Now you guys just sound like you're talking Japanese car repairs.I've always played sports, and I've lifted seriously for probably the last 20 years. I've tried pretty much every program imaginable, and got to a point where I just design my own programs based on what my current goals. I've had my best results with 5x5 linear (AKA Mad Cow) for strength, and Hypertrophy Cluster Training for size, but a combo program like PHUL or Power/Muscle/Burn can be really good too.
unfortunately, a couple years I had to have one of my kidneys removed, and I've never really gotten back to the level I was at pre-surgery. I'm still a dedicated lifter, but I just can't pound the protein intake like I used too. ?
anyway, I love lifting, and I think it's an amazingly beneficial activity for pretty much anyone who has the motivation to dedicate some time & effort to it.
Of course, I'm the guy that the mechanic could say "you slung your Johnson rod" and I'd be like "whoa. Sounds serious. Will $1k be enough to fix it?"
I got some research to do...