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WSJ: Democrats Suddenly Discover POTUS Joe Biden Is 79 Years Old (7/8/22 17:51 PST) (1 Viewer)


Direct Headline (PODCAST): Democrats Suddenly Discover Joe Biden Is 79

As Joe Biden's approval numbers sag, Democrats begin saying that his age means he should step aside in 2024. Why the sudden change, since this question was treated as taboo in 2020, and where would Democrats turn if Biden declined to run for re-election? ....Last week, there were articles in the New York Times and the Atlantic with democratic sources making the argument that President Biden should not run again for President in 2024, but the White House still insists that he plans to do just that. Here's a clip of CNN's Don Lemon speaking with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre....

Don Lemon: The president had the stamina physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: Don, you're asking me this question. Oh my gosh, he's the President of the United States. I can't even keep up with it. We just got back from New Mexico, we just got back from California. That is not a question that we should be even asking, just look at the work that he does. Look how he's delivering for the American public. Look, that article that we're talking about is hearsay. It's salacious. That's not what we care about.....

Kyle Peterson: Kim to start with. What do you think explains the sudden breaking of this omerta on talking about President Biden's age?

Kim Strassel: Can I just say now they tell us, right? I mean, no one was allowed to even walk up next to this subject the entire time he was in his basement during the campaign season. Now here we are, and the answer to me is incredibly obvious, which is the poll numbers are terrible and the party's in a lot of trouble. What are they going to do? They'd like to be able to blame this on Biden's age, the notion that he is off by a step..... because it's such an obvious attempt to blame it all on his age and potentially thereby allow them to not confront the reality that actually it's mostly their policies that are causing the problem......

Kyle Peterson: But just to provide some numbers to compare before President Biden, the oldest president in office to date was Ronald Reagan, he was three weeks shy of 78 when he left the oval office. Second oldest was Donald Trump at 74 and a half and then we have 70 for Dwight Eisenhower and Andrew Jackson, not quite 69 for Harry Truman and George H HW Bush. And now we're talking about President Biden will be 82 in 2024, which means he would be 86 at the end of a second term......

Mene Ukueberuwa: ....Joe Biden is sinking in the polls and so they know that he probably is going to have to decide whether he does want to run again in 2024 within the next few months. And they want to try to float the narrative that he isn't fit in order to try to gently persuade him to decline to seek a second term. And so we'll see whether that argument is persuasive to him.... And maybe the conversation around his age is even making him more likely to run again.....

Kim Strassel: ...but I was always of the belief that the best thing Joe Biden could've ever done, which probably would've won him and even a greater victory had he said it when he was campaigning the first time was I'm going to be a one term president. I'm here to be a caretaker president ..... he would have an opportunity to say, I'm not going to run again, but what I am going to do is use my last two years to get some stuff done and unlock himself from the leash of the progressive left and work with members of Congress..... I also find that almost impossible to believe he would do that. But if the pressure continues to Mount on him, that would arguably be the smartest way forward....

Mene Ukueberuwa: ....And you're right to say, the Democrats don't really have the deepest bench right now, either in the progressive lane or in the more moderate lane. There isn't anyone who seems to combine sort of great charisma with an existing national profile and a lot of experience. So it would probably be a very, very brutal, drawn out open contest to see who might succeed in taking over for Biden.....

Paul Gigot, Kim Strassel, Bill McGurn and Kyle Peterson 6/20/2022 10:16:00 AM


Direct Headline: Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise.

In interviews, dozens of frustrated Democratic officials, members of Congress and voters expressed doubts about the president’s ability to rescue his reeling party and take the fight to Republicans.Midway through the 2022 primary season, many Democratic lawmakers and party officials are venting their frustrations with President Biden’s struggle to advance the bulk of his agenda, doubting his ability to rescue the party from a predicted midterm trouncing and increasingly viewing him as an anchor that should be cut loose in 2024.....

.....Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who backed Mr. Biden in 2020, reveal a party alarmed about Republicans’ rising strength and extraordinarily pessimistic about an immediate path forward.....“To say our country was on the right track would flagrantly depart from reality,” said Steve Simeonidis, a Democratic National Committee member .... “ (he) should announce his intent not to seek re-election in ’24 right after the midterms.”....Most top elected Democrats were reluctant to speak on the record about Mr. Biden’s future...But the repeated failures of his administration to pass big-ticket legislation on signature Democratic issues, as well as his halting efforts to use the bully pulpit of the White House to move public opinion, have left the president with sagging approval ratings.....

....That has left Democratic leaders struggling to explain away a series of calamities for the party that all seem beyond Mr. Biden’s control: inflation rates unseen in four decades, surging gas prices, a lingering pandemic, a spate of mass shootings, a Supreme Court poised to end the federal right to an abortion, and key congressional Democrats’ refusal to muscle through the president’s Build Back Better agenda....To nearly all the Democrats interviewed, the president’s age — 79 now, 82 by the time the winner of the 2024 election is inaugurated — is a deep concern about his political viability.....“The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue,” said David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Barack Obama’s two winning presidential campaigns.....

.....These Democrats mentioned a host of other figures who lost to Mr. Biden in the 2020 primary: Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Cory Booker of New Jersey; Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; and Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman who is now running for Texas governor, among others.....“Democrats are like, ‘What the hell is going on?’” Ms. Crockett said. “Our country is completely falling apart. And so I think we’re lacking in the excitement....”....Adrianne Shropshire, the executive director of BlackPAC, an African American political organizing group, said her chief concern was that Black voters, having watched Mr. Biden and Democrats fail to deliver on core promises, don’t come back to vote in November.....“Does this frustration and the malaise and the worry and the fear, does that translate into an ongoing enthusiasm gap, and does that cause people to feel like their participation doesn’t make significant change?

By Reid J. Epstein and Jennifer Medina June 11, 2022


Direct Headline: Biden and Fauci Botched the Covid Pandemic Response

Instead of protecting the vulnerable, they bet too heavily on vaccines to achieve herd immunity....There are many lessons to be gleaned from the U.S. pandemic response. House Democrats don’t care to study them....The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis last month issued a deeply partisan report demonizing doctors who purportedly espoused “a dangerous and discredited herd immunity via mass infection strategy.” The report took aim at the Trump administration’s embrace of the October 2020 Great Barrington Declaration, in which epidemiologists Martin Kulldorff (Harvard), Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) and Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) advocated protecting the elderly and vulnerable while allowing schools and businesses to reopen. This wasn’t a strategy to infect masses of people on purpose. The goal was to minimize deaths and social and economic harm until the country reached herd immunity through infection or vaccination....

