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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (8 Viewers)

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David, you are a mod.  Please.

No joking, no shtick. Earnest kinda drunk and therefore less inhibited response from a nearly 20 year member of this awesome community.  Please, just step it back a little?
I wonder if David considered your future kid before making that post. Cross him off the list of potential godfathers?

There's a larger argument about all of this that is perfectly legitimate and I may actually agree with. That the ability to unmask US persons in intelligence gathering per a FISA warrant should be given to a single person, or no one at all, or require judicial review in the same manner as getting a FISA warrant. If we are truly engaging in foreign surveillance, it should be a huge hurdle to discover identities of US citizens who are caught up.

However, given the state of laws and regulations, that just isn't the case. 
Do we even know with certainty unmasking happened (if not, that would sort of chop off Mike C.'s argument off at the knees)?

Only asking because much of this is classified and can't be discussed, and one of the few semi-coherent things uttered by Nunes was that he "could tell from the context" who the SigInt was referring to, which seems to connote the opposite of unmasking?

Do we even know with certainty unmasking happened (if not, that would sort of chop off Mike C.'s argument off at the knees)?

Only asking because much of this is classified and can't be discussed, and one of the few semi-coherent things uttered by Nunes was that he "could tell from the context" who the SigInt was referring to, which seems to connote the opposite of unmasking?
With certainty? No.  In all likelihood? Probably.  But only in the most secure, classified of situations. 

The only potential crime here is the one we've talked about for months - dissemination of likely classified information by someone whose identity is still unknown. 

Matthias said:
Why are we talking about Susan Rice and "unmasking" when we're in the middle of an investigation into treason? Or have a 35yo real estate developer handling all of our foreign diplomacy? Or have a president who lies multiple times a day with legion conflicts of interest?

It's amazing how well Trump controls the narrative.
Because about 1/3 of the country doesn't believe that there should be an investigation into potential treason and do believe that Obama is running a shadow government.  

So this week it's Susan Rice, that won't go anywhere
The goal isn't for it to go anywhere. The goal is to repeat it constantly and make it sound more and more menacing, to take people's minds off the Senate investigation and the IC investigations. Trump's base of support has shrunk greatly since the election, and the hardcore nutters feel threatened now. So expect to keep hearing it, as they quote each other and list an ever-increasing number of "sources".

The goal isn't for it to go anywhere. The goal is to repeat it constantly and make it sound more and more menacing, to take people's minds off the Senate investigation and the IC investigations. Trump's base of support has shrunk greatly since the election, and the hardcore nutters feel threatened now. So expect to keep hearing it, as they quote each other and list an ever-increasing number of "sources".
Eh.  It isn't new.  It's the same as pizzagate, spirit cooking, Obama's secret shadow government he's running on vacation with Branson, etc etc etc.  There will be something else in May.  I'm guessing Secret Service as the bad guy in that one. 

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I believe the pedophile network gets exposed under Trump.  I have my reasons for believing it, but I will leave it at that.  I am choosing not to name any names
The lights are off, the room is empty, everyone is gone except this one guy who's saying "Deal! I've got this one for sure."

The goal isn't for it to go anywhere. The goal is to repeat it constantly and make it sound more and more menacing, to take people's minds off the Senate investigation and the IC investigations. Trump's base of support has shrunk greatly since the election, and the hardcore nutters feel threatened now. So expect to keep hearing it, as they quote each other and list an ever-increasing number of "sources".
Remember, Gateway Pundit is part of the White House Press Corps!!!

Eh.  It isn't new.  It's the same as pizzagate, spirit cooking, Obama's secret shadow government he's running on vacation with Branson, etc etc etc.  There will be something else in May.  I'm guessing Secret Service as the bad guy in that one. 
Spirit cooking?  Sounds like something a yoga instructor would invent.

Ladies and gentlemen, all of this stems from Trump's uninformed tweet.

To my senses, this is starting to get dangerous.  We're moving from Trump the idiot, to Trump the threat to national security and stability.  Anyone else sensing a shift in what he's doing to his base?

It's like through his idiocy, and conspiracy theory nature, and habit of doubling down, and willingness to say anything not to be proven wrong...he's going to take us somewhere dangerous, and it feels like we've recently taken a few quick steps down that path.
Yes, it does. We seem closer and closer to attacking North Korea if his polls keep plunging. Judging by the number and vexation level of his hardcore supporters, Trump feels really threatened now.

