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The Dark Knight Rises Villains Announced (2 Viewers)

But why make Blake into Robin if Nolan is out on the series. Made no sense to me.
hated this part of the movie.
loved it. just wish we saw a glimpse of the suit before breaking to the credits
what suit? he needs to be Robin first then nightwing. beside Robin was his superhero name. **** grayson was his real name
Blake is not **** Grayson. He was not going to become "Robin." Robin was his first name according to his ID. Blake was going to become the next Batman. The suit and everything were still there. The Robin mention could have been completely left out and changed nothing. The only reason it is there is to cause another Nolan ending of "what if." MAkes it nice and open for fanfiction anyway.
I thought it was more of a nod to Blake's character being the sidekick....rather than any real attempt to link Blake to the actual character.
Was he a sidekick? He worked along side batman for all of 2 minutes in the whole movie. He helped out Gordon doing cop work for most of it. I saw him as the replacement.
I guess I totally missed it, I assume the Pit Prison was just underground in Gotham. I don't recall Bane "taking" him there. They met in the sewers underneath Gotham, they fought, Bane broke his back, and then I thought he locked him up. Don't remember him ever leaving Gotham, although yes when they did flashbacks the Pit certainly seemed to be in the middle east or south america or somewhere like that. :confused:
:confused: Did you not see the landscape around the pit when batman escaped? It was definitely nothing remotely similar to Gotham. Seemed pretty obvious it was implied that Bane kidnapped him and flew him out to the prison to remotely watch Gotham be destroyed.
It's been a week since I saw the movie now, but no, I don't remember thinking that. I certainly didn't think that there was an implied international flight with a kidnapped masked crusader. If that was the point, Nolan should have made that more obvious.
In a movie that was 2hrs and 55 minutes long, I think he was pushing the limit of explanation already.
Saw it again last night. I liked it much better the second time around and the audio was vastly improved. Must be a function of what theater is showing it.Oh, and Blake is supposed to be the next Batman, not Robin. They show him exploring the Batcave around a shot of Gordon excitedly examining the new Batsignal.
Exactly. :ph34r:
Saw it again last night. I liked it much better the second time around and the audio was vastly improved. Must be a function of what theater is showing it.Oh, and Blake is supposed to be the next Batman, not Robin. They show him exploring the Batcave around a shot of Gordon excitedly examining the new Batsignal.
Exactly. :ph34r:
Was that scarecrow that was the judge?Did anybody else think he was going to say death by unga bunga?
I think I understand now. If the original Star Wars trilogy was released today, with instant reviews and nit picking at the most useless level, it would be absolutely destroyed.

But why make Blake into Robin if Nolan is out on the series. Made no sense to me.
hated this part of the movie.
loved it. just wish we saw a glimpse of the suit before breaking to the credits
what suit? he needs to be Robin first then nightwing. beside Robin was his superhero name. **** grayson was his real name
Blake is not **** Grayson. He was not going to become "Robin." Robin was his first name according to his ID. Blake was going to become the next Batman. The suit and everything were still there. The Robin mention could have been completely left out and changed nothing. The only reason it is there is to cause another Nolan ending of "what if." MAkes it nice and open for fanfiction anyway.
I thought it was more of a nod to Blake's character being the sidekick....rather than any real attempt to link Blake to the actual character.
Was he a sidekick? He worked along side batman for all of 2 minutes in the whole movie. He helped out Gordon doing cop work for most of it. I saw him as the replacement.
He was as much a sidekick as the movie allowed. That's not to say that the guy won't end up being the new face of the franchise...but I definitely don't think he's going to be Robin.
Saw it again last night. I liked it much better the second time around and the audio was vastly improved. Must be a function of what theater is showing it.Oh, and Blake is supposed to be the next Batman, not Robin. They show him exploring the Batcave around a shot of Gordon excitedly examining the new Batsignal.
Are they going ahead with the franchise with Gordon-Levitt.....or is this trilogy of Batman just giving that to us as a bit of flavor?
So Batman is in an underground pit in Saudia Arabia, breaks away, and then how exactly does he get to Gotham? No one is allowed in or out of Gotham, so I think that's a legitimate question. And Fox and all of his resources are tied up with Bane, no?
He's freaking Batman, dude.Also, anyone notice that he kicks the rope back down into the pit once he climbs out so that others can follow?
Which got me thinking - who pulled up the rope, and why wouldn't he just use that to pull himself up in the first place instead of tying it around his waist and jumping from rock to rock like a jackass?
Umm it was a different rope, dude
So Batman is in an underground pit in Saudia Arabia, breaks away, and then how exactly does he get to Gotham? No one is allowed in or out of Gotham, so I think that's a legitimate question. And Fox and all of his resources are tied up with Bane, no?
He's freaking Batman, dude.Also, anyone notice that he kicks the rope back down into the pit once he climbs out so that others can follow?
Which got me thinking - who pulled up the rope, and why wouldn't he just use that to pull himself up in the first place instead of tying it around his waist and jumping from rock to rock like a jackass?
Umm it was a different rope, dude
Right. How else did people get down there? They disnt just throw prisoners in. Lol
Saw it last night, and I'd give it two thumbs in the middle. Batman Begins is easily my favorite of Nolan's trilogy, in large part because it was focused. This was the messiest of the three movies for a number of reasons.

