Direct Headline (PODCAST): Democrats Suddenly Discover Joe Biden Is 79
As Joe Biden's approval numbers sag, Democrats begin saying that his age means he should step aside in 2024. Why the sudden change, since this question was treated as taboo in 2020, and where would Democrats turn if Biden declined to run for re-election? ....Last week, there were articles in the New York Times and the Atlantic with democratic sources making the argument that President Biden should not run again for President in 2024, but the White House still insists that he plans to do just that. Here's a clip of CNN's Don Lemon speaking with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre....
Don Lemon: The president had the stamina physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: Don, you're asking me this question. Oh my gosh, he's the President of the United States. I can't even keep up with it. We just got back from New Mexico, we just got back from California. That is not a question that we should be even asking, just look at the work that he does. Look how he's delivering for the American public. Look, that article that we're talking about is hearsay. It's salacious. That's not what we care about.....
Kyle Peterson: Kim to start with. What do you think explains the sudden breaking of this omerta on talking about President Biden's age?
Kim Strassel: Can I just say now they tell us, right? I mean, no one was allowed to even walk up next to this subject the entire time he was in his basement during the campaign season. Now here we are, and the answer to me is incredibly obvious, which is the poll numbers are terrible and the party's in a lot of trouble. What are they going to do? They'd like to be able to blame this on Biden's age, the notion that he is off by a step..... because it's such an obvious attempt to blame it all on his age and potentially thereby allow them to not confront the reality that actually it's mostly their policies that are causing the problem......
Kyle Peterson: But just to provide some numbers to compare before President Biden, the oldest president in office to date was Ronald Reagan, he was three weeks shy of 78 when he left the oval office. Second oldest was Donald Trump at 74 and a half and then we have 70 for Dwight Eisenhower and Andrew Jackson, not quite 69 for Harry Truman and George H HW Bush. And now we're talking about President Biden will be 82 in 2024, which means he would be 86 at the end of a second term......
Mene Ukueberuwa: ....Joe Biden is sinking in the polls and so they know that he probably is going to have to decide whether he does want to run again in 2024 within the next few months. And they want to try to float the narrative that he isn't fit in order to try to gently persuade him to decline to seek a second term. And so we'll see whether that argument is persuasive to him.... And maybe the conversation around his age is even making him more likely to run again.....
Kim Strassel: ...but I was always of the belief that the best thing Joe Biden could've ever done, which probably would've won him and even a greater victory had he said it when he was campaigning the first time was I'm going to be a one term president. I'm here to be a caretaker president ..... he would have an opportunity to say, I'm not going to run again, but what I am going to do is use my last two years to get some stuff done and unlock himself from the leash of the progressive left and work with members of Congress..... I also find that almost impossible to believe he would do that. But if the pressure continues to Mount on him, that would arguably be the smartest way forward....
Mene Ukueberuwa: ....And you're right to say, the Democrats don't really have the deepest bench right now, either in the progressive lane or in the more moderate lane. There isn't anyone who seems to combine sort of great charisma with an existing national profile and a lot of experience. So it would probably be a very, very brutal, drawn out open contest to see who might succeed in taking over for Biden.....
Paul Gigot, Kim Strassel, Bill McGurn and Kyle Peterson 6/20/2022 10:16:00 AM
Direct Headline: Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise.
In interviews, dozens of frustrated Democratic officials, members of Congress and voters expressed doubts about the president’s ability to rescue his reeling party and take the fight to Republicans.Midway through the 2022 primary season, many Democratic lawmakers and party officials are venting their frustrations with President Biden’s struggle to advance the bulk of his agenda, doubting his ability to rescue the party from a predicted midterm trouncing and increasingly viewing him as an anchor that should be cut loose in 2024.....
.....Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who backed Mr. Biden in 2020, reveal a party alarmed about Republicans’ rising strength and extraordinarily pessimistic about an immediate path forward.....“To say our country was on the right track would flagrantly depart from reality,” said Steve Simeonidis, a Democratic National Committee member .... “ (he) should announce his intent not to seek re-election in ’24 right after the midterms.”....Most top elected Democrats were reluctant to speak on the record about Mr. Biden’s future...But the repeated failures of his administration to pass big-ticket legislation on signature Democratic issues, as well as his halting efforts to use the bully pulpit of the White House to move public opinion, have left the president with sagging approval ratings.....
