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Anyone else have the flu? (1 Viewer)

I don't know what my temperature was but I'm guessing it was near the 104 to 105 mark. I've never felt like I was burning up so much. I would wet a washcloth (and not like how I used to each night before bed) with cold water and put it on my neck and forehead. Within 20 minutes, the towel would be hot water and starting to dry.

For some odd reason, we don't own a thermometer. I had one from my childhood that was an old school mercury thermometer. It was awesome. And then I broke it by accident while moving up north. When I was laying in bed talking to the imaginary people in my room, my GF texted me and asked if I needed anything. I texted back "A thermometer". When she got home I asked for it and she said, "I thought you were joking. Who the hell owns a thermometer nowadays?" I still have no idea what that means. Doesn't everyone have one? I told her I thought I was dying and may need to go to the hospital. She told me to quit being a wuss and suck it up.

I love my GF and she's better to me than any woman could ever be to a man, but she is not very good at dealing with me when I'm sick. The next day she asked if I was "just going to lay around all day." I told her I was sick, but unfortunately I didn't have a thermometer to prove my argument.

In her defense, she is a two time cancer survivor, so I feel slightly bad complaining about any of my ailments.

When I finally recovered, the first thing I did was go out and buy a thermometer. One of those new fangled electric ones. I miss my mercury and glass one. :(
don't stick that electric one in your butt. it's not meant to be used that way. I don't have a thermometer either but when you have a crazy fever you just know. can't stand when you go from burning up fever mode into chills mode in a few seconds. last night I was bundled up in comforters and blankets shivering and then the next minute I'm throwing them off me and considering a quick blast of ac.
I actually debated just peeing in the bed so I wouldn't have to get up from under the layers of blankets. Each time I used the bathroom, I thought I was going to freeze to death before I made it back to the bed.

I still have no idea how my g/f didn't get sick off of me. The flu is highly contagious, and we kissed eachother every day up to and after I was sick. (before actual diagnosis).

I still have no idea how my g/f didn't get sick off of me. The flu is highly contagious, and we kissed eachother every day up to and after I was sick. (before actual diagnosis).
My GF did not get the shot and, also, did not get sick. I know this is wrong, but I kind of wanted her to get it so she could see how bad it actually was. :hot:

I still have no idea how my g/f didn't get sick off of me. The flu is highly contagious, and we kissed eachother every day up to and after I was sick. (before actual diagnosis).
My GF did not get the shot and, also, did not get sick. I know this is wrong, but I kind of wanted her to get it so she could see how bad it actually was. :hot:
I hear ya. Mine could see how sick I was though, and really helped me with things. Made me food (when I felt like eating), went to the pharmacy, everything you can think of she did. She is a nurse though. The last week I could see her wearing thin though, making me think she was thinking I was lying about it though (still being sick). It has taken me longer than most to re-cover.

The GI virus ran through our entire family this week . Nasty bout of throwing & evacuating the old bowels like it was no ones business.I started Wednesday night & had my 1st solid food today , still feel like crap.

Great. Now I have a damn cold. :hot:

My daughter had a slight cold all weekend and I just knew it was going to make it's way to me. Sure enough, I'm sitting here at work with a sore throat and fever.

If I didn't just take off half a week for the flu a couple weeks ago, I'd be home sleeping this off. Instead I have to work through this crap.

I'm at the tail end here. Still a little cough but almost gone. I exercised yesterday for the first time in 9 days and was completely wiped out afterwards. Tired all day today. Going to get a workout in now but keep it light.

thank you! I ran for a bit on the treadmill. Damn. Amazing how fast your wind and legs disappear. Felt like I was way out of shape. I'm a little sore in the throat and chest while running as well. Still healing I suppose.

The GI virus ran through our entire family this week . Nasty bout of throwing & evacuating the old bowels like it was no ones business.I started Wednesday night & had my 1st solid food today , still feel like crap.
what does that have to do with this thread?
I'm at the tail end here. Still a little cough but almost gone. I exercised yesterday for the first time in 9 days and was completely wiped out afterwards. Tired all day today. Going to get a workout in now but keep it light.
It sounds like you are about where I was over this past weekend. After being sick for 10 straight days, I was feeling mostly better with only a lingering cough, so I decided to go snowboarding on Saturday. By the end of the day, my entire body was cramping so bad from dehydration cramps that I had to get a few bags of fluid through an IV. For those just getting over the flu, I would be careful not to push yourself too hard too soon.

Got it over the weekend.

My mother caught wind of it an freaked out, making me promise to see a doctor because, apparently, the flu's been killing otherwise healthy 30-somethings with some regularity this season.

Anyway, didn't feel like dealing with the the doctor's office with the flu, so I went by CVS' Minute Clinic. That place is great. Happy little nurse on staff to diagnose and send you out the door with Tamiflu in hand.

Highly recommended.

Thanks for the cvs advice, been between 100-103 since Wednesday but didn't want to drive an hour to work dr. Chest cough is insane but really it's the chills that are a #####. Sleeping so much that not even Advil pm is working right now at 230.

Had it the last few days. Feeling a little better today. However, there's 5 inches of snow on the ground and I have to move today. :cry:

This is the first time I've been out of bed for more than a few minutes since Wednesday night.

Caught some damn version of the flu. Had my yearly physical on Friday...felt great. Sunday night felt lethargic. Monday morning thought maybe I was coming down with something...felt a little more worn down, but no fever. Tuesday the same...then BAM Wednesday. 103.7 fever. Called my doc he prescribed Tamiflu over the phone. By Thursday evening my temperature was back under 100. Not sure if it was flu shot or tamiflu that helped tame this beast so quickly, but I'm feeling much better now. God speed

ETA: the body aches. I don't wish those upon my worst enemy. I felt like my body died and was rigamortised, but my brain was still working only that it felt like it grew to the size of a watermelon and was threatening to burst out of my skull.

Several people on ECMO in Dallas hospitals from the flu... scary stuff.
That's where I picked it up. Flew into Dallas last week for a funeral, stayed with a buddy whose 7 year old daughter was home from school. He said she had to be fever free for 24 hours before he could send her back, so home she was. I didn't think anything of it. Drank and partied and I'm sure didn't wash my hands enough. When I boarded my flight home at 5:30am Tuesday, I could feel something coming on hard. By the time I landed, I was feverish, cold, dry cough, no appetite, aches all over. I suffered like this for a full day of work on Wed, went to bed when I got home, took a bunch of Nyquil and stayed in bed for 18 hours. when I finally got up and about on Thursday, I was good as new.

Sucked bad for over 48 hours, but once I kicked it, I felt fine. Would not want again. Thanks a lot, Dallas.

How the hell I don't have it yet shocks me. First time I can remember I didn't get flu shot and I'm sure germs spread at my office as quickly as it does at yours. Actually I probably just jinxed myself.

Been stuck at home all week with it, entering the 5th day.

Not much sneezing or coughing or congestion, mostly sore as hell, weak, sweating out fevers at night, it's been a #####.

Got my flu shot a few weeks ago. Not sure it does much, but...whatever. 

Haven't seen the flu traveling around these parts yet this season. 

I got my flu shot and I don't have it, but I have had a hell of a head cold this week. Constant sneezing, runny nose and eye watering. I've stayed out of the public as much as possible. 


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