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The "mark board as read" button (1 Viewer)


Can someone kindly remove the thing from the bottom of the ####### mobile app! What an annoying thing to constantly brush against and have no recourse but to dig through every thread to find your place. Why do I have to mark the entire board as read, anyway?

Can someone kindly remove the thing from the bottom of the ####### mobile app! What an annoying thing to constantly brush against and have no recourse but to dig through every thread to find your place. Why do I have to mark the entire board as read, anyway?
That has happened to me before. Makes no sense that there isn't any tapatalk integration
I hate Pittsburgh and everything about it, but I'm totally on board with this.I hit it once by accident and it screwed up my FFA'ing for like a month. :thumbdown:

how about when you are reading a thread on the mobile app, and you want to go back to the forum, it sends you all the way back to the forum index screen? This is very annoying too. Unless I'm doing it wrong.

how about when you are reading a thread on the mobile app, and you want to go back to the forum, it sends you all the way back to the forum index screen? This is very annoying too. Unless I'm doing it wrong.
Pretty sure it's this. There's a big button across the top that says "Back to Footballguys Free For All" (or whatever subforum you're in).
If only we had someone to intervene on our behalf. Like an ombudsman, perhaps.
Sorry. It's not an issue for people with normal sized fingers and nominal manual dexterity.
I just don't get why this functionality exists at all. Why would anyone ever want to mark the whole board as read? For me the issue is not the link at the bottom of the forum, but the buttons on the forum index. If you click on the left hand side of the button for the FFA, for example, instead of taking you to the FFA it marks the entire FFA as read (with no visual cue that that's what will happen). What purpose could that possibly serve other than to annoy the crap out of people?
Arrrrrgh! God dammit! $&@$&@&$$!!!

It is even worse on the freaking mobile upgrade! I must have reset the board 10x in the last week. For the love of God MemphisFoundry, remove this.

While we're at it...replace it with a "return to top" button...I hate having to scroll all the way back up through a thread to get to the top so I can click forums or FFA or even refresh...

i like it.
You can kiss up all you want, they aren't going to give you a three digit member number.
you sir, are speaking to a former 2 digiter.
Did you sell that to Otis?
they redid the bored numbers in 2003. i was 99 on the original, banned, of course.
Did you try hitting 'mark member as unbanned' button?

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While we're at it...replace it with a "return to top" button...I hate having to scroll all the way back up through a thread to get to the top so I can click forums or FFA or even refresh...
There is a TOP button on multi-page threads, right before the page numbers. It's not there on single page threads but with those you can just hit the back button on the phone.


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