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Free the laughing emoji (1 Viewer)

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Hi Folks,

I hear you on this and I fully understand the sentiment. And I get that lots of people see this as us making another bad decision for the forums.

I'm sorry but we're going to stick with the current form for now. We just had too many people using it to laugh at and mock other posters. Which is something we want to avoid. And I'm likely admittedly more sensitive to other posters treating people that way.

When you like or laugh with a person's post, please use the like emoji.

No idea if that's the right thing to do. But it's how we're going to try and move forward as best we can. I'm sorry as I know that's not what some folks want to hear. 

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Hi Folks,

I hear you on this and I fully understand the sentiment. And I get that lots of people see this as us making another bad decision for the forums.

I'm sorry but we're going to stick with the current form for now. We just had too many people using it to laugh at and mock other posters. Which is something we want to avoid. And I'm likely admittedly more sensitive to other posters treating people that way.

When you like or laugh with a person's post, please use the like emoji.

No idea if that's the right thing to do. But it's how we're going to try and move forward as best we can. I'm sorry as I know that's not what some folks want to hear. 
C'mon Joe, give us a chance.  Don't we deserve a second chance?

Pretty please...

I wish this didn’t bother me so much. Junk topics cause misuse or whatever of the laugh emoji.  Were people reporting that it was used mockingly? Thats wild. 

IMO adding the likes/notifications in the first places was worse.  
I turned off my notifications a couple of months ago, and I find that makes the forums more pleasant.  Before, I felt obliged to read and usually respond to everything.  Now it's a lot easier just to let other people have the last word and move on like gentlemen.

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Hi Folks,

I hear you on this and I fully understand the sentiment. And I get that lots of people see this as us making another bad decision for the forums.

I'm sorry but we're going to stick with the current form for now. We just had too many people using it to laugh at and mock other posters. Which is something we want to avoid. And I'm likely admittedly more sensitive to other posters treating people that way.

When you like or laugh with a person's post, please use the like emoji.

No idea if that's the right thing to do. But it's how we're going to try and move forward as best we can. I'm sorry as I know that's not what some folks want to hear. 
As always, your board, your rules.  I’ve always come to FBGs to be entertained and laugh sprinkled with learning.  It’s a minor thing - mostly forgotten but I still think it’s a mistake.  The reason this place has been and at times is great is a community.  Again, it’s minor but the community aspect took a hit when you made that decision - both because we lost an interaction with each other but more so you essentially told the board regulars that appeasing the trolls is more important to you than how the rest of us feel.

Hi Folks,

I hear you on this and I fully understand the sentiment. And I get that lots of people see this as us making another bad decision for the forums.

I'm sorry but we're going to stick with the current form for now. We just had too many people using it to laugh at and mock other posters. Which is something we want to avoid. And I'm likely admittedly more sensitive to other posters treating people that way.

When you like or laugh with a person's post, please use the like emoji.

No idea if that's the right thing to do. But it's how we're going to try and move forward as best we can. I'm sorry as I know that's not what some folks want to hear. 
It’s your business and your board Joe.  Fully support your decisions on how to run things.  You are a class act who puts up with a lot of nonsense.  I don’t know how you do it without reacting in the moment.

Against that backdrop, however, I’m not a fan of punishing a large group of people for the sins of a few.  My 6th grade teacher used to make the whole class (30 kids) stay after school as punishment when the same 2 kids goofed off in class 1-2 days each week.   That never made sense to me — have consequences for the offenders, not the innocent — and this situation is really similar.  It’s tough for me to see a difference.

But again, it’s just an emoji.  And this is your business.  Thank you for keeping this forum running and allowing us to be guests here.  

As always, your board, your rules.  I’ve always come to FBGs to be entertained and laugh sprinkled with learning.  It’s a minor thing - mostly forgotten but I still think it’s a mistake.  The reason this place has been and at times is great is a community.  Again, it’s minor but the community aspect took a hit when you made that decision - both because we lost an interaction with each other but more so you essentially told the board regulars that appeasing the trolls is more important to you than how the rest of us feel.

Huge disagreement. 

This had zero to do with appeasing the trolls. This was stopping the trolls from trolling by using it. 

That breaks my heart you thought it was appeasing trolls. But that's how it goes for me here regularly it seems. 

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I never cared for the punish everyone for the few bad approach, but it’s not my forum/business and I have the option of leaving.

I guess it’s fairly easy to create another user account if joe did try banning the ones being unkind so I’m sure he’s given it some thought, and his house, his rules…

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Couldn’t you just ban them instead?


But contrary to popular opinion, we try not to ban people. 

