Andy Dufresne
Circa 50 A.D.BTW - Precious must mean something different in the land where the toilet water flushes the wrong way.Since when is London the ### end of the Roman Empire?
Circa 50 A.D.BTW - Precious must mean something different in the land where the toilet water flushes the wrong way.Since when is London the ### end of the Roman Empire?
Pretty much from the time the Romans conquered it to the time that they up and left (on their own accord). It was a frontier territory.London was not a major city. There's plenty of evidence that Wroxeter was larger Roman settlement, and Bath certainly was. And none of those cities had much importance in the grand scheme of things to Rome. They were about as important as American Samoa is to the US.Again,you're welcome to your reservations about my team. Far be it from me to complain about you making comments. But if you say something that just isn't true, be prepared to get called on it. If that bothers you, perhaps YOU shouldn't be posting your commentary on a public message board.Since when is London the ### end of the Roman Empire?Another precious drafter crying because I didn't praise his line up and agree with everything he says.Sure you can debate Catherine the Great, I'm fine with that.Please point out another inaccuracy I have uttered. I'm all ears
You can't 'sell' a Pizzaro or a Cyrus the Great'.Sure they are good selections, but they aren''t going to take this team over the top.12 RBs were off the board before you even selected one. All sides bar one had at least 1 RB, somne even had 2.If Tomlinson, Williams, Alexander, McAllister, Green, Holmes, Henry, Portis were off the board would you be at a disadvatage?You can still win championships, but the stud is missingTo make up for this you have to draft elsewhere and as I mentioned you excelled at WR (Picks 1, 2 & 3)Then why are my RB picks "nothing special"?Most of the people dratfed in this are ####### leaders, it's just the degree in how successful they are that matters.
GB an Australian EducationCirca 50 A.D.BTW - Precious must mean something different in the land where the toilet water flushes the wrong way.
Entry: precious Function: adjective Definition: sophisticated Synonyms: affected, alembicated, artful, artificial, chichi, choosy, dainty, delicate, fastidious, finicky, fragile, fussy, la-di-da, nice, ostentatious, overnice, overrefined, particular, persnickety, picky, pretentious, précieux, refined, showy, sophisticated, stagy, studied Concept: specificity Source: Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.0)Copyright © 2003 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
Pretty much from the time the Romans conquered it to the time that they up and left (on their own accord). It was a frontier territory.London was not a major city. There's plenty of evidence that Wroxeter was larger Roman settlement, and Bath certainly was. And none of those cities had much importance in the grand scheme of things to Rome. They were about as important as American Samoa is to the US.Again,you're welcome to your reservations about my team. Far be it from me to complain about you making comments. But if you say something that just isn't true, be prepared to get called on it. If that bothers you, perhaps YOU shouldn't be posting your commentary on a public message board.Since when is London the ### end of the Roman Empire?Another precious drafter crying because I didn't praise his line up and agree with everything he says.Sure you can debate Catherine the Great, I'm fine with that.Please point out another inaccuracy I have uttered. I'm all ears
Sure you can debate Catherine the Great, I'm fine with that.Please point out another inaccuracy I have uttered. I'm all ears
"Incontheivable""You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."Definitely a different usage than I've seen before.GB an Australian EducationCirca 50 A.D.BTW - Precious must mean something different in the land where the toilet water flushes the wrong way.Entry: precious Function: adjective Definition: sophisticated Synonyms: affected, alembicated, artful, artificial, chichi, choosy, dainty, delicate, fastidious, finicky, fragile, fussy, la-di-da, nice, ostentatious, overnice, overrefined, particular, persnickety, picky, pretentious, précieux, refined, showy, sophisticated, stagy, studied Concept: specificity Source: Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.0)Copyright © 2003 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
Oh man, this is great.Maybe I am still concentrating on the 'Deadly Animal Draft' or maybe my parents harping about the dangers of a one-world system have finally gotten to me. My next selection is: George W. Bush (Good Political Leader).
If the criteria for a notable leader is that you leave the world a much different place- then GWB has left a mark like no other. From sticking up the collective middle fingers of the American populace at the U.N. to leading the political charge in toppling several countries and establishing a radically new and dangerous foreign policy for the greatest nation ever- GB GWB. Whether you like him or not you have to admit that he has set the worlds political leaders on their ear and set notice that the West will not go quietly into the night.
The EU? Whatever. As long as GWB is president, the EU will firmly remain a dream in the minds of men who would rather shoot their wad of world supremacy on the cheap ho that is France, than actually do something about it. Bush has not only changed the world, he set notice to everyone that the United States is, once again, a force to be reckoned with- in every sense.