Yes, it does. We seem closer and closer to attacking North Korea if his polls keep plunging. Judging by the number and vexation level of his hardcore supporters, Trump feels really threatened now.
His supporters have no vexation.  They think he's winning and that the Russia allegations are as silly as spirit cooking

Depends who you ask.  Staff/candidate/partial observers/impartial observers all have different answers. Honestly, most staffers blame Bernie supporters and Bernie. It's a little weird. 
I think she sucked as a candidate.   About the only time she actually seemed human was during the BENGHAZI!!! hearing.

I can't even begin to understand what you are talking about regarding Sweden, etc.

I believe the pedophile network gets exposed under Trump.  I have my reasons for believing it, but I will leave it at that.  I am choosing not to name any names - The dominoes will fall where they fall.   
Henry Ford immediately debunked the notion about making int'l pedo sex slave ring inferences based on a lack of continued Swedish (?) contributions to the Foundation, possibly you are misremembering and I'm not having a very specific, vivid hallucination. Does that seem like the kind of argument you would have made, already today you cited as evidence "cover ups" that were widely debunked?

You seem comfortable making unsubstantiated accusations but less so supporting them with verifiable reasons. Again, How would you feel about somebody doing that to you?

Look, let's try to keep the eye on the ball, can we? I saw a cartoon this weekend in which a bird representing Trump's Twitter feed was up a tree and a bunch of dog's representing the media were barking up the wrong tree. In an adjacent tree, cats with conflict and interest on them, including one with Trump's face sporting a Cheshire Cat grin, are languidly lounging around unmolested. You know how magic works, right, getting the audience looking at what the MAGICIAN wants so the audience misses the palmed coin or rabbit being transferred to be pulled out of the hat?

What is the post-inauguration sequence that kicked off this Keystone Cops cockamamie tomfoolery? Flynn lied to the VP and "resigned" in disgrace. That is on HIM, as well as being a Turkish foreign agent without reporting it. He also may have lied to the Feds and obstructed an active investigation, and could be looking at significant prison time. The laughably hypocritical immunity request (by Flynn and Trump's previously stated logic, this equates to proof of guilt) won't find any takers, they already have TRANSCRIPTS likely implicating him with perjury (this is MAD Magazine, Spy vs. Spy level incompetence, allowing HIMSELF to be spied on and caught in a compromising position, than gross arrogance and hubris in lying about it - THAT is the story, how the freak did somebody that dumb, incompetent, corrupt and subject to blackmail end up being one our chief spy masters, why did Trump wait until he was caught before remedying the untenable situation, and that we are COLLECTIVELY lucky we found out before something disastrous happened, why fight over such a corrupt person/situation?). Again, to recap, Trump only fired Flynn even after being informed by Yates that he could be compromised and a blackmail risk, until the story broke in the national media. Bad look for him. Next, Jeff Sessions was caught perjuring himself about Russian meetings, and embarrassingly forced to recuse himself from any future Russian investigations which HE HIMSELF MIGHT BE IMPLICATED IN AS A TRUMP SURROGATE, enraging and infuriating Trump. A few days later, to distract, deflect, change the subject from his embarrassment and disgrace, Trump unleashed his unhinged, deranged, unsubstantiated, debunked tweet that Obama tapped phone, bad (SICK) guy! He also is just trolling when he later he claims he didn't really mean tapped PHONES when he said tapped PHONES (well than why the heck did he say something as specific as PHONES?). Should we just put one quotation mark at the beginning of his term, one at the end, and say everything he said wasn't really what he meant. If Trump is right, that is what he meant, if not, what he REALLY meant was whatever he would have needed to say to have been right in the first place! That's just stupefyingly dumb for Trump to expect a critical mass of Americans to go along with that wackadoo, fabulist alternate reality being created.

Weird, too, that TrumpBannon kept on the protege of the disgraced Flynn, who has since been implicated in the TRANSITION TEAM MEMBER Nunes nonsense (you realize even he contradicted himself, and than repeatedly distanced himself from Trump's bogus, fake news claims). Why? So he could provide cover and overt downfield blocking? And who else was implicated? Surprise, surprise, it was a 30 year old protege of Nunes, also who provided cover (and a third perp, all who may have been directed by WH lawyer McGahn). How convenient (the Cold War Soviet espionage ideal was cultivating a "Wilderness of Mirrors" for the opposition to better hide moles). Trump was ashamed and embarrassed by his feeble tweet, stung by Comey's historic rebuke of a delusional sitting President, had no appetite to hear about his systemic incompetence from former AG Yates and CIA Director Brennan, and was scrambling to create controversy by any means necessary to stall/stop ongoing investigation wherever possible. Also, he is clumsily and hamhandedly trying to discredit multiple investigations ahead of possible future indictments, so if the news is bad (or treasonous), he can try to squirm and wiggle out of it by saying, told ya they were corrupt, you can safely ignore all future findings.

