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The Boys on Amazon Prime (1 Viewer)

I'll give S5 a try, but this season got off to a bad start and it doesn't sound like it recovered. Hopefully they hit a refresh button on the writers room. I really enjoyed the first three seasons and I hope this is just the rough equivalent of S4 Sopranos. (Relatively speaking -- obviously this show is not The Sopranos but you know what I mean).
I'll give S5 a try, but this season got off to a bad start and it doesn't sound like it recovered. Hopefully they hit a refresh button on the writers room. I really enjoyed the first three seasons and I hope this is just the rough equivalent of S4 Sopranos. (Relatively speaking -- obviously this show is not The Sopranos but you know what I mean).

The problem is they deviated from the source material this season. Homelander should have been killed by now.

I am not sure why producers/directors think they know better than the people who got the material famous in the first place.
I'll give S5 a try, but this season got off to a bad start and it doesn't sound like it recovered. Hopefully they hit a refresh button on the writers room. I really enjoyed the first three seasons and I hope this is just the rough equivalent of S4 Sopranos. (Relatively speaking -- obviously this show is not The Sopranos but you know what I mean).

The problem is they deviated from the source material this season. Homelander should have been killed by now.

I am not sure why producers/directors think they know better than the people who got the material famous in the first place.
Homelander is The Star of the show, you kill him off you kill off some of the viewership. Already we are seeing fatigue with the overt political commentary and the showrunners seem to be in Let's Top That mode so they shoehorn some over the top ridiculous and gore filled scenes just cuz they can. As Homelander goes, the Boys goes.
There was no subtlety this season -- not that the show is known for subtlety but the political aspect was way too on-the-nose IMO and could have used more subtext and creativity.
I think they finished strongly with the last two episodes, makes me hope the more 'woke' writing was more plot device than underlying show agenda, and I tend to think that because the patriarchy/wokeness has become shorthand for "we don't know how to write nuanced bad guys so we're going with something familiar instead." In the end, using January 6 was a no-brainer to draw eyes on the show.

Just finished watching the season finale. As someone who watched Gen V, I feel like the final sequence where everyone gets caught isn't what it seems, unless I completely missed the point of the storylines of these newer characters.
Just finished watching the season finale. As someone who watched Gen V, I feel like the final sequence where everyone gets caught isn't what it seems, unless I completely missed the point of the storylines of these newer characters.
Curious as to why you think this as the 2 primary Gen v characters actions seemed entirely consistent with how they acted at the close of that show.
Just finished watching the season finale. As someone who watched Gen V, I feel like the final sequence where everyone gets caught isn't what it seems, unless I completely missed the point of the storylines of these newer characters.
Curious as to why you think this as the 2 primary Gen v characters actions seemed entirely consistent with how they acted at the close of that show.

Same...it seemed the payoff to Homelander earlier in the season telling them that they'd be called on soon (or something to that effect).
I'll give S5 a try, but this season got off to a bad start and it doesn't sound like it recovered. Hopefully they hit a refresh button on the writers room. I really enjoyed the first three seasons and I hope this is just the rough equivalent of S4 Sopranos. (Relatively speaking -- obviously this show is not The Sopranos but you know what I mean).

The problem is they deviated from the source material this season. Homelander should have been killed by now.

I am not sure why producers/directors think they know better than the people who got the material famous in the first place.
I just googled what happened in the comics and it seems to me to be more compelling than what’s happened in the show.
I'll give S5 a try, but this season got off to a bad start and it doesn't sound like it recovered. Hopefully they hit a refresh button on the writers room. I really enjoyed the first three seasons and I hope this is just the rough equivalent of S4 Sopranos. (Relatively speaking -- obviously this show is not The Sopranos but you know what I mean).

The problem is they deviated from the source material this season. Homelander should have been killed by now.

I am not sure why producers/directors think they know better than the people who got the material famous in the first place.
I just googled what happened in the comics and it seems to me to be more compelling than what’s happened in the show.