My biggest complaint is that they simply try to cover too much story, and even closing in on 3 hours, a number of plot points felt rushed. It incorporates elements of the Knightfall and No Man's Land story arcs from the comics, which are huge. Either one could make for a killer movie on its own. As if that weren't enough, they shoehorn Talia Al Ghul in there, Selina Kyle and Batman's successor. There was no way they could make the most of all of it in one movie. Yes, you can still understand what's going on, but the plot is cheapened. Five months go by, but it was treated like a week, at most.

I have a number of minor complaints, but most of them have to do with that general lack of development.

50 questions regarding TDKR

On the positive side, I guess I'm the only one that enjoyed Hans Zimmer's score. Sounded awesome. The cinematography was also excellent, as is usually the case in Nolan's films.

Saw it last night, and I'd give it two thumbs in the middle. Batman Begins is easily my favorite of Nolan's trilogy, in large part because it was focused. This was the messiest of the three movies for a number of reasons.

My biggest complaint is that they simply try to cover too much story, and even closing in on 3 hours, a number of plot points felt rushed. It incorporates elements of the Knightfall and No Man's Land story arcs from the comics, which are huge. Either one could make for a killer movie on its own. As if that weren't enough, they shoehorn Talia Al Ghul in there, Selina Kyle and Batman's successor. There was no way they could make the most of all of it in one movie. Yes, you can still understand what's going on, but the plot is cheapened. Five months go by, but it was treated like a week, at most.

I have a number of minor complaints, but most of them have to do with that general lack of development.

50 questions regarding TDKR

On the positive side, I guess I'm the only one that enjoyed Hans Zimmer's score. Sounded awesome. The cinematography was also excellent, as is usually the case in Nolan's films.
I didn't get the Die Hard with a Vengeance reference
1 Is it really the best use of Batman’s time, when millions of lives are at stake, to keep applying black make-up to the exposed areas around his eyes every time he puts his mask on?Looked more like flexible rubber to me.

2 How come none of the ‘exiles’ work out that if they crawl across the ice rather than walking, they’ll have a much better chance of making it to safety?

They've...never walked on ice before. Where would a super rich person have ever walked on ice?

3 Why does the Batcycle suddenly begin pushing the rider’s bum into the air once Catwoman starts using it?

Batman's bum was covered by his cape. And is this a complaint about Catwoman's bum?

4 Where is everyone?

Hiding indoors.

5 Why does the movie hate the Occupy movement so much, painting its activists as — at best — gullible puppets and — at worse — psychopathic mass murderers?

Because they're at least gullible puppets but more likely psychopathic mass murderers that just haven't gotten their chance yet what with all the cops around.

6 Just how great of a detective is Commissioner Gordon if he fails to notice the direct correlation between Batman’s eight-year inactivity and Bruce Wayne’s eight-year reclusion from society?