They were looking for retroactive confirmation of his tweet outburst. Like when he made the boneheaded, infamous "last night in Sweden" imaginary atrocity remark (kind of like Conway's Bowling Green Unicorn Massacre). Than there is a bar fight a few days later, and in the recent Time Magazine interview, he cites this as "proving" he was right. No. No it doesn't. It gets back to Occam's Razor. What is more likely, he had some kind of crystal ball, or he was just reporting something he saw on Fox News (what did he just tweet TODAY, advertising he gets his intel from Fox and Friends despite having one of the greatest IC resources in the world at his disposal, is this really a stretch, especially given we know that EXACT story about Sweden was on Fox the NIGHT BEFORE?). Which happens all the time. If you map out the communication flow, it starts with RT, than moves to alt-right sites like Breitbart and Infowars, than to Fox and Hannity.

The latest Mike C. Big Lebowski-like missing Creedence tape "lead" is no different than his previous muck racking about Clinton having the Andromeda Strain (why believe anything he says based on that track record, when he is an ADMITTED troll who uses fake news publicity stunts to exploit rampant gullibility and gain attention and exposure to further HIS profile?). It seems contradictory when the right whines about desecrating institutions (based on unsubstantiated rumors like Mike C) when Trump himself trampled on institutions practically every day, it was a fake election if he lost, but not fake if he won. What is that? They loved it when Trump "tells it like it is" and PC is for snowflakes, but when those same methods are turned on Trump, than they don't like "telling it like it is" when it is about him. When they were about Clinton, Trump gleefully cheered on the leaks. When about him, not so much. The contradictions roar off the screen/page.

Trump made his leak bed, what could be more fitting if he is forced to lie in it. 

* What is more likely to generate hits and revenue for the likes of Hannity, Breitbart, Jones and Mike C., talking about what is the best tasting oatmeal, or a "war against the administrative and deep states"? Of course they are going to talk about the latter whether it is real or not. There is a cult-like, devoted, fervent appetite from worshipful, adoring supporters that WANT to believe it, and maybe NEED to (embarrassing to admit being duped by a hokey charlatan, better to stretch the suspension of disbelief to and beyond the snapping point).

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Matthias said:
Why are we talking about Susan Rice and "unmasking" when we're in the middle of an investigation into treason? Or have a 35yo real estate developer handling all of our foreign diplomacy? Or have a president who lies multiple times a day with legion conflicts of interest?

It's amazing how well Trump controls the narrative.
He's not though. We're talking about it because a couple of people (robjk and David Dodds) between them have a lot of posts on the subject. Fox News is talking about it because they need to come up with something to defend Trump.

But almost none of the other news sources are paying very much attention to this at all, and rightly so. And a few weeks from now we're still going to be talking about Russia and possible collusion, and this Susan Rice thing will be long forgotten.

Aside from the fact that the story appears totally manufactured within the WH, one of the big problems with relying on alt-right reporting is not only do Trump fans find out about things weeks to months after they happened, but they also have a startling lack of facts for their theory.  Ok, say Rice unmasked... someone or several names on Team Trump. Then what?
The delusional Farkas "proves" Obama spied on Trump (talking point falsely used again tonight by Trump surrogates) shrill shrieking by Hannity betrays at best confusion and worst disingenuousness, obfuscation and outright manipulation. The reporter exposed the myth to Spicey a few days ago, it is nonsensical to attribute anything nefarious when she was talking about stuff in 2017 about what happened in 2016 but had ALREADY BEEN REPORTED ON IN 2017, and when she left in 2015. It makes no sense, but is emblematic of the crude, vulgar nature of the deflections, like some decrepit, alcoholic, palsied shell of a former magician who no longer has the chops or skills to convincingly, persuasively and authoritatively misdirect the audience. OOF! And, other than endemic contradictoriness, why is it OK for Trump to constantly reference news reports IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, but Farkas not once?

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Have any long-time subscribers seriously contemplated dropping their annual membership here based on @David Dodds incoherent, conspiratorial, anti-fact, damaging ramblings?  Its a free country, and it's his business, along with @Joe Bryant.   They are more than welcome to channel their inner Alex Jones, especially on the platform they own.   I just don't think I can financially support an entity so publicly disconnected from reality.

