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Woman assaults man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat at Mexican eatery, claims she's the victim, video shows (1 Viewer)

I have no problem believing shenjas been discriminated against in her life...but that isn’t an excuse for being a drunk idiot.

Assault...meh.  Wrong and stupid and yeah escort her out.  But nothing in that seemed worthy of an assault charge.

Also the guy looks like a (word I won’t say or I’d get banned).  A bit smug with the ignorant educated crap he pulled.  That doesn’t mean he should be pushed around and all that...again no excuse for her actions.

Let’s add in the assault caught on camera where a Berkeley student assualted and sucker punch a conversative who was manning a table recruiting people.  Silence..

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Let’s add in the assault caught on camera where a Berkeley student assualted and sucker punch a conversative who was manning a table recruiting people.  Silence..

Do you think every instance like that is national news?  Do you think there are not equal amounts of the opposite happening?

I'm assuming she considers herself a victim because of his micro aggression.  That Mexican restaurant should have had a room in the back with teddy bears that she could have used as a safe space.

ETA:  One of these days someone is going to do that to the wrong person and get knocked out.

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I went to a gunshow once and ran into a family dressed in Nazi outfits. The parents were wearing SS uniforms and they had two young kids in Hitler Youth outfits. 

I wanted to attack them. I wanted to walk up to the mother and slap her face and punch the dad in the mouth. Had I done so, I would have been in the wrong, not them. Whoever starts violence is in the wrong, and that’s a good thing. I didn’t do anything. 

So this woman is in the wrong, absolutely. But as a Latina  woman who runs into a guy with a MAGA hat, I can understand her emotional rage. 

Let’s add in the assault caught on camera where a Berkeley student assualted and sucker punch a conversative who was manning a table recruiting people.  Silence..
No let’s not. The MAGA hat is not analogous to a conservative message. MAGA is, for many Latinos, Muslims, and other minorities, a symbol of support for bigotry and persecution. 

I suspect there will come a day in this country, long after most conservatives will be embarrassed by Trump’s Presidency and, like Joe McCarthy, prefer not to remember him, when the MAGA symbol will be regarded about the same way we now regard the Confederate flag. 

Let’s add in the assault caught on camera where a Berkeley student assualted and sucker punch a conversative who was manning a table recruiting people.  Silence..
They are both being charged with assault and battery, as they should be.  With any luck, they will get flagged for life with a felony on their record.

They are both being charged with assault and battery, as they should be.  With any luck, they will get flagged for life with a felony on their record.
The Mexican restaurant lady should have a felony in her record?  That’s what you want?

The Mexican restaurant lady should have a felony in her record?  That’s what you want?
It’s what I think she deserves.  The video doesn’t show her hitting him in the head again as the police walk her out.  I don’t know if it will though.

I went to a gunshow once and ran into a family dressed in Nazi outfits. The parents were wearing SS uniforms and they had two young kids in Hitler Youth outfits. 

I wanted to attack them. I wanted to walk up to the mother and slap her face and punch the dad in the mouth. Had I done so, I would have been in the wrong, not them. Whoever starts violence is in the wrong, and that’s a good thing. I didn’t do anything. 

So this woman is in the wrong, absolutely. But as a Latina  woman who runs into a guy with a MAGA hat, I can understand her emotional rage. 
Are you trying to get banned?

It’s what I think she deserves.  The video doesn’t show her hitting him in the head again as the police walk her out.  I don’t know if it will though.
If the hot was the same as pushing his hat...yeah that’s crazy to want a felony.

If the hot was the same as pushing his hat...yeah that’s crazy to want a felony.
My guess is she gets misdemeanor assault and battery, disorderly conduct, and probation.  

Apparently she refused to get out of the police car and was derogatory towards the officers taking her in.  I don’t think she’s going to get off easy.

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She’s wrong, but this hardly makes a blip on my radar. Kudos to the guy for not escalating it, and he has the right to call the police. But this was basically a bar altercation, not really all that uncommon or alarming. 

I didn’t have the sound on so perhaps I missed something.

