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Tatum Bell is back! (1 Viewer)


well, sort of.....enjoy this:


Posted by Mike Florio on October 18, 2008, 10:29 p.m. EDT

Several readers have advised us that former NFL running back Tatum Bell, whose football career apparently ended when he swiped the luggage of Rudi Johnson upon learning that Rudi had swiped his job, is now working as a cell phone salesperson.

He’s apparently back in the Denver area, which means that he’s certain to be recognized, given that he played for the Broncos n 2004, 2005, and 2006.

Bell made big news in early September for the incident. Stating “Tatum Bell’s not no thief,” he claimed at the time that he thought Johnson’s bags belonged to Victor DeGrate, a former member of the Lions who’d asked Bell to retrieve his stuff. DeGrate later refuted Bell’s account.

In the wake of the initial report of Bell’s bellhop routine, several league insiders told us that Bell would not find other work in the NFL, since a reputation of stealing from teammates is the kiss of death in the locker room.


How many can you sell considering everybody already has one? LOL....Justa thought!

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I just picked him up in my National Cell Phone Fantasy League.

I know it doesn't belong in this forum, but WDIS: Tatem against the Wilsons, who haven't bought a new cell phone since 2002, or Mildred Keen who is up against the great void of coverage in the US Northwest?

BTW Urlacher, you should probably go with Mildred Keen... see what you have in Tatum Bell before he's inserted into the lineup. He might be a bust.

Urlacher54 said:
I just picked him up in my National Cell Phone Fantasy League.I know it doesn't belong in this forum, but WDIS: Tatem against the Wilsons, who haven't bought a new cell phone since 2002, or Mildred Keen who is up against the great void of coverage in the US Northwest?
Start Mildred. When T-MoBell fumbled balls, they'd bounce. Cell phones, not so much.
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Couch Potato said:
Raider Nation said:
Trying to think of a funny line... I got nuthin.Happens once a year or so. :shrug:
Tatum and cell sound about right together.Can you hear me now?
That's kind of what Shanahan had him doing while he was in Denver.Shanahan: Can you hear me now? Go farther down the bench. Can you hear me now? How about on the other side of the water cooler? The tunnel? How about in the locker room?
Expect Mike Bell to steal his cell phone gig any day. The boss over at Verizon says that Tatum is good at selling the first few phones in the morning, but doesn't have the stamina to work all day. He'd rather keep him in that role, because when he has him work all day, he sells less phones (i.e. he's "less productive").

Expect Mike Bell to steal his cell phone gig any day. The boss over at Verizon says that Tatum is good at selling the first few phones in the morning, but doesn't have the stamina to work all day. He'd rather keep him in that role, because when he has him work all day, he sells less phones (i.e. he's "less productive").
You worked way too hard and weren't even funny. I feel you having to explain that selling less phones means being less productive was over the top.
Expect Mike Bell to steal his cell phone gig any day. The boss over at Verizon says that Tatum is good at selling the first few phones in the morning, but doesn't have the stamina to work all day. He'd rather keep him in that role, because when he has him work all day, he sells less phones (i.e. he's "less productive").
You worked way too hard and weren't even funny. I feel you having to explain that selling less phones means being less productive was over the top.
Absolutely nothing in this thread has been funny except the news in post 1.
Neil Beaufort Zod said:
Big Daddy Kane said:
RenegadeGM said:
Expect Mike Bell to steal his cell phone gig any day. The boss over at Verizon says that Tatum is good at selling the first few phones in the morning, but doesn't have the stamina to work all day. He'd rather keep him in that role, because when he has him work all day, he sells less phones (i.e. he's "less productive").
You worked way too hard and weren't even funny. I feel you having to explain that selling less phones means being less productive was over the top.
Absolutely nothing in this thread has been funny except the news in post 1.
1) He's the new spokesman for the Whizzinator and just applied for the job to prove it could beat the drug test.2) He'll walk out when newly promoted 18 yr Billy Shanahan installs the new "sales by committee" approach.3) He only took the job because the manager at the luggage store didn't trust him.4) It was a no-brainer when he found out he had a faster 40 time than anybody in mall security.Are any of those any better? I'm no comedian, but I'll be here all weekend and remember to tip your waitress.
Knock him all you want. At least the guy is doing something productive in his post NFL career. Some guys become drug addicts, some guys continue the life they grew up with. I got nothing negative to say about a guy trying to earn his cash. Keep it up Tatum.

Knock him all you want. At least the guy is doing something productive in his post NFL career. Some guys become drug addicts, some guys continue the life they grew up with. I got nothing negative to say about a guy trying to earn his cash. Keep it up Tatum.
You say that, but I'd bet if he tries to get you to come to the counter while your Christmas shopping, you'll go Urlacher on his ###!
Big Daddy Kane said:
RenegadeGM said:
Expect Mike Bell to steal his cell phone gig any day. The boss over at Verizon says that Tatum is good at selling the first few phones in the morning, but doesn't have the stamina to work all day. He'd rather keep him in that role, because when he has him work all day, he sells less phones (i.e. he's "less productive").
You worked way too hard and weren't even funny. I feel you having to explain that selling less phones means being less productive was over the top.
Sometimes the best humor is unintentional.

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