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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (2 Viewers)

Yeah I wasn’t talking about the conference, though I’ve said I agree it shouldn’t be cancelled.

The original comment was about Ren IIRC suggesting the lawyers who filed the indictments as being crooked. I cannot see a decent angle there, by which I mean one based in decency. Have a good one.
My fault, may not have seen his original comment. 

Looking forward to some awkward Don/Vlad moments.  :thumbup:

If you're on a number line, from 1 to 100, and you're #1, almost all the rest of the line looks pretty far to the other side.

If you're on a political spectrum, and almost everyone else looks like they're extreme and fringe of the other side, maybe they're not the ones who are way far away from the center.

My original comment was more in regards to not calling off the planned meeting with  Vlad based on the recent news. I’m fine with letting the indictments play out and those found guilty need to pay their price. 

But to pass up these planned shirtless photo opps with Vlad....not necessary. 
How patriotic of you to be so cavalier about our treasonist POTUS.

How patriotic of you to be so cavalier about our treasonist POTUS.
Spending hours a day in here freaking out on what if’s is productive? Let’s see what’s proven in court.....I haven’t seen anyone say they support Trump if convicted. Thanks for another example of the lame insults. In a time where attacks/insults online and in public, driving people from public restaurants/establishments, throwing around ‘racist” to anyone that doesn’t fall in line with left immigration views and on and on has become commonplace the word “extreme” is very fair to use. 

Spending hours a day in here freaking out on what if’s is productive? Let’s see what’s proven in court.....I haven’t seen anyone say they support Trump if convicted. Thanks for another example of the lame insults. In a time where attacks/insults online and in public, driving people from public restaurants/establishments, throwing around ‘racist” to anyone that doesn’t fall in line with left immigration views and on and on has become commonplace the word “extreme” is very fair to use. 
Forgot about “there’s no proof that Trump colluded” for a minute.   We’ll find that out sooner or later.

We do know that the RUSSIA MILITARY INTELLIGENCE planned and executed a very aggressive attack on our democratic system and, thus, our nation.  

We have piles of evidence that this really happened.

It is not “fake news”. It is not a “witch hunt”. It is not “hysteria”.

The Russians really did #### with the 2016 election in order to help one candidate win.  Who that candidate was shouldn’t matter one iota.  As an American you should be livid that this happened even if “your guy” won.

As I said before, we’ll find our soon enough about Trump’s involvement (or lack thereof) in this.

Right now the problem is TRUMP HASN’T DONE ONE DAMN THING ABOUT IT.   

Our nation was attacked and not only won’t our President say a word he sure as hell won’t punish Russia for it, he’s cuddling up to Putin as we speak.  

This is treason.

But I guess you don’t have a problem that.

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Forgot about “there’s no proof that Trump colluded” for a minute.   We’ll find that out sooner or later.

We do know that the RUSSIA MILITARY INTELLIGENCE planned and executed a very aggressive attack on our democratic system and, thus, our nation.  

We have piles of evidence that this really happened.

It is not “fake news”. It is not a “witch hunt”. It is not “hysteria”.

The Russians really did #### with the 2016 election in order to help one candidate win.  Who that candidate was shouldn’t matter one iota.  As an American you should be livid that this happened even if “your guy” won.

As I said before, we’ll find our soon enough about Trump’s involvement (or lack thereof) in this.

Right now the problem is TRUMP HASN’T DONE ONE DAMN THING ABOUT IT.   

Our nation was attacked and not only won’t our President won’t say a word and sure as hell won’t punish Russia for it, he’s cuddling up to Putin as we speak.  

This is treason.

But I guess you don’t have a problem that.
Save the dramatics, you posting rants in here as “T-Shirt Ninja” is doing absolutely nothing for our country. Let us know what you are doing out in the real world to address this? What did you do when Obama was aware it was going on?

Get back to me with what you are doing in the real world that’s fixing the problem and save your empty lecture as I’m not interested. 

Save the dramatics, you posting rants in here as “T-Shirt Ninja” is doing absolutely nothing for our country. Let us know what you are doing out in the real world to address this? What did you do when Obama was aware it was going on?

Get back to me with what you are doing in the real world that’s fixing the problem and save your empty lecture as I’m not interested. 
1.  Like you, I was not aware of this going on. back in 2016.  I don’t have access to the same info as Obama.  That’s a really lame attempt at deflection. 

