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Survivor Season 46 - Finale - Up Next: Survivor Forty Several (1 Viewer)


Angry Bovine
I totally lost track of when the premiere was (tonight). Thankfully the YouTube TV DVR caught it for me. I like the 1.5 hour episodes. Won't give any spoilers yet in case others want to watch. Here is the cast:

Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people
Terrible cast so far. Two people basically quitting day 1 and making sure they have enough attorneys and annoying people. This was the worst opening episode ever.
Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people

The casting has lost it`s way. Survivor of the "misfits"

They really need to do a show with all men and women that have strong personalities, all capable in all challenges and let them have at it. It has turned into the weakest getting rid of the strongest ASAP with a couple of coat tail riders. Looked like even Jeff was disgusted.
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Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people
Terrible cast so far. Two people basically quitting day 1 and making sure they have enough attorneys and annoying people. This was the worst opening episode ever.
Yeah, may have to draw for new tribes by week four lol
Who constructed that yellow team? I feel sorry for them with a day 1 quitter who was only the 3rd worst person on the team. Emily is so ridiculous. Her going after Bruce at the intros because he understated his "experience" then being pissy about Kaleb and Sabiyah volunteering to do the flint challenge. I doubt they were plotting I'm sure it was they realized those other losers had no chance to complete the challenge. Then Brandon. Holy crap if being on Survivor has been your dream since age 11 maybe hit a gym once in a while. Do something to slightly prepare for the physical challenges of the game. To not being able to get up a simple ladder is some embarrassing. The zodiac chick on the other tribe seems annoying as well. Sifu seems cool and I'm sure some of the others on the other tribes are as well though not much screen time so a bit hard to tell this early.
I agree with everyone so far. The dude crying right from the beginning, ugh.
The casting needs to be revamped. It is so different now from what it used to be. People aren't there to test or prove themselves, so many are just trying to get there 15 minutes. Like Big Brother.
Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people
Terrible cast so far. Two people basically quitting day 1 and making sure they have enough attorneys and annoying people. This was the worst opening episode ever.
Yeah, may have to draw for new tribes by week four lol
Is it intentional? That tribe is so bad. They had to know the did who has never exercised and the girl who gives up and goes home when a waiter asks her what she wants to eat. The school principal who’s cried a few times and does or doesn’t know who he is, is also on this team.

Two other observations, Emily is just an awful person who can’t possibly have a friend. I can’t wait till she’s gone. Her fight with Bruce would seem like game play but I think that’s just her. Bruce is a train wreck and from the previews he may be unhinged. I know they brought him back but from the minutes he’s been on the show, there is no doubt he would have left early if not hurt.
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Is it intentional? That tribe is so bad. They had to know the did who has never exercised and the girl who gives up and goes home when a waiter asks her what she wants to eat. The school principal who’s cried a few times and does or doesn’t know who he is, is also on this team.

Two other observations, Emily is just an awful person who can’t possibly have a friend.
Sean (the principal) and Brandon probably cried themselves to sleep after tribal, and Emily slept with one eye open. 👁️
Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people
Terrible cast so far. Two people basically quitting day 1 and making sure they have enough attorneys and annoying people. This was the worst opening episode ever.
Yeah, may have to draw for new tribes by week four lol
Is it intentional? That tribe is so bad. They had to know the did who has never exercised and the girl who gives up and goes home when a waiter asks her what she wants to eat. The school principal who’s cried a few times and does or doesn’t know who he is, is also on this team.

Two other observations, Emily is just an awful person who can’t possibly have a friend. I can’t wait till she’s gone. Her fight with Bruce would seem like game play but I think that’s just her. Bruce is a train wreck and from the previews he may be unhinged. I know they brought him back but from the minutes he’s been on the show, there is no doubt he would have left early if not hurt.
when you have to tell your tribemates that you are "...not The Dad..."; you are, in fact, The Dad.

Emily is getting too much run/edit early on, which makes me think she's a lock for the Merge.
"I can't climb a ladder" Brandon has his occupation listed as 'content producer', but he gives me 'I'm an important Reddit Mod' vibes
That might have been the most pathetic display I’ve ever seen. Every time he got through something (with a lot of help) he fell into a fetal position. The way he did it made it seem like it was a normal phenomenon for him. He’s got a really weird body type. It’s like he’s meant to be thin but he’s made his muscles so atrophied that they are flabby muscles.