....That has left Democratic leaders struggling to explain away a series of calamities for the party that all seem beyond Mr. Biden’s control: inflation rates unseen in four decades, surging gas prices, a lingering pandemic, a spate of mass shootings, a Supreme Court poised to end the federal right to an abortion, and key congressional Democrats’ refusal to muscle through the president’s Build Back Better agenda....To nearly all the Democrats interviewed, the president’s age — 79 now, 82 by the time the winner of the 2024 election is inaugurated — is a deep concern about his political viability.....“The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue,” said David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Barack Obama’s two winning presidential campaigns.....
.....These Democrats mentioned a host of other figures who lost to Mr. Biden in the 2020 primary: Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Cory Booker of New Jersey; Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; and Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman who is now running for Texas governor, among others.....“Democrats are like, ‘What the hell is going on?’” Ms. Crockett said. “Our country is completely falling apart. And so I think we’re lacking in the excitement....”....Adrianne Shropshire, the executive director of BlackPAC, an African American political organizing group, said her chief concern was that Black voters, having watched Mr. Biden and Democrats fail to deliver on core promises, don’t come back to vote in November.....“Does this frustration and the malaise and the worry and the fear, does that translate into an ongoing enthusiasm gap, and does that cause people to feel like their participation doesn’t make significant change?”
By Reid J. Epstein and Jennifer Medina June 11, 2022
Direct Headline: Biden and Fauci Botched the Covid Pandemic Response
Instead of protecting the vulnerable, they bet too heavily on vaccines to achieve herd immunity....There are many lessons to be gleaned from the U.S. pandemic response. House Democrats don’t care to study them....The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis last month issued a deeply partisan report demonizing doctors who purportedly espoused “a dangerous and discredited herd immunity via mass infection strategy.” The report took aim at the Trump administration’s embrace of the October 2020 Great Barrington Declaration, in which epidemiologists Martin Kulldorff (Harvard), Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) and Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) advocated protecting the elderly and vulnerable while allowing schools and businesses to reopen. This wasn’t a strategy to infect masses of people on purpose. The goal was to minimize deaths and social and economic harm until the country reached herd immunity through infection or vaccination....
The Great Barrington strategy of “focused protection” helped minimize the pandemic’s collateral damage until vaccines became available. The Biden administration then undertook a strategy of herd immunity via vaccination. But when this strategy failed, it doubled down with vaccine mandates....From the outset of the pandemic, the mainstream medical establishment and government bureaucracy were aligned behind a lockdown-at-all-costs strategy. The Trump White House tapped Scott Atlas, a Hoover Institution fellow and radiologist, for a contrarian perspective. Dr. Atlas endorsed the elements of the Great Barrington strategy. The House report criticizes him for a memo in which he argued that “stopping all cases is not necessary, nor is it possible. It instills irrational fear into the public. Non-prioritized testing is jeopardizing critical resources for truly critical testing and is creating problematic delays in test results for the most important populations.”....He was right on every point. Indiscriminate use of a scarce resource reduces public welfare. When tests were in short supply, Dr. Atlas’s recommendation to save them for high-risk groups such as nursing-home residents made eminent sense. His prescriptions and those of the Great Barrington Declaration aimed to maximize public welfare....
Democrats claim in their report that 130,000 lives could have been saved with more “mitigation,” but this is doubtful. California and New York, which adopted mask mandates and lockdowns during the 2020-21 winter, fared no better than Florida and Texas, which didn’t. What’s more, employment continues to lag significantly in liberal lockdown states. Had all 50 states stayed shut down until vaccines were available, with the federal government paying tens of millions of people not to work—as Democrats ostensibly would have done—we might now be experiencing high unemployment and even higher inflation....Vaccines ultimately saved the day by reducing the Covid disease burden and giving Democratic states a reason to lift their destructive lockdowns. But the Biden administration bet too heavily on vaccines to confer herd immunity. In December 2020, Anthony Fauci projected that a 75% to 85% vaccination rate could provide a “blanket of herd immunity.” This proved too optimistic....
....By spring 2021, Pfizer’s clinical trial data showed that its vaccine was becoming less protective against infection as time passed. Four months after the second dose, vaccine efficacy had declined to 84%, making breakthrough infections more likely and imperiling the Biden administration’s goals. Yet Pfizer honcho Albert Bourla writes in his new book, “Moonshot,” that federal public-health officials feared disclosing this waning efficacy would breed more vaccine hesitancy. The Biden administration kept it under wraps until July, when breakthrough infections in Provincetown, Mass., made it impossible to deny. Stories in the media were corroborated by a study from Israel the same month showing vaccine protection against infection falling to 39%....Only after the Washington Post published a leaked Centers for Disease Control and Prevention slide presentation showing that vaccine efficacy was declining did the agency acknowledge it. Still, Dr. Fauci in August insisted that herd immunity could be achieved “really easily if we get everyone vaccinated.” He should have known by then that was false....
