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Did the Packers Make the Right Decision for Their Ball Club (1 Viewer)

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IndyHavoc said:
And there it is. The big disparagment on the Favre Saga. Some of us (my peeps) feel that a team should bend over backward for players (well, those that present a good "face" for the organization) of special skill, special durability, special representation in the community and special relevance to the NFL-world. Favre's longevity, work-ethic, and outward representation of the GreenBay Packers is lengendary. Look that word up again....legend(ary).

Those kinds of players come along ONCE in a very, very long time. To treat them like garbage - and I seriously don't give a rat's rearend who started what - shows a complete lack of appreciation for the amount of work, time, and effort over a very extended period of time.

If the Packers were up against some cap #. I'd understand. If AR had shown himself to be an equal or just shown extended flashed of brilliance. I'd almost understand. Bottom line, the Packers F.O. sucks donkey kabobs. Even if they have great success over the next 3-4 years, my opinion will not change.

There are only a few ways for an organization to write itself into my personal "blackhole" list. Pacers managed it, and are still digging their way out. Packers on at the top of the list right now, imo.
so over the last 4 years how did they treat him like garbage. They kissed his butt for 3 years, I don't know how long you expected the Packers to put up with it but I think 3 years is long enough for any legend. Right now the NYJ don't have a clue who their starting QB will be next year, it will depend on Favre.It looks like we don't have allot of posters in management here.

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3 years, 10 years? I personally don't give a poo. As long as the team is still winning more than losing. Sure, as an owner I'm firing any GM that is NOT kissing the ground he walks on.

Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.

Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.

This really isn't that hard. Favre said he was going to retire, the team moved moved on with their draft and their QB. Favre changed his mind and wanted to come back and the team didn't want him back anymore. Thompson/McCarthy can try to paint it/spin it however they want but they didn't want him back because if they did he'd be the starting GB QB.

We'll see how smart a move this was....

I don't like the idea of kissing any player's butt, but I do think that as long as Brett Favre can play at a high level (he was second in the MVP voting last year) and as long as the Packers are winning (they were one game away from the Super Bowl last year), I'm fine with giving him as much time to deliberate on his future as he'd like. Sure it can be a pain in the ### and everyone would like the guy to make up his mind and stick to one decision, but if giving him as much time as he needs is the difference between winning and losing (which is often the case between a good QB and one who isn't good or who is untested or possibly both) I'm fine with allowing him to make the decision on his timetable.

But that's me. My focus would be on doing everything in my power to ensure my team has the best possible chance at success. I'm kinda nutty that way.

I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Of course not that dramatic.But yesterday was the culmination of one of the biggest managerial mishandlings in the NFL for quite some time in my opinion.This is a bottom line game. And the bottom line is that they were unable to deliver their best player to the starting line up this season. And I believe it is mostly their fault. Now all of this is based on the assumption that Favre would have been a lot better than Rodgers will be. If you don't believe that, then obviously, it's not a blunder.J
I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Of course not that dramatic.But yesterday was the culmination of one of the biggest managerial mishandlings in the NFL for quite some time in my opinion.This is a bottom line game. And the bottom line is that they were unable to deliver their best player to the starting line up this season. And I believe it is mostly their fault. Now all of this is based on the assumption that Favre would have been a lot better than Rodgers will be. If you don't believe that, then obviously, it's not a blunder.J
and there is no consideration for what the Packers do next year without Favre... or the next year?Eventually Favre needs to give someone something, and this back and forth stuff is :mellow: especially this year since he actually retired for most of the off-season...
For those that support the decision to turn things over to Rodgers are you concerned that no matter what transpires he will eventually leave as a free agent to get his rear end out of GB and Favre's shadow?

