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The 5 ways to win at fantasy football (1 Viewer)


Most of these are taken for granted by sharks, but I will state them anyway.1) Know every player in the NFL and what their worth is for fantasy football - This part is easy for most. I won't go into that, but you know what I mean.2) know how to trade - This is an art that some think they have but don't. Never trade quality for quantity unless your team is so bad that you are ready to quit the league.3) Play the WW - Do your research before the season starts and know what sleeper WW prospects can help. Then follow in-season events to determine if those WW prospects will get a chance, and be ready to scoop them up when needed.4) Know your owners in your league. This is important for trading. You should know who they covet and get down on. You may know an owner who has a player that you think will break out, or you may want to trade a player that you think is a sell high. 5) Pray to the FF Gods.Obviously I didn't list all you need to know, nor do I pretend to know all there is to know, but I just wanted to start the topic to see what you guys add to the list.

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6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.7. Listen to FBG forum advice and follow it religously. Please let me know ahead of time you are an FBG forum fanatic to recieve special consideration.8. Learn to sing like Hank Williams, Jr., talk like Michael Irvin, and eat like John Madden. Not sure how well you will play FF, but you'll be a hoot at live drafts.9. Tattoo a black-eyed Joe on your arm. Show your fanatic passion for the hobby and other coaches will respect and fear you.10. Know that if you are in one of my leagues, you will lose. Often. :P

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6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.

7. Listen to FBG forum advice and follow it religously. Please let me know ahead of time you are an FBG forum fanatic to recieve special consideration.

8. Learn to sing like Hank Williams, Jr., talk like Michael Irvin, and eat like John Madden. Not sure how well you will play FF, but you'll be a hoot at live drafts.

9. Tattoo a black-eyed Joe on your arm. Show your fanatic passion for the hobby and other coaches will respect and fear you.

10. Know that if you are in one of my leagues, you will lose. Often. :P
Don, here is a toast of a Maker's Mark shot to your Jim Beam !!!
Pick up the players Otis tells you to pick up.- Been touting LJ forever now. JUST DO IT.- Loved Thomas Jones this year. HE WON LEAGUES FOR PEOPLE, ME INCLUDED.- Told you Anquan Boldin was silly value this year. I TOLD YOU.

all I know is dynasty. I've never been in a redraft, ever.that being said, if you are a dynasty owner, always seek value in established veterans over potential rookies or 2nd year players for trading purposes. A roster that can win now is more valuable than a roster that MIGHT win next year.

Most of these are taken for granted by sharks, but I will state them anyway.1) Know every player in the NFL and what their worth is for fantasy football - This part is easy for most. I won't go into that, but you know what I mean.
If this is so easy then why are there so many differing opinions on player values amoungst FF owners?
2) know how to trade - This is an art that some think they have but don't. Never trade quality for quantity unless your team is so bad that you are ready to quit the league.
I cannot say I wholly agree with this. In a majority of situations I agree that getting a player upgrade in a deal is the most deirable side to be on. However I also think you have to take value in depth when the situation presents itself. This is somewhat dependent on what type of league your in. Obviously depth is less imortant in a 10 team league than a 16 team league.
3) Play the WW - Do your research before the season starts and know what sleeper WW prospects can help. Then follow in-season events to determine if those WW prospects will get a chance, and be ready to scoop them up when needed.
I think if you wait until a WW player gets thier chance to play you have waited too long to pick them up.
5) Pray to the FF Gods.
Sacrifices may get you more instant results. Luck is a skill that is very underated.1a. Know and understand the rules of your league and the dynamic of them.
Fantasy is alot of luck! I think if you do certain things, then you can be competetive every year. 1.The first thing you need to know is your scoring system for your league. I play in four leagues and the scoring is slightly different or different in every league.2. Draft players according to your scoring system and/or player limits. If i have to start three receivers, then i grab a receiver with my third/fourth pick. I hate to do that as i am a RB guy. If i start two receivers and a flex, then i always try to get three backs with my first three or four picks. Backs touch the ball more and are more consistent than all but a few receivers in the league3. Knowing your owners is important, but it may take a while to find our their likes/dislikes. One guy in our big money league is a Ram fan, so i try to acquire rams guys from other teams to package with players of mine. I got Shaun Alexander this year from him for S. Jackson and Rod Smith. Smith was sitting on my bench, but Sean took me to the fantasy superbowl(which i lost)4. Waiver Wire, Waiver Wire, Waiver Wire--hit it hard and take flyers on the one week wonders or possibilities. sam gado, etc----If it doesn't work out, then cut him. I kept Barlow on my team this year and passed up on some great waiver wire picks while Barlow never ever started for me. He wasn't good trade bait as nobody wanted him.5. 2 for 1 is always the best. I will take quality over quanity any day. Especially in big leagues. My 14 team league which is very competetive is tough to trade. Early in the season i traded Westbrook and Driver(right after Walker went down with injury for year) for Sean Alexander. I won the superbowl in that league because i had him and LJ. 6. Once again is goes to luck--injuries, bad weeks, etc. can knock you out as fast as you got in. Steve Smith/LT killed me in the fantasy superbowl in two of my league. NO POINTS for smith and very little for LT.I try to get into the playoffs, then hope for the best!