The Great Barrington strategy of “focused protection” helped minimize the pandemic’s collateral damage until vaccines became available. The Biden administration then undertook a strategy of herd immunity via vaccination. But when this strategy failed, it doubled down with vaccine mandates....From the outset of the pandemic, the mainstream medical establishment and government bureaucracy were aligned behind a lockdown-at-all-costs strategy. The Trump White House tapped Scott Atlas, a Hoover Institution fellow and radiologist, for a contrarian perspective. Dr. Atlas endorsed the elements of the Great Barrington strategy. The House report criticizes him for a memo in which he argued that “stopping all cases is not necessary, nor is it possible. It instills irrational fear into the public. Non-prioritized testing is jeopardizing critical resources for truly critical testing and is creating problematic delays in test results for the most important populations.”....He was right on every point. Indiscriminate use of a scarce resource reduces public welfare. When tests were in short supply, Dr. Atlas’s recommendation to save them for high-risk groups such as nursing-home residents made eminent sense. His prescriptions and those of the Great Barrington Declaration aimed to maximize public welfare....

Democrats claim in their report that 130,000 lives could have been saved with more “mitigation,” but this is doubtful. California and New York, which adopted mask mandates and lockdowns during the 2020-21 winter, fared no better than Florida and Texas, which didn’t. What’s more, employment continues to lag significantly in liberal lockdown states. Had all 50 states stayed shut down until vaccines were available, with the federal government paying tens of millions of people not to work—as Democrats ostensibly would have done—we might now be experiencing high unemployment and even higher inflation....Vaccines ultimately saved the day by reducing the Covid disease burden and giving Democratic states a reason to lift their destructive lockdowns. But the Biden administration bet too heavily on vaccines to confer herd immunity. In December 2020, Anthony Fauci projected that a 75% to 85% vaccination rate could provide a “blanket of herd immunity.” This proved too optimistic....

....By spring 2021, Pfizer’s clinical trial data showed that its vaccine was becoming less protective against infection as time passed. Four months after the second dose, vaccine efficacy had declined to 84%, making breakthrough infections more likely and imperiling the Biden administration’s goals. Yet Pfizer honcho Albert Bourla writes in his new book, “Moonshot,” that federal public-health officials feared disclosing this waning efficacy would breed more vaccine hesitancy. The Biden administration kept it under wraps until July, when breakthrough infections in Provincetown, Mass., made it impossible to deny. Stories in the media were corroborated by a study from Israel the same month showing vaccine protection against infection falling to 39%....Only after the Washington Post published a leaked Centers for Disease Control and Prevention slide presentation showing that vaccine efficacy was declining did the agency acknowledge it. Still, Dr. Fauci in August insisted that herd immunity could be achieved “really easily if we get everyone vaccinated.” He should have known by then that was false....

None of these realities stopped the Biden administration from mandating vaccines for private workers and arguing in court, despite evidence to the contrary, that doing so was “necessary to protect unvaccinated workers from the risk of contracting COVID-19” and “that vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19.” After the Supreme Court blocked the mandate in January, the administration pivoted to a strategy of focused protection—e.g., distributing antiviral and monoclonal-antibody treatments and booster shots to the vulnerable. Alas, the administration’s orders were too little, too late to help when deaths and hospitalizations soared in winter 2021-22....

Nearly 600,000 Covid deaths have occurred on Mr. Biden’s watch despite vaccines and better treatments—about 180,000 more than under Donald Trump. One lesson is the importance of diverse opinions. The Biden administration paid too much heed to experts such as Dr. Fauci and ignored those who argued against placing all its eggs in the vaccine basket....Another lesson is that science evolves, and there’s no shame in admitting error. Most scientists were wrong about what it would take to achieve herd immunity. But it’s better to correct mistakes than compound them, which is what the Biden administration did. Why it did is something for a future GOP Congress to investigate....

By Allysia Finley July 7, 2022 1:08 pm ET


Direct Headline: Stop Calling It a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’

....“Your refusal has cost all of us,” President Joe Biden said to unvaccinated people last week, as he announced a new COVID-vaccine mandate for all workers at private companies with more than 100 employees. The vaccinated, he said, are angry and frustrated with the nearly 80 million people who still haven’t received a vaccine, and their patience “is wearing thin.”....Yes, vaccine mandates increase vaccination rates. The White House reported 4 million more first doses in August than in July, after Biden announced his first mandate, for federal workers. And the number of shots administered daily jumped 80 percent from mid-July to the end of August. But the way the mandates are being presented is driving a wedge between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. If the goal is to inoculate enough people to reach herd immunity, this approach may eventually backfire....

....Biden’s latest mandate requires more than 80 million Americans to get vaccinated or show negative COVID-test results at least once a week. Some early evidence (not yet peer-reviewed) suggests that vaccine requirements can be counterproductive because they make people feel pressured and may increase existing distrust of public-health initiatives, especially among marginalized groups.... Often, the people who are vaccine hesitant are our own family, friends, and colleagues. That’s worth remembering, because it reminds us who is at risk if we alienate the unvaccinated. If there’s any chance of persuading them to get a shot—and ample evidence shows that doing so is possible—it’s not going to happen if we only enforce policies that exclude them, foster resentment, and make them feel like their fears and concerns are being dismissed.....

By Yasmin Tayag  September 18, 2021.


Direct Headline: The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid

Vaccines were wasted on those who didn’t need them, and people who posed no risk lost jobs....Public-health officials ruined many lives by insisting that workers with natural immunity to Covid-19 be fired if they weren’t fully vaccinated. But after two years of accruing data, the superiority of natural immunity over vaccinated immunity is clear. By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others. It’s time to reinstate those employees with an apology....For most of last year, many of us called for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its data on reinfection rates, but the agency refused. Finally last week, the CDC released data from New York and California, which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination....Yet the CDC spun the report to fit its narrative, bannering the conclusion “vaccination remains the safest strategy.....”

.....Public-health officials have a lot of explaining to do. They used the wrong starting hypothesis, ignored contrary preliminary data, and dug in as more evidence emerged that called their position into question. Many, including Rochelle Walensky, now the CDC’s director, signed the John Snow memorandum in October 2020, which declared that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection....”.... Meanwhile, public-health officials recklessly destroyed the careers of everyday Americans, rallying to fire pilots, truck drivers and others in the supply-chain workforce who didn’t get vaccinated....Politicians and public-health officials owe an apology to Americans who lost their jobs on the false premises that only unvaccinated people could spread the virus and only vaccination could prevent its spread. Soldiers who have been dishonorably discharged should be restored their rank. Teachers, first responders, and others who have been denied their livelihood should be reinstated. Everyone is essential....

