of Madison moving from MIA to the SD backfield, but I don't think he's a big step down from either of the aforementioned.

Any news in terms of OT from around the league?

Edgerrin James

Eric Moulds

Sam Madison

Anthony McFarland

Ahman Green

Najeh Davenport

Jon Runyan

Rocky Bernard

LaVar Arrington

Julian Peterson

Jon Kitna

Terrell Owens

Michael Bennett

Moe Williams

Joe Jurevicius

Peter Warrick

I'm sure there are a lot i've missed, but that should give you a basic idea.

Not sure he qualifies as a starter but Antwaan Randel El will likely be on a different team next season. The Steelers will try to re-sign him but I think someone will offer him more cash and he'll be gone.

CB Deshea Townsend will probably also sign elsewhere.

Givens might be the man in Philly.
I doubt they let him leave. I'd seriously be thinking about the size of Dillon's contract and that would likely free up a little $ to keep him. I don't think he's great, he's solid and effective but IMO Philly needs a better WR than that.

Julian Peterson
How sure are you about Peterson? Seems like they'd give him more than a year to come back from that injurty. Pre-injury he was one of the best players in the league.
I would love to see Givens land in Philly; I think he's got big-time potential, as he's shown in his playoff history.

disclosure: McNabb & Givens owner here

Julian Peterson
How sure are you about Peterson? Seems like they'd give him more than a year to come back from that injurty. Pre-injury he was one of the best players in the league.
has he been injured two years in a row though?
Any BAL homers think McAlister could be an outright cap casualty? Seems like that contract is pretty unmanigable;

2006 5,500,000

2007 6,500,000

2008 8,000,000

2009 8,000,000

2010 8,000,000

I hope SD is considering him.

Also, any word from BUF homers about a possible destination for Mike Williams? Seems like it's a fore-gone conclusion he's gone. I realize many consider him a bust considering where he was drafted and what he's being payed but plenty of OLmen have resurrected their careers late.


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