None of these realities stopped the Biden administration from mandating vaccines for private workers and arguing in court, despite evidence to the contrary, that doing so was “necessary to protect unvaccinated workers from the risk of contracting COVID-19” and “that vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19.” After the Supreme Court blocked the mandate in January, the administration pivoted to a strategy of focused protection—e.g., distributing antiviral and monoclonal-antibody treatments and booster shots to the vulnerable. Alas, the administration’s orders were too little, too late to help when deaths and hospitalizations soared in winter 2021-22....
Nearly 600,000 Covid deaths have occurred on Mr. Biden’s watch despite vaccines and better treatments—about 180,000 more than under Donald Trump. One lesson is the importance of diverse opinions. The Biden administration paid too much heed to experts such as Dr. Fauci and ignored those who argued against placing all its eggs in the vaccine basket....Another lesson is that science evolves, and there’s no shame in admitting error. Most scientists were wrong about what it would take to achieve herd immunity. But it’s better to correct mistakes than compound them, which is what the Biden administration did. Why it did is something for a future GOP Congress to investigate....
By Allysia Finley July 7, 2022 1:08 pm ET
Direct Headline: Stop Calling It a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’
....“Your refusal has cost all of us,” President Joe Biden said to unvaccinated people last week, as he announced a new COVID-vaccine mandate for all workers at private companies with more than 100 employees. The vaccinated, he said, are angry and frustrated with the nearly 80 million people who still haven’t received a vaccine, and their patience “is wearing thin.”....Yes, vaccine mandates increase vaccination rates. The White House reported 4 million more first doses in August than in July, after Biden announced his first mandate, for federal workers. And the number of shots administered daily jumped 80 percent from mid-July to the end of August. But the way the mandates are being presented is driving a wedge between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. If the goal is to inoculate enough people to reach herd immunity, this approach may eventually backfire....
....Biden’s latest mandate requires more than 80 million Americans to get vaccinated or show negative COVID-test results at least once a week. Some early evidence (not yet peer-reviewed) suggests that vaccine requirements can be counterproductive because they make people feel pressured and may increase existing distrust of public-health initiatives, especially among marginalized groups.... Often, the people who are vaccine hesitant are our own family, friends, and colleagues. That’s worth remembering, because it reminds us who is at risk if we alienate the unvaccinated. If there’s any chance of persuading them to get a shot—and ample evidence shows that doing so is possible—it’s not going to happen if we only enforce policies that exclude them, foster resentment, and make them feel like their fears and concerns are being dismissed.....
By Yasmin Tayag September 18, 2021.
Direct Headline: The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
Vaccines were wasted on those who didn’t need them, and people who posed no risk lost jobs....Public-health officials ruined many lives by insisting that workers with natural immunity to Covid-19 be fired if they weren’t fully vaccinated. But after two years of accruing data, the superiority of natural immunity over vaccinated immunity is clear. By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others. It’s time to reinstate those employees with an apology....For most of last year, many of us called for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its data on reinfection rates, but the agency refused. Finally last week, the CDC released data from New York and California, which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination....Yet the CDC spun the report to fit its narrative, bannering the conclusion “vaccination remains the safest strategy.....”
.....Public-health officials have a lot of explaining to do. They used the wrong starting hypothesis, ignored contrary preliminary data, and dug in as more evidence emerged that called their position into question. Many, including Rochelle Walensky, now the CDC’s director, signed the John Snow memorandum in October 2020, which declared that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection....”.... Meanwhile, public-health officials recklessly destroyed the careers of everyday Americans, rallying to fire pilots, truck drivers and others in the supply-chain workforce who didn’t get vaccinated....Politicians and public-health officials owe an apology to Americans who lost their jobs on the false premises that only unvaccinated people could spread the virus and only vaccination could prevent its spread. Soldiers who have been dishonorably discharged should be restored their rank. Teachers, first responders, and others who have been denied their livelihood should be reinstated. Everyone is essential....
By Marty Makary Jan. 26, 2022 11:52 am ET
“Killing kings doesn’t start wars. It ends them....If you want to start a war, kidnap a prince. The king will start it for you.” - Matt Graver, Sicario: Day of the Soldado
“When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia.” ― Jordan B. Peterson
So it's time to read in-between the lines of the current media optics in place around Joe Biden.
