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The IDP Flaw (1 Viewer)


The one thing that really bugs me about IDP leagues.... the score keepers, or stats guys, whatever you call them.

The idiots in Oakland can't seem to get it right, instead of awarding assists, they award the "team" tackles. Last night I saw two tackles made by Gaither that went to Bradley in the first half. Last year starting Lito Sheppard at home was golden... they gave him so many tackles it was silly. Someone in that booth loves Bradley. Sure, he had a big game, but he got awarded a bunch of solos that were assists, and even got credit for 2 solos I saw Gaither get!

So... I guess the astute IDP owner should know these things and set line ups accordingly... but I would REALLY prefer to see a level playing field, where we can evaluate JUST the players, and not have to worry about some of these idiots that award tackles at places like Philly and Oakland.

Maybe I am just ranting... or venting, but I find these inconsistancies troubling.

Gene.... maybe an article to evaluate some of these local scoring biases that happen all too frequently? How does one gauge these kinds of inconsistancies? Is there a study that indicates that some stats crews award more IDP points per game than others do? Since this problem is not likely to get fixed by the NFL... I suppose we IDP owners need better info on these stats crews and their tendencies. Sound like a doable idea?

Gene.... maybe an article to evaluate some of these local scoring biases that happen all too frequently? How does one gauge these kinds of inconsistancies? Is there a study that indicates that some stats crews award more IDP points per game than others do? Since this problem is not likely to get fixed by the NFL... I suppose we IDP owners need better info on these stats crews and their tendencies. Sound like a doable idea?
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The Oakland stat crew is terrible. I noticed Gaither was slighted last nite.

Also on the Brandon Jacobs fumble, Jacobs tried to hurdle Samuel, Asante tripped him up, as he was falling Gocong hit him forced the fumble, got credit for the solo. Madden even commented on the play saying Jacobs should have tried to run over Samuel instead of jumping over.

New York Giants at 7:29

1-10-NYG 22 (7:29) E.Manning pass short right to M.Matthews to NYG 35 for 13 yards (S.Bradley). P13

1-10-NYG 35 (6:51) B.Jacobs left end to NYG 45 for 10 yards (C.Gocong). FUMBLES (C.Gocong), touched at NYG 45, RECOVERED by PHIM.

Patterson at NYG 44. M.Patterson to NYG 44 for no gain (D.Diehl).

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Gene.... maybe an article to evaluate some of these local scoring biases that happen all too frequently? How does one gauge these kinds of inconsistancies? Is there a study that indicates that some stats crews award more IDP points per game than others do? Since this problem is not likely to get fixed by the NFL... I suppose we IDP owners need better info on these stats crews and their tendencies. Sound like a doable idea?
:confused: Rud is the authority on this stuff. There's also a podcast discussion with Aaron, Sig and I, as well as an podcast interview with the NFL's Chris Hoeltge and companion article from this summer that discusses how the NFL handles the unofficial defensive statistics.

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Gene.... maybe an article to evaluate some of these local scoring biases that happen all too frequently? How does one gauge these kinds of inconsistancies? Is there a study that indicates that some stats crews award more IDP points per game than others do? Since this problem is not likely to get fixed by the NFL... I suppose we IDP owners need better info on these stats crews and their tendencies. Sound like a doable idea?
Aaron, that was one incredibly good read! I wonder if those tendencies could somehow be reflected in Norton's weekly sheets... even if it's a simple +/- notation next to each player.

How did I miss that article? Now, the challenge is to find a way to use this info when I make line up decisions. Aaron, have you tracked these tendencies this year? Do the 2007 numbers carry over into 2008?

No doubt... FBG is easilly the best FF site. It's the only one I pay $$ for. $ well spent. Thanks guys! :bye:

That stuff happens in every game. I have Ray Lewis in my IDP and he clearly made a tackle with Corey Ivy on Andre Johnson and the assist went to Jamel McClain. A rookie Linebacker who wasn't even on the field. And one time last season I had a similar thing happen to me when Kyle Boler was credited with an assist tackle.

After playing IDP for a few years now you really notice this kind of stuff. The Patriots and Dolphins get a lot of assists. Zach Thomas would have some games with 3 solos and 9 assists and Brushci gets many games with 3 solos and 6 assists. But someone like Mike Peterson never gets any assists credited for him.

I have noticed over the years that in the play by play sometimes a solo assist will be credited when it is listed like this...(R. Lewis, B. Scott). The comma gives a solo to Lewis and an assist to Scott. But in New England and in Miami I notice a lot of situation where is is listed like this....(Crowder; Porter) with both players getting assists.

That stuff happens in every game. I have Ray Lewis in my IDP and he clearly made a tackle with Corey Ivy on Andre Johnson and the assist went to Jamel McClain. A rookie Linebacker who wasn't even on the field. And one time last season I had a similar thing happen to me when Kyle Boler was credited with an assist tackle.

After playing IDP for a few years now you really notice this kind of stuff. The Patriots and Dolphins get a lot of assists. Zach Thomas would have some games with 3 solos and 9 assists and Brushci gets many games with 3 solos and 6 assists. But someone like Mike Peterson never gets any assists credited for him.

I have noticed over the years that in the play by play sometimes a solo assist will be credited when it is listed like this...(R. Lewis, B. Scott). The comma gives a solo to Lewis and an assist to Scott. But in New England and in Miami I notice a lot of situation where is is listed like this....(Crowder; Porter) with both players getting assists.
Oh it does, however the Oakland stat crew appears inferior. This is better than a player being omitted in the USA Today. :lol: .
That stuff happens in every game. I have Ray Lewis in my IDP and he clearly made a tackle with Corey Ivy on Andre Johnson and the assist went to Jamel McClain. A rookie Linebacker who wasn't even on the field. And one time last season I had a similar thing happen to me when Kyle Boler was credited with an assist tackle.

After playing IDP for a few years now you really notice this kind of stuff. The Patriots and Dolphins get a lot of assists. Zach Thomas would have some games with 3 solos and 9 assists and Brushci gets many games with 3 solos and 6 assists. But someone like Mike Peterson never gets any assists credited for him.

I have noticed over the years that in the play by play sometimes a solo assist will be credited when it is listed like this...(R. Lewis, B. Scott). The comma gives a solo to Lewis and an assist to Scott. But in New England and in Miami I notice a lot of situation where is is listed like this....(Crowder; Porter) with both players getting assists.
Oh it does, however the Oakland stat crew appears inferior. This is better than a player being omitted in the USA Today. :shrug: .
Sometimes I am curious what some of the stat crew guys are doing during the game. It seems as if they aren't paying attention or are just throwing darts at a dartboard and awarding tackles.
Thanks for asking this question. I watched the Cardinals-Niners game with my computer this Monday and was blown away at the disconnect between what I saw on the screen and the stats that came up on NFL.com. It was a good reminder that when scouting players you can't just geek out on stat lines. You really have to watch a lot of football. (I know: crazy.) This seems especially true for IDP.


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