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The Dark Knight Rises Villains Announced (1 Viewer)

Saw it in the theater and watched it again a little bit last night now that it's on HBO's rotation. Hasn't aged well on a 2nd viewing for me. The movie stands out because of a lot of its action set pieces but the impact of those fade after you've seen them a few times. To me, they took the things I thought detracted from TDK (length, cramming in too much story and trying to do too much, plot that doesn't make a lot of sense) and amped that up with some cool explosions/stunts.

As a longtime Batman fan, the idea of Bruce Wayne disappearing into the shadows (both for the 8 years before and then at the end of the film) to live out his life in quiet anonymity is pretty much counter to everything Batman stands for IMO. As someone else posted much earlier, "the world is too small for a man like Bruce Wayne to just disappear."

Begins is still by far my favorite, a perfect origin story with a great look and feel to it. TDk was a very good film elevated to great by Ledger. Hated that they felt they had to try and end the story neatly in a compact trilogy. There's a lot of fertile ground that could have been put up on the screen in a serious way with a solid line of films. These movies made so much money that hopefully they will try to explore the Batman universe again before I'm an old fogey.

Saw it in the theater and watched it again a little bit last night now that it's on HBO's rotation. Hasn't aged well on a 2nd viewing for me. The movie stands out because of a lot of its action set pieces but the impact of those fade after you've seen them a few times. To me, they took the things I thought detracted from TDK (length, cramming in too much story and trying to do too much, plot that doesn't make a lot of sense) and amped that up with some cool explosions/stunts.

As a longtime Batman fan, the idea of Bruce Wayne disappearing into the shadows (both for the 8 years before and then at the end of the film) to live out his life in quiet anonymity is pretty much counter to everything Batman stands for IMO. As someone else posted much earlier, "the world is too small for a man like Bruce Wayne to just disappear."

Begins is still by far my favorite, a perfect origin story with a great look and feel to it. TDk was a very good film elevated to great by Ledger. Hated that they felt they had to try and end the story neatly in a compact trilogy. There's a lot of fertile ground that could have been put up on the screen in a serious way with a solid line of films. These movies made so much money that hopefully they will try to explore the Batman universe again before I'm an old fogey.
I'm sure we'll get a reboot in a ten years or so.

Batman Begins is still my favorite of the three. Dark Knight Rises is a distant third IMO.
This. I watched DKR on the HBO free preview this weekend and it was time well spent, but it's not nearly as good as the other two. I actually thing BBegins is the best of the three by a wide margin.

Saw it in the theater and watched it again a little bit last night now that it's on HBO's rotation. Hasn't aged well on a 2nd viewing for me. The movie stands out because of a lot of its action set pieces but the impact of those fade after you've seen them a few times. To me, they took the things I thought detracted from TDK (length, cramming in too much story and trying to do too much, plot that doesn't make a lot of sense) and amped that up with some cool explosions/stunts.

As a longtime Batman fan, the idea of Bruce Wayne disappearing into the shadows (both for the 8 years before and then at the end of the film) to live out his life in quiet anonymity is pretty much counter to everything Batman stands for IMO. As someone else posted much earlier, "the world is too small for a man like Bruce Wayne to just disappear."

Begins is still by far my favorite, a perfect origin story with a great look and feel to it. TDk was a very good film elevated to great by Ledger. Hated that they felt they had to try and end the story neatly in a compact trilogy. There's a lot of fertile ground that could have been put up on the screen in a serious way with a solid line of films. These movies made so much money that hopefully they will try to explore the Batman universe again before I'm an old fogey.
I'm sure we'll get a reboot in a ten years or so.
They are talking 2016/17 with the success of Superman, so they can do a Justice League movie.

DK was great for 3/4 of the movie but sorta falls apart in the last act.
Yep. Weak ending but the rest of it was good and the whole thing is elevated by Ledger's joker so much that it's still my favorite of the three.

Bane was a cool villain for TDKR as well, but the rest of the movie was just so meh that it still doesn't even get near the other two. Way too much crammed in there, and way too much movie time passes across short spurts in real life time.

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Saw it in the theater and watched it again a little bit last night now that it's on HBO's rotation. Hasn't aged well on a 2nd viewing for me. The movie stands out because of a lot of its action set pieces but the impact of those fade after you've seen them a few times. To me, they took the things I thought detracted from TDK (length, cramming in too much story and trying to do too much, plot that doesn't make a lot of sense) and amped that up with some cool explosions/stunts.