Personally, I was really hoping that he couldn’t get on the boat so they have to drag him behind the boat going to the beach.
"I can't climb a ladder" Brandon has his occupation listed as 'content producer', but he gives me 'I'm an important Reddit Mod' vibes
That might have been the most pathetic display I’ve ever seen. Every time he got through something (with a lot of help) he fell into a fetal position. The way he did it made it seem like it was a normal phenomenon for him. He’s got a really weird body type. It’s like he’s meant to be thin but he’s made his muscles so atrophied that they are flabby muscles.

Personally, I was really hoping that he couldn’t get on the boat so they have to drag him behind the boat going to the beach.
Along with debilitating acid reflux.
"I can't climb a ladder" Brandon has his occupation listed as 'content producer', but he gives me 'I'm an important Reddit Mod' vibes
Professional occupant of grandma’s basement.

I can’t believe the lawyer is the one living with grandma and not this guy.
I mean.....the chick who quit was listed as "therapist"

How do you possibly help anyone else out with actual problems when you can't last 36 hours on a TV show? But she is quirky and has tattoos, so someone thought she'd be good on the show....
They should exclude her from the finale. You quit, that’s it, going to pretend like you were ever on the show.
I mean.....the chick who quit was listed as "therapist"

How do you possibly help anyone else out with actual problems when you can't last 36 hours on a TV show? But she is quirky and has tattoos, so someone thought she'd be good on the show....
They should exclude her from the finale. You quit, that’s it, going to pretend like you were ever on the show.
They haven't done a proper reunion with the whole cast since before the pandemic. Prejurors aren't part of the insta-reunion that happens after the final vote in the new era.
Extremely weak first episode, though I did enjoy the 90 minute episode. The LoserLoser tribe had 2 people actively trying to be the first to quit, with another so unlikable that until the therapist told everyone she was going to quit, I believe they would have still eliminated her. Emily believes she is at the top of the food chain in the real world, and it is quite apparent she has zero self awareness.

Early impressions of people I liked:

Kaleb - kept a good attitude while being surrounded by nutjobs
Sabiya (sp?) - put forth a lot of effort in some challenging situations and showed good awareness socially
Sifu - I liked his goofy energy immediately, but I think he's shot himself in the foot with looking for idols and trying to do the spy shack
Katura (sp?) - I liked her whole "what's it like to be a lawyer" "he's a baby lawyer of course he wants to talk about himself" :D

I was glad Bruce got to return, but very quickly realized we didn't see enough of his gameplay last time to realize he's goofy. I don't think he'll go very far.

Don't really have enough info on them yet, but I think her name was Dee (she said something about in the real world she would have popped off on Sifu) and Austin I have favorable impressions of but can't fully explain why. Pretty favorable on Kelly, she was in the September birthday club but wasn't the astrology girl. Jake the lawyer came off with a somewhat favorable vibe as well even though he was hyping being a lawyer, I think some of it is living with his Granny :)

I didn't like the dual nature of Drew Bastillo. He thinks he is way smarter than he is and I don't expect he'll be there long. The rest I just didn't see enough to get a feel.

I'm in as always, but this was about as disappointing a premiere as I can remember, mainly because of the absolute ineptitude of LoserLoser and how much time they spent on it.
Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people
Terrible cast so far. Two people basically quitting day 1 and making sure they have enough attorneys and annoying people. This was the worst opening episode ever.
Yeah, may have to draw for new tribes by week four lol
Is it intentional? That tribe is so bad. They had to know the did who has never exercised and the girl who gives up and goes home when a waiter asks her what she wants to eat. The school principal who’s cried a few times and does or doesn’t know who he is, is also on this team.

Two other observations, Emily is just an awful person who can’t possibly have a friend. I can’t wait till she’s gone. Her fight with Bruce would seem like game play but I think that’s just her. Bruce is a train wreck and from the previews he may be unhinged. I know they brought him back but from the minutes he’s been on the show, there is no doubt he would have left early if not hurt.
when you have to tell your tribemates that you are "...not The Dad..."; you are, in fact, The Dad.

Emily is getting too much run/edit early on, which makes me think she's a lock for the Merge.