1) Establishment Democrats, the DNC, the Progressives, the Team Blue stalwart corporate donor base, the radicals in Hollywood, the zealots in Big Education, the entire activist complicit MSM, the power brokers in Big Social Media and Big Tech, literally everyone that aligns against the GOP wants Joe Biden to not run in POTUS 2024. The issue of "age" is supposed to create a soft exit. But it ignores that point that Team Blue, in it's consistent arrogance, is going to pretend as if the entire American public are bunch of imbeciles who can't see through that kind of cheap smoke screen. Like COVID19, telling people what they can't talk about lest they be purified, is not a populist approach. And it's clear, floating names like Gavin Newsom and even the dregs like Gretchen Whitmer, that the Democratic Party is completely tone deaf to the actual electorate, as 2016 forward has shown the working class carries an open disdain for the classic corporate crony establishment cut out caricature candidate.
2) Biden is still the sitting POTUS. That means while Executive Orders can be shoved on his desk and he can be pressured to sign them without truly understanding what is going on, no one can force him not to run again, even though it would cause catastrophic losses for Team Blue up and down the ticket. To even broach that in public by any of the "contenders" would be seen as disloyalty and destroy them in the national daily media cycle in a general election
3) When the GOP retakes the House, then Hunter Biden becomes the primary high value media target to control the talking points until the 2024 general election. While Team Blue might salvage some seats in the Senate, the projections within the HOR look brutal. What no one wants to talk about in the activist complicit MSM is that the House GOP is not going to be inert here, they will be dynamic and go after everyone. Hunter Biden, COVID19 response, Afghanistan, Energy, Big Social Media, Pelosi and her husband, the parade will not stop, it's going to be Elise Stefanik turning into Sonny Corleone and going down a checklist she's been working on for over two years. The Hunter Biden narrative/MSM angled suppression can't be controlled forever and floodgates will collapse.
4) Joe Rogan said the quiet part out loud - The Biden was likely suffering from what amounts to elder abuse. That clearly, to his opinion, Biden has severe cognitive decline, up to and possibly including dementia, and he was being led by the nose into actions/inaction and policy that threatened our national security by some unelected cabal of special interests. The more glaring point is the COVID19 response and the vaccine mandates. No POTUS with actual cognitive agency would have pushed those mandates through Executive Order. That's general election poison. The backlash crosses over Party lines and loses you legacy votes. The clear design was to use Biden as a political stalking horse then create him in the media as a "sin eater" before 2024 to focus the blame all in one person instead of the entire Party apparatus while fat corporate checks were being cashed at the cost of our grandchildren's tax dollars. The problem here is the strategy is backfiring.
5) Biden's entire COVID19 response and failures plus Afghanistan means impeachment. It's unavoidable. This will be a public flogging unlike anyone has seen before in American political history. The narrative will be the every day working class was sacrificed at the altar of Team Blue public officials who became "suit and tie" drug dealers for Big Pharma overlords.
6) If Obama's personal hatchet, David Axelrod is speaking out, it means Obama cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi, which is why you are seeing more Pro Gavin Newsom coverage right now. The problem of course is the natural counter narrative is asking America if they would like to be a carbon copy of all the failures of the Golden State under Newsom for POTUS 2024. And who are we kidding, that would make Nancy Pelosi, the perpetual geriatric lush who created an On Demand liquor store for Congress during the Baby Formula Crisis, into the de facto President. That's a close to impossible sell.
7) And of course, for dessert, we have to talk about Team Blue and their insistence that the real problem is their messaging and that they can't find someone to "generate excitement" for their base. When people are worried about putting food on the table for their children and if the streets around them are safe or not. How detached from reality is the current Democratic Party if they can't see that rank and file citizens don't care about the culture war induced Limousine Liberal "bubble reality" if they are starving.
Think about how tyrannical the mindset of this hard leftist Party has become if they refuse to accept that their policies do absolutely nothing to make the lives of every day Americans and their families better. Help improve the quality of their day to day grind and offer hope and a future for their children and the masses will want to come out and vote for you. The story is the same, Team Blue wants to profit off of "democracy" but doesn't actually appear to care if democracy is ever really applied.
And now the chickens have come home to roost, Team Blue is now being held hostage by a racist grifter geriatric, mentored by a KKK Exalted Cyclops, that has managed to destroy this entire country in less than 2 years in office, and whom can't even walk up a flight of stairs anymore.
If you play stupid games, the end result is you will win stupid prizes. The problem of course is now it's far easier for American children, including your children, to suffer and die because of it.