As a longtime Batman fan, the idea of Bruce Wayne disappearing into the shadows (both for the 8 years before and then at the end of the film) to live out his life in quiet anonymity is pretty much counter to everything Batman stands for IMO. As someone else posted much earlier, "the world is too small for a man like Bruce Wayne to just disappear."

Begins is still by far my favorite, a perfect origin story with a great look and feel to it. TDk was a very good film elevated to great by Ledger. Hated that they felt they had to try and end the story neatly in a compact trilogy. There's a lot of fertile ground that could have been put up on the screen in a serious way with a solid line of films. These movies made so much money that hopefully they will try to explore the Batman universe again before I'm an old fogey.
I'm sure we'll get a reboot in a ten years or so.
They are talking 2016/17 with the success of Superman, so they can do a Justice League movie.

I thought it was good, but then I thought the new Star Trek was good and yet a lot of you pansy ### mothers think it was awful. I'm guessing those are the same people who had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast.

I was disappointed with DKR when I saw it in theaters, but I watched it again a month or so ago and it grew on me. It never felt long to me, but the storyline, acting, and dialogue just arent as strong, and acting wise Tom Hardy's talent is somewhat minimized with the whole mask deal. Still my least favorite of a very good trilogy, but I still enjoyed it.

I was disappointed with DKR when I saw it in theaters, but I watched it again a month or so ago and it grew on me. It never felt long to me, but the storyline, acting, and dialogue just arent as strong, and acting wise Tom Hardy's talent is somewhat minimized with the whole mask deal. Still my least favorite of a very good trilogy, but I still enjoyed it.
THe thing I like about Nolan's movies is that even the ones that don't hold up on first viewing, the first time through is good, though it's really only the Batman movies that peter out for me. DKR was by far the weakest but still enjoyable if you can just turn off the brain a bit. Bale's growling makes it tough but with Hathaway and the Frenchie in there, plus an enjoyable villain and Caine with Nolan's and Pfister's film know-how, it's not really a waste of time. Just probably the least of all Nolan's films. Not sure about Insomnia, I need to watch that again now being more familiar with his work.

Also, Nolan insists on shooting on not only film, but as much as possible in Los Angeles, which is becoming rare. Not only his films, but also Pfister's turn at directing which is about to start filming. Sadly, that means he won't be shooting Nolan's Interstellar but if these guys are going to shoot here, then I'll give them my business (and hopefully get on one of the two in the fall).

Saw it again and just fast forwarded through 75% of it. Doesn't hold up great. Second time I watched TDK I just forwarded to the Joker scenes.

Guess I didn't care for the trilogy as much as I thought I did.

Liked it better the second time. Better than most summer action flicks (that's not a very high bar IMO).

Batman Begins is still my favorite of the three. Dark Knight Rises is a distant third IMO.
This. I watched DKR on the HBO free preview this weekend and it was time well spent, but it's not nearly as good as the other two. I actually thing BBegins is the best of the three by a wide margin.
Meh. Ras' plan to use blue flower power to frighten the entire city into tearing itself apart was actually pretty stupid when you think about it. The Dark Knight holds up better. The Joker didn't even have a plan to criticize.

Batman Begins is still my favorite of the three. Dark Knight Rises is a distant third IMO.
This. I watched DKR on the HBO free preview this weekend and it was time well spent, but it's not nearly as good as the other two. I actually thing BBegins is the best of the three by a wide margin.
Meh. Ras' plan to use blue flower power to frighten the entire city into tearing itself apart was actually pretty stupid when you think about it. The Dark Knight holds up better. The Joker didn't even have a plan to criticize.
Pretty much every plan in every superhero/comic movie is really stupid if you think about it.

I don't think people were praising this as Oscar worthy. It was a good movie. Had a lot of rushed plot lines that could have been fleshed out better over multiple movies but they had to squeeze it all into this one for contractual reasons. So it isn't great. It's better than a lot of stuff out there. It's hard to live up to BB and DK. Happens to all 3rd installments. Same as Star Wars and Empire. Same as Godfather 1 and 2. You knew 3 had a lot to live up to and probably wouldn't reach the same height.

Vince Vaughn would have made a great Bane. He is a solid half a foot taller than Christian Bale, maybe seventy-five pounds heavier, and is simply fleshier than Bale--which would fit in with the physicality of the character.

Vaughn also has the same sense of wry/sarcastic humor as the character. It seems a perfect fit.