Yes for sure. I told my wife the same thing. Getting too much camera time to be voted out. Also saw and interview with Jeff recapping first episode he said he really liked Emily. Of course because the show needs villains for ratings.
Think I saw the same interview and have no idea how anyone could like Emily, she's a huge Debbie downer.
Is that the same one where he mentioned that Hannah shouldn't have made it in the show and he's having the casting department look in to how she made it through?
I have a different view of the show from most of you, and therefore I loved this episode. I don't care about manly men succeeding at survival or in challenges -- and in fact the challenges are often the least interesting part of the episode for me. I care about whether there is interesting strategy, and whether the cast provides entertainment. For 45, it is too early to tell on the former, but they brought the latter in spades in the first episode.

My main issue with the "new era" has been how meta-driven and sanitized much of the casts have been. A bunch of superfans playing "optimally", gushing about how awesome it is to be on Survivor and having weepy prefilmed backstories shown alongside their confessionals is not that interesting to me (I suspect this approach was by design to make the show more family-friendly after the #metoo incidents in S39; I would not be surprised if that debacle of a season got the show closer to cancellation than has been let on.) Certain characters and moments have stuck out (Jesse's gameplay and especially his blindside of Cody, Omar's success at manipulation until he got got, anything Carolyn did, etc.), but the first 4 seasons of the new era have been missing some of the soul of those that came before it. Even though I thought 42 and 44 were good seasons in the end.

The first episode of 45 indicates it may be coming back. There were no sappy backstories and few "OMG I can't wait to do Survivor things on Survivor" confessionals. Instead, boosted by the longer run time, we got a good sense of who some of these people are via how they interact with their tribemates, and of how hard it is to succeed on this show, both physically and socially. Showing Brandon flail around in the challenges and Brandon and Hannah freak out about their anxiety in the face of the tasks they need to complete at camp is far more interesting than hearing platitudes from Probst about how "hard" the new era is. The original point of this show is to see what happens when strangers from different walks of life try to form a new society under duress. That angle was downplayed for most of the 30s and in the new era, but we really got a taste of it in this episode.

Emily has the potential to be one of the best characters in a long time, even if she is booted early. You probably hate her, but that's the point. The show has gone out of its way in recent years to cast nice superfans who are all kumbaya until they are forced to make moves, but Emily is having none of that. She has no filter and no social skills and functions as an obstacle that the rest of the cast has to work around. Her snark and her terrible gameplay are highly entertaining to me.

Brandon's complete inability to do challenges is both hilarious and poignant. The visuals of him lying there like a dead fish in the middle of a challenge are hysterical to me. And yet he serves as a cautionary tale to superfans who think they can succeed at the show because they've run through all the strategy scenarios in their mind while on the couch and 3D printed all the puzzles or whatever. He could right himself and get a David Wright-style redemption arc, but even if he doesn't, he serves as a valuable reminder of how challenging this show really is.

So we have one of the worst social players ever and one of the worst physical players ever on the same tribe, and yet neither are booted first because someone else was unable to handle nicotine withdrawal and noped out of the season. That's HILARIOUS to me, especially because it's the complete opposite of "outwit, outplay and outlast."

On the red tribe, I loved the goofiness of Sifu and the dynamics that arose from his constant idol hunting and his attempt at building a spy shack, and on the blue tribe, I loved how Bruce tried to downplay his "experience" but couldn't help himself from giving orders, how Katurah played Jake with the lawyer identity thing and how the three women bonded over astrology -- and how Kellie, my winner pick, agreed to go along with it even if she thinks it's hooey, reminiscent of how atheist Sophie pretended to be part of the Upolu tribe religious cult on S23 and rode to victory thanks to the other finalists having taken the cult thing too far and pissed everyone off.

That there was not much focus on idols and advantages helped too. We know that is coming, but hopefully the longer episodes will enable us to continue to see enough the fascinating interplay between the cast members and not completely suborning them to the twists, which happened in too many 41-44 episodes.
I dont need to see a team full of super athletes. But when you pick someone who literally can't climb a ladder and someone who couldn't go 36 hours without a heater and quits as a result, that's just bad casting. Sorry. It will be funny watching Brandon flail for as long as he's there, but its lowest common denominator cheap laughs. At this point you might as well put a whoopee cushion underneath his bench at TC.