By Marty Makary Jan. 26, 2022 11:52 am ET



“Killing kings doesn’t start wars. It ends them....If you want to start a war, kidnap a prince. The king will start it for you.”  - Matt Graver, Sicario: Day of the Soldado

“When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia.” ― Jordan B. Peterson

So it's time to read in-between the lines of the current media optics in place around Joe Biden.

1) Establishment Democrats, the DNC, the Progressives, the Team Blue stalwart corporate donor base, the radicals in Hollywood, the zealots in Big Education, the entire activist complicit MSM, the power brokers in Big Social Media and Big Tech, literally everyone that aligns against the GOP wants Joe Biden to not run in POTUS 2024. The issue of "age" is supposed to create a soft exit. But it ignores that point that Team Blue, in it's consistent arrogance, is going to pretend as if the entire American public are bunch of imbeciles who can't see through that kind of cheap smoke screen. Like COVID19, telling people what they can't talk about lest they be purified, is not a populist approach. And it's clear, floating names like Gavin Newsom and even the dregs like Gretchen Whitmer, that the Democratic Party is completely tone deaf to the actual electorate, as 2016 forward has shown the working class carries an open disdain for the classic corporate crony establishment cut out caricature candidate.

2) Biden is still the sitting POTUS. That means while Executive Orders can be shoved on his desk and he can be pressured to sign them without truly understanding what is going on, no one can force him not to run again, even though it would cause catastrophic losses for Team Blue up and down the ticket. To even broach that in public by any of the "contenders" would be seen as disloyalty and destroy them in the national daily media cycle in a general election

3) When the GOP retakes the House, then Hunter Biden becomes the primary high value media target to control the talking points until the 2024 general election. While Team Blue might salvage some seats in the Senate, the projections within the HOR look brutal. What no one wants to talk about in the activist complicit MSM is that the House GOP is not going to be inert here, they will be dynamic and go after everyone. Hunter Biden, COVID19 response, Afghanistan, Energy, Big Social Media, Pelosi and her husband, the parade will not stop,  it's going to be Elise Stefanik turning into Sonny Corleone and going down a checklist she's been working on for over two years. The Hunter Biden narrative/MSM angled suppression can't be controlled forever and floodgates will collapse.

4) Joe Rogan said the quiet part out loud - The Biden was likely suffering from what amounts to elder abuse. That clearly, to his opinion, Biden has severe cognitive decline, up to and possibly including dementia, and he was being led by the nose into actions/inaction and policy that threatened our national security by some unelected cabal of special interests. The more glaring point is the COVID19 response and the vaccine mandates. No POTUS with actual cognitive agency would have pushed those mandates through Executive Order. That's general election poison. The backlash crosses over Party lines and loses you legacy votes. The clear design was to use Biden as a political stalking horse then create him in the media as a "sin eater" before 2024 to focus the blame all in one person instead of the entire Party apparatus while fat corporate checks were being cashed at the cost of our grandchildren's tax dollars. The problem here is the strategy is backfiring.

5) Biden's entire COVID19 response and failures plus Afghanistan means impeachment. It's unavoidable. This will be a public flogging unlike anyone has seen before in American political history. The narrative will be the every day working class was sacrificed at the altar of Team Blue public officials who became "suit and tie" drug dealers for Big Pharma overlords.

6) If Obama's personal hatchet, David Axelrod is speaking out, it means Obama cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi, which is why you are seeing more Pro Gavin Newsom coverage right now. The problem of course is the natural counter narrative is asking America if they would like to be a carbon copy of all the failures of the Golden State under Newsom for POTUS 2024. And who are we kidding, that would make Nancy Pelosi, the perpetual geriatric lush who created an On Demand liquor store for Congress during the Baby Formula Crisis, into the de facto President.  That's a close to impossible sell.

7) And of course, for dessert, we have to talk about Team Blue and their insistence that the real problem is their messaging and that they can't find someone to "generate excitement" for their base. When people are worried about putting food on the table for their children and if the streets around them are safe or not. How detached from reality is the current Democratic Party if they can't see that rank and file citizens don't care about the culture war induced Limousine Liberal "bubble reality" if they are starving.

Think about how tyrannical the mindset of this hard leftist Party has become if they refuse to accept that their policies do absolutely nothing to make the lives of every day Americans and their families better. Help improve the quality of their day to day grind and offer hope and a future for their children and the masses will want to come out and vote for you.  The story is the same, Team Blue wants to profit off of "democracy" but doesn't actually appear to care if democracy is ever really applied.

And now the chickens have come home to roost, Team Blue is now being held hostage by a racist grifter geriatric, mentored by a KKK Exalted Cyclops, that has managed to destroy this entire country in less than 2 years in office, and whom can't even walk up a flight of stairs anymore.

If you play stupid games, the end result is you will win stupid prizes. The problem of course is now it's far easier for American children, including your children, to suffer and die because of it.

“You should never sacrifice what you could be for what you are.” ― Jordan B. Peterson

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And now the chickens have come home to roost, Team Blue is now being held hostage by a racist grifter geriatric, mentored by a KKK Exalted Cyclops, that has managed to destroy this entire country in less than 2 years in office, and whom can't even walk up a flight of stairs anymore.
This seems a bit hyperbolic.

Seems quite inflammatory as usual.

DIRECT HEADLINE: Biden defends crime bill amid criticism from Democratic foes and Trump

“That 1994 crime bill (authored by Biden) – it did contribute to mass incarceration ( of specifically African Americans) in our country,” California (Senator) Kamala Harris said recently. “It (deeply) encouraged and was the (very) first time that we (as a government) had a federal three-strikes law. It (also) funded the building of more prisons in the states.”

By Eric Bradner and Jeff Zeleny, CNN June 6, 2019


Remarks by the President and the Vice President at a Memorial Service for Senator Robert C. Byrd

Office of the Press Secretary  Charleston, West Virginia 1:09 P.M. EDT

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”


DIRECT HEADLINE: Joe Biden told Kamala Harris in a tense exchange he wasn't anti-school busing. New documents from the 1970s show otherwise.

In a (public) 1975 interview, (then Congressman) Biden also went much further than just opposing busing policies (alone) instituted by the Department of Education, (directly) calling it an "asinine concept" and (then) saying, "I've gotten to the point ( to stop this) where I think our only (legal) recourse to eliminate busing may be (proposing and passing) a constitutional amendment."

Grace Panetta Jun 28, 2019, 1:17 PM


FACT CHECK: Did Joe Biden Say He Didn’t Want His Kids Growing Up in a ‘Racial Jungle’?  Correct Attribution

The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate's history with busing has haunted him on the campaign trail.