2. What would you suggest I do “in the real world”?  Give Trump a call?   Although I guess I am doing something by voting Democrat come November since it seems your fellow GOPs don’t have a problem with the POTUS betraying our nation.

I’ve also contacted my Congressman...although I know it will fall on deaf ears since he’s so far up Trump’s butt he can taste toupee glue.   

3. What have you done?  Have you denounced the president?  Have you contacted your representatives?  Will you continue to vote for the same GOPs who refuse to stand up to Trump?

1.  Like you, I was not aware of this going on. back in 2016.  I don’t have access to the same info as Obama.  That’s a really lame attempt at deflection. 

2. What would you suggest I do “in the real world”?  Give Trump a call?   Although I guess I am doing something by voting Democrat come November since it seems your fellow GOPs don’t have a problem with the POTUS betraying our nation.

I’ve also contacted my Congressman...although I know it will fall on deaf ears since he’s so far up Trump’s butt he can taste toupee glue.   

3. What have you done?  Have you denounced the president?  Have you contacted your representatives?  Will you continue to vote for the same GOPs who refuse to stand up to Trump?
So basically nothing, which doesn’t really put you in a position to be lecturing anyone? I suggest you let it play out or if you want to talk to people that way be making a difference in some way that gives you the right. 

So basically nothing, which doesn’t really put you in a position to be lecturing anyone? I suggest you let it play out or if you want to talk to people that way be making a difference in some way that gives you the right. 
Again...what should I do. Fly to Moscow and punch Putin in the balls?

And you still haven’t disagreed with my stance that Trump is a traitor. Nor have you criticized him for his complete lack of concern for our nation.  

You’ve criticized me more than him. Is that your definition of “doing something”. 

The random dork with a t-shirt wrapped around his face posting on FBGs is the bad guy here and not the POTUS who refuses to defend our nation.

Again...what should I do. Fly to Moscow and punch Putin in the balls?

And you still haven’t disagreed with my stance that Trump is a traitor. Nor have you criticized him for his complete lack of concern for our nation.  

You’ve criticized me more than him. Is that your definition of “doing something”. 

The random dork with a t-shirt wrapped around his face posting on FBGs is the bad guy here and not the POTUS who refuses to defend our nation.
"B-but muh 401k!!!"

Save the dramatics, you posting rants in here as “T-Shirt Ninja” is doing absolutely nothing for our country. Let us know what you are doing out in the real world to address this? What did you do when Obama was aware it was going on?

Get back to me with what you are doing in the real world that’s fixing the problem and save your empty lecture as I’m not interested. 

Since he (almost certainly) isn't Mitch McConnell, he probably didn't refuse to sign a bipartisan statement condemning Russia's attacks.  link

But more generally, one can criticize Obama's response as well as Trump's response.  There are a lot of people who didn't vote for Obama who also disapprove of Trump.

I still have my doubts that Trump is complicit in anything with Russia. 

The thing is, all of his moves since taking office- from urging Comey to go easy on Flynn, firing Coney, lying about the meeting Donald Jr had, attacking the investigation, refusing to truly confront Putin, etc etc- all of it can be explained by his narcissistic refusal to accept the possibility that he was helped to victory in any way. He doesn’t want the world to think that his election was tainted, because he will lose credibility. He’ll never accept it. 

This is the alternative explanation to Trump deliberately colluding, and I have to think that it’s at least just as plausible if not more so. But I still believe he obstructed justice when he tried to coerce Comey and then fired him. 

Save the dramatics, you posting rants in here as “T-Shirt Ninja” is doing absolutely nothing for our country. Let us know what you are doing out in the real world to address this? What did you do when Obama was aware it was going on?

Get back to me with what you are doing in the real world that’s fixing the problem and save your empty lecture as I’m not interested. 
So you are saying something should be done about Trump?

I know it's hard to defend the indefensible but try to make a little bit of sense.  If you can't do that the best defense is to say nothing.

You are basically saying, "I love lamp" in here.

The original comment was about Ren IIRC suggesting the lawyers who filed the indictments as being crooked. I cannot see a decent angle there, by which I mean one based in decency. Have a good one.
His career is littered with abuse.  Oversaw tons of it as FBI director.  I'm still trying to understand how the IRA's social media posts, which appeared to be more about building marketing revenue than influencing western democracy, rose to the level of a major political conspiracy.  You saw the ads, they're a joke.  And the timing of the new indictments seems overtly political.  Both seem unbecoming for the evenhanded professional we were all promised. 