Have any long-time subscribers seriously contemplated dropping their annual membership here based on @David Dodds incoherent, conspiratorial, anti-fact, damaging ramblings?  Its a free country, and it's his business, along with @Joe Bryant.   They are more than welcome to channel their inner Alex Jones, especially on the platform they own.   I just don't think I can financially support an entity so publicly disconnected from reality.
Honestly, yes.  Been a subscriber for 11 years, and for the first time I am considering dropping it.  I probably won't, because despite Dodd's prominent position in FBG, he really isn't on the list of features I value in the sub.  Granted, he is benefiting from my sub, but so are a lot of folks who provide the resources that I value.

I believe everyone has the right to their beliefs, political leanings, etc.. but Dodd's has really gone off the rails with this stuff.  It isn't just a matter of disagreeing politically, he is referencing highly questionable sources, pushing stories that are already debunked, and has become part of a problem that really frightens me nowadays ... the "confirm My truth" rather than "find The truth" crowd.  He seems to have a narrative in his mind and will disregard any information that opposes that narrative, and broadcast any that supports it.  The factual nature of that information is completely optional.

There are too many people spouting absolutes and certainties here, and everywhere for that matter, when they simply cannot and do not have all of the information needed to make such claims.  I don't think anyone posting on this message board has access to all of the information and facts that pertain to this election cycle, the Clinton campaign, the Trump campaign, and the Russians, yet many of you speak as if there is no question what you are posting is a fact.  I think discussing all of it is great, I think debating differing views on the information is productive, but if you believe that you have all of this figured out already, you are delusional.      

Have any long-time subscribers seriously contemplated dropping their annual membership here based on @David Dodds incoherent, conspiratorial, anti-fact, damaging ramblings?  Its a free country, and it's his business, along with @Joe Bryant.   They are more than welcome to channel their inner Alex Jones, especially on the platform they own.   I just don't think I can financially support an entity so publicly disconnected from reality.
If I were a subscriber, I wouldn't be one any more.  But I haven't played magic football in a decade.

For the left to consider themselves tolerant is a joke.  Anyone dare offer a different opinion, you can't do business with them, you can't have a civil discussion with them, you don't let them speak, you boycott their state.  Are you really that so wrapped up in your ideology that it is so difficult to have an association with someone who thinks differently.  And you think religious people are intolerant.  Good god.  Easily the most intolerant people I know are on the left. 

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Wow deserves credit for keeping his word. I must have thousands of credits in the bank then.
He has set the bar so low that occasionally he accidentally trips & falls over it.  But he did do so, & credit is due (how much you're willing to give is up to you).

For the left to consider themselves tolerant is a joke.  Anyone dare offer a different opinion, you can't do business with them, you can't have a civil discussion with them, you don't let them speak, you boycott their state.  Are you really that so wrapped up in your ideology that it is so difficult to have an association with someone who thinks differently.  And you think religious people are intolerant.  Good god.  Easily the most intolerant people I know are on the left. 
I choose reality.  Honest deliberation with individuals committed to disinformation is impossible.  If I tell you the earth is flat, not spherical, it seems a waste of time to convince me otherwise after a certain amount of time.  Dodds has spent the better part of the last year peddling lies, unsupported conspiracy theories, and misinformation.  This isn't garden variety liberal-conservative differences of opinion.  He's off the rails fabricating information with the goal of falsely diminishing/deteriorating the subjects of his delusions.  

You're absolutely right: I am intolerant of that.  

Have any long-time subscribers seriously contemplated dropping their annual membership here based on @David Dodds incoherent, conspiratorial, anti-fact, damaging ramblings?  Its a free country, and it's his business, along with @Joe Bryant.   They are more than welcome to channel their inner Alex Jones, especially on the platform they own.   I just don't think I can financially support an entity so publicly disconnected from reality.
Somebody explain something to me-I've frequented this board for 15 years overall. I stopped coming here for a couple years and began coming back about 3-4 months ago.  I would have SWORN Dodds was somewhere in the liberal camp based on years of his posts. When I started coming back here it seemed he turned into a Max Threshold type clone with some seriously nutty posts.  

