Pip's Invitation
Consistent with my radio experience. A brilliant record with a unique vibe that seems like an outlier in Stewart's trend-hopping career.26. Rod Stewart- Every Picture Tells A Story (1971)
Classic rock radio hits: Maggie May, Mandolin Wind, (I Know) I’m Losing You, Every Picture Tells A Story, (Find a) Reason to Believe
25. The Beatles- Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
Classic rock radio hits: Magical Mystery Tour, The Fool On the Hill, I Am the Walrus, Hello, Goodbye, Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane, Baby You’re A Rich Man, All You Need Is Love
Again consistent with my radio experience. An amazing collection of songs but not really a proper album. In the UK it was an EP consisting of side 1 (in a different running order). In the US it was fleshed out to an album with recent non-album singles comprising side 2. I agree with your praise of Flying and Blue Jay Way -- they have a lot of haters but I've always enjoyed them.
24. Led Zeppelin- Houses of the Holy (1973)
Classic rock radio hits: Over the Hills and Far Away, Dancing Days, The Rain Song, The Song Remains the Same, D’Yer Mak’er, The Ocean
Again consistent with my listening experience. I have no idea why the Philly stations didn't play No Quarter, but they didn't. D'Yer Mak'er and The Crunge are awful (I agree with Uruk that the latter is mostly due to Plant) but the rest of the songs are top-notch. In Anarchy's countdown, I had No Quarter at #3, The Song Remains the Same at #9, Over the Hills and Far Away at #22 and Dancing Days at #23.
My stations didn't play much Sabbath, so I never heard War Pigs until I was an adult. They did play Iron Man and Paranoid, though.23. Black Sabbath-Paranoid (1970)
Classic rock radio hits: Iron Man, Paranoid, War Pigs/Luke’s Wall
My stations would also play Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad? on occasion. I selected that one in the Worldwide Countdown. This record is Clapton's greatest accomplishment and his interplay with Duane Allman is amazing.22. Derek & The Dominos- Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)
Classic rock radio hits: Layla, Bell Bottom Blues, Little Wing
I don't remember my stations playing the title track. Maybe on rare occasions late at night. I selected the title track in the US Countdown and it is my #1 Steely Dan song. The rest of the record is fantastic as well -- not enough credit is given to Home at Last, which is a chillingly good ballad.21. Steely Dan- Aja (1977)
Classic rock radio hits: Deacon Blues, Josie, Peg, Aja
20. The Who- Tommy (1969)
Classic rock radio hits: Pinball Wizard, We’re Not Gonna Take It, I’m Free
My stations also played Overture/It's a Boy, The Acid Queen, Go to the Mirror and Sparks. This album has some amazing high points but also IMO a lot of filler -- the idea is better in concept than in execution. I would rank Who's Next, Quadrophenia and The Who Sell Out over it. Interestingly, Townshend asked Entwhistle to write the child-abuse songs because he wasn't comfortable doing it himself. The band also hates "Welcome" and has not included it in live performances of the full work. ("Underture" usually gets skipped as well.)
My stations were never brave enough to play Within You, Without You, but otherwise they played everything from this. I rank it behind Abbey Road, Revolver, The White Album and Rubber Soul, and about even with Let It Be, because it doesn't rock very much. But most of the songs are excellent.19. The Beatles- Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
Classic rock radio hits: the entire album
Only the first three ever appeared on my stations. But this record has a great vibe that ties up all of the Stones' influences neatly.18. The Rolling Stones- Beggars Banquet (1968)
Classic Rock radio hits: Sympathy for the Devil, Street Fighting Man, Stray Cat Blues, No Expectations, Salt of the Earth
My stations played every single track, even Black Mountain Side. Gen-Xers in Philly were STARVED for Zeppelin in the '80s. In Anarchy's countdown, I had Dazed and Confused at #6 and Communication Breakdown (which anticipated the arrival of punk more than 5 years before the fact) at #24. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You is in my top 30.17. Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin (1969)
Classic rock radio hits: Communication Breakdown, Good Times Bad Times, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You, Dazed and Confused
Just the first two on my stations. Pre-Wayne's World, Queen wasn't as huge a huge deal in Philly as they were in some other places. Sweet Lady and The Prophet's Song are my favorite deep cuts here.16. Queen- A Night at the Opera (1975)
Classic rock radio hits: Bohemian Rhapsody, You’re My Best Friend, Love of My Life
15. Pink Floyd- The Wall (1979)
Classic rock radio hits: Comfortably Numb, Another Brick In the Wall Pt. 2, Mother, Young Lust, Hey You, Run Like Hell, Goodbye Blue Sky
A lot of radio variance here. My stations: Comfortably Numb, Another Brick in the Wall Part 1, The Happiest Days of Our Lives/Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Empty Spaces/Young Lust, Hey You, Run Like Hell. Maybe one of the In the Fleshes occasionally. I love disc 1 but I straight-up hate disc 2 other than Hey You, Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell. Here is where Waters jumped the shark and I haven't been able to take him seriously since. In Anarchy's countdown I had Run Like Hell at #3, Comfortably Numb at #9 and One of My Turns at #24.