I’m going to try this shtick in the SP

”You guys aren’t accomplishing anything here talking about Joe Mixon’s lack of productivity.  Get back to me when you do something in real life about it.”
"We're in the 2nd quarter, why does Jonathan Stewart only have 3 carries??????"

"Get back to me with what you are doing in the real world that’s fixing the problem"

I still have my doubts that Trump is complicit in anything with Russia. 

The thing is, all of his moves since taking office- from urging Comey to go easy on Flynn, firing Coney, lying about the meeting Donald Jr had, attacking the investigation, refusing to truly confront Putin, etc etc- all of it can be explained by his narcissistic refusal to accept the possibility that he was helped to victory in any way. He doesn’t want the world to think that his election was tainted, because he will lose credibility. He’ll never accept it. 

This is the alternative explanation to Trump deliberately colluding, and I have to think that it’s at least just as plausible if not more so. But I still believe he obstructed justice when he tried to coerce Comey and then fired him. 
I agree. The Trump-Russia stuff is definitely weird, but there are plenty of potential explanations for the weirdness.

Maybe Trump acts so favorably toward Russia because they have kompromat on him and he's afraid of doing anything to upset them.

Maybe Trump acts so favorably toward Russia because he really admires Putin and wants to be BFFs with him. Or he really wants a Trump Tower Moscow. Or he wants to keep his sweet deal laundering money for Russian oligarchs.

Maybe Trump acts so favorably toward Russia because he can't stand the idea that his electoral victory might be tainted by an asterisk, and he's rebelling against anyone who suggests that Russia affected the outcome.

Maybe Trump acts so favorably toward Russia because he's a literal Manchurian candidate.

Maybe there are other possibilities.

But two things that I do know: (a) whether or not Trump himself was involved, there are a lot of suspicious connections between Russia and Trump's campaign, transition team, and administration; and (b) whatever is going on, I want Mueller to get to the bottom of it and share his findings with us.

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Trump could carpet bomb a US city and it would be :lmao: I love pissing off you left wing liberals!
Trump could sign a tax bill taking trillions out of the economy to give to the 1%, start a trade war that takes away thousands of jobs from the working class, preside over an inflation rate that effectively wipes out any wage gains seen over the last year, install a corrupt cabinet that wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars and used their power to line their own pockets with millions more, enact a needless border policy that separates thousands of children from their parents with no plan or process to reunify them, and it would be cheers for all the snowflakes that melted in the hysteria.

Ok. That's actually exactly what you're doing in here. Take a breather. 
Ha, that’s funny. I commented on not cancelling the Putin meeting and get the full lecture from the latest alias. I’m good but don’t hold back, you all acting crazy is the norm these days. 

Good, from Wired.

The sheer volume of what Robert Mueller knows is staggering. Perusing his various court filings since last September makes clear he knew the individual changes Paul Manafort made in a specific Microsoft Word document; he knew that Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan was lying about what he did on behalf of Manafort and Gates; he knew the specific times Russia military intelligence officers were searching specific words way back in 2016; he knew the specific cryptocurrency transactions used to register the Russian intelligence agency accounts; he knows what the hired trolls at the Internet Research Agency were writing in emails to their family members in 2017; he knew the messages Manafort was sending on encrypted messaging
Remember Mueller is keeping Rosenstein informed and has returned to him regularly for briefings, to ask for permission to expand his investigation in key ways, and to hand off parts of the investigation to other Justice Department units. Which is all to say: Rosenstein knows how the next dominoes fall.

Which means Rosenstein knows what he’s protecting by staying in his job and fighting each day to preserve Robert Mueller’s investigation—and to ensure it has the time to come to a public denouement that he surely already knows. Rosenstein is fighting a guerilla war against Republicans on Capitol Hill and Donald Trump, knowing that he can lose lots of small battles because ultimately he will win the war.
The "nine open questions" bit is especially good (but too long to quote).

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That real?