Bethania Palma 10 March 2020



Biden's 1994 Crime Bill did more to hurt young black males in the modern era of America than the actions of any other elected official in this country. He's literally shoveled them by the busload into "For Profit" prisons that benefited the wallets of the segregationists still in Congress who mentored him. Such as Robert Byrd. The before mentioned Exalted Cyclops in the KKK.

What's inflammatory about that?

Just be honest, you just want me silenced for good. You don't have a good reason. You just want Conservatives here gone forever.

Seems quite inflammatory as usual.

Direct Headline:  GOP demands ‘experts’ who dismissed Hunter Biden laptop fess up — or face subpoenas

Biden wrote college recommendation letters for kids of Chinese exec tied to Hunter

A photo and emails subsequently reported by The Post indicate Joe Biden attended a 2015 dinner at DC’s Cafe Milano with a group of his son’s associates — including Pozharskyi, a trio of Kazakhs and Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina and her husband, ex-Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov. Baturina is Russia’s richest woman and a 2020 report from Republican-led Senate committees alleges that in 2014 she paid $3.5 million to a firm associated with Hunter Biden....

..A second October 2020 bombshell from The Post described communications about Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden’s business venture with the company CEFC China Energy. A May 13, 2017, email recovered from the laptop said the “big guy” would get a 10 percent equity stake in a corporate entity established with CEFC.

By Steven Nelson April 6, 2022 2:54pm


Direct Headline: This Hunter Biden deal in a foreign country really does look bad

We should require all candidates for high office to report their foreign financial interests and those of their immediate family members...According to a report last week from The Washington Post...Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.”...Hunter’s uncle James Biden is the president’s brother, and the contract in question, according to The Post, provided Hunter Biden a one-time retainer of $500,000, in addition to monthly stipends of $100,000 for him and $65,000 for his uncle....

... The deal happened after Joe Biden was vice president and before he announced he was running for president. ...I asserted during former President Donald Trump’s term that this kind of mandatory financial disclosure — at least for congressional, vice presidential and presidential candidates — would allow the public to more fully vet candidates for the national security risks they could present....CEFC may claim it’s a “private” company, but when it comes to major Chinese entities, there’s no such thing as private and no way to politely decline the strong arm of the Chinese intelligence services....CEFC may claim it’s a “private” company, but when it comes to major Chinese entities, there’s no such thing...

....Ye, according to the newspaper’s investigation, asked Hunter Biden to determine whether another CEFC official was under federal investigation. That official was indeed being investigated by the FBI, which, according to court records, had the official under electronic surveillance. Biden, an attorney, signed an agreement to represent that official in return for a $1 million retainer. When the FBI eventually took his client into custody at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, the arrested CEFC executive, according to police records cited by The Post, placed a call to James Biden just nine minutes later. Reuters reported in early 2018 that Ye had been taken in for questioning for suspected economic crimes.....

By Frank Figliuzzi, April 6, 2022, 3:12 AM PDT


Direct Headline: How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

The president’s son was part owner of a venture involved in the $3.8 billion purchase by a Chinese conglomerate of one of the world’s largest cobalt deposits. The metal is a key ingredient in batteries for electric vehicles....An investment firm where Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was a founding board member helped facilitate a Chinese company’s purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo....Mr. Biden and two other Americans joined Chinese partners in establishing the firm in 2013, known as BHR and formally named Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company....The firm made one of its most successful investments in 2016, when it bought and later sold a stake in CATL, a fast-growing Chinese company that is now the world’s biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles....

....Records in Hong Kong show that the $1.14 billion BHR, through subsidiaries, paid to buy out Lundin came entirely from Chinese state-backed companies....China Molybdenum lined up about $700 million of that total as loans from Chinese state-backed banks, including China Construction Bank. ...But BHR’s role in the Chinese mine purchase was not a major focus. It has taken on new relevance because the Biden administration warned this year that China might use its growing dominance of cobalt to disrupt America’s retooling of its auto industry to make electric vehicles. The metal is among several key ingredients in electric car batteries....

By Michael Forsythe, Eric Lipton and Dionne Searcey Dec. 7, 2021


Direct Headline: Inside Hunter Biden’s multi million-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives...While many aspects of Hunter Biden’s financial arrangement with CEFC China Energy have been previously reported and were included in a Republican-led Senate report from 2020, a Washington Post review confirmed many of the key details and found additional documents showing Biden family interactions with Chinese executives....Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden....

....But the new documents — which include a signed copy of a $1 million legal retainer, emails related to the wire transfers, and $3.8 million in consulting fees that are confirmed in new bank records and agreements signed by Hunter Biden — illustrate the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over Joe Biden’s decades in public service....Hunter Biden signed an agreement for a $1 million retainer to represent Patrick Ho, a CEFC official who would later be charged in the United States in connection with a multimillion-dollar scheme to bribe leaders from Chad and Uganda. Verified emails, and new banking records, show that the money was transferred to an account linked to Hunter Biden....

...Hunter Biden’s overseas work has been the subject of heightened scrutiny. He has been under federal investigation as part of an inquiry into his taxes, with witnesses called before a grand jury as recently as last month. Federal prosecutors had been attempting to determine if he failed to account for income from China-related deals, The Post has previously reported, although it is unclear whether that is still a focus. Republicans, meanwhile, have pointed to the Biden family’s business deals in China, along with Hunter Biden’s past membership on the board of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, as potential conflicts of interest....

....During divorce proceedings with his wife Kathleen, a court filing in the case described “outstanding debts [that] are shocking and overwhelming,” with the couple carrying maxed-out credit cards, double mortgages on both properties they owned and a tax debt of $313,970. Three checks to their housekeeper had bounced, and they owed money to medical providers and therapists, according to a February 2017 filing in D.C. Superior Court.....Vuk Jeremic, a Serbian politician who had recently served as president of the U.N. General Assembly, wrote in an email to the younger Biden that he was hosting a small private dinner in Washington with Ye — whom he called “one of the 10 wealthiest Chinese businessmen” — and wanted Hunter to attend....“He’s young and dynamic, with the top-level connections in his country....”

.....CEFC, a massive oil and gas company founded in 2002, had financing from government development banks and ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army, according to people who studied the firm. Ye’s official biography said he was once deputy secretary of the China Association for International Friendly Contact, an organization that a 2011 U.S. congressional report called “a front” for the People’s Liberation Army.....The money began flowing almost immediately, with the first incoming wire of $5 million arriving on Aug. 8, 2017, according to documents found on the copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop and corroborated by identical bank statements that Grassley’s office obtained from Cathay Bank for an account jointly held by Hunter Biden and CEFC executives....He also requested keys for his new office mates: his father, Joe; his mother, Jill; his uncle James; and the Chinese executive, Gongwen Dong....