I'm sorry, that's hard to believe
I went to one yesterday...well, it was me looking at myself in the mirror at the gym.


Though I have been to a couple with my father in law.  It’s an interesting mix of people including some very scary ones.

My guess is she gets misdemeanor assault and battery, disorderly conduct, and probation.  

Apparently she refused to get out of the police car and was derogatory towards the officers taking her in.  I don’t think she’s going to get off easy.
True she deserves a bit if she resisted.  But what they showed is more of a escort her out and get her a cab vs charging her.

She has already been arrested, put in a police cruiser, booked, and charged.
I know this...I’m saying if there was more about her resisting...that’s fair.  What the video showed seemed not much different than altercations that happen all over.

I know this...I’m saying if there was more about her resisting...that’s fair.  What the video showed seemed not much different than altercations that happen all over.
And?  People get arrested for assault and battery all the time.  You can’t attack people for wearing clothing you don’t like.  

She has been charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct, as she should be.

I went to a gunshow once and ran into a family dressed in Nazi outfits. The parents were wearing SS uniforms and they had two young kids in Hitler Youth outfits. 

I wanted to attack them. I wanted to walk up to the mother and slap her face and punch the dad in the mouth. Had I done so, I would have been in the wrong, not them. Whoever starts violence is in the wrong, and that’s a good thing. I didn’t do anything. 

So this woman is in the wrong, absolutely. But as a Latina  woman who runs into a guy with a MAGA hat, I can understand her emotional rage. 
This is QUITE the analogy, and one that is very hard to believe. 

I went to a gunshow once and ran into a family dressed in Nazi outfits. The parents were wearing SS uniforms and they had two young kids in Hitler Youth outfits. 

I wanted to attack them. I wanted to walk up to the mother and slap her face and punch the dad in the mouth. Had I done so, I would have been in the wrong, not them. Whoever starts violence is in the wrong, and that’s a good thing. I didn’t do anything. 

So this woman is in the wrong, absolutely. But as a Latina  woman who runs into a guy with a MAGA hat, I can understand her emotional rage. 

good god this is bad

Tim’s post was hilarious, but he may have unknowingly stumbled onto something about why she was triggered by the MAGA hat.  And the answer is because of the media.  How much do you wanna bet this woman still thinks the Covington MAGA kids abused that Indian?  Or Jussie Smollet was attacked by 2 white guys with MAGA hats?  The damage the media has done to this country is incredible.

She didn’t cause serious bodily injury and the guy isn’t in elder care or under 14...

are you saying he’s mentally disabled?

Face it guys. It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you're on. The leader of the country promotes violence. He's done at his rallies. This is the tone he set. For every episode where the conservative was the instigator, there's an episode where the liberal was the instigator. We might as well just start one big thread. 


First of all, I would be afraid the cook would spit in my food, so wearing a MAGA hat in a Mexican Restaurant is probably not a wise thing to do.  As for the girl in the video, claiming she is a victim was ridiculous. 
Glad this ridiculous behavior is being exposed as well as the double standard held by those on the left.........anything Trump gets hysterical response vs stuff like this and Berkeley downplayed by many of the same. 

Face it guys. It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you're on. The leader of the country promotes violence. He's done at his rallies. This is the tone he set. For every episode where the conservative was the instigator, there's an episode where the liberal was the instigator. We might as well just start one big thread. 
Only difference I see is liberals condemn it when it comes from their side as opposed to "see, they do it too 😢

Glad this ridiculous behavior is being exposed as well as the double standard held by those on the left.........anything Trump gets hysterical response vs stuff like this and Berkeley downplayed by many of the same. 
Huh?  Please show where anyone is exhibiting a double standard?

Nobody is defending her or the one at Berkeley and the only downplaying of this is based on the video we have seen and where someone else claimed it should be a felony.

Also, yes, words and actions of the President of the United States is going to garner more attention than these things.  That doesn’t make any response hysterical. 

Glad this ridiculous behavior is being exposed as well as the double standard held by those on the left.........anything Trump gets hysterical response vs stuff like this and Berkeley downplayed by many of the same. 
Agree to disagree.

