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Who gets fired next after Kiffin? (1 Viewer)

Which Coach Gets Fired First?

  • Scott Linehan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marvin Lewis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Herm Edwards

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brad Childress

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Romeo Crennel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rod Marinelli

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Reports are that Kiffin could be fire as early as today. I'd change the wording and include him in a "who gets fired first" since I think it's possible that Davis is cheap enough not to fire him until after the season, but I figured the poll would be dominated with that answer and make the thread less interesting.

Personally, I think that it has to be Linehan. That team is just all around awful. They're undisciplined, their gameplan stinks, the players look like they don't care. They really just look like the worst team in the league by far.

How much more time do Lewis, Edwards and Crennel have though? I have to imagine that Lewis lasts through the end of the year because Mike Brown won't want to pay his salary for the rest of the season and another coach's. Edwards gets off because the team is "rebuilding." Crennel could be gone though. High hopes for the season and now with an 0-2 start and that incredibly boneheaded FG decision in Week 1 could have him on the outs pretty soon. Frankly, I would have fired him immediately after the decision to kick the FG last week.

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Has to be Marvin Lewis. He has had more than enough time to prove he isnt the worst coach in football.

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What about Norv? 0-2, and there was talk that he was on the hot seat after the Chargers slow start last year. Norv can't win close games. LT has looked horrible and has been under-utilized so far...I know he's not next but should be considered.

What about Norv? 0-2, and there was talk that he was on the hot seat after the Chargers slow start last year. Norv can't win close games. LT has looked horrible and has been under-utilized so far...I know he's not next but should be considered.
Maybe he has been under-utilized because he has looked horrible?
Any of Lewis, Linehan, or Crennel would be a blessing. I'd have escorted Crennel off after not calling a timeout with :25 left in the first half last night. He is a terrible game manager. I think he is a great D Coordinator, but he needs to leave the ultimate decision making to someone with brains.

Added Marinelli since some guys seem to think it could be him. I guess I overlooked him since I just kind of view that team as a mediocre team with not enough talent.

so far cincy and st. louis look very bad linehan and lewis prolly didnt sleep well last nite. and miami looked back to last yrs form yesterday. although sparano will get a few yrs to rebuild.

I love Kiffin's attitude toward this. Anyone know what happened last night? Did he show up for the meeting? Personally I think Kiffin is doing a great job and Davis appears to be suffering from dementia.

Linehan will be the first to go.

Crennel will not because he just got an extension. The Brownies will be patient with him.

Herm and Marvin both deserve to go, but both will make it through this season at least. I think Herm probably stays into next season. (I think he has pictures of all of the NFL owners...)

Childress has the entire year. If the Vikes do not make the playoffs this year, he is done! ( :yes: Please!!!)

I think Lewis is at the end of his rope in Cincy. The way Palmer has regressed and the manner in which the overall excitement about this franchise, however fleeting it may have been, has simply dissipated has been depressing. I say this with regard to Cincy because for awhile, it really looked like they were onto something. Now they just look dated...

Linehan might be this generations Ray Handley...

Marinelli might be a good coach. But that situation needs to be completely cleared out. I see the Ford's making a BIG play for Cowher.

Crennel will get one more year no matter what, but this is a team that clearly drank their own Kool-Aid and when that happens you have to look at the coach. That said, I think they caught a good amount of lightning in a bottle last year.

Childress is a question mark. I wonder if he'll look back on his coaching career and be pleased that he staked it on Tavaris Jackson.

Herm Edwards will find a way to talk himself into staying and then the Chiefs will draft Matthew Stafford prompting him to say that he'll need at least 9 years to re-build this thing.

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Lewis definitely needs to go, and they need to bring in somebody like Cowher to fix it. Not that he'd be dumb enough to do it, of course.

OH, please, please let it be Linehan. And I hate to say it, but make Hasslet the interim HC. I just want to see someone light a fire and I don't see Saunders doing it...

Herm Edwards will find a way to talk himself into staying and then the Chiefs will draft Matthew Stafford prompting him to say that he'll need at least 9 years to re-build this thing.
:shrug: I about fell out of my chair laughing at that one. I live in Kansas City and that's just what Edwards will say. I also agree with a posterearlier that said Edwards must have pictures that he can blackmail Peterson with.
lewis gets my vote. the team has regressed in every phase of the game since carson palmer's knee injury in the playoffs.

linehan would be a close second. promoting haslet would be a bad idea because the defense is part of the problem there.

marinelli, edwards and childress round out the bottom for me. they have failed to address the shortcomings of their respective teams. they rolled the dice and it's not working out for them.

Leiws has to be the most likely choice for a bunch of reasons that go beyonf on-field performance:

1. The rap sheet the team has.

2. His backpeddling on Chris Henry; lost a lot of credibility with players, fans, media

3. Letting stars like Chad Johnson act they way they have for years. He is supposedly cracking down now, but the horse is out of the barn.

4. Releasing Rudi Johnson without a proven replacement; Watson wasn't the answer & Perry's never been healthy.

5. The team has consistently underperformed relative to the talent they have.

Linehan still needs some time. They need to rebuild the OL.

Childress needs a QB

Edwards needs a QB

Crennell has a new contract

TheDirtyWord said:
Herm Edwards will find a way to talk himself into staying and then the Chiefs will draft Matthew Stafford prompting him to say that he'll need at least 9 years to re-build this thing.
You play.To keep.The job. My vote is Linehan.
i'm voting edwards because as a chiefs fan what went down yesterday was an embarrassment but i know it wont happen until after the season at the earliest.

TheDirtyWord said:
I think Lewis is at the end of his rope in Cincy. The way Palmer has regressed and the manner in which the overall excitement about this franchise, however fleeting it may have been, has simply dissipated has been depressing. I say this with regard to Cincy because for awhile, it really looked like they were onto something. Now they just look dated...

Linehan might be this generations Ray Handley...

Marinelli might be a good coach. But that situation needs to be completely cleared out. I see the Ford's making a BIG play for Cowher.

Crennel will get one more year no matter what, but this is a team that clearly drank their own Kool-Aid and when that happens you have to look at the coach. That said, I think they caught a good amount of lightning in a bottle last year.

Childress is a question mark. I wonder if he'll look back on his coaching career and be pleased that he staked it on Tavaris Jackson.

Herm Edwards will find a way to talk himself into staying and then the Chiefs will draft Matthew Stafford prompting him to say that he'll need at least 9 years to re-build this thing.
The only way they get Cowher is making him GM, which means (Allah be praised), they'd fire Matt Millen.And by the way, Carolina was rumored to be the next landing for Cowher. But not the way they're playing now.

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