....During the time the CEFC relationship was active, funds were being transferred from Hunter Biden to his uncle, records show. All told, nearly $1.4 million went from Hunter’s company to one controlled by James Biden, according to a 2020 report....The transactions were identified as potential criminal activity, a designation meant to flag potential money laundering, political corruption or other financial crimes, according to a report from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at the Treasury Department that was reviewed by The Post.....When James and Sara Biden’s bank contacted them about the transactions, they would not provide supporting documentation to explain the activity and closed the account, according to records reviewed by The Post.....

By Matt Viser, Tom Hamburger and Craig Timberg March 30, 2022 at 11:04 a.m. EDT



Someone with deep ties to the CCP who did business with James Biden (Joe's brother) and Hunter Biden was arrested and brought into custody by the FBI. His first call was to James Biden, who has been red flagged multiple times by American financial institutions for activity normally associated with money laundering. That call came within the first ten minutes.

Hunter and James Biden profited from business with Chinese businesses that were backed by financing from the CCP. The purpose? Key elements in car batteries for EVs. Who has literally forced America into buying EVs at every turn? Joe Biden. Who abandoned one of the largest worldwide sources of lithium to the Taliban, knowing they would cut a deal with the CCP and Xi? Joe Biden. That lithium is critical in the production of EV car batteries. Who appointed an Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, with massive personal investment in companies that deal with EVs? Joe Biden.  Who got his own set of personal keys made for an office dedicated for consultant work for CEFC? Joe Biden.  Who wrote letters of recommendation for college applications for the children of executives, with deep CCP and PLA ties, who were paying Hunter Biden and James Biden millions of dollars?  Joe Biden.

Well you can't Source Police me since I used the Washington Post, NY Times and MSNBC. The problem you are going to have is the GOP will take the House of Representatives in the coming Mid Terms. That means there will be a massive number of hearings and investigations into Hunter Biden, his laptop and his business dealings that benefited "The Big Guy"

I'm pretty sure there's enough here to call Joe Biden just another typical political grifter in elected office.

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Seems quite inflammatory as usual.

Direct Headline: American Voters Haven’t Been Afraid Like This in a Long Time

In a rare convergence, America’s voters are not merely unhappy with their political leadership, but awash in fears about economic security, border security, international security and even physical security....

...From late 2017 until the pandemic, a majority of Americans believed that the economy was strong, and from 2014 until the pandemic at least a plurality believed their personal economic situation was improving. Covid-19 cut sharply into that feeling of well-being; this was initially seen as temporary, though, and trillions of dollars flowed into keeping people afloat. But then near-double-digit inflation hit consumers for the first time in 40 years; 60 percent of voters now see the economy as weak and 48 percent say their financial situation is worsening, according to a Harris poll conducted April 20-21. Many Americans under 60 have relatively little experience with anything but comparatively low fuel costs, negligible interest rates and stable prices. Virtually overnight these assumptions have been shaken. Only 35 percent approve of President Biden’s handling of inflation....

These economic blows are just one element in a cascading set of problems all hitting at the same time. It combines the nuclear anxieties of the 1950s and ’60s with the inflation threat of the ’70s, the crime wave of the ’80s and ’90s and the tensions over illegal immigration in the 2000s and beyond.....The return of fear about crime is especially worrisome for Democrats....Worries about walking the streets and riding the subway were less acute among new generations, and yet today those same streets and mass transit are once again hobbled by fear; even the head of the New York-area Metropolitan Transportation Authority argued that fear of crime and homelessness was behind a 36 percent drop in ridership between December 2021 and January 2022....

...Immigration was used effectively by President Donald Trump as a wedge issue to win working-class voters. According to the April Harris poll, under Mr. Biden, 59 percent of voters believe that we have “effectively” open borders and, looking back, many even support some of Mr. Trump’s immigration policies. Mr. Biden receives only 38 percent approval for his immigration policy, a troublingly low rating for a Democrat (President Barack Obama was at 29 percent approval on immigration policy before the 2010 midterm wipeout)....

....Today, fear of a great power conflict and nuclear weapons has emerged in ways not seen since the Cold War. With the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin, fresh ballistic missile tests, and Mr. Putin’s explicit reference to the use of nuclear weapons and “unpredictable” consequences of opposing him, fear of nuclear weapons has been thrust front and center, as a recent focus group of Americans by Times Opinion found as well. Fear of nuclear weapons now ranks second in issues that worry voters, behind the effects of inflation.....

Continuing to let gas prices surge will hurt Democrats on the ballot in the fall; the party needs a new, tempered energy policy that includes a more gradual transition to alternative fuels and an appreciation of energy independence.....The Biden administration is also losing in swing areas on immigration, as evidenced by the nine Senate Democrats and the House’s bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus that have expressed reservations about its plan to lift Title 42, the Trump administration’s Covid-era policy of intercepting and returning migrants without due process....

....With rising crime as an issue, the favorable rating of the Department of Justice has sunk to just 51 percent under Merrick Garland, according to the Harris poll. Mr. Biden needs to shake up his top law-enforcement officials and back legislation that combines police reform with funding for hundreds of thousands of new community police officers, greater federal involvement in stopping violent crime syndicates and gangs, and wider discretion for judges to take violent criminals off the streets. The administration needs to consider interceding on behalf of victims in circumstances in which district attorneys are not prosecuting violent criminals to the full extent of the law, especially when they waive “enhancements” for gang-related crimes....The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan precipitated a decline in his administration’s approval rates. Ukraine’s loss would compound the view among some voters that he is too weak....

According to reports, Mr. Biden now says he is running for re-election in 2024. But he is facing limited enthusiasm in his own party for a second run and loses even to Mr. Trump in hypothetical matchups, according to the Harris poll. Sticking to the high-priced Build Back Better legislation or variants of it on the basis of narrow party-line votes has not been successful....People are afraid of being walloped financially, being injured or menaced by criminals, being in a country without strong borders or Covid protections for immigrants, and being under threat of nuclear weapons. If Mr. Biden and Democratic leaders cannot effectively address these fears, the wave election will hit them in November...

By Mark Penn April 25, 2022



This is the New York Times saying all the above. Mark Penn is a professional political operative who worked heavily for the Clinton regime and is a Democrat.

Yes, even liberals are saying Biden sucks as President and is running this country into the ground.

Biden falls down stairs

Biden falls off bike

Biden falls down stairs again

Biden keeps falling down stairs

Biden falls asleep in middle of Summit

Biden forgetting what he said just two minutes before

Biden sleeping again while Obama talks

Biden falling asleep in front of Prime Minister

Staffer hidden in Easter Bunny costume prevents Biden from answering press questions and whisks him away


Yeah OK, I'm pretty sure Biden qualifies as a geriatric here. Who can't walk up a set of stairs safely. And whom is responsible for running this country into the ground so badly that even liberal pundits and operatives are roasting him right now.