He's not exactly hobnobbing with Wayne's class.

7 Why does Bane blow up the majority of the city’s bridges but elect to leave one intact for the police to guard?

Did you miss the major part of Bane's plot where he tells Batman that he wants the people to have hope before he destroys them?

8 Why did anyone think Anne Hathaway wouldn’t make a good Catwoman?

Sanity is not statistical.

9 Is the ‘Wayne Manor Home For Orphaned Children’ or whatever it’s called this generation’s ’Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good’?

Very funny Mr. Jokey Jokemaker.

10 That was supposed to be FIVE MONTHS?!

I suppose we could have a half an hour of watching Bruce Wayne writhe in pain. That'd be fun.

11 Why doesn’t Bane blow up the city when he sees people walking out onto the ice, thereby disobeying his orders and attempting to leave Gotham?

Because he knows they're not going to make it.

12 Couldn’t there have been more scenes with Michael Caine softly weeping?

One more at the end would have been nice.

13 What ever happened to ‘I seriously doubt I will even be involved when Robin’s in the franchise’, Mr. Nolan?

Is there a fourth movie I'm unaware of?

14 Why can’t I hear Bane?

You picked the wrong theater, sillyhead.

15 Why can’t I hear Batman?

You picked the wrong theater, sillyhead.

16 Why can’t I hear Commissioner Gordon?

You picked the wrong theater, sillyhead.

17 If Joseph Gordon-Levitt was able to figure out Batman’s true identity just by looking at him, wouldn’t a gossip columnist or someone have done the same years ago?

How many gossip columnists could take over as Batman?

18 Is there only one café in Florence or did Alfred have to go on a bit of a crawl to find Bruce?

He went to the same one every year. Would it really be difficult for Batman/Wayne to figure out which one?

19 Does that thing Batman does where he shouts “WHERE’S ________?” very loudly into someone’s face, ever work?

Why wouldn't it? Worked for Jack Bauer in every single episode of 24.

20 Wasn’t it implicit in Bane’s agreement with the old man that he should keep Bruce in the prison, as well as keeping him alive?

What's the worst Bane would do to the old man? Throw him in the Pit of Dispair? Oh...wait...

21 Why does Batman #### Miranda Tate?

Because she's Marion Cotillard.

22 Why does Batman kiss Catwoman?

Because she's Anne Hathaway.

23 Why does their kiss look like two action figures being rubbed together by a sexually curious child?

Probably because one or more of them are truly gay.

24 Why does Catwoman follow Batman to Italy?

He probably has a stash there. You think all of his money was locked up in Wayne Enterprise stock?

25 Couldn’t Bruce Wayne very easily prove that it was Bane who made those fraudulent stock trades, what with his highly publicised recent occupation of the Gotham Stock Exchange?

Not in the timeframe in which he needed to do it. Plus, there were a lot of people that wanted to see Wayne fail, I'd wager.

26 Had nobody on the entire Gotham police force even seen Die Hard With a Vengeance?

Don't cross reality streams.

27 Couldn’t the film’s primary antagonist have benefitted from a more dramatic exit than death by being thrown across a room?

...I got nothing here.

28 Why did Bane give that guy on the plane a blood transfusion?

To fake the nuclear scientist's death.

29 Where did the production find a kid who could so capably pass for both Tom Hardy and Marion Cotillard?

From the ACC - Androgyny Casting Company

30 Since when is Matthew Modine still alive?

Finally a good question.

31 Why is the anarchy-ridden Gotham so clean and orderly?

It is?

32 How does Bane eat and drink?

Through a straw.

33 Where did Juno Temple go?


34 Did Batman get stabbed at one point or did I imagine that?

He WAS in the older model Batsuit.

35 Could Bane’s mask be equipped with a ‘line out’ function that would allow him to be adequately amplified at, say, a large sporting event?


36 If the bomb had a six-mile blast radius, what use was Batman jumping into the ocean just before it blew up?

He had restored the autopilot and could have bailed out a long time before then.