“You should never sacrifice what you could be for what you are.” ― Jordan B. Peterson
As Joe Biden's approval numbers sag, Democrats begin saying that his age means he should step aside in 2024. Why the sudden change, since this question was treated as taboo in 2020, and where would Democrats turn if Biden declined to run for re-election? ....Last week, there were articles in the New York Times and the Atlantic with democratic sources making the argument that President Biden should not run again for President in 2024, but the White House still insists that he plans to do just that. Here's a clip of CNN's Don Lemon speaking with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre....
Don Lemon: The president had the stamina physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: Don, you're asking me this question. Oh my gosh, he's the President of the United States. I can't even keep up with it. We just got back from New Mexico, we just got back from California. That is not a question that we should be even asking, just look at the work that he does. Look how he's delivering for the American public. Look, that article that we're talking about is hearsay. It's salacious. That's not what we care about.....
Kyle Peterson: Kim to start with. What do you think explains the sudden breaking of this omerta on talking about President Biden's age?
Kim Strassel: Can I just say now they tell us, right? I mean, no one was allowed to even walk up next to this subject the entire time he was in his basement during the campaign season. Now here we are, and the answer to me is incredibly obvious, which is the poll numbers are terrible and the party's in a lot of trouble. What are they going to do? They'd like to be able to blame this on Biden's age, the notion that he is off by a step..... because it's such an obvious attempt to blame it all on his age and potentially thereby allow them to not confront the reality that actually it's mostly their policies that are causing the problem......
Kyle Peterson: But just to provide some numbers to compare before President Biden, the oldest president in office to date was Ronald Reagan, he was three weeks shy of 78 when he left the oval office. Second oldest was Donald Trump at 74 and a half and then we have 70 for Dwight Eisenhower and Andrew Jackson, not quite 69 for Harry Truman and George H HW Bush. And now we're talking about President Biden will be 82 in 2024, which means he would be 86 at the end of a second term......
Mene Ukueberuwa: ....Joe Biden is sinking in the polls and so they know that he probably is going to have to decide whether he does want to run again in 2024 within the next few months. And they want to try to float the narrative that he isn't fit in order to try to gently persuade him to decline to seek a second term. And so we'll see whether that argument is persuasive to him.... And maybe the conversation around his age is even making him more likely to run again.....
Kim Strassel: ...but I was always of the belief that the best thing Joe Biden could've ever done, which probably would've won him and even a greater victory had he said it when he was campaigning the first time was I'm going to be a one term president. I'm here to be a caretaker president ..... he would have an opportunity to say, I'm not going to run again, but what I am going to do is use my last two years to get some stuff done and unlock himself from the leash of the progressive left and work with members of Congress..... I also find that almost impossible to believe he would do that. But if the pressure continues to Mount on him, that would arguably be the smartest way forward....
Mene Ukueberuwa: ....And you're right to say, the Democrats don't really have the deepest bench right now, either in the progressive lane or in the more moderate lane. There isn't anyone who seems to combine sort of great charisma with an existing national profile and a lot of experience. So it would probably be a very, very brutal, drawn out open contest to see who might succeed in taking over for Biden.....
Paul Gigot, Kim Strassel, Bill McGurn and Kyle Peterson 6/20/2022 10:16:00 AM
Direct Headline: Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise.
In interviews, dozens of frustrated Democratic officials, members of Congress and voters expressed doubts about the president’s ability to rescue his reeling party and take the fight to Republicans.Midway through the 2022 primary season, many Democratic lawmakers and party officials are venting their frustrations with President Biden’s struggle to advance the bulk of his agenda, doubting his ability to rescue the party from a predicted midterm trouncing and increasingly viewing him as an anchor that should be cut loose in 2024.....
.....Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who backed Mr. Biden in 2020, reveal a party alarmed about Republicans’ rising strength and extraordinarily pessimistic about an immediate path forward.....“To say our country was on the right track would flagrantly depart from reality,” said Steve Simeonidis, a Democratic National Committee member .... “ (he) should announce his intent not to seek re-election in ’24 right after the midterms.”....Most top elected Democrats were reluctant to speak on the record about Mr. Biden’s future...But the repeated failures of his administration to pass big-ticket legislation on signature Democratic issues, as well as his halting efforts to use the bully pulpit of the White House to move public opinion, have left the president with sagging approval ratings.....
