The Sniper
What's not to like about Slaton? He looks like another Domanick Davis to me (although hopefully healthier). I'm think a lot of posters from 2 weeks ago are pretty bummed to have let Slaton go.
Interesting. I will post any potential Slaton trade here if it happens.This is my thinking as well - I am considering whether Slaton plus Winslow is a good offer for Gates.Exactly. I mentioned in Fear and Loathing's Dynasty thread that I need to trade Slaton for some TE talent. I proposed a trade with the Tony Gonzales owner and was turned down. I think Slaton does well vs. Indy and I get another offer for Slaton next week.another nice game this week and his value goes way up, looks like the trades are getting better for him
My Magic 8-Ball says outlook fuzzyWhat do you think the likelihood of Winslow and the Browns turning it around, and actually getting an increase in red zone targets though? I would like to think that they have a decent shot to do so, but I am far from convinced.Yeah - the last two games have been scary for me in non-PPR leagues. I am really down on Winslow, and really high on Gates. In a PPR, I'd probably offer Slaton straight up for Gates (as this thread suggested) and expect to at least not be laughed at.ETA - though Winslow is on pace for more targets this year than last, and in PPR leagues he is pretty good, his lone target in the red zone in 4 games is something to be really scared about in non-PPR leagues. The flip side is that he might return closer to last year's red zone numbers, in which case, he is due for a lot of red zone targets from here on out. My response is that Gates is more likely to have more chances from this point forward than Winslow.You must really be down on Winslow huh? Despite his bad start he is still TE5 in my PPR league. If I was the Gates owner I'd jump on that right away, not that that means anything.This is my thinking as well - I am considering whether Slaton plus Winslow is a good offer for Gates.Exactly. I mentioned in Fear and Loathing's Dynasty thread that I need to trade Slaton for some TE talent. I proposed a trade with the Tony Gonzales owner and was turned down. I think Slaton does well vs. Indy and I get another offer for Slaton next week.another nice game this week and his value goes way up, looks like the trades are getting better for him
I know I have Slatontraderemorse.What's not to like about Slaton? He looks like another Domanick Davis to me (although hopefully healthier). I'm think a lot of posters from 2 weeks ago are pretty bummed to have let Slaton go.
Its bad form to trade a guy and then tell everyone in your league how you fleeced him, good luck trading the rest of the year with your league members!In one of my leagues a team just traded Slaton straight up for R.Brown......Now you may say that's not so bad! But I'm not talking about Ronnie butBrown, Reggie PHI WR. It is a ppr league and after last week Slaton is #12 in points per week. To make matters worse we keep 2off,1def,and one Rookie per yr so starting rookie Rbs are like gold. At best Reggie is a #3wr but when Curtis comes back he may not be playable with the emergence of D Jackson.The team posted that he was willing to trade Slaton for a WR at 6:30 last night and pulled the trigger on first offer at 7:15 or so.You may say I'm just mad I did not get him but I have SJAX and LT in that league and no depth at WR so I could not make an offer.I own Slaton in my other league along with SJAX and Lynch same rules as other league and would not even consider trading him for less than a top 10 Wr at this point. Especially with the game against Indy this week. When I posted on website that I thought it was a bad trade he got all upset.Just wondered if you guy think I'm putting to much value on Slaton?Just in case you wonderd what his Rbs and Wrs looked like after tradeGrant, Ryan GBP RB Jones, Thomas NYJ RB Norwood, Jerious ATL RB Turner, Michael ATL RBBerrian, Bernard MIN WR Brown, Reggie PHI WREngram, Bobby SEA WR Henderson, Devery NOS WR Houshmandzadeh, T.J. CIN WR Johnson, Bryant SFO WR Welker, Wes NEP WR