Edit: Looked it up and it is.  Can’t script this stuff.  Perfect iconic image as we enter into the “summit.”
"In a few minutes all of Russia will be able to see through her white pants, and half of her shirt.  But unfortunately, the red checkers a obscuring the nips.  #$@& whoever designed that stupid flag.  Maybe we can take them over?"

ren hoek said:
His career is littered with abuse.  Oversaw tons of it as FBI director.  I'm still trying to understand how the IRA's social media posts, which appeared to be more about building marketing revenue than influencing western democracy, rose to the level of a major political conspiracy.  You saw the ads, they're a joke.  And the timing of the new indictments seems overtly political.  Both seem unbecoming for the evenhanded professional we were all promised. 
Just looking at the pleading I posted for you earlier there are three other attorneys on there. Even if you think Mueller has horns and cloven feet there are still three other people he'd be asking to destroy their careers and violate their oaths to do what you suggest. He does not even sign most of the court pleadings. These claims about crooked lawyers and the dirty dossier and the biased lovers and the spies entrapping unwitting campaign staff are just awful arguments, they have zero bearing on reality.

I think your other points, arguing on the evidence, are fine, that's better, I think that stuff can be argued back and forth. But note that stuff will be brought up at trial - assuming someone from Concord actually shows up for it. The point about Mueller & Co. not really counting on one of these companies showing up in court was a good one, but then Concord having demanded trial (and a speedy one. and yes a delay was granted but not an indefinite one) on the back end some actual person or persons from the company will have to show up in court in the US to testify. Who do you think wants to do that? The whole point of the exercise was to get a glimpse at the OSC's classified information, and that has failed.

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timschochet said:
I still have my doubts that Trump is complicit in anything with Russia. 

The thing is, all of his moves since taking office- from urging Comey to go easy on Flynn, firing Coney, lying about the meeting Donald Jr had, attacking the investigation, refusing to truly confront Putin, etc etc- all of it can be explained by his narcissistic refusal to accept the possibility that he was helped to victory in any way. He doesn’t want the world to think that his election was tainted, because he will lose credibility. He’ll never accept it. 

This is the alternative explanation to Trump deliberately colluding, and I have to think that it’s at least just as plausible if not more so. But I still believe he obstructed justice when he tried to coerce Comey and then fired him. 
A third alternate, IMO the most likely one by far, is that the Trump campaign didn't actively collude in a significant way but is subservient to Putin/Russian interests due to kompromat, most likely criminal money laundering/bribery/fraud that could put everyone involved in the Trump Org including his family in prison.  And also maybe the pervert stuff. But mostly the money.

And it explains everything; his attitudes and decisions towards Russia since taking office even in cases where a mild rebuke could give him political cover, the sudden decision to start making all-cash purchases in a business that largely is financed by loans, the lengths to which Trump is going to avoid giving people a look at his books, the fact that he reportedly flipped out when he heard Mueller was looking into his finances and is by most accounts more nervous about the Cohen investigation than the Mueller probe, etc.

There was a time that American politics stayed on American soil.  When US politicians traveled outside the country, politics was left behind and they represented "America".  Now our president is standing next to our adversary, unanimously accused of an attack on our country, and he's siding with the enemy.  There's a term for that I believe.

And flag-waving patriots cheer.  Later they'll tell us how to properly address our flag.

timschochet said:
I still have my doubts that Trump is complicit in anything with Russia. 
We know high-ranking members of his campaign and administration, including his son and son-in-law were. So if Trump wasn't the only logical defense is that he's one of the biggest morons on the planet to not know so many people directly connected to him, including members of his own family, were in nefarious connections with a foreign power to influence the election.

Which, to be fair to Trump, isn't a stretch at all.  

The country we now live in. #MAGA

Jon Favreau‏Verified account @jonfavs 12m12 minutes ago

Today the President of the United States blamed poor relations with Russia on America because we’re investigating a Russian attack on our elections that he openly encouraged and benefitted from.

We know high-ranking members of his campaign and administration, including his son and son-in-law were. So if Trump wasn't the only logical defense is that he's one of the biggest morons on the planet to not know so many people directly connected to him, including members of his own family, were in nefarious connections with a foreign power to influence the election.

Which, to be fair to Trump, isn't a stretch at all.  
He might be.  But his ego will never allow him to admit this.  He'll burn the whole thing to the ground before copping to being duped.  So that leaves us with collusion or complete vindication as the only two possible outcomes.  He won't admit to being fooled.  He can't.  His ego won't allow it.  