Updates?World Leader Draft
Basic Rules
10 Leaders selected
50% Evil/Worst
50% Good/Best
2 QB's, 3RB's, 4 WR's, and 1K
QB's = Religious leaders
RB's = Military leaders
WR's = Political leaders
K = Female leaders
Small paragraph (less tha 300 words) noting acheievements. You will be judged on both the quality of the selection and the content of the write-up. A brief synopsis is required at selection time, but can be edited for content until the end of the draft. Please identify which position you are filling, since some leaders could possibly fill more than one role. The sole purpose of your choices will be to impress, whether due to achievements or forvalue.
Draft Order
1. Andy
2. The Colonel
3. PatsFan
4. NCCommish
5. Tri-Man
6. GatorShawn
7. DC
8. Yankee
9. scoobygang
10. Kovax
11. MTS
1.01 Andy - Stalin - WR - Politics - Evil
1.02 The Colonel - The Prophet Muhammed - QB - Religion - Good
1.03 PatsFan - Jesus Christ - QB - Religion - Good
1.04 NCCommish - Hitler - WR - Politics - Evil
1.05 Tri-Man - Alexander the Great - RB - Military - Good
1.06 Gator Shawn - Ghandi - WR - Politics - Good
1.07 DCThunder - Reagan - WR - Politics - Good
1.08 Yankee23 - Julius Ceasar - RB - Military - Good
1.09 scoobygang - Napolean - WR - Politics - Good
1.10 Kovax - Pol Pot - RB - Military - Evil
1.11 MTS - Atilla the Hun - RB - Military - Good
2.01 MTS - Mao Tse Tung - WR - Political - Evil
2.02 Kovax - George "Dubya" Bush - WR - Political - Good
2.03 scoobygang - Queen Elizabeth I - K - Political - Good
2.04 Yankee23 - Genghis Khan - RB - Military - Evil
2.05 DCThunder - Buddha - QB - Religious - Good
2.06 Gator Shawn - Emperor Hirohito - WR - Political - Evil
2.07 Tri-Man - Catherine the Great - K - Female - Good
2.08 NCCommish - Martin Luther - QB - Religion - Good
2.09 Patsfan - Ivan the Terrible - RB - Political - Evil
2.10 The Colonel - Madame Chiang Kai Shek - K - Female - Good
2.11 Andy Dufresne - Gen George Washington - WR - Political - Good
3.01 Andy Dufresne - Constantine the Great - WR - Political - Good
3.02 The Colonel - Aleister Crowley - QB - Religion - Evil
3.03 Patsfan - Dali Llama I - Phil - WR - Political - Good
3.04 NCCommish - Charlemagne - RB - Military - Good
3.05 Tri-Man - Suleyman - RB - Political - Good
3.06 Gator Shawn - Confucius - QB - Religion - Good
3.07 DCThunder - Queen Victoria - K - Female - Good
3.08 Yankee23 - Tomás de Torquemada - QB - Religion - Evil
3.09 scoobygang - Saladin - RB - Military - Good
3.10 Kovax - Moses - QB - Religion - Good
3.11 MTS - Joan of Arc - K - Female - Good
4.01 MTS - Abraham - QB - Religion - Good
4.02 Kovax - Oprah Winfrey - K - Female - Fat
4.03 scoobygang - Pope Urban II - QB - Religion - Evil
4.04 Yankee23 - Cardinal Armand-Jean du Plessis de Richelieu - QB - Religion - Evil
4.05 DCThunder - Emperor Caesar Augustus - WR - Political - Good
4.06 Gator Shawn - Sun Tzu - RB - Military - Good
4.07 Tri-Man - Cleopatra - QB - Religion - Evil
4.08 NCCommish - Tamerlane - RB - Military - Evil
4.09 Patsfan - Omar/Umar Caliphate - QB - Religious - Good
4.10 The Colonel - Publiu Cornelius Scipio - RB - Military - Good
4.11 Andy Dufresne - Lao Tzu - QB - Religious - Good
5.01 Andy Dufresne - Francisco Pizarro - RB - Military - Evil
5.02 The Colonel - Hernando Cortez - RB - Military - Evil
5.03 Patsfan - Hannibal - WR - Military - Good
5.04 NCCommish - Evita Peron - K - Female - Good
5.05 Tri-Man - Saddam Hussein - WR - Captured Political Headcase - Bad
5.06 Gator Shawn - William the Conqueror - RB - Military - Good