You are just a bad faith actor who has driven off how many good posters off these forums for God knows how many years now. The more you and others attack Conservatives and Republicans, the more I post, the more I participate, the more thread topics I start, the more Conservatism I infuse into the PSF. Those whom hate me the most here will have you to thank that I'm literally everywhere. All the time.

So yes, the distinction here is sometimes the truth will be seen as "inflammatory" by tribalist zealots.

Direct Headline: American Voters Haven’t Been Afraid Like This in a Long Time

In a rare convergence, America’s voters are not merely unhappy with their political leadership, but awash in fears about economic security, border security, international security and even physical security....

...From late 2017 until the pandemic, a majority of Americans believed that the economy was strong, and from 2014 until the pandemic at least a plurality believed their personal economic situation was improving. Covid-19 cut sharply into that feeling of well-being; this was initially seen as temporary, though, and trillions of dollars flowed into keeping people afloat. But then near-double-digit inflation hit consumers for the first time in 40 years; 60 percent of voters now see the economy as weak and 48 percent say their financial situation is worsening, according to a Harris poll conducted April 20-21. Many Americans under 60 have relatively little experience with anything but comparatively low fuel costs, negligible interest rates and stable prices. Virtually overnight these assumptions have been shaken. Only 35 percent approve of President Biden’s handling of inflation....

These economic blows are just one element in a cascading set of problems all hitting at the same time. It combines the nuclear anxieties of the 1950s and ’60s with the inflation threat of the ’70s, the crime wave of the ’80s and ’90s and the tensions over illegal immigration in the 2000s and beyond.....The return of fear about crime is especially worrisome for Democrats....Worries about walking the streets and riding the subway were less acute among new generations, and yet today those same streets and mass transit are once again hobbled by fear; even the head of the New York-area Metropolitan Transportation Authority argued that fear of crime and homelessness was behind a 36 percent drop in ridership between December 2021 and January 2022....

...Immigration was used effectively by President Donald Trump as a wedge issue to win working-class voters. According to the April Harris poll, under Mr. Biden, 59 percent of voters believe that we have “effectively” open borders and, looking back, many even support some of Mr. Trump’s immigration policies. Mr. Biden receives only 38 percent approval for his immigration policy, a troublingly low rating for a Democrat (President Barack Obama was at 29 percent approval on immigration policy before the 2010 midterm wipeout)....

....Today, fear of a great power conflict and nuclear weapons has emerged in ways not seen since the Cold War. With the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin, fresh ballistic missile tests, and Mr. Putin’s explicit reference to the use of nuclear weapons and “unpredictable” consequences of opposing him, fear of nuclear weapons has been thrust front and center, as a recent focus group of Americans by Times Opinion found as well. Fear of nuclear weapons now ranks second in issues that worry voters, behind the effects of inflation.....

Continuing to let gas prices surge will hurt Democrats on the ballot in the fall; the party needs a new, tempered energy policy that includes a more gradual transition to alternative fuels and an appreciation of energy independence.....The Biden administration is also losing in swing areas on immigration, as evidenced by the nine Senate Democrats and the House’s bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus that have expressed reservations about its plan to lift Title 42, the Trump administration’s Covid-era policy of intercepting and returning migrants without due process....

....With rising crime as an issue, the favorable rating of the Department of Justice has sunk to just 51 percent under Merrick Garland, according to the Harris poll. Mr. Biden needs to shake up his top law-enforcement officials and back legislation that combines police reform with funding for hundreds of thousands of new community police officers, greater federal involvement in stopping violent crime syndicates and gangs, and wider discretion for judges to take violent criminals off the streets. The administration needs to consider interceding on behalf of victims in circumstances in which district attorneys are not prosecuting violent criminals to the full extent of the law, especially when they waive “enhancements” for gang-related crimes....The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan precipitated a decline in his administration’s approval rates. Ukraine’s loss would compound the view among some voters that he is too weak....

According to reports, Mr. Biden now says he is running for re-election in 2024. But he is facing limited enthusiasm in his own party for a second run and loses even to Mr. Trump in hypothetical matchups, according to the Harris poll. Sticking to the high-priced Build Back Better legislation or variants of it on the basis of narrow party-line votes has not been successful....People are afraid of being walloped financially, being injured or menaced by criminals, being in a country without strong borders or Covid protections for immigrants, and being under threat of nuclear weapons. If Mr. Biden and Democratic leaders cannot effectively address these fears, the wave election will hit them in November...

By Mark Penn April 25, 2022



This is the New York Times saying all the above. Mark Penn is a professional political operative who worked heavily for the Clinton regime and is a Democrat.

Yes, even liberals are saying Biden sucks as President and is running this country into the ground.

Biden falls down stairs

Biden falls off bike

Biden falls down stairs again

Biden keeps falling down stairs

Biden falls asleep in middle of Summit

Biden forgetting what he said just two minutes before

Biden sleeping again while Obama talks

Biden falling asleep in front of Prime Minister

Staffer hidden in Easter Bunny costume prevents Biden from answering press questions and whisks him away


Yeah OK, I'm pretty sure Biden qualifies as a geriatric here. Who can't walk up a set of stairs safely. And whom is responsible for running this country into the ground so badly that even liberal pundits and operatives are roasting him right now.

You are just a bad faith actor who has driven off how many good posters off these forums for God knows how many years now. The more you and others attack Conservatives and Republicans, the more I post, the more I participate, the more thread topics I start, the more Conservatism I infuse into the PSF. Those whom hate me the most here will have you to thank that I'm literally everywhere. All the time.

So yes, the distinction here is sometimes the truth will be seen as "inflammatory" by tribalist zealots.
You could have just admitted you were being purposely inflammatory. You're clearly a very smart person. You know exactly what you were doing. I also find it interesting that you focused on sho when it was me who originally responded to you. I feel a little unloved.

That has to be one of the saddest/insane things I’ve seen in a long time. 
If not for his other gaffes and mental hiccups, I'd have given it a pass. But putting it all together shows that he's not all there anymore. 

If not for his other gaffes and mental hiccups, I'd have given it a pass. But putting it all together shows that he's not all there anymore. 
Agree with this post, but the bolded is why I don't think it's that funny to make fun and do chants.   Not saying, you more a comment on the discussion in the other thread about the kid's baseball game.  

Fun Fact: Democrats have known Joe Biden's age for quite some time.  :coffee:
Yeah, I don't get the thought behind all his anti threads.  I saw in a different thread where he recommended to another on the right to start 10 threads a week.  He certainly does believe in his own advice.

