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Why is Charles Woodson unsigned? (1 Viewer)

Go back and watch games when he was healthy last season. He's done. Could he be....a decent role player on a terrible defense? Sure. But that's not Chuck Woodson's style.

Much as it pains me, the old Woodson is gone.

Go back and watch games when he was healthy last season. He's done. Could he be....a decent role player on a terrible defense? Sure. But that's not Chuck Woodson's style.

Much as it pains me, the old Woodson is gone.
:goodposting: There is a reason you did not see Packer fans shocked that he was let go...nor do you see them wanting him to return in any major role.

He's a liability in coverage because he just doesn't have the speed anymore. He brings leadership only, at this point. If I had a young team with little to no chance of going anywhere-- and I could get CW cheap-- I'd do it. But he still wants to be paid like Charles Woodson the Pro-Bowl safety.

Therein lies the problem.

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