Did you read the whole thing? I was not involved in the trade.Its bad form to trade a guy and then tell everyone in your league how you fleeced him, good luck trading the rest of the year with your league members!In one of my leagues a team just traded Slaton straight up for R.Brown......Now you may say that's not so bad! But I'm not talking about Ronnie butBrown, Reggie PHI WR. It is a ppr league and after last week Slaton is #12 in points per week. To make matters worse we keep 2off,1def,and one Rookie per yr so starting rookie Rbs are like gold. At best Reggie is a #3wr but when Curtis comes back he may not be playable with the emergence of D Jackson.The team posted that he was willing to trade Slaton for a WR at 6:30 last night and pulled the trigger on first offer at 7:15 or so.You may say I'm just mad I did not get him but I have SJAX and LT in that league and no depth at WR so I could not make an offer.I own Slaton in my other league along with SJAX and Lynch same rules as other league and would not even consider trading him for less than a top 10 Wr at this point. Especially with the game against Indy this week. When I posted on website that I thought it was a bad trade he got all upset.Just wondered if you guy think I'm putting to much value on Slaton?Just in case you wonderd what his Rbs and Wrs looked like after tradeGrant, Ryan GBP RB Jones, Thomas NYJ RB Norwood, Jerious ATL RB Turner, Michael ATL RBBerrian, Bernard MIN WR Brown, Reggie PHI WREngram, Bobby SEA WR Henderson, Devery NOS WR Houshmandzadeh, T.J. CIN WR Johnson, Bryant SFO WR Welker, Wes NEP WR
You got hosed.As a dynasty (not PPR) owner of Moss, I would jump all over that on nay given Sunday. I'm not rebuilding. I'm never somebody who wants to sacrifice the present for the future, unless the situation is grim. I'm not the biggest Slaton fan, either...But I'd jump all over the chance to get a starting RB and Anthony Gonzalez for Moss. See Ya!yeah, you think that's lopsided? (if so, which way?)ppr dynasty league -- traded slaton and anthony gonzalez for randy mossSeriously?
unless you really really need a running back that seems like a bad trade for the moss owner to me, Moss is going to be a top receiver for at least another 2-3 years imo...You got hosed.As a dynasty (not PPR) owner of Moss, I would jump all over that on nay given Sunday. I'm not rebuilding. I'm never somebody who wants to sacrifice the present for the future, unless the situation is grim. I'm not the biggest Slaton fan, either...But I'd jump all over the chance to get a starting RB and Anthony Gonzalez for Moss. See Ya!yeah, you think that's lopsided? (if so, which way?)ppr dynasty league -- traded slaton and anthony gonzalez for randy mossSeriously?
This trade was approved today.Last week I offered Slaton for Tony Gonzalez. My TEs are terrible (Sciancoe and Stevens). The owner rejected my offer, but I wasn't worried. Sure enough, Slaton tore up Indy and the Gonzalez owner wants Slaton now.
Awhile back, I traded Slaton for Tony Gonzalez in my Dynasty league. A week later, the guy traded Slaton for Kurt Warner. Not a great Dynasty trade, but the guy really needed help at QB.offers/trades sitting about the same or getting better now days? or are people really holding onto him now?
Pairing him WITH Warner or FOR Warner? Warner ranks only behind Brees, and not by much...who is this QB you're going after?I was curious on gameday to see how he would do - I am pleasantly surprised he did that well and he is getting some attention from other owners. I would love to hear what he is going for, so keep the reports coming.Personally I have a decent RB depth, so I may try and move him. Thinking of pairing him up with Warner for a top Qb to a team that is struggling with RBs. Maybe to the FWP owner, too.
I am not doing this anymore. I was thinking Brees at the time, to trade Slaton and Warner for Brees, but I waited it out, and kept Warner. I made a trade for Slaton for Ocho Stinko, thinking he could turn it around, so I still made a bad deal, lol. But it didn't hurt me too badly, as I wound up getting Chris Johnson through other trades to cover for Bush while he is out.Pairing him WITH Warner or FOR Warner? Warner ranks only behind Brees, and not by much...who is this QB you're going after?I was curious on gameday to see how he would do - I am pleasantly surprised he did that well and he is getting some attention from other owners. I would love to hear what he is going for, so keep the reports coming.Personally I have a decent RB depth, so I may try and move him. Thinking of pairing him up with Warner for a top Qb to a team that is struggling with RBs. Maybe to the FWP owner, too.
Nice lineup - I think you should try to get a WW RB to insure for some depth, but other than that, it's solid.Last week I got Marshall for Slaton and Holmes.My starting lineup looks like:QB- WarnerRB- SJax, LenDale/Chris JohnsonWR/TE- Fitz, Marshall, JenningsK-PraterDST-TB
Many people here are loving LT's schedule left, so I am unsure of what to think at this point. Barber's sched isn't easy and Wayne has been less than stellar. Pretty even trade, if you have another RB other than Barber, since you sacraficed for some depth when trading 2 RBs.Traded Slaton and LT for Barber III and R. Wayne. What do you think?