5.07 DCThunder Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre - WR - Political - Bad
5.08 Yankee23 - James Madison - WR - Political - Good
5.09 scoobygang - Themistocles - RB - Military - Good
5.10 Kovax - Slick Willy - WR - Political - Good*
5.11 MTS - Gustavus Adolphus - RB - Military - Good
6.01 MTS - George S. Patton, Jr. - RB - Military - Great
6.02 Kovax - Anton Levay - QB - Religious - Evil
6.03 scoobygang - Rashid al-Din Sinan - QB - Religious - Evil
6.04 Yankee23 - Winston Churchill - WR - Political - Great
6.05 DCThunder - King MOCTEZUMA II - WR - Political - Evil
6.06 Gator Shawn - Vlad "the Impaler" Tepes - WR - Political - Evil
6.07 Tri-Man - the Duke of Wellington - WR - Political - Good
6.08 NCCommish - Shaka "Kahn" Zulu - RB - Military - Evil
6.09 Patsfan - Hilary "Hitlery" Clinton - K - Female - Evil
6.10 The Colonel - King Oliver Cromwell - WR - Political - Good
6.11 Andy Dufresne - Cyrus the Great - RB - Military - Good
7.01 Andy Dufresne - Zoroaster - QB - Religious - Good
7.02 The Colonel Robert Mugabe - WR - Political - Evil/Worst
7.03 Patsfan - Vo Nguyen Giap - RB - Military - Evil
7.04 NCCommish - FDR - WR - Political - Good
7.05 Tri-Man - John Calvin - QB - Religious - Good
7.06 Gator Shawn - Rasputin - QB - Religious - Evil
7.07 DCThunder - Lord Horatio Nelson - RM - Military - Good
7.08 Yankee23 - Pharaoh Ramesses II - WR - Condom - Good
7.09 scoobygang - Teddy Roosevelt - WR - Political - Good
7.10 Kovax - Slobodan Milosovic - WR - Political - Evil
7.11 MTS - Reverend Jim Jones - QB - Religious - Evil
8.01 MTS - Idi Amin - WR - Political - Evil
8.02 Kovax - Heinz Guderian - RB - Military - Evil
8.03 scoobygang - Winnie Mandela - WR - Political - Evil
8.04 Yankee23 - Vladimir Lenin - WR - Political - Evil
8.05 DCThunder - Georgi Zhukov - RB - Military - Evil
8.06 Gator Shawn - Gen. Robert E. Lee - RB - Military - Good
8.07 Tri-Man - Kim Il Sung - WR - Political - Evil
8.08 NCCommish - Martin Luther King, Jr. - QB - Religious - Good
8.09 Patsfan - Pompey the Great - RB - Military - Evil
8.10 The Colonel - Neville Chamberlain - WR - Political - Evil
8.11 Andy Dufresne - Ayatollah Khomeni - WR - Political - Evil
9.01 Andy Dufresne - Heinrich Himmler - RB - Military - Evil
9.02 The Colonel - Col. William Donovan - RB - Military - Good
9.03 Patsfan - Thomas Jefferson - WR - Political - Good
9.04 NCCommish - King Léopold II of Belgium - WR - Political - Evil
9.05 Tri-Man - Yassir Arafat - WR - Political - Evil
9.06 Gator Shawn - Elisabeth Bathory - K - Female - Evil
9.07 DCThunder - Pope Alexander VI - QB - Religious - Evil
9.08 Yankee23 - Iceni Queen Boudicca - K - Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary - Good
9.09 scoobygang - William Walker - RB - Military - Evil
9.10 Kovax - Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower - RB - Military - Good
9.11 MelvinTScupper - Tojo Hideki - WR - Political - Evil
10.01 MelvinTScupper - Mohmmar Qadaffi - WR - Political - Evil
10.02 Kovax - Mikhail Gorbachev - WR - Political - Good
10.03 scoobygang - Indira Ghandi - WR - Political - Evil
10.04 Yankee23 - General Wm. Sherman - RB - Military - Evil
10.05 DCThunder - General Gge. Custer - RB - Military - Evil
10.06 Gator Shawn - Emporer Nero Germanicus - WR - Political - Evil
10.07 Tri-Man - Geronimo - RB - Military - Evil
10.08 NCCommish - Mohamed Suharto - WR - Political - Evil
10.09 Patsfan - Louis XIV - WR - Political - Evil
10.10 The Colonel -
10.11 Andy Dufresne - Queen Mary I - K - Female - Worst
*(indicates under review)