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Talks RESUME again! (1 Viewer)

Portis 26

Madden Freak
Pro Football Talk

A league source tells us that talks between the NFL and the NFLPA will resume at 8:30 p.m. EST Sunday.

Maybe they were just hungry, or perhaps they're curious to see whether Jake Gyllenhaal wins the Oscar for best support actor in Brokeback.

Actually, we're hearing that the owner of one of the high-revenue teams is mucking up the efforts to strike a deal that will work for the union, the league, the low-revenue clubs, and the big-money clubs.

Stay tuned.
I'm hoping it all goes to hell. Seriously. I want to watch all these greedy bastages have to deal with the mess they created after rolling in dough for years. I think it will be very interesting to watch and create interesting outcomes.

No agreement! Go, go, go!

I got the impression (from NFL network) that these talks were to possibly push back free agency a few more days, not to work on the CBA per se

espn main page

Representatives of the NFL players' union walked out on Sunday's extended talks believing an agreement with owners can't be made, sources tell Chris Mortensen. Free agency begins at 12:01 a.m

I'm hoping it all goes to hell. Seriously. I want to watch all these greedy bastages have to deal with the mess they created after rolling in dough for years. I think it will be very interesting to watch and create interesting outcomes.

No agreement! Go, go, go!
Damn beat me to itcmon strike, no NFL! :thumbup:

So it has to be unamious amongst the owners ? If 31 of 32 agree to the plan one owner can hold out ? If that is the case and this breaks down I hope the other 31 owners screw that one owner over and run his team out of business.

I think the only guy who could be THAT much of a thorn would be Kraft...
Please explain?
He is a "good guy", but has a LARGE debt on his team and stadium. Along with his being a good guy, he has $ to pay in droves, and must stay competitive to keep his team rolling in $.He has respect AND need. That's why I said he could be the guy others would allow to hold anything up.

Snyder and Jones have NO respect from the NFL's old guard.

So it has to be unamious amongst the owners ? If 31 of 32 agree to the plan one owner can hold out ? If that is the case and this breaks down I hope the other 31 owners screw that one owner over and run his team out of business.
No, it has to be 3/4 of the owners. But if the one owner is on the right committee, he can sway enough votes.
Just reported on espnews that the waiver deadline is now 11:30 instead of 10.

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I think the only guy who could be THAT much of a thorn would be Kraft...
Please explain?
He is a "good guy", but has a LARGE debt on his team and stadium. Along with his being a good guy, he has $ to pay in droves, and must stay competitive to keep his team rolling in $.He has respect AND need. That's why I said he could be the guy others would allow to hold anything up.

Snyder and Jones have NO respect from the NFL's old guard.
$ is no issue with Kraft. Besides making the Pats extremely profitable he has made a ton of $ in his other ventures as well having a wife who comes from big money. He is most certainly not on anything but solid ground when it comes to money. I'm not sure about the large debt on his team either since he purchased it for less than 200 million. While silly money to us the value of the franchise currently is light years beyond that amount.

I think the only guy who could be THAT much of a thorn would be Kraft...
Please explain?
He is a "good guy", but has a LARGE debt on his team and stadium. Along with his being a good guy, he has $ to pay in droves, and must stay competitive to keep his team rolling in $.He has respect AND need. That's why I said he could be the guy others would allow to hold anything up.

Snyder and Jones have NO respect from the NFL's old guard.
Really....I'm curious. Because I consider Jones as one of the NFL old guard. All these two guys are the two best business men in the NFL. As the saying goes.....Hate the game, not the player.
so is this dead then? Deadline past?
yup... all done at least that's what I was getting from cnnsi.."Under our previous cap agreement, we got just less than 60 percent of all of the revenues. The NFL now wants us to cut that percentage to less than 57 percent. Given the enormous revenue growth the NFL is experiencing, I am not about to give back gains which we have made in the past. It is clear to me that we will do much better under our current CBA in 2006 and particularly in 2007, the uncapped year," Upshaw said.


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I don't think it's dead yet. Upshaw could be holding out for 58%. Ain't over till the fat lady starts singing!

Issac Bruce cut with more to come - players blew it and will pay with lots of good players flooding the market with no cash to pay for them! Upshaw is on borrowed time - give it 2 weeks for a full revolt!


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