....That has left Democratic leaders struggling to explain away a series of calamities for the party that all seem beyond Mr. Biden’s control: inflation rates unseen in four decades, surging gas prices, a lingering pandemic, a spate of mass shootings, a Supreme Court poised to end the federal right to an abortion, and key congressional Democrats’ refusal to muscle through the president’s Build Back Better agenda....To nearly all the Democrats interviewed, the president’s age — 79 now, 82 by the time the winner of the 2024 election is inaugurated — is a deep concern about his political viability.....“The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue,” said David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Barack Obama’s two winning presidential campaigns.....
.....These Democrats mentioned a host of other figures who lost to Mr. Biden in the 2020 primary: Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Cory Booker of New Jersey; Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; and Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman who is now running for Texas governor, among others.....“Democrats are like, ‘What the hell is going on?’” Ms. Crockett said. “Our country is completely falling apart. And so I think we’re lacking in the excitement....”....Adrianne Shropshire, the executive director of BlackPAC, an African American political organizing group, said her chief concern was that Black voters, having watched Mr. Biden and Democrats fail to deliver on core promises, don’t come back to vote in November.....“Does this frustration and the malaise and the worry and the fear, does that translate into an ongoing enthusiasm gap, and does that cause people to feel like their participation doesn’t make significant change?”
By Reid J. Epstein and Jennifer Medina June 11, 2022
Direct Headline: Biden and Fauci Botched the Covid Pandemic Response
Instead of protecting the vulnerable, they bet too heavily on vaccines to achieve herd immunity....There are many lessons to be gleaned from the U.S. pandemic response. House Democrats don’t care to study them....The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis last month issued a deeply partisan report demonizing doctors who purportedly espoused “a dangerous and discredited herd immunity via mass infection strategy.” The report took aim at the Trump administration’s embrace of the October 2020 Great Barrington Declaration, in which epidemiologists Martin Kulldorff (Harvard), Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) and Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) advocated protecting the elderly and vulnerable while allowing schools and businesses to reopen. This wasn’t a strategy to infect masses of people on purpose. The goal was to minimize deaths and social and economic harm until the country reached herd immunity through infection or vaccination....
The Great Barrington strategy of “focused protection” helped minimize the pandemic’s collateral damage until vaccines became available. The Biden administration then undertook a strategy of herd immunity via vaccination. But when this strategy failed, it doubled down with vaccine mandates....From the outset of the pandemic, the mainstream medical establishment and government bureaucracy were aligned behind a lockdown-at-all-costs strategy. The Trump White House tapped Scott Atlas, a Hoover Institution fellow and radiologist, for a contrarian perspective. Dr. Atlas endorsed the elements of the Great Barrington strategy. The House report criticizes him for a memo in which he argued that “stopping all cases is not necessary, nor is it possible. It instills irrational fear into the public. Non-prioritized testing is jeopardizing critical resources for truly critical testing and is creating problematic delays in test results for the most important populations.”....He was right on every point. Indiscriminate use of a scarce resource reduces public welfare. When tests were in short supply, Dr. Atlas’s recommendation to save them for high-risk groups such as nursing-home residents made eminent sense. His prescriptions and those of the Great Barrington Declaration aimed to maximize public welfare....
Democrats claim in their report that 130,000 lives could have been saved with more “mitigation,” but this is doubtful. California and New York, which adopted mask mandates and lockdowns during the 2020-21 winter, fared no better than Florida and Texas, which didn’t. What’s more, employment continues to lag significantly in liberal lockdown states. Had all 50 states stayed shut down until vaccines were available, with the federal government paying tens of millions of people not to work—as Democrats ostensibly would have done—we might now be experiencing high unemployment and even higher inflation....Vaccines ultimately saved the day by reducing the Covid disease burden and giving Democratic states a reason to lift their destructive lockdowns. But the Biden administration bet too heavily on vaccines to confer herd immunity. In December 2020, Anthony Fauci projected that a 75% to 85% vaccination rate could provide a “blanket of herd immunity.” This proved too optimistic....
....By spring 2021, Pfizer’s clinical trial data showed that its vaccine was becoming less protective against infection as time passed. Four months after the second dose, vaccine efficacy had declined to 84%, making breakthrough infections more likely and imperiling the Biden administration’s goals. Yet Pfizer honcho Albert Bourla writes in his new book, “Moonshot,” that federal public-health officials feared disclosing this waning efficacy would breed more vaccine hesitancy. The Biden administration kept it under wraps until July, when breakthrough infections in Provincetown, Mass., made it impossible to deny. Stories in the media were corroborated by a study from Israel the same month showing vaccine protection against infection falling to 39%....Only after the Washington Post published a leaked Centers for Disease Control and Prevention slide presentation showing that vaccine efficacy was declining did the agency acknowledge it. Still, Dr. Fauci in August insisted that herd immunity could be achieved “really easily if we get everyone vaccinated.” He should have known by then that was false....