Am i completely misremembering this? I was really surprised to read his postings over the last few months as they just didn't match up with what I recall. It almost seemed like a completely different person. I guess I'm just misremembering. It's weird

For the left to consider themselves tolerant is a joke.  Anyone dare offer a different opinion, you can't do business with them, you can have a discussion with, you don't let them speak, you boycott their state.  Are you really that so wrapped up in your ideology that it is so difficult to have an association with someone who thinks differently.  And you think religious people are intolerant.  Good god.  Easily the most intolerant people I know are on the left. 
I can't respect stupid.  Come at me with a logical, well reasoned argument and I will listen and respect you even if I don't agree.  Come at me with arguments soaked in emotion, a lack of evidence, or ROFL emoticons and I will disregard you as an ignorant person who acts on emotion because that's what you are (not you specifically, Jon. I'm speaking generally).  

<<Cue the ROFL emoticons>> 

I choose reality.  Honest deliberation with individuals committed to disinformation is impossible.  If I tell you the earth is flat, not spherical, it seems a waste of time to convince me otherwise after a certain amount of time.  Dodds has spent the better part of the last year peddling lies, unsupported conspiracy theories, and misinformation.  This isn't garden variety liberal-conservative differences of opinion.  He's off the rails fabricating information with the goal of falsely diminishing/deteriorating the subjects of his delusions.  

You're absolutely right: I am intolerant of that.  
BS.  I question your 'facts' with legitimate points and all it gets me is attacks.  It is all about ideology.  I am getting sick of this in reality.  

Somebody explain something to me-I've frequented this board for 15 years overall. I stopped coming here for a couple years and began coming back about 3-4 months ago.  I would have SWORN Dodds was somewhere in the liberal camp based on years of his posts. When I started coming back here it seemed he turned into a Max Threshold type clone with some seriously nutty posts.  

Am i completely misremembering this? I was really surprised to read his postings over the last few months as they just didn't match up with what I recall. It almost seemed like a completely different person. I guess I'm just misremembering. It's weird
Many long-timers here have expressed similar concerns.  Either (a) I missed it all these years, (b) it was dormant all these years, or (c) the elaborate conspiratorial delusions are a recent development.

Does anyone find it sad that the Senate is using the Nuclear Option at their first opportunity?  Read an article last night where one of the Dems said, if we don't filibuster now, he will simply use it next time, no matter what.  So just get it over with.  

So basically the Senate is going to change forever now no matter what.  I think that really speaks to how much the country's politicians are all about party now more than country.  The Dems don't even care because they know the pendulum will swing back in their favor and they will be able to ram whatever they want though.  

Pretty sad how much these parties have simply become ruling classes.  

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BS.  I question your 'facts' with legitimate points and all it gets me is attacks.  It is all about ideology.  I am getting sick of this in reality.  
One example.  Provide just one.

I will challenge you on policy issues (if you feel attacked, I'm sorry).  Sometimes it is ideology, and it seems reasonable to have a spirited discussion, even disagreement on these matters.   I will challenge your basis of your supposed facts or facts you are omitting or providing less weight than they deserve.  I don't think I've ever questioned your reality-testing.

One example.  Provide just one.

I will challenge you on policy issues (if you feel attacked, I'm sorry).  Sometimes it is ideology, and it seems reasonable to have a spirited discussion, even disagreement on these matters.   I will challenge your basis of your supposed facts or facts you are omitting or providing less weight than they deserve.  I don't think I've ever questioned your reality-testing.
When I criticized people for pre-maturely running with 'Flynn flipped' story, I was relentlessly attacked by a half-dozen lefties and then they picked up the attacks again a few days later when it appeared their fake story was only mostly false. 

Ladies and gentlemen, all of this stems from Trump's uninformed tweet.

To my senses, this is starting to get dangerous.  We're moving from Trump the idiot, to Trump the threat to national security and stability.  Anyone else sensing a shift in what he's doing to his base?

It's like through his idiocy, and conspiracy theory nature, and habit of doubling down, and willingness to say anything not to be proven wrong...he's going to take us somewhere dangerous, and it feels like we've recently taken a few quick steps down that path.
Said this from the beginning.  His self-interest has no place in the white house. He is unstable. Bring on president pence. 

When I criticized people for pre-maturely running with 'Flynn flipped' story, I was relentlessly attacked by a half-dozen lefties and then they picked up the attacks again a few days later when it appeared their fake story was only mostly false. 
Did I attack you?

I did not mean to imply you did.  I was speaking in more general terms. 

In reply to me, when I was speaking personally in first-person, you said: "I question your facts with legitimate points and all it gets me is attacks.  It is all about ideology.  I am getting sick of this in reality."

Seemed you were singling me out on this.