37 Is punching really an effective method of resetting a vertebra?

Is rubbing your hands together an effective method of fixing a bum shoulder? Answer: HELL YES!

38 Since when is Batman an arsonist?

Probably a super special low heat fire that he whipped up in the Batcave.

39 How sweaty must Catwoman’s lycra outfit be if she’s been wearing it ever since the fancy dress party?

Women that look like that don't sweat.

40 Isn’t it a bit silly that Batman is still putting that voice on?

It's because of the corset that he's wearing.

41 Who was responsible for the film’s wisecracks, and from what date is their termination effective?

"and bring my copy of The Collected works of Ambrose Bierce!"

42 How can you exercise the level of restraint required to go 165 minutes without ever saying the word ‘Catwoman’ but still feel the need to shamelessly pack your closing 10 minutes with one lame, fanboy-pandering reveal after another?

And if it had gone the other way there would be complaints of "no closure". You can't win these days.

43 Am I reading too much into this?

You have no nits left to pick, that's for sure.

44 Am I not reading far enough into this?

I'm sure there's someone way more into it than you are...and has eight inch nails and pees into mason jars.

45 How was Catwoman able to gain employment at Wayne Manor when her rap sheet is readily available on Bruce’s weird supercomputer?

She wasn't on Wayne's radar until she showed up at the Manor. And would it really be that hard to fake?

46 How did Bruce manage to get from South Asia to Northeast U.S.A. in a matter of days with nothing but a pair of torn pants?


47 Why didn’t somebody just ####### shoot Batman when they had the chance?

Because then Bane would have been perturbed.

48 How did Alfred resist the urge to go and punch Bruce in his smug face when he found him alive and well at the café?

Because it was what he said he wanted. Did you come late to the movie?

49 What is Joseph Gordon-Levitt supposed to do with all the bizarre, impossibly complex gadgets in the Batcave?

Uh...become Batman?

50 Was this seriously the best way Christopher Nolan could think of to end the most mature, sombre, introspective superhero trilogy of all time?

I suppose we could have had a Holy Grail or Blazing Saddles type ending. That would have been EPIC.

19 Does that thing Batman does where he shouts “WHERE’S ________?” very loudly into someone’s face, ever work?Why wouldn't it? Worked for Jack Bauer in every single episode of 24.48 How did Alfred resist the urge to go and punch Bruce in his smug face when he found him alive and well at the café?Because it was what he said he wanted. Did you come late to the movie?
:lmao: to both of these. Well done, sir.
Rewatched Batman Begins. Funny, in light of the way TDKR ends, that one of the first things Ra's al Ghul says to Bruce Wayne is "the world is too small for someone like Bruce Wayne to disappear."

I don't know a lot of super heroes who use their first name as cover.
:lol: :goodposting:
Technically, he never used the name Robin, so no-one would even make the connection in all likelihood.
You've seen Robins custom right? He wears what amounts to glassless sunglasses. Add to the fact his real name is Robin in a movie where he knew Bruce Wayne was Batman just by looking at him, sure nobody would ever make the connection.He's the next Batman
One thing that does bother me a little. Bruce basically had full on ninja or Samurai training for a number of years to be deemed good enough to join the league of shadows. He then took those skills and applied it to being Batman. Blake is basically just a cop. A very green cop. Gordon even gets the drop on him in the hospital room. How is he going to learn the skills to become Batman?

Only a minor gripe after thinking about it.

One thing that does bother me a little. Bruce basically had full on ninja or Samurai training for a number of years to be deemed good enough to join the league of shadows. He then took those skills and applied it to being Batman. Blake is basically just a cop. A very green cop. Gordon even gets the drop on him in the hospital room. How is he going to learn the skills to become Batman? Only a minor gripe after thinking about it.
We'll never know.
Saw TDKR last week & was a little disappointed. It didn't seem like a Batman movie. I'm somewhat hopeful that someone will run with JGL in a Batman Beyond role, & had this thought when I left- Nolan is producing the new Zach Snyder Man of Steel movie, so if that partnership goes well I think we could see some future Batman movies with Nolan producing but not directing.