Obviously there are a ton of different paths to victory, (and social/strategic skill has always been the best path to WINNING. Being a challenge beast can get you far and save you in a tough spot, but they've rarely closed the deal at the end) but i've always hated the weak ganging up against the strong situations. And when you cast 8 or 9 total goobers on an 18 person cast, that's almost certain to happen.
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I dont need to see a team full of super athletes. But when you pick someone who literally can't climb a ladder and someone who couldn't go 36 hours without a heater and quits as a result, that's just bad casting. Sorry. It will be funny watching Brandon flail for as long as he's there, but its lowest common denominator cheap laughs. At this point you might put a whoopee cushion underneath his bench at TC.

Obviously there are a ton of different paths to victory, (and social/strategic skill has always been the best path to WINNING. Being a challenge beast can get you far and save you in a tough spot, but they've rarely closed the deal at the end) but i've always hated the weak ganging up against the strong situations. And when you cast 8 or 9 total goobers on an 18 person cast, that's almost certain to happen.
I can think of three times the strongest person won -- Tom Westman, Boston Rob and Mike Holloway (and he was only the strongest after Joe was booted). "Vote out the strong in the postmerge" has been baked into the game from the very beginning.
I dont need to see a team full of super athletes. But when you pick someone who literally can't climb a ladder and someone who couldn't go 36 hours without a heater and quits as a result, that's just bad casting. Sorry. It will be funny watching Brandon flail for as long as he's there, but its lowest common denominator cheap laughs. At this point you might put a whoopee cushion underneath his bench at TC.

Obviously there are a ton of different paths to victory, (and social/strategic skill has always been the best path to WINNING. Being a challenge beast can get you far and save you in a tough spot, but they've rarely closed the deal at the end) but i've always hated the weak ganging up against the strong situations. And when you cast 8 or 9 total goobers on an 18 person cast, that's almost certain to happen.
I can think of three times the strongest person won -- Tom Westman, Boston Rob and Mike Holloway (and he was only the strongest after Joe was booted). "Vote out the strong in the postmerge" has been baked into the game from the very beginning.

Again, I think there's a little difference. I have no issues with capable players targeting the top physical threats after the merge. I dont like it when its basically an alliance of goofballs (which they've cast a lot more of in the past few seasons) and they basically drag down the "Good" players on their tribe by losing challenges and then vote them (the strong players) out before the merge even happens.

It used to be there was maybe 1 or 2 and they always got voted out first. Now there's 2 on every tribe and they immediately link up to ride coattails together.
Extremely weak first episode, though I did enjoy the 90 minute episode. The LoserLoser tribe had 2 people actively trying to be the first to quit, with another so unlikable that until the therapist told everyone she was going to quit, I believe they would have still eliminated her. Emily believes she is at the top of the food chain in the real world, and it is quite apparent she has zero self awareness.

Early impressions of people I liked:

Kaleb - kept a good attitude while being surrounded by nutjobs
Sabiya (sp?) - put forth a lot of effort in some challenging situations and showed good awareness socially
Sifu - I liked his goofy energy immediately, but I think he's shot himself in the foot with looking for idols and trying to do the spy shack
Katura (sp?) - I liked her whole "what's it like to be a lawyer" "he's a baby lawyer of course he wants to talk about himself" :D

I was glad Bruce got to return, but very quickly realized we didn't see enough of his gameplay last time to realize he's goofy. I don't think he'll go very far.

Don't really have enough info on them yet, but I think her name was Dee (she said something about in the real world she would have popped off on Sifu) and Austin I have favorable impressions of but can't fully explain why. Pretty favorable on Kelly, she was in the September birthday club but wasn't the astrology girl. Jake the lawyer came off with a somewhat favorable vibe as well even though he was hyping being a lawyer, I think some of it is living with his Granny :)

I didn't like the dual nature of Drew Bastillo. He thinks he is way smarter than he is and I don't expect he'll be there long. The rest I just didn't see enough to get a feel.

I'm in as always, but this was about as disappointing a premiere as I can remember, mainly because of the absolute ineptitude of LoserLoser and how much time they spent on it.
How do you know their names already.
I dont need to see a team full of super athletes. But when you pick someone who literally can't climb a ladder and someone who couldn't go 36 hours without a heater and quits as a result, that's just bad casting. Sorry. It will be funny watching Brandon flail for as long as he's there, but its lowest common denominator cheap laughs. At this point you might put a whoopee cushion underneath his bench at TC.