Yeah, I don't get the thought behind all his anti threads.  I saw in a different thread where he recommended to another on the right to start 10 threads a week.  He certainly does believe in his own advice.
The thought? I don't see much thought behind them. Consume anti-lib media, post here, underline and bold words. Move on to the next hate-fueled topic. He's just a propaganda robot doing the far right's dirty work.

Have any assets been activated?

Do we have any operatives that can be moved into place, in case this scenario goes full green?  


All the guys that spent endless hours with made up Trump conspiracies and hate threads don’t get the anti Biden threads when he’s failed as miserably as he has….now this is rich even for here.  :popcorn:

The thought? I don't see much thought behind them. Consume anti-lib media, post here, underline and bold words. Move on to the next hate-fueled topic. He's just a propaganda robot doing the far right's dirty work.
Oh man. The Deep State got to Captain Cranks

half the country would lose their minds if he left and Harris stepped - the gop half that hates women

Just to clarify, it's not the GOP who hates women.  We're not the side of the aisle that has suddenly forgot what a woman is.  :lol:

Nothing says "I hate women" more than denying their very existence.  :lmao:

Last edited by a moderator:
Captain Cranks said:
The thought? I don't see much thought behind them. Consume anti-lib media, post here, underline and bold words. Move on to the next hate-fueled topic. He's just a propaganda robot doing the far right's dirty work.

The purpose of the threads does not seem to initiate any serious discussion or debate IMO. Usually, they are all a lengthy 10+ paragraph diatribe or rant followed by 6-8 questions trying to give the appearance of facilitating a discussion (although he didn't even bother with the questions in this OP). 

GoBirds said:
All the guys that spent endless hours with made up Trump conspiracies and hate threads don’t get the anti Biden threads when he’s failed as miserably as he has….now this is rich even for here.  :popcorn:
Fair point. I guess that means you have Biden derangement syndrome, amirite?

Seems quite inflammatory as usual.

VIDEO: Biden touts graduation speech that never happened Jul 9, 2022

'The Big Saturday Show' panelists react to the number of departures by White House staffers and Biden's prospects for a presidential campaign in 2024.



Biden says he gave a commencement speech at Villanova. But it was actually his wife. Remembering things that happened to other people and assessing as one of your own memories of something you did yourself is a clear sign of deep cognitive decline.

The analysts at Fox made good points

1) The clear "aging to the point of incompetence" problem makes America look weak to our natural foreign threats from a national security perpective

2) A massive number of Staffers, including many long time stalwarts all the way back from the Obama Administration, have jumped ship to try to save their own political careers is a red flag as to whom is actually steering the ship for the next two and a half years of this disaster of a regime.

3) The only thing more terrifying than Biden's behavior is that he still sounds more articulate than his cackling VPOTUS in Kamala Harris.

The problem really isn't your personal attacks directed towards myself. The real problem is your behavior makes it clear to anyone new to FBG who thinks about participating that you will eventually find a way to attack them for sport. You're a tax on this entire community as a clear bad faith actor. And apparently this has only happened because you've been enabled in this behavior.

If you want to silence me then actually raise the level of discussion.

VIDEO: Biden touts graduation speech that never happened Jul 9, 2022

'The Big Saturday Show' panelists react to the number of departures by White House staffers and Biden's prospects for a presidential campaign in 2024.



Biden says he gave a commencement speech at Villanova. But it was actually his wife. Remembering things that happened to other people and assessing as one of your own memories of something you did yourself is a clear sign of deep cognitive decline.

The analysts at Fox made good points

1) The clear "aging to the point of incompetence" problem makes America look weak to our natural foreign threats from a national security perpective

2) A massive number of Staffers, including many long time stalwarts all the way back from the Obama Administration, have jumped ship to try to save their own political careers is a red flag as to whom is actually steering the ship for the next two and a half years of this disaster of a regime.

3) The only thing more terrifying than Biden's behavior is that he still sounds more articulate than his cackling VPOTUS in Kamala Harris.

The problem really isn't your personal attacks directed towards myself. The real problem is your behavior makes it clear to anyone new to FBG who thinks about participating that you will eventually find a way to attack them for sport. You're a tax on this entire community as a clear bad faith actor. And apparently this has only happened because you've been enabled in this behavior.

If you want to silence me then actually raise the level of discussion.

Direct Headline: American Voters Haven’t Been Afraid Like This in a Long Time

In a rare convergence, America’s voters are not merely unhappy with their political leadership, but awash in fears about economic security, border security, international security and even physical security....

...From late 2017 until the pandemic, a majority of Americans believed that the economy was strong, and from 2014 until the pandemic at least a plurality believed their personal economic situation was improving. Covid-19 cut sharply into that feeling of well-being; this was initially seen as temporary, though, and trillions of dollars flowed into keeping people afloat. But then near-double-digit inflation hit consumers for the first time in 40 years; 60 percent of voters now see the economy as weak and 48 percent say their financial situation is worsening, according to a Harris poll conducted April 20-21. Many Americans under 60 have relatively little experience with anything but comparatively low fuel costs, negligible interest rates and stable prices. Virtually overnight these assumptions have been shaken. Only 35 percent approve of President Biden’s handling of inflation....

These economic blows are just one element in a cascading set of problems all hitting at the same time. It combines the nuclear anxieties of the 1950s and ’60s with the inflation threat of the ’70s, the crime wave of the ’80s and ’90s and the tensions over illegal immigration in the 2000s and beyond.....The return of fear about crime is especially worrisome for Democrats....Worries about walking the streets and riding the subway were less acute among new generations, and yet today those same streets and mass transit are once again hobbled by fear; even the head of the New York-area Metropolitan Transportation Authority argued that fear of crime and homelessness was behind a 36 percent drop in ridership between December 2021 and January 2022....

...Immigration was used effectively by President Donald Trump as a wedge issue to win working-class voters. According to the April Harris poll, under Mr. Biden, 59 percent of voters believe that we have “effectively” open borders and, looking back, many even support some of Mr. Trump’s immigration policies. Mr. Biden receives only 38 percent approval for his immigration policy, a troublingly low rating for a Democrat (President Barack Obama was at 29 percent approval on immigration policy before the 2010 midterm wipeout)....

....Today, fear of a great power conflict and nuclear weapons has emerged in ways not seen since the Cold War. With the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin, fresh ballistic missile tests, and Mr. Putin’s explicit reference to the use of nuclear weapons and “unpredictable” consequences of opposing him, fear of nuclear weapons has been thrust front and center, as a recent focus group of Americans by Times Opinion found as well. Fear of nuclear weapons now ranks second in issues that worry voters, behind the effects of inflation.....