He might be.  But his ego will never allow him to admit this.  He'll burn the whole thing to the ground before copping to being duped.  So that leaves us with collusion or complete vindication as the only two possible outcomes.  He won't admit to being fooled.  He can't.  His ego won't allow it.  
I agree. I'm just offering the only logical defense he can present. It's the only one that might have a chance to work and honestly if the defense is "Trump was too stupid to know what was going on" it's not that difficult to think, yeah that's probably what happened. He's that great of a dolt. 

I agree. I'm just offering the only logical defense he can present. It's the only one that might have a chance to work and honestly if the defense is "Trump was too stupid to know what was going on" it's not that difficult to think, yeah that's probably what happened. He's that great of a dolt. 
I know.

The country we now live in. #MAGA

Jon Favreau‏Verified account @jonfavs 12m12 minutes ago

Today the President of the United States blamed poor relations with Russia on America because we’re investigating a Russian attack on our elections that he openly encouraged and benefitted from.
His quote was close but not exact "We have not been getting along very well for the last couple of years".  :mellow:

Trump also has a point in his latest tweet: not about the witch hunt, that’s just silly, but about the “years of American stupidity” with Russia 

In a nutshell: after the fall of the Soviet Union, we had the chance to turn the page with Russia. Instead we got greedy. We pushed for most of the former Warsaw Pact Nations to join NATO, isolating Russia, and then we sold them weapons and “Star Wars” ABM missiles, which made our corporations billions, and further isolated Russia. Putin’s rise to power was partially a result of this. 

We cant change it now, and Trump’s apparent “Solution” that we should have better relations with Putin is nonsensical in light of all that this man has done, but he’s right that we acted unwisely for 3 decades leading up to this moment. 

Trump also has a point in his latest tweet: not about the witch hunt, that’s just silly, but about the “years of American stupidity” with Russia 

In a nutshell: after the fall of the Soviet Union, we had the chance to turn the page with Russia. Instead we got greedy. We pushed for most of the former Warsaw Pact Nations to join NATO, isolating Russia, and then we sold them weapons and “Star Wars” ABM missiles, which made our corporations billions, and further isolated Russia. Putin’s rise to power was partially a result of this. 

We cant change it now, and Trump’s apparent “Solution” that we should have better relations with Putin is nonsensical in light of all that this man has done, but he’s right that we acted unwisely for 3 decades leading up to this moment. 
That may or may not be true but what is certain is that Trump loves to bash the policies of his predecessors while at the same time praising Putin.   T

he fact that he threw in the witch hunt remark in his tweet can only be construed as he either does not believe the findings that Russia interfered with the election or he thinks it should have been swept under the rug to foster a "good" relationship with Russia.  Either way it is a preposterous stance to take by the POTUS. 

That may or may not be true but what is certain is that Trump loves to bash the policies of his predecessors while at the same time praising Putin.   T

he fact that he threw in the witch hunt remark in his tweet can only be construed as he either does not believe the findings that Russia interfered with the election or he thinks it should have been swept under the rug to foster a "good" relationship with Russia.  Either way it is a preposterous stance to take by the POTUS. 
Or he knows it happened, why it happened and he wants to discredit any attempts to uncover the truth because he knows what the truth means.

And there it is, from Putin, with Trump standing next to him:  "The Russian state has never interfered and is not going to interfere into internal American affairs including [the] election process."

OK Republicans, time for a gut check. Your President is officially putting his trust and faith in a hostile foreign actor over the entire American intelligence community. If you continue to stand with him, you have completely abdicated your position as the party of patriotism. Pick a freaking side.

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And there it is, from Trump, standing next to Putin:  "The Russian state has never interfered and is not going to interfere into internal American affairs including [the] election process."

OK Republicans, time for a gut check. Your President is officially putting his trust and faith in a hostile foreign actor over the entire American intelligence community. If you continue to stand with him, you have completely abdicated your position as the party of patriotism. Pick a freaking side.
Guys, they did the moment they nominated Trump for President. THAT was when they made their choice. 

And there it is, from Trump, standing next to Putin:  "The Russian state has never interfered and is not going to interfere into internal American affairs including [the] election process."

OK Republicans, time for a gut check. Your President is officially putting his trust and faith in a hostile foreign actor over the entire American intelligence community. If you continue to stand with him, you have completely abdicated your position as the party of patriotism. Pick a freaking side.
There has to be serious push-back by at least the dems in Congress.  And any GOP congressman who doesn't, needs to be the center of campaign this election.  "He supported Trump in backing the Russians over American law enforcement".  Hammer that point.


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