Saw TDKR last week & was a little disappointed. It didn't seem like a Batman movie. I'm somewhat hopeful that someone will run with JGL in a Batman Beyond role, & had this thought when I left- Nolan is producing the new Zach Snyder Man of Steel movie, so if that partnership goes well I think we could see some future Batman movies with Nolan producing but not directing.
I'm really hopeful for Man of Steel. I think we may finally have a movie worthy of superman.
Maybe this was covered in the thread or the movie itself, but who was Catwomans blonde friend? Was it supposed to be Harley Quinn?

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heath ledger joker and harley quinn wouldve been an awesome sequel :(
Yup. I liked this movie but it was dumb to have no mention of the Joker. Whatever.
It took place 8 years later. What mention was needed or would you have liked to see?
Exactly. They locked him away in Guantanimo for being a terrorist. There's your mention.
You really think that was Nolan's intent for that story after the second movie ended huh?My main point is that I would have liked to have seen where that storyline was going.
heath ledger joker and harley quinn wouldve been an awesome sequel :(
Yup. I liked this movie but it was dumb to have no mention of the Joker. Whatever.
It took place 8 years later. What mention was needed or would you have liked to see?
Exactly. They locked him away in Guantanimo for being a terrorist. There's your mention.
You really think that was Nolan's intent for that story after the second movie ended huh?My main point is that I would have liked to have seen where that storyline was going.
I'm sure it wasn't but with Ledger dead, it's where it had to go. There was no way they were filling that role w/o it becoming the entire focus of the movie and why it wouldn't live up to the last one.
heath ledger joker and harley quinn wouldve been an awesome sequel :(
Yup. I liked this movie but it was dumb to have no mention of the Joker. Whatever.
It took place 8 years later. What mention was needed or would you have liked to see?
Exactly. They locked him away in Guantanimo for being a terrorist. There's your mention.
You really think that was Nolan's intent for that story after the second movie ended huh?My main point is that I would have liked to have seen where that storyline was going.
I'm sure it wasn't but with Ledger dead, it's where it had to go. There was no way they were filling that role w/o it becoming the entire focus of the movie and why it wouldn't live up to the last one.
I know I'm in the minority here, but they should have recast, especially with an 8-year gap in the story. Everybody knows Ledger died, but that shouldn't get in the way of a terrific story and conclusion.
'Premier said:
'jurb26 said:
'Premier said:
'Insein said:
'jurb26 said:
'Premier said:
'shadyridr said:
heath ledger joker and harley quinn wouldve been an awesome sequel :(
Yup. I liked this movie but it was dumb to have no mention of the Joker. Whatever.
It took place 8 years later. What mention was needed or would you have liked to see?
Exactly. They locked him away in Guantanimo for being a terrorist. There's your mention.
You really think that was Nolan's intent for that story after the second movie ended huh?My main point is that I would have liked to have seen where that storyline was going.
I'm sure it wasn't but with Ledger dead, it's where it had to go. There was no way they were filling that role w/o it becoming the entire focus of the movie and why it wouldn't live up to the last one.
I know I'm in the minority here, but they should have recast, especially with an 8-year gap in the story. Everybody knows Ledger died, but that shouldn't get in the way of a terrific story and conclusion.
If he wanted to recast, he certainly could have. I don't think he wanted the joker as a part of the 3rd film. It seemed very busy as is and the joker would have just jumbled it that much more.
'Insein said:
'ebcpastor2004 said:
Saw TDKR last week & was a little disappointed. It didn't seem like a Batman movie. I'm somewhat hopeful that someone will run with JGL in a Batman Beyond role, & had this thought when I left- Nolan is producing the new Zach Snyder Man of Steel movie, so if that partnership goes well I think we could see some future Batman movies with Nolan producing but not directing.
I'm really hopeful for Man of Steel. I think we may finally have a movie worthy of superman.
I re-watched TDKR today with my son. I liked it a lot more the 2nd time. I guess I got over the issues that bothered me the first time around. I like that the door was left open for Levitt to become Nightwing or Batman (beyond).Saw the MoS trailer again & I just don't get it. I hope the movie is good but the trailer doesn't do anything to get me excited about it, except that it is Superman of course. :excited:

'Otis said:
Not sure if this is a honda but this Tom Waits interview, from 1979, has Heath Ledger's Joker written all over it.