None of these realities stopped the Biden administration from mandating vaccines for private workers and arguing in court, despite evidence to the contrary, that doing so was “necessary to protect unvaccinated workers from the risk of contracting COVID-19” and “that vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19.” After the Supreme Court blocked the mandate in January, the administration pivoted to a strategy of focused protection—e.g., distributing antiviral and monoclonal-antibody treatments and booster shots to the vulnerable. Alas, the administration’s orders were too little, too late to help when deaths and hospitalizations soared in winter 2021-22....
Nearly 600,000 Covid deaths have occurred on Mr. Biden’s watch despite vaccines and better treatments—about 180,000 more than under Donald Trump. One lesson is the importance of diverse opinions. The Biden administration paid too much heed to experts such as Dr. Fauci and ignored those who argued against placing all its eggs in the vaccine basket....Another lesson is that science evolves, and there’s no shame in admitting error. Most scientists were wrong about what it would take to achieve herd immunity. But it’s better to correct mistakes than compound them, which is what the Biden administration did. Why it did is something for a future GOP Congress to investigate....
By Allysia Finley July 7, 2022 1:08 pm ET
Direct Headline: Stop Calling It a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’
....“Your refusal has cost all of us,” President Joe Biden said to unvaccinated people last week, as he announced a new COVID-vaccine mandate for all workers at private companies with more than 100 employees. The vaccinated, he said, are angry and frustrated with the nearly 80 million people who still haven’t received a vaccine, and their patience “is wearing thin.”....Yes, vaccine mandates increase vaccination rates. The White House reported 4 million more first doses in August than in July, after Biden announced his first mandate, for federal workers. And the number of shots administered daily jumped 80 percent from mid-July to the end of August. But the way the mandates are being presented is driving a wedge between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. If the goal is to inoculate enough people to reach herd immunity, this approach may eventually backfire....
....Biden’s latest mandate requires more than 80 million Americans to get vaccinated or show negative COVID-test results at least once a week. Some early evidence (not yet peer-reviewed) suggests that vaccine requirements can be counterproductive because they make people feel pressured and may increase existing distrust of public-health initiatives, especially among marginalized groups.... Often, the people who are vaccine hesitant are our own family, friends, and colleagues. That’s worth remembering, because it reminds us who is at risk if we alienate the unvaccinated. If there’s any chance of persuading them to get a shot—and ample evidence shows that doing so is possible—it’s not going to happen if we only enforce policies that exclude them, foster resentment, and make them feel like their fears and concerns are being dismissed.....
By Yasmin Tayag September 18, 2021.
Direct Headline: The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
Vaccines were wasted on those who didn’t need them, and people who posed no risk lost jobs....Public-health officials ruined many lives by insisting that workers with natural immunity to Covid-19 be fired if they weren’t fully vaccinated. But after two years of accruing data, the superiority of natural immunity over vaccinated immunity is clear. By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others. It’s time to reinstate those employees with an apology....For most of last year, many of us called for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its data on reinfection rates, but the agency refused. Finally last week, the CDC released data from New York and California, which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination....Yet the CDC spun the report to fit its narrative, bannering the conclusion “vaccination remains the safest strategy.....”
.....Public-health officials have a lot of explaining to do. They used the wrong starting hypothesis, ignored contrary preliminary data, and dug in as more evidence emerged that called their position into question. Many, including Rochelle Walensky, now the CDC’s director, signed the John Snow memorandum in October 2020, which declared that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection....”.... Meanwhile, public-health officials recklessly destroyed the careers of everyday Americans, rallying to fire pilots, truck drivers and others in the supply-chain workforce who didn’t get vaccinated....Politicians and public-health officials owe an apology to Americans who lost their jobs on the false premises that only unvaccinated people could spread the virus and only vaccination could prevent its spread. Soldiers who have been dishonorably discharged should be restored their rank. Teachers, first responders, and others who have been denied their livelihood should be reinstated. Everyone is essential....
By Marty Makary Jan. 26, 2022 11:52 am ET
“Killing kings doesn’t start wars. It ends them....If you want to start a war, kidnap a prince. The king will start it for you.” - Matt Graver, Sicario: Day of the Soldado
“When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia.” ― Jordan B. Peterson
So it's time to read in-between the lines of the current media optics in place around Joe Biden.