I don't know the comics at all, but read this weekend that the show runners have already said that they aren't ending the story the way that the comics did.
Just finished watching the season finale. As someone who watched Gen V, I feel like the final sequence where everyone gets caught isn't what it seems, unless I completely missed the point of the storylines of these newer characters.
Curious as to why you think this as the 2 primary Gen v characters actions seemed entirely consistent with how they acted at the close of that show.
I guess I'll have to go back and watch Gen V again. I just didn't think they were all that 'on board' with Vought/Homelander, and Cindy showing up at the end is such a wildcard that leaves it open ended for me.
I don't know anything about the comics except what I've read here. It sounds like this show might be in a "victim of our own success" situation. Homelander is by far the most interesting character on the show. If he died in the comics already, well obviously they can't do that now. Credit to the show for creating a memorable villain though.
Watched the Dirty Business episode (S4E6) with my partner beside me sorta watching, sort doing stuff. She hasnt seen any episode as I just watch it when she's doing other stuff. She definitely thinks less of me now as I got numerous ("you watch this?!?" looks) throughout the episode. Of course I say "They aren't all like this" but she doesn't believe me. lol

This season has not been great IMP but I am pot committed at this point.
I’m a few episodes behind. Does starlight have powers anymore?
Seems like all of them have been somewhat nerfed this season, except for their strength and abilities that don't require a lot of special effects/CGI. Maybe they spent all that budget on Jeffery Dean Morgan and Tilda Swinton instead.

Also, went back and refreshed my memory about the characters from Gen V. Their appearance in the finale makes more sense, though it still doesn't make sense how Cindy fits into the story.
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.

I know I checked two other sites because I thought for sure it was a typo.
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.

I know I checked two other sites because I thought for sure it was a typo.
You want cinematic acting quality, production values and special effects? You wait till 2026 imo.

You can have 70s Wonder Woman or 80s Greatest American Hero by year's end. ;)
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
Whats the problem here? Season 2 was in 2020, season 3 in 2022, season 4 in 2024
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
Whats the problem here? Season 2 was in 2020, season 3 in 2022, season 4 in 2024

I figured that was more covid, and strike related than the actual plan.
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
Whats the problem here? Season 2 was in 2020, season 3 in 2022, season 4 in 2024
I did not realize that. Sorry. Thanks for correcting me :lol:
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
Oh, they've got filler.
My thoughts are this

I'm cautiously optimistic,

man, they are really milking that cash cow

I like both Aya Cash and Jensen Ackles
but then I was less excited to know that they were getting a producer credit which might mean they won't be the stars of the show, though I'm sure they'll make some cameos and stuff. I think conventional wisdom also says that they'll have younger actors play younger versions of stormfront/soilder boy or am I just overthinking this?
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
Whats the problem here? Season 2 was in 2020, season 3 in 2022, season 4 in 2024

I figured that was more covid, and strike related than the actual plan.
Yea that might make more sense
I thought this was the last season of the show and lost my mind after the last episode. Then I googled it and found out there is another season and calmed down, then I read further down and season 5 doesn't come out until late summer of 2026 at the earliest and I lost it again.

What a roller-coaster.
Oh, they've got filler.
My thoughts are this

I'm cautiously optimistic,

man, they are really milking that cash cow

I like both Aya Cash and Jensen Ackles but then I was less excited to know that they were getting a producer credit which might mean they won't be the stars of the show, though I'm sure they'll make some cameos and stuff. I think conventional wisdom also says that they'll have younger actors play younger versions of stormfront/soilder boy or am I just overthinking this?
I have no idea, though there is precedent for actors getting producer credit for shows they also star in. Plus, there's a lot of love going out to Jensen Ackles, so there's no way he's not in front of the screen. Plus, since Soldier Boy and Stormfront aren't supposed to age, there's no need for younger actors for any length of time, kind of like they did with Homelander's backstory.

You are right, though; they are milking the show for every last drop and need something to keep everyone's attention until The Boys returns. I just hope that it's less 'world-building' and more related to the main plot of The Boys. The finale of season 4 teased that there's some payoff from the Gen V show. I have my own thoughts about I would like to see happen, though I don't think there's enough episodes left to get them in.
I’ve been avoiding this thread as I found this show late and have slowly watched S1-S3 over the last month or so. Watched S4 E1 last night. It is still entertaining enough I guess but feels never ending at this point. Is it worth it to stick with it?

Also, I’m sure it’s been discussed but MM and Starlight look so different I almost can’t think about anything else when they’re on screen……
I’ve been avoiding this thread as I found this show late and have slowly watched S1-S3 over the last month or so. Watched S4 E1 last night. It is still entertaining enough I guess but feels never ending at this point. Is it worth it to stick with it?

Also, I’m sure it’s been discussed but MM and Starlight look so different I almost can’t think about anything else when they’re on screen……
A few people upthread have indicated that S5 will be the final season.

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