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TIME's 2019 list of 100 most influential people (1 Viewer)


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Here is the complete list:


My favorites in no particular order:

- Christine Blasey Ford

- Robert Mueller

- Michelle Obama

- Nancy Pelosi

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Unfortunately they had to share the list with Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh :hophead:

Twitter #Time100 hashtag and discussion:

Ford didn't really influence much.  She tried but wasn't successful

Influence is difficult to know when you’re living through it. Bill Gates was arguably the most influential man of 1985 or so, but nobody knew who he was then. 

It would be more accurate to evaluate this ten years from now, sort of like an NFL draft. 

Couple of other thoughts: 

1. Where is Kylie Jenner? 

2. Where is Billie Eilish?

3. Who asked JuJu Smith Shuster to write a commentary? 

Ford didn't really influence much.  She tried but wasn't successful
Depends on what you mean by influence.

Data: Of course the Kavanaugh hearings hurt #MeToo

The premise of the article is there was a 21 percent drop amoung Republicans of those who tend to believe women who claimed to be victims of sexual assaault from before to after the Kavanaugh hearings as a result of claims which appeared to be politicized by many.  

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Here is the complete list:


My favorites in no particular order:

- Christine Blasey Ford

- Robert Mueller

- Michelle Obama

- Nancy Pelosi

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Unfortunately they had to share the list with Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh :hophead:

Twitter #Time100 hashtag and discussion:

I thought you would be all over Joanna and Chip Gaines as your favorite. :yes:

Nancy Pelosi

In terms of USA, easily.  In terms of the world- I suppose you could make an argument, but it's pretty flimsy. Her world influence is only to the level that she is counterbalance to President Trump's foreign policy.  And the fact is that she is pretty powerless in this area (as witness today's veto on Yemen.)

Donald Trump

Pretty obvious, but it remains to be seen whether or not his brand of incoherent nationalism and selective isolationism will be a passing phase or a permanent fixture of American policy.

But even if it's a passing phase, President Trump has seriously affected American policy. Our pullout from the Paris Accords on climate change, our renunciation of the Iran nuclear agreement, and our increasing support for the hardliners in Israel all have profound implications; IMO, none of them good.

Greta Thunberg

Interesting choice, but it remains to be seen how much of an impact she will have. Social media has increased the immediate power of student protests. But the main problem with action on climate change is the one we have been discussing with regard to the Green New Deal: everybody is sympathetic, but are people who are used to the comforts of western society really willing to volumntarily undergo the necessary pain and privation in order to possibly reverse climate change and prevent future disaster? There is nothing in human history which suggests that this will be the case.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

This would have been a highly significant and interesting choice IF he had been elected President of Mexico ten years ago. Back then he was basically a Hugo Chavez clone, and the implications of his Presidency for both his nation and the USA (and Latin America) would have been profound.  But I'm not so sure that this is the case anymore. Listening to him in recent years, he strikes me more as an opportunist than a leftist ideologue, and I suspect that like every Mexican President before him, he will be absorbed into the corrupt system  that has run that country for the last century or more, and very little will change. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. I would vote no on this selection. 

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

For the USA, certainly. For the world? Unless you are going to argue that her ideas are going to influence world events, or that she herself is going to be a dominant world figure, then I can't go there. And at least in the year of 2019, there's no ####### way that either of those things are the case.

Even if you're impressed by AOC's brand of leftism, she brings nothing new to the table. She's not a writer like Noam Chomsky for instance, whose ridiculous and hate filled screeds have had a profound effect on over 4 decades of university students around the globe. Nor is she a gifted speaker who can move people. She looks good, and she parrots a lot of other people's ideas. I like her some. This is an awful choice though. 

Jacinda Adern

I would say yes. I never heard of this woman before Christchurch. I don't think her actions on gun control are going to have a big effect (not in this country, certainly), but the reason I agree with this choice is that her attitude on immigrants and refugees, which captured the world's attention after the massacre, is 180 degrees from President Trump's, who in recent years has become the dominant world voice on this issue. Adern provides a counterpoint to Trump's isolationism and anti-immigrant fervor, and for that reason alone she deserves to be on this list.

Juan Guaido

Well this really depends, doesn't it? There is a long history of people who are recognized by the world as the leader of a nation, yet they are in exile, or not the real leader, etc. If he becomes the President, leads a peaceful (or perhaps not so peaceful) revolution, then I would say yes. If he's forced into exile or Maduros manages to hold onto power, no.

Abiy Ahmed

I know very little about this situation so I can't judge if this is a deserving choice. It would sure be nice if some of these African nations got real reformers in charge rather than the corrupt and/or despotic rulers that have dominated so much of their recent history. Guess we'll have to see. 