My link
That is crazy.
holy crap
So weird...I just found this random youtube video a couple weeks ago. Never heard of this guy before, but when I read "gravely voice singer" in the link you provided, I checked the youtube link and it's the same guy!
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'Insein said:
'ebcpastor2004 said:
Saw TDKR last week & was a little disappointed. It didn't seem like a Batman movie. I'm somewhat hopeful that someone will run with JGL in a Batman Beyond role, & had this thought when I left- Nolan is producing the new Zach Snyder Man of Steel movie, so if that partnership goes well I think we could see some future Batman movies with Nolan producing but not directing.
I'm really hopeful for Man of Steel. I think we may finally have a movie worthy of superman.
I just realized there were two previews for this...one with Russell Crowe's voice and one with Kevin Costners.ETA: Nice way to show the differences between what Kal-El expects of his son and what the Kent's taught him. Reinforces the idea that Ma and Pa Kent are the most important characters in the DC Universe.
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comic geeks what was nightwing/robins relationship like with gordon?
**** Grayson has a good relationship with Gordon, more so than any other Robin, probably has to do with his relationship with Barbara Gordon/BatGirl/Oracle.
Just saw this. Had a couple questions:

1. How did Blake know that Wayne was Batman? I missed that in his little talk about being an orphan. Was it simply that he recognized him because he had visited Blake's orphanage when he was a kid?

2. Why did Batman/Wayne want to fake his death? Is it just the "starting fresh" thing that Catwoman wanted?

3. When/how did Wayne hurt his leg? Am I forgetting that from the last movie?

People are being a little nit-picky in here, but I guess that's not new. The only gripe I had while watching the movie was towards the end when the cops vs. Occupy street fight happened. Batman flies in on the "Bat" to take out the tanks with a couple missiles on the ground. Great. Thanks for the air support!

Then what? Then he flies somewhere nearby, lands, pushes the key <bwoop bwoop> to lock the doors to the Bat, and jogs over into the fray to fistfight Bane. I understand that he has the "no guns/killing" rule because he's Batman, but police officers are running straight into machine gun fire like it's WWI except they're only armed with effing billy clubs, I think it might've been worth Batman breaking his precious "rule" to lay down some covering fire into the Occupy protesters to, you know, save some innocent lives.

Other than that, I really enjoyed it. It did seem a little rushed how Bane flies Batman out to some random third world country to drop him off in the Pit, but I don't mind stuff like that. The movie was long enough as it is, it wasn't hard to follow.

Just saw this. Had a couple questions:

1. How did Blake know that Wayne was Batman? I missed that in his little talk about being an orphan. Was it simply that he recognized him because he had visited Blake's orphanage when he was a kid?

Yeah, sort of... He said he knew because of the look I his eyes when he visited more specifically though. He understood the pain Wayne felt and recognized it in another is basically the just of it.

2. Why did Batman/Wayne want to fake his death? Is it just the "starting fresh" thing that Catwoman wanted?

I think it was that and that he knew he was passing the torch to Blake.

3. When/how did Wayne hurt his leg? Am I forgetting that from the last movie?

The cartilage in his knees were gone from all of the jumping, flying, ect. Basically being Batman had taken a toll on his body. This was revealed when he visited his doc before coming back.

People are being a little nit-picky in here, but I guess that's not new. The only gripe I had while watching the movie was towards the end when the cops vs. Occupy street fight happened. Batman flies in on the "Bat" to take out the tanks with a couple missiles on the ground. Great. Thanks for the air support!

Then what? Then he flies somewhere nearby, lands, pushes the key <bwoop bwoop> to lock the doors to the Bat, and jogs over into the fray to fistfight Bane. I understand that he has the "no guns/killing" rule because he's Batman, but police officers are running straight into machine gun fire like it's WWI except they're only armed with effing billy clubs, I think it might've been worth Batman breaking his precious "rule" to lay down some covering fire into the Occupy protesters to, you know, save some innocent lives.