Obviously there are a ton of different paths to victory, (and social/strategic skill has always been the best path to WINNING. Being a challenge beast can get you far and save you in a tough spot, but they've rarely closed the deal at the end) but i've always hated the weak ganging up against the strong situations. And when you cast 8 or 9 total goobers on an 18 person cast, that's almost certain to happen.
I can think of three times the strongest person won -- Tom Westman, Boston Rob and Mike Holloway (and he was only the strongest after Joe was booted). "Vote out the strong in the postmerge" has been baked into the game from the very beginning.

Again, I think there's a little difference. I have no issues with capable players targeting the top physical threats after the merge. I dont like it when its basically an alliance of goofballs (which they've cast a lot more of in the past few seasons) and they basically drag down the "Good" players on their tribe by losing challenges and then vote them (the strong players) out before the merge even happens.

It used to be there was maybe 1 or 2 and they always got voted out first. Now there's 2 on every tribe and they immediately link up to ride coattails together.
I'm struggling to think of any examples of what you describe. Most of the premerge boots in the new era have been women, because strength is more of a consideration on smaller tribes than larger ones. If Emily gets her way and Kaleb gets booted before a swap or merge, then yes. It doesn't bother me either way.
Extremely weak first episode, though I did enjoy the 90 minute episode. The LoserLoser tribe had 2 people actively trying to be the first to quit, with another so unlikable that until the therapist told everyone she was going to quit, I believe they would have still eliminated her. Emily believes she is at the top of the food chain in the real world, and it is quite apparent she has zero self awareness.

Early impressions of people I liked:

Kaleb - kept a good attitude while being surrounded by nutjobs
Sabiya (sp?) - put forth a lot of effort in some challenging situations and showed good awareness socially
Sifu - I liked his goofy energy immediately, but I think he's shot himself in the foot with looking for idols and trying to do the spy shack
Katura (sp?) - I liked her whole "what's it like to be a lawyer" "he's a baby lawyer of course he wants to talk about himself" :D

I was glad Bruce got to return, but very quickly realized we didn't see enough of his gameplay last time to realize he's goofy. I don't think he'll go very far.

Don't really have enough info on them yet, but I think her name was Dee (she said something about in the real world she would have popped off on Sifu) and Austin I have favorable impressions of but can't fully explain why. Pretty favorable on Kelly, she was in the September birthday club but wasn't the astrology girl. Jake the lawyer came off with a somewhat favorable vibe as well even though he was hyping being a lawyer, I think some of it is living with his Granny :)

I didn't like the dual nature of Drew Bastillo. He thinks he is way smarter than he is and I don't expect he'll be there long. The rest I just didn't see enough to get a feel.

I'm in as always, but this was about as disappointing a premiere as I can remember, mainly because of the absolute ineptitude of LoserLoser and how much time they spent on it.
How do you know their names already.
I'm not who you asked, but I read/watch the pregame content on Entertainment Weekly, Parade, Rob Has a Podcast, etc. because otherwise I can't keep track of who everyone is before the merge and it drives me nuts.
Extremely weak first episode, though I did enjoy the 90 minute episode. The LoserLoser tribe had 2 people actively trying to be the first to quit, with another so unlikable that until the therapist told everyone she was going to quit, I believe they would have still eliminated her. Emily believes she is at the top of the food chain in the real world, and it is quite apparent she has zero self awareness.

Early impressions of people I liked:

Kaleb - kept a good attitude while being surrounded by nutjobs
Sabiya (sp?) - put forth a lot of effort in some challenging situations and showed good awareness socially
Sifu - I liked his goofy energy immediately, but I think he's shot himself in the foot with looking for idols and trying to do the spy shack
Katura (sp?) - I liked her whole "what's it like to be a lawyer" "he's a baby lawyer of course he wants to talk about himself" :D

I was glad Bruce got to return, but very quickly realized we didn't see enough of his gameplay last time to realize he's goofy. I don't think he'll go very far.

Don't really have enough info on them yet, but I think her name was Dee (she said something about in the real world she would have popped off on Sifu) and Austin I have favorable impressions of but can't fully explain why. Pretty favorable on Kelly, she was in the September birthday club but wasn't the astrology girl. Jake the lawyer came off with a somewhat favorable vibe as well even though he was hyping being a lawyer, I think some of it is living with his Granny :)

I didn't like the dual nature of Drew Bastillo. He thinks he is way smarter than he is and I don't expect he'll be there long. The rest I just didn't see enough to get a feel.