And yes, I realize that will batsignal the "But I got suspended for nothing..."  folks. 

Plus, the suspended people come back and often just pick back up doing what they were doing. It's a pretty miserable way to try and run something for us. 

So, in an effort of goodwill for us and for you, why not trial bringing it back. A true second chance. An effort of forgiveness.

If it starts getting used like it was before, then you simply remove it again and will know it was the right decision. If it's a couple people abusing it, a lengthy suspension/banning awaits. And if we can act like the adults we are and use it the way it's intended, it's a win/win. 

You can have a very short leash on this. Very little downside, IMO. 

Huge disagreement. 

This had zero to do with appeasing the trolls. This was stopping the trolls from trolling by using it. 

That breaks my heart you thought it was appeasing trolls. But that's how it goes for me here regularly it seems. 
I don't really care one way or the other (I like making people laugh and it always felt good to get a laugh like) but...

Don't we all have the ability to "ban" trolls with the ignore function? I would think it better to encourage those who get offended to disconnect from their offenders rather than take away something that's real intent is to show positivity.

But, it's your board. Really, I mean that.

(I use the ignore function quite liberally in real life. Try it, guys. You'll like it.)

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Huge disagreement. 

This had zero to do with appeasing the trolls. This was stopping the trolls from trolling by using it. 

That breaks my heart you thought it was appeasing trolls. But that's how it goes for me here regularly it seems. 

Couldn’t you just ban them instead?

This was my point.  By not banning them it's appeasing them.  I don't think you did it consciously Joe - it's just how I feel.  I acknowledge you are in a tough spot.  I told you 2 years ago you needed to start giving longer TOs and banning because this was the direction things were headed.  I have a ton of posters on ignore because they add nothing to the community but arguments and discord.  I would hope others could have ignored the trolling emojis or at least the mods let it slide versus eliminating it.  Also, when you eliminated it I'm also now breaking another rule by responding to posts with just a single emoji - laughing.  If one of my i-buddies here says something that makes me laugh that much I want to acknowledge it. 

Don't we all have the ability to "ban" trolls with the ignore function? I would think it better to encourage those who get offended to disconnect from their offenders rather than take away something that's real intent is to show positivity.

For sure you do. This was more a thing where I didn't want to see people continually laughing at other people and mocking and bullying other people online. 

This had more to do with me not wanting trolls and bullies to do that than it did the people being laughed at complaining. I got very little of the latter. 

One more point to follow up my own comment.  The reason I want to acknowledge someone making me laugh isn't just to make that person feel good but rather so people keep doing it.  The board needs the humor and as I stated, it's one of the main reasons I started coming here.  Being able to laugh at someone's comment is a community building feature.

Since it seems to be a customization - is it possible to keep it in the FFA but turn it off in the PSF?  Seems like that is where the vast majority of that stuff was going on, right?

For sure you do. This was more a thing where I didn't want to see people continually laughing at other people and mocking and bullying other people online. 

This had more to do with me not wanting trolls and bullies to do that than it did the people being laughed at complaining. I got very little of the latter. 
So it hurt your feelings more than it hurt the feelings of those you're intending to "protect"?

Again, that's okay. Just wasn't what I thought was the reasoning.

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This was my point.  By not banning them it's appeasing them.  I don't think you did it consciously Joe - it's just how I feel.  I acknowledge you are in a tough spot.  I told you 2 years ago you needed to start giving longer TOs and banning because this was the direction things were headed.  I have a ton of posters on ignore because they add nothing to the community but arguments and discord.  I would hope others could have ignored the trolling emojis or at least the mods let it slide versus eliminating it.  Also, when you eliminated it I'm also now breaking another rule by responding to posts with just a single emoji - laughing.  If one of my i-buddies here says something that makes me laugh that much I want to acknowledge it. 

You can reply to a post with a single laughing emoji if you truly are laughing with them. That's not hard to tell what's what there. Although I probably just made the moderators job more difficult with that.

I just hate to see people mocking and laughing at each other. And it's not that I have some deep seated thing there. I didn't get bullied as a kid. But I've seen a ton of it and I hate it. 

The whole thing just sucks to pour this much effort and time and money into something and have almost all the feedback be negative. And yes, I know I'm just whining here. 

One more point to follow up my own comment.  The reason I want to acknowledge someone making me laugh isn't just to make that person feel good but rather so people keep doing it.  The board needs the humor and as I stated, it's one of the main reasons I started coming here.  Being able to laugh at someone's comment is a community building feature.

Of course. I addressed that above. This was never remotely meant to not allow people to laugh with others. Use the single emoji. Sigh.

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