Other than that, I really enjoyed it. It did seem a little rushed how Bane flies Batman out to some random third world country to drop him off in the Pit, but I don't mind stuff like that. The movie was long enough as it is, it wasn't hard to follow.
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Just saw this. Had a couple questions:1. How did Blake know that Wayne was Batman? I missed that in his little talk about being an orphan. Was it simply that he recognized him because he had visited Blake's orphanage when he was a kid?2. Why did Batman/Wayne want to fake his death? Is it just the "starting fresh" thing that Catwoman wanted?3. When/how did Wayne hurt his leg? Am I forgetting that from the last movie?People are being a little nit-picky in here, but I guess that's not new. The only gripe I had while watching the movie was towards the end when the cops vs. Occupy street fight happened. Batman flies in on the "Bat" to take out the tanks with a couple missiles on the ground. Great. Thanks for the air support! Then what? Then he flies somewhere nearby, lands, pushes the key <bwoop bwoop> to lock the doors to the Bat, and jogs over into the fray to fistfight Bane. I understand that he has the "no guns/killing" rule because he's Batman, but police officers are running straight into machine gun fire like it's WWI except they're only armed with effing billy clubs, I think it might've been worth Batman breaking his precious "rule" to lay down some covering fire into the Occupy protesters to, you know, save some innocent lives.Other than that, I really enjoyed it. It did seem a little rushed how Bane flies Batman out to some random third world country to drop him off in the Pit, but I don't mind stuff like that. The movie was long enough as it is, it wasn't hard to follow.
i like the fact that you complain about people nit picking in here yet you nit picked some of the same exact things
Finally saw this yesterday and enjoyed it. I think reading all the mixed reviews helped keep my expectations down, which helped. I agree it was the worst of the 3, but I don't think that says much since I think the other 2 were so good.

I saw someone mention it earlier, but no one answered....was that supposed to be the Scarecrow Dr that was acting as a judge, or just using the same actor for a random role?

I've always kind of been a "fight the man" type of guy, so I thought Bain was pretty cool (besides the bomb of course). When they showed how he saved the girl from the jail, that made me have even more empathy for him. In the comics, was he typically one of the more relatable villains?

Finally saw this yesterday and enjoyed it. I think reading all the mixed reviews helped keep my expectations down, which helped. I agree it was the worst of the 3, but I don't think that says much since I think the other 2 were so good.I saw someone mention it earlier, but no one answered....was that supposed to be the Scarecrow Dr that was acting as a judge, or just using the same actor for a random role?I've always kind of been a "fight the man" type of guy, so I thought Bain was pretty cool (besides the bomb of course). When they showed how he saved the girl from the jail, that made me have even more empathy for him. In the comics, was he typically one of the more relatable villains?
Yeah. It was Dr. Crane aka Scarecrow.
Finally saw this yesterday and enjoyed it. I think reading all the mixed reviews helped keep my expectations down, which helped. I agree it was the worst of the 3, but I don't think that says much since I think the other 2 were so good.I saw someone mention it earlier, but no one answered....was that supposed to be the Scarecrow Dr that was acting as a judge, or just using the same actor for a random role?I've always kind of been a "fight the man" type of guy, so I thought Bain was pretty cool (besides the bomb of course). When they showed how he saved the girl from the jail, that made me have even more empathy for him. In the comics, was he typically one of the more relatable villains?
Yeah. It was Dr. Crane aka Scarecrow.
I saw DKR on Friday night. Then watched Inception again yesterday. (both by Christopher Nolan)Did he get a 2 for 1 type discount?- Joseph Gordon Levitt- Tom Hardy- Scarecrow guy- Marion Coutilard (sp?)
Saw TDKR last week & was a little disappointed. It didn't seem like a Batman movie. I'm somewhat hopeful that someone will run with JGL in a Batman Beyond role, & had this thought when I left- Nolan is producing the new Zach Snyder Man of Steel movie, so if that partnership goes well I think we could see some future Batman movies with Nolan producing but not directing.
I'm really hopeful for Man of Steel. I think we may finally have a movie worthy of superman.
With Zack Snyder as director? Pass. :yawn:
Saw TDKR last week & was a little disappointed. It didn't seem like a Batman movie. I'm somewhat hopeful that someone will run with JGL in a Batman Beyond role, & had this thought when I left- Nolan is producing the new Zach Snyder Man of Steel movie, so if that partnership goes well I think we could see some future Batman movies with Nolan producing but not directing.
I'm really hopeful for Man of Steel. I think we may finally have a movie worthy of superman.
With Zack Snyder as director? Pass. :yawn:
Yeah, because there's no way the director of 300 could make a cool Superman movie :rolleyes:
Finally saw this yesterday and enjoyed it. I think reading all the mixed reviews helped keep my expectations down, which helped. I agree it was the worst of the 3, but I don't think that says much since I think the other 2 were so good.