I'm in as always, but this was about as disappointing a premiere as I can remember, mainly because of the absolute ineptitude of LoserLoser and how much time they spent on it.
How do you know their names already.
I'm not who you asked, but I read/watch the pregame content on Entertainment Weekly, Parade, Rob Has a Podcast, etc. because otherwise I can't keep track of who everyone is before the merge and it drives me nuts.
It’s a long running joke. Hagrids nephew being unable to climb a ladder was astounding. And I agree with the poster above. Him lying in the middle of the challenge, seemingly dead, was straight comedy gold. I kept expecting Jeff to stop the challenge and call in medical.
Who constructed that yellow team? I feel sorry for them with a day 1 quitter who was only the 3rd worst person on the team. Emily is so ridiculous. Her going after Bruce at the intros because he understated his "experience" then being pissy about Kaleb and Sabiyah volunteering to do the flint challenge. I doubt they were plotting I'm sure it was they realized those other losers had no chance to complete the challenge.

She seemed to be just about 4 seconds short of blurting out "the black people are teaming up against us!" several times
Who constructed that yellow team? I feel sorry for them with a day 1 quitter who was only the 3rd worst person on the team. Emily is so ridiculous. Her going after Bruce at the intros because he understated his "experience" then being pissy about Kaleb and Sabiyah volunteering to do the flint challenge. I doubt they were plotting I'm sure it was they realized those other losers had no chance to complete the challenge.

She seemed to be just about 4 seconds short of blurting out "the black people are teaming up against us!" several times
Yeah. Between that and her aggression toward Bruce at the beginning, lots of folks on Twitter and Reddit think she's racist. We don't know for sure, but it's clear she either doesn't understand or doesn't care about optics.
I mean, Brandon had to know he is not very physically fit, right? So why do the part of the challenge where you have to swim, then row, then get your fat *** up a ladder?
He has severe anxiety and had a panic attack during that challenge. But that doesn't explain his dead-fish performance in the immunity challenge.
I dont need to see a team full of super athletes. But when you pick someone who literally can't climb a ladder and someone who couldn't go 36 hours without a heater and quits as a result, that's just bad casting. Sorry. It will be funny watching Brandon flail for as long as he's there, but its lowest common denominator cheap laughs. At this point you might put a whoopee cushion underneath his bench at TC.

Obviously there are a ton of different paths to victory, (and social/strategic skill has always been the best path to WINNING. Being a challenge beast can get you far and save you in a tough spot, but they've rarely closed the deal at the end) but i've always hated the weak ganging up against the strong situations. And when you cast 8 or 9 total goobers on an 18 person cast, that's almost certain to happen.
I can think of three times the strongest person won -- Tom Westman, Boston Rob and Mike Holloway (and he was only the strongest after Joe was booted). "Vote out the strong in the postmerge" has been baked into the game from the very beginning.
don't forget about Ozzy.

bah, he didn't win. nevermind.
I mean, Brandon had to know he is not very physically fit, right? So why do the part of the challenge where you have to swim, then row, then get your fat *** up a ladder?
humans in saltwater are exceedingly buoyant....maybe he thought that would play to his advantage?
Extremely weak first episode, though I did enjoy the 90 minute episode. The LoserLoser tribe had 2 people actively trying to be the first to quit, with another so unlikable that until the therapist told everyone she was going to quit, I believe they would have still eliminated her. Emily believes she is at the top of the food chain in the real world, and it is quite apparent she has zero self awareness.

Early impressions of people I liked:

Kaleb - kept a good attitude while being surrounded by nutjobs
Sabiya (sp?) - put forth a lot of effort in some challenging situations and showed good awareness socially
Sifu - I liked his goofy energy immediately, but I think he's shot himself in the foot with looking for idols and trying to do the spy shack
Katura (sp?) - I liked her whole "what's it like to be a lawyer" "he's a baby lawyer of course he wants to talk about himself" :D

I was glad Bruce got to return, but very quickly realized we didn't see enough of his gameplay last time to realize he's goofy. I don't think he'll go very far.

Don't really have enough info on them yet, but I think her name was Dee (she said something about in the real world she would have popped off on Sifu) and Austin I have favorable impressions of but can't fully explain why. Pretty favorable on Kelly, she was in the September birthday club but wasn't the astrology girl. Jake the lawyer came off with a somewhat favorable vibe as well even though he was hyping being a lawyer, I think some of it is living with his Granny :)

I didn't like the dual nature of Drew Bastillo. He thinks he is way smarter than he is and I don't expect he'll be there long. The rest I just didn't see enough to get a feel.