Vince Vaughn would have made a great Bane. He is a solid half a foot taller than Christian Bale, maybe seventy-five pounds heavier, and is simply fleshier than Bale--which would fit in with the physicality of the character.

Vaughn also has the same sense of wry/sarcastic humor as the character. It seems a perfect fit.
"C'mon Batman. Lemme get my paws on you, you big lug!"

Vince Vaughn would have made a great Bane. He is a solid half a foot taller than Christian Bale, maybe seventy-five pounds heavier, and is simply fleshier than Bale--which would fit in with the physicality of the character.

Vaughn also has the same sense of wry/sarcastic humor as the character. It seems a perfect fit.

Vince Vaughn would have made a great Bane. He is a solid half a foot taller than Christian Bale, maybe seventy-five pounds heavier, and is simply fleshier than Bale--which would fit in with the physicality of the character.

Vaughn also has the same sense of wry/sarcastic humor as the character. It seems a perfect fit.
Horrible idea.

Saw DKR last night with the wife. I'm not a huge Batman fan, but I thought it was great.

One line bothers me from the DKR- As Batman is getting the better of Bane in the rematch he is growling "Where is the detonator, you would never give it to an ordinary citizen"

That was a pretty cheesy line and one of the only moments in the series where I didn't see the character, I saw Bale yelling his lines. Horrible scene IMO.

Vince Vaughn would have made a great Bane. He is a solid half a foot taller than Christian Bale, maybe seventy-five pounds heavier, and is simply fleshier than Bale--which would fit in with the physicality of the character.

Vaughn also has the same sense of wry/sarcastic humor as the character. It seems a perfect fit.

Agree with those who didn't think it was good. Felt rushed, felt forced, and as a guy that likes dark movies, thought it was too dark at times (to the point of being both unrealistic and depressing).

ScottNorwood said:
The best character in this series by far was Michael Caine's Alfred
Excellent casting decision. He was just :moneybag: in every scene he was in.
He was great in the first two, brutal in the third.
That seems like a silly statement. He was exactly the same in all three, his comments about watching a child he raised die were perhaps the most authentic moments in all three films.

ScottNorwood said:
The best character in this series by far was Michael Caine's Alfred
Excellent casting decision. He was just :moneybag: in every scene he was in.
He was great in the first two, brutal in the third.
That seems like a silly statement. He was exactly the same in all three, his comments about watching a child he raised die were perhaps the most authentic moments in all three films.
He's still great on So You Think You Can Dance.

ScottNorwood said:
The best character in this series by far was Michael Caine's Alfred
Excellent casting decision. He was just :moneybag: in every scene he was in.
He was great in the first two, brutal in the third.
That seems like a silly statement. He was exactly the same in all three, his comments about watching a child he raised die were perhaps the most authentic moments in all three films.
He turned into a sniveling, whiny, baby in the third movie. I found his performance very distracting, after he had such a strong character in the first two movies.

To be fair, it was more the lines he was given, not Caine's acting per se.

ScottNorwood said:
The best character in this series by far was Michael Caine's Alfred
Excellent casting decision. He was just :moneybag: in every scene he was in.
He was great in the first two, brutal in the third.
That seems like a silly statement. He was exactly the same in all three, his comments about watching a child he raised die were perhaps the most authentic moments in all three films.
He turned into a sniveling, whiny, baby in the third movie. I found his performance very distracting, after he had such a strong character in the first two movies.

To be fair, it was more the lines he was given, not Caine's acting per se.
Again, how is being truly horrified at seeing the child you raised die, and praying to God for a better outcome equivalent to being a "sniveling, whiny, baby"? I agree the lines weren't the best but the sentiment was possibly the most sincere and heartfelt of the entire series (and I give credit to Caine for making them so).

Finally got to watch "Dark Knight Rises".

I can't imagine how anybody over the age of 12 thinks this is a good movie.
OK, I've tried to complete this movie 3 TIMES. I've gotten as far as just after the football game. I just can't do it. This thing is terrible.
Caught it on HBOLT and it was amazingly better when you don't have to listen to Bale strain his voice to play Batman.

Finally got to watch "Dark Knight Rises".

I can't imagine how anybody over the age of 12 thinks this is a good movie.
OK, I've tried to complete this movie 3 TIMES. I've gotten as far as just after the football game. I just can't do it. This thing is terrible.
Caught it on HBOLT and it was amazingly better when you don't have to listen to Bale strain his voice to play Batman.
What? Day drunk?


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