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Pick up the players Otis tells you to pick up.

- Been touting LJ forever now. JUST DO IT.

- Loved Thomas Jones this year. HE WON LEAGUES FOR PEOPLE, ME INCLUDED.

- Told you Anquan Boldin was silly value this year. I TOLD YOU.
Don't forget Frank Gore.
6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:
Join a message board like FBG or FFToday. It gives you magical powers to amazingly win every super-competitive, high-stakes league you are in every single year!

Some of you posted one of the most important things for FF is to know your scoring system. How the hell did I leave that off my list? Anyway, I just wanted to start the topic. You guys do a good job adding to it.

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Some of you posted one of the most important things for FF is to know your scoring system. How the hell did I leave that off my list? Anyway, I just wanted to start the topic. You guys do a good job adding to it.
Along with the scoring system - lineup requirements are a huge factor. This goes hand in hand, but anyone who's played in a 2 QB league, or with major flex options has learned that RB is not the only golden position. You can imagine the difference in 12 team leagues between




Even if scoring is the exact same for both.

Pick up the players Otis tells you to pick up.

- Been touting LJ forever now. JUST DO IT.

- Loved Thomas Jones this year. HE WON LEAGUES FOR PEOPLE, ME INCLUDED.

- Told you Anquan Boldin was silly value this year. I TOLD YOU.
Nuff said there. Good job Otis, and thanks.
Two things:1) Be patient - Two bad weeks does not mean you trade or bench a proven player- Do not overanalyze match-ups- Do not chase points2) Never, under any circumstances, say anything positive about your players or team because it will only come back to bite you in the ###!HTH

I've also made it a habit to write down the names of somewhat obscure players on post-it notes at season's end and stick them onto my monitor. I do it to remind myself that at that moment, I liked that particular player going forward, eventhough the following season's rankings may not be reflective. It has worked like a charm over the years for players like Steve Smith ('02 into '03), Antonio Gates ('03 into '04), and Larry Johnson/Willie Parker ('04 into '05) to name a few.I also think there is something to drafting players that you like, and taking those players when you feel they should be taken, rather than following the ranking and mock draft sheets to the T. I recall a press conference Bill Belechick had after last year's NFL draft when posed with the question of why he took a particular player much earlier than the draft experts had predicted. His answer was that they don't get caught up with the opinions others have about where and when a player should be taken. They stick to their own system of player evaluation.I'm sure many of us (me especially) raised some eyebrows when we took Larry Johnson in the 4th round, Thomas Jones in the 6th, or some no-name like Willie Parker in the 9th or 10th rounds of our redrafts.How did it work out? :thumbup: :yes:

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Some of you posted one of the most important things for FF is to know your scoring system. How the hell did I leave that off my list? Anyway, I just wanted to start the topic. You guys do a good job adding to it.
6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:
Wow not sure if I should comment or wait for a Steeler fan to rip you. Not sure why that comment is in this thread. OK I'll wait for a Steeler fan.
Participate in discussion at FBGs. If you give feedback, you will recieve feedback. This is a good site for going beyond weekly rankings. Draft Dominator is also now a must for me.