Continuing to let gas prices surge will hurt Democrats on the ballot in the fall; the party needs a new, tempered energy policy that includes a more gradual transition to alternative fuels and an appreciation of energy independence.....The Biden administration is also losing in swing areas on immigration, as evidenced by the nine Senate Democrats and the House’s bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus that have expressed reservations about its plan to lift Title 42, the Trump administration’s Covid-era policy of intercepting and returning migrants without due process....

....With rising crime as an issue, the favorable rating of the Department of Justice has sunk to just 51 percent under Merrick Garland, according to the Harris poll. Mr. Biden needs to shake up his top law-enforcement officials and back legislation that combines police reform with funding for hundreds of thousands of new community police officers, greater federal involvement in stopping violent crime syndicates and gangs, and wider discretion for judges to take violent criminals off the streets. The administration needs to consider interceding on behalf of victims in circumstances in which district attorneys are not prosecuting violent criminals to the full extent of the law, especially when they waive “enhancements” for gang-related crimes....The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan precipitated a decline in his administration’s approval rates. Ukraine’s loss would compound the view among some voters that he is too weak....

According to reports, Mr. Biden now says he is running for re-election in 2024. But he is facing limited enthusiasm in his own party for a second run and loses even to Mr. Trump in hypothetical matchups, according to the Harris poll. Sticking to the high-priced Build Back Better legislation or variants of it on the basis of narrow party-line votes has not been successful....People are afraid of being walloped financially, being injured or menaced by criminals, being in a country without strong borders or Covid protections for immigrants, and being under threat of nuclear weapons. If Mr. Biden and Democratic leaders cannot effectively address these fears, the wave election will hit them in November...

By Mark Penn April 25, 2022



This is the New York Times saying all the above. Mark Penn is a professional political operative who worked heavily for the Clinton regime and is a Democrat.

Yes, even liberals are saying Biden sucks as President and is running this country into the ground.

Biden falls down stairs

Biden falls off bike

Biden falls down stairs again

Biden keeps falling down stairs

Biden falls asleep in middle of Summit

Biden forgetting what he said just two minutes before

Biden sleeping again while Obama talks

Biden falling asleep in front of Prime Minister

Staffer hidden in Easter Bunny costume prevents Biden from answering press questions and whisks him away


Yeah OK, I'm pretty sure Biden qualifies as a geriatric here. Who can't walk up a set of stairs safely. And whom is responsible for running this country into the ground so badly that even liberal pundits and operatives are roasting him right now.

You are just a bad faith actor who has driven off how many good posters off these forums for God knows how many years now. The more you and others attack Conservatives and Republicans, the more I post, the more I participate, the more thread topics I start, the more Conservatism I infuse into the PSF. Those whom hate me the most here will have you to thank that I'm literally everywhere. All the time.

So yes, the distinction here is sometimes the truth will be seen as "inflammatory" by tribalist zealots.
Your confidence is so infectious.  Like Ebola.

Fun Fact: Democrats have known Joe Biden's age for quite some time.  :coffee:
Sort of.  They gave him a pass for being senile because people like tim wrongly told us nobody else could defeat Trump.  And then Biden almost lost to him anyway.   What an absurdly bad candidate Biden was.  And as he ages rapidly (being Prez ages the officeholder like dog years), every day/week/month he’s more of an embarrassment.

Sort of.  They gave him a pass for being senile because people like tim wrongly told us nobody else could defeat Trump.  And then Biden almost lost to him anyway.   What an absurdly bad candidate Biden was.  And as he ages rapidly (being Prez ages the officeholder like dog years), every day/week/month he’s more of an embarrassment.
I don’t see how he could even be a option at this time for 2024.  If I were betting the nominee, it’s Newsom.

I don’t see how he could even be a option at this time for 2024.  If I were betting the nominee, it’s Newsom.
He’s an option because old people vote.  In every election.  My parents love the guy — and they refuse to admit he’s senile, because he’s “no worse than them or their friends.”

He’s an option because old people vote.  In every election.  My parents love the guy — and they refuse to admit he’s senile, because he’s “no worse than them or their friends.”
More old people vote R I would imagine (at least they do here).  I would think the momentum of Roe vs Wade with Newsom would get some young voters.  Of course the trick will be getting the youngins to vote in primaries, and that isn’t easy.

The purpose of the threads does not seem to initiate any serious discussion or debate IMO. Usually, they are all a lengthy 10+ paragraph diatribe or rant followed by 6-8 questions trying to give the appearance of facilitating a discussion (although he didn't even bother with the questions in this OP). 

VIDEO: Saagar Enjeti: Media FINALLY Admits Biden's Age A HUGE Problem Jul 11, 2022

Saagar tracks the current media discussion of Biden's age being a problem after the campaign to stifle meaningful conversations about it for years beforehand



Enjeti points out, and his viewpoint is very practical, that if Trump announces he's running for 2024 POTUS and Stacey Abrams, Gavin Newsom and Hillary Clinton all fall by the wayside, that the activist complicit MSM, now railing on Biden's age, when the topic was taboo before, will suddenly revert back to "Uncle Joe and his Gaffes" routine, because they have no choice.

This is nothing more than rats desperate to escape a sinking ship.


You do a lot of complaining about what's in my top level thread topics, and usually never actually discuss the topic at hand.  Even when I address your BS, I still support my own threads and still talk about the topic at hand.

Your behavior is in bad faith.

Now I'm going to ping the @FBG Moderator

Squistion, you have a dirty habit of "concern trolling" threads, attacking people, trying to gas light them and source policing people. And it's all focused specifically against Conservatives and Republicans here. Your behavior is bad for business. It says no one with any viewpoints contrary to yours should stick around and become a subscriber. Talk about the actual thread topic presented or find another thread. It's not that hard. You aren't even making a cursory attempt to do so. Your cheap game is to skirt the rules, see who you can incite so you can try to get them banned.

I can't directly stop your toxic behavior. What I can do is go to one of the Staff members with, IIRC, a partnership stake in the business. If you keep it up, I'll talk to Sigmund Bloom and we can hash out in private what your behavior will cost FBG as a business and a brand.

There's a magic number where your toxic long standing documented behavior will be too expensive for FBG to tolerate anymore. Keep pushing and I'll be sure to find it.

Speaking ONLY about this thread GG (because I'm not in a lot of yours), he's not wrong in pointing out that you have posed no questions to discuss.  I've read through your OP 3 times and can find only your bullet points (red good-blue bad).  If you feel a need to tell on him, please feel free but what he pointed out about questions seems to be true.  Could you edit it and make some of your bullet points more like questions to increase positive awareness?


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