I saw someone mention it earlier, but no one answered....was that supposed to be the Scarecrow Dr that was acting as a judge, or just using the same actor for a random role?

I've always kind of been a "fight the man" type of guy, so I thought Bain was pretty cool (besides the bomb of course). When they showed how he saved the girl from the jail, that made me have even more empathy for him. In the comics, was he typically one of the more relatable villains?
Yeah. It was Dr. Crane aka Scarecrow.
I saw DKR on Friday night. Then watched Inception again yesterday. (both by Christopher Nolan)Did he get a 2 for 1 type discount?

- Joseph Gordon Levitt

- Tom Hardy

- Scarecrow guy

- Marion Coutilard (sp?)
Cilian Murphy. He's been in a few things. First notable movie was 28 days later.
Finally saw this yesterday and enjoyed it. I think reading all the mixed reviews helped keep my expectations down, which helped. I agree it was the worst of the 3, but I don't think that says much since I think the other 2 were so good.

I saw someone mention it earlier, but no one answered....was that supposed to be the Scarecrow Dr that was acting as a judge, or just using the same actor for a random role?

I've always kind of been a "fight the man" type of guy, so I thought Bain was pretty cool (besides the bomb of course). When they showed how he saved the girl from the jail, that made me have even more empathy for him. In the comics, was he typically one of the more relatable villains?
Yeah. It was Dr. Crane aka Scarecrow.
I saw DKR on Friday night. Then watched Inception again yesterday. (both by Christopher Nolan)Did he get a 2 for 1 type discount?

- Joseph Gordon Levitt

- Tom Hardy

- Scarecrow guy

- Marion Coutilard (sp?)
Cilian Murphy. He's been in a few things. First notable movie was 28 days later.
Murphy's a really good actor. Check out The Wind that Shakes the Barley.
'jdoggydogg said:
'Insein said:
Finally saw this yesterday and enjoyed it. I think reading all the mixed reviews helped keep my expectations down, which helped. I agree it was the worst of the 3, but I don't think that says much since I think the other 2 were so good.

I saw someone mention it earlier, but no one answered....was that supposed to be the Scarecrow Dr that was acting as a judge, or just using the same actor for a random role?

I've always kind of been a "fight the man" type of guy, so I thought Bain was pretty cool (besides the bomb of course). When they showed how he saved the girl from the jail, that made me have even more empathy for him. In the comics, was he typically one of the more relatable villains?
Yeah. It was Dr. Crane aka Scarecrow.
I saw DKR on Friday night. Then watched Inception again yesterday. (both by Christopher Nolan)Did he get a 2 for 1 type discount?

- Joseph Gordon Levitt

- Tom Hardy

- Scarecrow guy

- Marion Coutilard (sp?)
Cilian Murphy. He's been in a few things. First notable movie was 28 days later.
Murphy's a really good actor. Check out The Wind that Shakes the Barley.
Oh yea I know. I was saying "been in a few things" tongue in cheek because he deserves to be known as more than "scarecrow guy."

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