6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:

What I posted was in fun with one of my league mates. I really don't give a rat's butt if you got it.

What happened to Palmer was accident and Kimo showed more class in those few recorded seconds than you will be able to muster in your entire pitiful life.

Even the Bungles don't a low life fan like you. :rant:

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6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:

What I posted was in fun with one of my league mates. I really don't give a rat's butt if you got it.

What happened to Palmer was accident and Kimo showed more class in those few recorded seconds than you will be able to muster in your entire pitiful life.

Even the Bungles don't a low life fan like you. :rant:
Lighten up. I "posted in fun" also. You Steeler fans sure are sensitive.
6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:

What I posted was in fun with one of my league mates. I really don't give a rat's butt if you got it.

What happened to Palmer was accident and Kimo showed more class in those few recorded seconds than you will be able to muster in your entire pitiful life.

Even the Bungles don't a low life fan like you. :rant:
Lighten up. I "posted in fun" also. You Steeler fans sure are sensitive.
Really? Seems nobody got it but you. :bag:
Most of these are taken for granted by sharks, but I will state them anyway.

1) Know every player in the NFL and what their worth is for fantasy football - This part is easy for most. I won't go into that, but you know what I mean.

2) know how to trade - This is an art that some think they have but don't. Never trade quality for quantity unless your team is so bad that you are ready to quit the league.

3) Play the WW - Do your research before the season starts and know what sleeper WW prospects can help. Then follow in-season events to determine if those WW prospects will get a chance, and be ready to scoop them up when needed.

4) Know your owners in your league. This is important for trading. You should know who they covet and get down on. You may know an owner who has a player that you think will break out, or you may want to trade a player that you think is a sell high.

5) Pray to the FF Gods.

Obviously I didn't list all you need to know, nor do I pretend to know all there is to know, but I just wanted to start the topic to see what you guys add to the list.
'4) Know your owners in your league. This is important for trading. You should know who they covet and get down on. You may know an owner who has a player that you think will break out, or you may want to trade a player that you think is a sell high'. Wow,maybe there is hope. :lmao:

2) Never, under any circumstances, say anything positive about your players or team because it will only come back to bite you in the ###!
To get this back on track, I'm going to respectfully disagree with this.I lavish praise upon the players on my team all the time in my leagues...softly, not arrogantly, but just say how lucky I was that I had "x" on my team...or else I would've never had a chance, stuff like that, after I win.

If you softly praise players on your team, especially those who you don't think will hold up...you can increase their trade value. You just can't be over the top about it.

Apply this acid test to players you are considering: If ____________ was on (hated rival's team) how would you feel?

6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:
Wow not sure if I should comment or wait for a Steeler fan to rip you. Not sure why that comment is in this thread. OK I'll wait for a Steeler fan.
Nah. We got THE MOFO'N SUPERBOWL next week. Bitter fans of teams we've beaten are just gravy. :banned:
6. Cheat. Of course, that may get your car set on fire, but man is that trophy is worth it.
Interesting statement coming from a Steelers fan. Do you dive into the knee of one of your fellow owners at the draft, sending him to the emergency room and then take advantage of his less-talented replacement?:stillbitter:

What I posted was in fun with one of my league mates. I really don't give a rat's butt if you got it.

What happened to Palmer was accident and Kimo showed more class in those few recorded seconds than you will be able to muster in your entire pitiful life.

Even the Bungles don't a low life fan like you. :rant:
Lighten up. I "posted in fun" also. You Steeler fans sure are sensitive.
Really? Seems nobody got it but you. :bag:
Brant > nightshift on this one. That's my unbiased opinion. He was being playful about the whole injury to Palmer thing and you took it to a whole new level. There's only one solution to this:Smiley fight! :boxing:


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