1) Establishment Democrats, the DNC, the Progressives, the Team Blue stalwart corporate donor base, the radicals in Hollywood, the zealots in Big Education, the entire activist complicit MSM, the power brokers in Big Social Media and Big Tech, literally everyone that aligns against the GOP wants Joe Biden to not run in POTUS 2024. The issue of "age" is supposed to create a soft exit. But it ignores that point that Team Blue, in it's consistent arrogance, is going to pretend as if the entire American public are bunch of imbeciles who can't see through that kind of cheap smoke screen. Like COVID19, telling people what they can't talk about lest they be purified, is not a populist approach. And it's clear, floating names like Gavin Newsom and even the dregs like Gretchen Whitmer, that the Democratic Party is completely tone deaf to the actual electorate, as 2016 forward has shown the working class carries an open disdain for the classic corporate crony establishment cut out caricature candidate.
2) Biden is still the sitting POTUS. That means while Executive Orders can be shoved on his desk and he can be pressured to sign them without truly understanding what is going on, no one can force him not to run again, even though it would cause catastrophic losses for Team Blue up and down the ticket. To even broach that in public by any of the "contenders" would be seen as disloyalty and destroy them in the national daily media cycle in a general election
3) When the GOP retakes the House, then Hunter Biden becomes the primary high value media target to control the talking points until the 2024 general election. While Team Blue might salvage some seats in the Senate, the projections within the HOR look brutal. What no one wants to talk about in the activist complicit MSM is that the House GOP is not going to be inert here, they will be dynamic and go after everyone. Hunter Biden, COVID19 response, Afghanistan, Energy, Big Social Media, Pelosi and her husband, the parade will not stop, it's going to be Elise Stefanik turning into Sonny Corleone and going down a checklist she's been working on for over two years. The Hunter Biden narrative/MSM angled suppression can't be controlled forever and floodgates will collapse.
4) Joe Rogan said the quiet part out loud - The Biden was likely suffering from what amounts to elder abuse. That clearly, to his opinion, Biden has severe cognitive decline, up to and possibly including dementia, and he was being led by the nose into actions/inaction and policy that threatened our national security by some unelected cabal of special interests. The more glaring point is the COVID19 response and the vaccine mandates. No POTUS with actual cognitive agency would have pushed those mandates through Executive Order. That's general election poison. The backlash crosses over Party lines and loses you legacy votes. The clear design was to use Biden as a political stalking horse then create him in the media as a "sin eater" before 2024 to focus the blame all in one person instead of the entire Party apparatus while fat corporate checks were being cashed at the cost of our grandchildren's tax dollars. The problem here is the strategy is backfiring.
5) Biden's entire COVID19 response and failures plus Afghanistan means impeachment. It's unavoidable. This will be a public flogging unlike anyone has seen before in American political history. The narrative will be the every day working class was sacrificed at the altar of Team Blue public officials who became "suit and tie" drug dealers for Big Pharma overlords.
6) If Obama's personal hatchet, David Axelrod is speaking out, it means Obama cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi, which is why you are seeing more Pro Gavin Newsom coverage right now. The problem of course is the natural counter narrative is asking America if they would like to be a carbon copy of all the failures of the Golden State under Newsom for POTUS 2024. And who are we kidding, that would make Nancy Pelosi, the perpetual geriatric lush who created an On Demand liquor store for Congress during the Baby Formula Crisis, into the de facto President. That's a close to impossible sell.
7) And of course, for dessert, we have to talk about Team Blue and their insistence that the real problem is their messaging and that they can't find someone to "generate excitement" for their base. When people are worried about putting food on the table for their children and if the streets around them are safe or not. How detached from reality is the current Democratic Party if they can't see that rank and file citizens don't care about the culture war induced Limousine Liberal "bubble reality" if they are starving.
Think about how tyrannical the mindset of this hard leftist Party has become if they refuse to accept that their policies do absolutely nothing to make the lives of every day Americans and their families better. Help improve the quality of their day to day grind and offer hope and a future for their children and the masses will want to come out and vote for you. The story is the same, Team Blue wants to profit off of "democracy" but doesn't actually appear to care if democracy is ever really applied.
And now the chickens have come home to roost, Team Blue is now being held hostage by a racist grifter geriatric, mentored by a KKK Exalted Cyclops, that has managed to destroy this entire country in less than 2 years in office, and whom can't even walk up a flight of stairs anymore.
If you play stupid games, the end result is you will win stupid prizes. The problem of course is now it's far easier for American children, including your children, to suffer and die because of it.
“You should never sacrifice what you could be for what you are.” ― Jordan B. Peterson
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