I'm in as always, but this was about as disappointing a premiere as I can remember, mainly because of the absolute ineptitude of LoserLoser and how much time they spent on it.
How do you know their names already.
I'm not who you asked, but I read/watch the pregame content on Entertainment Weekly, Parade, Rob Has a Podcast, etc. because otherwise I can't keep track of who everyone is before the merge and it drives me nuts.
It’s a long running joke. Hagrids nephew being unable to climb a ladder was astounding. And I agree with the poster above. Him lying in the middle of the challenge, seemingly dead, was straight comedy gold. I kept expecting Jeff to stop the challenge and call in medical.
That is one of the best Survivor nicknames I have ever seen :ROFLMAO:
Who constructed that yellow team? I feel sorry for them with a day 1 quitter who was only the 3rd worst person on the team. Emily is so ridiculous. Her going after Bruce at the intros because he understated his "experience" then being pissy about Kaleb and Sabiyah volunteering to do the flint challenge. I doubt they were plotting I'm sure it was they realized those other losers had no chance to complete the challenge. Then Brandon. Holy crap if being on Survivor has been your dream since age 11 maybe hit a gym once in a while. Do something to slightly prepare for the physical challenges of the game. To not being able to get up a simple ladder is some embarrassing. The zodiac chick on the other tribe seems annoying as well. Sifu seems cool and I'm sure some of the others on the other tribes are as well though not much screen time so a bit hard to tell this early.
It's hard to remember a tribe that so obviously right from the start was going to be so inept. The tribe that Stephenie was on (I think Ulong) didn't seem incompetent, they were just up against a far superior tribe. I guess the Three Stooges tribe from last year was pretty bad as well, amazing they recovered so well.

I'm not sure why they would stack a tribe like that. Kaleb and Sabiya seem good (and thus get punished for volunteering to help the team). Pretty evident from first glance that the rest of the tribe is not going to offer much.
Who constructed that yellow team? I feel sorry for them with a day 1 quitter who was only the 3rd worst person on the team. Emily is so ridiculous. Her going after Bruce at the intros because he understated his "experience" then being pissy about Kaleb and Sabiyah volunteering to do the flint challenge. I doubt they were plotting I'm sure it was they realized those other losers had no chance to complete the challenge.

She seemed to be just about 4 seconds short of blurting out "the black people are teaming up against us!" several times
Yeah. Between that and her aggression toward Bruce at the beginning, lots of folks on Twitter and Reddit think she's racist. We don't know for sure, but it's clear she either doesn't understand or doesn't care about optics.
This is what was amazing to me. I think it said she was an investment analyst and you know she has a very high opinion of herself. It would be hard to be less self aware than she is. Most people want to fly under the radar (or go to the other extreme and play the goofy role that Sifu may hold this year). She sees Bruce gets a nice round of applause for coming back after an accident. It's one thing to throw a flag at first. But she was totally unaware of how her actions were received, then doubled down on him aggressively. She gets back to the beach and attacks the teammates who are actually trying to help the tribe. She misinterprets Hannah begging to quit and takes a shot at Hagrid's nephew. She really did seem about ready to accuse Kaleb and Sabiya of ganging up against her. If we didn't have the quitter, I think she would have been gone. I can't imagine her sticking very long.

I also can't imagine anyone going to Hannah as a therapist. She didn't prepare for the show by stopping with the heaters. She was emotionally unstable. She was being comforted by someone I thought was dead twice in the first episode. She had the mantra "We can do hard things!" and 5 minutes later was like "I don't have to be voted out to leave". At the end she said "This better not be Edge of Extinction". Not a ringing endorsement for her therapy business.