Mitch McConnell

He was far more influential, in terms of the world, during the years 2009-16, when he opposed President Obama at every turn, sometimes effectively (the Senate majority leader has much more power to impact foreign policy than does the House Speaker.)

Now however he rarely does anything to oppose Trump's foreign policy even though it is decidedly at odds with McConnell's entire career. But he won't lift a finger, so I vote no.

Brett Kavanaugh

Hell no. A nominally conservative judge replaces a nominally conservative judge on the US Supreme Court. Is anyone who does not live in the United States impacted at all by this change? I can't see how. This is the ultimate insular choice on this list. 

Jane Goodall

A remarkable woman, but I don't think this list is supposed to be a lifetime achievement award. Has she done anything particularly of note last year? Or in the last decade for that matter? Sorry, no.

Benjamin Netanyahu

Absolutely deserves to be on this list. Much more than Menachem Begin or Ariel Sharon (his two philosophical fathers, as it were), he has changed the state of Israel from the idealistic liberal state that David Ben Gurion envisioned, into a right wing hardline country that justifies itself by Scripture rather than by morality and has no plan or feeling for the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

For the USA, certainly. For the world? Unless you are going to argue that her ideas are going to influence world events, or that she herself is going to be a dominant world figure, then I can't go there. And at least in the year of 2019, there's no ####### way that either of those things are the case.

Even if you're impressed by AOC's brand of leftism, she brings nothing new to the table. She's not a writer like Noam Chomsky for instance, whose ridiculous and hate filled screeds have had a profound effect on over 4 decades of university students around the globe. Nor is she a gifted speaker who can move people. She looks good, and she parrots a lot of other people's ideas. I like her some. This is an awful choice though. 
She looks good? Dont slut shame her. I know you aren't, but this is our new america.  

Hoesung Lee

Yes. If anyone one figure around the world is going to effectively combat climate change, it's going to be this guy, not AOC. Unlike her, he knows what he's talking about. We need to listen to his ideas more; the rest of the world already is. 

Xi Jinping

Yes, and he may be the best leader China has ever had. Along with Jeff Bezos, arguably the most powerful man on Earth.

Leana Wen

She is the current President of Planned Parenthood, and I don't see how you can make this choice even if we were talking exclusively about influential people within the USA. I very much admire Planned Parenthood, but the truth is they have lost a lot of their influence on society in recent years. Hopefully they'll get it back, but this is a bad choice in 2019.

Imran Khan

I don't know much about him but I would have to say yes due to the geographical importance of Pakistan alone. Whether he is a positive or negative influence on the world remains to be seen. 

Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Zayed

Absolutely. Like his predecessors, he basically dictates American foreign policy in the Middle East. 

Cyril Ramaphosa

Yes and I'm tentatively optimistic that he can purge South Africa from the corruption of Jacob Zuma and return it to the glory years of Mandela's Presidency. 

Matteo Salvini

Unfortunately yes.  Europe's closest thing to Donald Trump, actually far worse. Nativist, nationalist, bigoted, and stupid. But his power is growing. 

Jair Bolsonaro

Unfortunately yes. See my comment on Salvini, but add in homophobia. Would love to see his reaction to a Buttigieg presidency. 

Obviously missing from this list are Vlad Putin and the leader of the free world, Angela Merkel. It's absurd that anyone would think they don't belong as two of the world's most influential people. But AOC does? Lol. 

I agree. She shouldn’t be on this list. 

Its also very Americentric, as usual. 
Disagree...she spoke out under tremendous scrutiny.  Moreso than most who have to come forward.  Id guess that some victims may see her getting grilled by congress like that as extremely brave and think if she could handle that, they could handle going to the authorities.

Disagree...she spoke out under tremendous scrutiny.  Moreso than most who have to come forward.  Id guess that some victims may see her getting grilled by congress like that as extremely brave and think if she could handle that, they could handle going to the authorities.
These are supposed to be the 100 most influential people in the world. Do you suppose a family in Argentina is affected by the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford? Nobody related to our Supreme Court should be on that list. 

These are supposed to be the 100 most influential people in the world. Do you suppose a family in Argentina is affected by the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford? Nobody related to our Supreme Court should be on that list. 
As you pointed out, this is an Americancentric list.  I merely disagreed saying she didn't influence much.

Here is the complete list:


My favorites in no particular order:

- Christine Blasey Ford

- Robert Mueller

- Michelle Obama

- Nancy Pelosi

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Unfortunately they had to share the list with Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh :hophead:

Twitter #Time100 hashtag and discussion:

Some of the authors are as interesting as the subjects.


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