I can't respect stupid.  Come at me with a logical, well reasoned argument and I will listen and respect you even if I don't agree.  Come at me with arguments soaked in emotion, a lack of evidence, or ROFL emoticons and I will disregard you as an ignorant person who acts on emotion because that's what you are (not you specifically, Jon. I'm speaking generally).  

<<Cue the ROFL emoticons>> 
You seem to have me confused with someone else.  I don't think I even used :rofl: on this thread.  I rarely have ever used it as a response except as a response to a joke. 


In reply to me, when I was speaking personally in first-person, you said: "I question your facts with legitimate points and all it gets me is attacks.  It is all about ideology.  I am getting sick of this in reality."

Seemed you were singling me out on this.
I saw that in hindsight and that was not my intent. 

You seem to have me confused with someone else.  I don't think I even used :rofl: on this thread.  I rarely have ever used it as a response except as a response to a joke. 
You seemed to have missed this part...

I can't respect stupid.  Come at me with a logical, well reasoned argument and I will listen and respect you even if I don't agree.  Come at me with arguments soaked in emotion, a lack of evidence, or ROFL emoticons and I will disregard you as an ignorant person who acts on emotion because that's what you are (not you specifically, Jon. I'm speaking generally).  

<<Cue the ROFL emoticons>> 

For the left to consider themselves tolerant is a joke.  Anyone dare offer a different opinion, you can't do business with them, you can't have a civil discussion with them, you don't let them speak, you boycott their state.  Are you really that so wrapped up in your ideology that it is so difficult to have an association with someone who thinks differently.  And you think religious people are intolerant.  Good god.  Easily the most intolerant people I know are on the left. 
Why is it okay for businesses to wish to refuse customers based on their beliefs or political leanings, but not the customers to do the same?  Hasn't this been a point of contention for the right over the last couple years?  "I'm not baking a damned gay wedding cake" ring a bell?

Honestly though, I have no problem listening to and considering opposing viewpoints.  I tend to consider myself center left, but I try to make an effort to not get caught up in a bubble.  I enjoy a conversation with someone who doesn't see things the way I do, because occasionally, they enlighten me and cause me to reconsider my stance.  I embrace that we all have different ideas, different opinions, different beliefs.  I think it's necessary.  The idea of a government run strictly by the left, long term, or strictly by the right, long term, would both be equally awful.

All that said, my issue with Dodds is NOT a difference in political opinion.  Dodds has gone off the reservation, in my opinion.  I don't see any room for a debate in some of the conspiracies he is pushing, so there is nowhere to go.  While I don't agree with some of the more right leaning posters here, most I could at least have a conversation with, or can at least see where they are coming from.  I am at a loss for how to proceed with any conversation when it turns to this mass pedophile ring, the deep state, or any of these other crazy conspiracies that are being pushed.

His supporters have no vexation.  They think he's winning and that the Russia allegations are as silly as spirit cooking
I don't agree with the bolded. They've been in the Trump threads like angry bot flies for a couple days now.

Trump's counter-terrorism advisor supported an anti-Semitic militia in Hungary.

"That is so," Gorka said, when confronted on his support for the radical militia with black vests, caps and arrows associated with the anti-Semitic Arrow Cross Party.
Gorka said the militia was a “useful tool of a certain political class” when asked if the group could be used to flare up anti-Semitism.

Jewish groups in March called on President Trump to sack Gorka for his apparent ties to Vitezi Rend, a far-right nationalist group in Hungary that even the U.S. State Department associates with “the Nazi government of Germany.”

The nonprofit Human Rights First repeated cries for Gorka to resign following revelations that he supported the disbanded Hungarian militia.

Have any long-time subscribers seriously contemplated dropping their annual membership here based on @David Dodds incoherent, conspiratorial, anti-fact, damaging ramblings?  Its a free country, and it's his business, along with @Joe Bryant.   They are more than welcome to channel their inner Alex Jones, especially on the platform they own.   I just don't think I can financially support an entity so publicly disconnected from reality.
Slapdash pulled this threat during the election. If you were really interested you would just do it. But you're really interested in liberal herd mentality or you wouldn't use this thread to threaten their business.  

Not everything is 'right vs left.'  Some things are legitimately 'truth vs falsehood.'  Or 'sane vs conspiratorial.'  

For some reason the 'right' has circled the wagons around some very vocal conspiratorial falsehoods and are attempting to make them into just a different opinion. It's weird and depressing because there's no party for reasoned social, economic or foreign policy conservative thought anymore it doesn't appear. 

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