I've seen others compare Hagrid's nephew to Yam Yam. Yam Yam, while not being a "beast", was a very good competitor. Did well in some of the challenges, great at fire, very good at the social game (although I didn't necessarily see it at the time). Brandon's highlight was somehow keeping his pants on as he climbed the ladder. I will be disappointed if he goes far, unless he has some huge redemption arc. Panic attacks are a real thing but he seems ill equipped to be there.
So, who the bleep is choosing these "contestants"?
Because they obviously either don't have a clue how to choose, or they purposely choose contestants who have no business being on the show. :thumbdown:
Who constructed that yellow team? I feel sorry for them with a day 1 quitter who was only the 3rd worst person on the team. Emily is so ridiculous. Her going after Bruce at the intros because he understated his "experience" then being pissy about Kaleb and Sabiyah volunteering to do the flint challenge. I doubt they were plotting I'm sure it was they realized those other losers had no chance to complete the challenge.

She seemed to be just about 4 seconds short of blurting out "the black people are teaming up against us!" several times
Yeah. Between that and her aggression toward Bruce at the beginning, lots of folks on Twitter and Reddit think she's racist. We don't know for sure, but it's clear she either doesn't understand or doesn't care about optics.
This is what was amazing to me. I think it said she was an investment analyst and you know she has a very high opinion of herself. It would be hard to be less self aware than she is. Most people want to fly under the radar (or go to the other extreme and play the goofy role that Sifu may hold this year). She sees Bruce gets a nice round of applause for coming back after an accident. It's one thing to throw a flag at first. But she was totally unaware of how her actions were received, then doubled down on him aggressively. She gets back to the beach and attacks the teammates who are actually trying to help the tribe. She misinterprets Hannah begging to quit and takes a shot at Hagrid's nephew. She really did seem about ready to accuse Kaleb and Sabiya of ganging up against her. If we didn't have the quitter, I think she would have been gone. I can't imagine her sticking very long.

I also can't imagine anyone going to Hannah as a therapist. She didn't prepare for the show by stopping with the heaters. She was emotionally unstable. She was being comforted by someone I thought was dead twice in the first episode. She had the mantra "We can do hard things!" and 5 minutes later was like "I don't have to be voted out to leave". At the end she said "This better not be Edge of Extinction". Not a ringing endorsement for her therapy business.

I've seen others compare Hagrid's nephew to Yam Yam. Yam Yam, while not being a "beast", was a very good competitor. Did well in some of the challenges, great at fire, very good at the social game (although I didn't necessarily see it at the time). Brandon's highlight was somehow keeping his pants on as he climbed the ladder. I will be disappointed if he goes far, unless he has some huge redemption arc. Panic attacks are a real thing but he seems ill equipped to be there.
In his pregame content Hagrid’s nephew, who has desperately wanted to be on the show since he was 11, said he almost didn’t make it out to Fiji because he’s greatly afraid of flying. He had even decided he wasn’t getting on the plane until his mom talked him out of it. To me that was a signal that this guy is probably not going to do well out there.
Keep casting more "unique" people. It's working out GREAT.....

Looks like another season where all the spastic kids who never got picked in gym class eventually gang up on the 3 capable people
Terrible cast so far. Two people basically quitting day 1 and making sure they have enough attorneys and annoying people. This was the worst opening episode ever.
Yeah, may have to draw for new tribes by week four lol
Is it intentional? That tribe is so bad. They had to know the did who has never exercised and the girl who gives up and goes home when a waiter asks her what she wants to eat. The school principal who’s cried a few times and does or doesn’t know who he is, is also on this team.

Two other observations, Emily is just an awful person who can’t possibly have a friend. I can’t wait till she’s gone. Her fight with Bruce would seem like game play but I think that’s just her. Bruce is a train wreck and from the previews he may be unhinged. I know they brought him back but from the minutes he’s been on the show, there is no doubt he would have left early if not hurt.
when you have to tell your tribemates that you are "...not The Dad..."; you are, in fact, The Dad.

Emily is getting too much run/edit early on, which makes me think she's a lock for the Merge.

Yes for sure. I told my wife the same thing. Getting too much camera time to be voted out. Also saw and interview with Jeff recapping first episode he said he really liked Emily. Of course because the show needs villains for ratings.
Don’t be so sure. I feel like recently they have given a ton of early screen time to people who don’t last long. IIRC it’s a situation like this we’re a bad tribe dominates the screen time because they lose so much. Other tribes aren’t interesting yet because they are immune so there’s no need for strategy yet. Only the bad tribe goes to tribal so they spend a ton of time on that bad tribe as there’s nothing else to show yet.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Emily gone next time they have tribal. Fall down boy could easily be saved by Caleb and I can’t recall her name because Emily already targeted them. Add in sir cries a lot and they’d bump Emily off.

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