But I do like how you equate the actions of a drunk woman and a hot-head college student with those of the President. 

seriously the crap that is relevant now is incredible...you know what there are idiots out there.  even 2 years ago it wasn't even close to  a news story

A quick google search for “trump supporter assaults” yields a few of these types of stories, and also this:

Trump hate map

There are wrong people on both sides. 
Gomez said neither of the arrested men identified himself as an NOPD officer when he encountered them in the Mid-City Yacht Club, which is in the 400 block of South St. Patrick Street, near his house. Gomez said both men were white, and one said he didn't like the military camouflage shirt and pants being worn by Gomez, who is Hispanic.

"He asked me if I was American. I told him yes, and he got mad because he said I was fake," said Gomez, who described himself as a U.S. native who was raised in Honduras before returning to live in New Orleans. 

Gomez, who speaks Spanish as well as English with an accent, also described being asked if he served in the military.

Gomez said he did serve, including with the Louisiana National Guard, but the man who took issue with his clothing wasn't satisfied with any of his answers.

Gomez told WWL-TV that he had walked home from the neighborhood bar and was trying to leave in his truck when the other men stepped in front of the vehicle to stop it and assault him. 

Law enforcement sources familiar with the rookie officers’ version of the incident offered a different narrative, saying the fight began when one of the officers noticed a man wearing military garb and asked the man whether he had a service record. 

The sources said the officers eventually left the bar believing the matter was settled, only to find the man in military garb trailing them in his car. 

He got out of his car, the sources said, and threatened the officers, who said they fought back in self-defense.

One of the sources said the man was brandishing "a heavy walking stick" as a weapon. Gomez later said he uses a walking cane to help him cope with back problems. 

The officers then called other police officers, who responded to the scene and asked for paramedics to come. 

The victim was in stable condition when he was taken to the hospital, Emergency Medical Services spokeswoman Liz Belcher said.
I don't think this piece (OP) is exactly right and this is the only one in my area. I've been to that bar. And I remember this story in the local news.

That's a pretty low key bar, I'd have zero problem going there and I'd see them having no problem with Hispanics. In fact Hispanics generally live nearby that area and in that neighborhood. (The name is a joke because it's nowhere near water, this is a lower/middle class neighborhood). - NO cops have had serious run-ins at bars before too and the force has problems in general. Gomez was badly beat up though.

My guess is she gets misdemeanor assault and battery, disorderly conduct, and probation.  

Apparently she refused to get out of the police car and was derogatory towards the officers taking her in.  I don’t think she’s going to get off easy.
busted for process crimes. typical

The woman who assaulted a Falmouth man a week ago Friday at a Mexican restaurant over his red “Make America Great Again” hat is in the country illegally and was arrested Tuesday morning by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Deportation officers with ICE’s Fugitive Operations Team arrested Rosiane Santos, an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil, today near Falmouth, Massachusetts,” said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement John Mohan. 

“Santos is currently facing local charges for assault and other offenses,” he said. “She is presently in ICE custody and has been entered into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts.”
good things happen to good people 
The woman who assaulted a Falmouth man a week ago Friday at a Mexican restaurant over his red “Make America Great Again” hat is in the country illegally and was arrested Tuesday morning by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Deportation officers with ICE’s Fugitive Operations Team arrested Rosiane Santos, an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil, today near Falmouth, Massachusetts,” said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement John Mohan. 

“Santos is currently facing local charges for assault and other offenses,” he said. “She is presently in ICE custody and has been entered into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts.”

good things happen to good people 
Stupid is, stupid does.  I bet she is engaged in some reflection as she straightens her jump suit that has knotted up her back side. 

seriously the crap that is relevant now is incredible...you know what there are idiots out there.  even 2 years ago it wasn't even close to  a news story
2 years ago (well actually 3 years ago) we didn't have weekly assaults on people who have different political beliefs.

We haven't seen this level of hatred and violence by the Democrats since the 1960's.

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