I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Of course not that dramatic.But yesterday was the culmination of one of the biggest managerial mishandlings in the NFL for quite some time in my opinion.This is a bottom line game. And the bottom line is that they were unable to deliver their best player to the starting line up this season. And I believe it is mostly their fault. Now all of this is based on the assumption that Favre would have been a lot better than Rodgers will be. If you don't believe that, then obviously, it's not a blunder.J
and there is no consideration for what the Packers do next year without Favre... or the next year?Eventually Favre needs to give someone something, and this back and forth stuff is :lmao: especially this year since he actually retired for most of the off-season...
Do you think Favre would have retired if Thompson or McCarthy told him he was wanted back in February?
I'm amazed that the Pack basically parlayed a guy that hung up the cleats into draft picks.
:bag: I'm kind of tired reading about the back-and-forth from the Favre camp and the Packers FO camp of who disrespected who. Regardless of which party (or both) was responsible for this trainwreck, you have to give the Pack credit for making the best out of a bad situation. A few days ago, they were offering this guy $25 million to go away. Now they somehow have an extra 4th round pick. Good for them.Edit: I just got back home from a 12-hour road trip, so if a million other people have made this same point, I apologize.
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I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbup:
i view it just like the manny ramirez trade. it was a bad move because the packers are worse off than they were before trading favre.it was a good move if the packers really couldn't get the issues reconciled. i don't think we really know exactly what was going on, but at the very least, it's obvious that the packers didn't see it working with favre. if that's true, anything they could get and getting anything done is good.publically naming your starter in april and not being prepared at all for favre to change his mind in june was the bad move (was this completely unforseeable?). they boxed themselves in with no way of doing the right thing if favre wanted to come out of retirement.that was the bad decision. the trade was just the consequences of that.
they were prepared for him to come back and start... They offered him that at least once (I believe they did it twice)...and both times Favre decided he didn't want to actually un-retire at the last second...Everything that has happened in the last 8 months, outside of the last few days, was a ploy to try and go to Minnesota...
I believe that is ridiculous. I think Farve expected to be welcomed with open arms. He wasn't. Then he decided he wanted to go to Minnesota. The team wouldn't agree to just release him. Coming back to force their hand couldn't happen without really being disruptive to the team, so he looked at his other options. But to imagine that Farve's goal all along was to go to Minnesota is nonsensical. If that was indeed the case then he would press the issue and report.
I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Of course not that dramatic.But yesterday was the culmination of one of the biggest managerial mishandlings in the NFL for quite some time in my opinion.This is a bottom line game. And the bottom line is that they were unable to deliver their best player to the starting line up this season. And I believe it is mostly their fault. Now all of this is based on the assumption that Favre would have been a lot better than Rodgers will be. If you don't believe that, then obviously, it's not a blunder.J
and there is no consideration for what the Packers do next year without Favre... or the next year?Eventually Favre needs to give someone something, and this back and forth stuff is :thumbup: especially this year since he actually retired for most of the off-season...
Do you think Favre would have retired if Thompson or McCarthy told him he was wanted back in February?
How do you know they didn't?
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbup:
It wasn't just $20 M to go sit on his but in Mississippi for the rest of his life...it was $20 M to work for the team for the next decade in promotions doing what the team needed him to do as far as promoting team events and such...They were hiring him in a non-football position...
I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Of course not that dramatic.But yesterday was the culmination of one of the biggest managerial mishandlings in the NFL for quite some time in my opinion.This is a bottom line game. And the bottom line is that they were unable to deliver their best player to the starting line up this season. And I believe it is mostly their fault. Now all of this is based on the assumption that Favre would have been a lot better than Rodgers will be. If you don't believe that, then obviously, it's not a blunder.J
:goodposting: :goodposting: I agree completely.
i view it just like the manny ramirez trade. it was a bad move because the packers are worse off than they were before trading favre.it was a good move if the packers really couldn't get the issues reconciled. i don't think we really know exactly what was going on, but at the very least, it's obvious that the packers didn't see it working with favre. if that's true, anything they could get and getting anything done is good.publically naming your starter in april and not being prepared at all for favre to change his mind in june was the bad move (was this completely unforseeable?). they boxed themselves in with no way of doing the right thing if favre wanted to come out of retirement.that was the bad decision. the trade was just the consequences of that.
they were prepared for him to come back and start... They offered him that at least once (I believe they did it twice)...and both times Favre decided he didn't want to actually un-retire at the last second...Everything that has happened in the last 8 months, outside of the last few days, was a ploy to try and go to Minnesota...
I believe that is ridiculous. I think Farve expected to be welcomed with open arms. He wasn't. Then he decided he wanted to go to Minnesota. The team wouldn't agree to just release him. Coming back to force their hand couldn't happen without really being disruptive to the team, so he looked at his other options. But to imagine that Farve's goal all along was to go to Minnesota is nonsensical. If that was indeed the case then he would press the issue and report.
According to ESPN (who have been posting Favre's side of this exclusively from day 1), Favre's agent contacted other teams about Favre playing for them in 2008 before he said a word to the Packers about playing in Green Bay in 2008...
dude might as well re-retire because he's not doing anything with the Jets but padding a few stats on a team that is destined to finish at or near the bottom of their brutal division

Packers traded him to the worst possible team in the running and by doing so allow Favre to fulfill his dream of playing another season, BRILLIANT! :goodposting:

from: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/sto...mp;sportCat=nfl

Brett Favre 2008 Timeline

The Brett Favre saga in Green Bay might be nearing a conclusion after the unretired quarterback said he and the team might be better off without each other. A look at how the story has unfolded:

Aug. 6: Traded to New York Jets for conditional draft pick.

Aug. 5: Left practice facility in the afternoon ... did not practice with the team ... met with Packers officials to discuss trade options ... tells ESPN's Chris Mortensen "the best thing for this team is for us to part ways" ... considers talking to the Buccaneers about a possible trade.

Aug. 4: Favre reports to training camp and is added to active roster after passing physical

Aug. 3: NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstates Favre

July 31: Favre offered $25 million to not report to camp

July 30: Meets with Packers president Mark Murphy in Mississippi

July 29: Faxes reinstatement request to NFL

July 25: Favre tells Packers he plans to report to training camp

July 19: Returns to Lambeau Field to attend Packers Hall of Fame ceremony

July 16: Packers file tampering charges with NFL against Vikings

July 11: Packers receive letter from Favre formally requesting release

July 8: Favre asks for release with understanding he won't be starter

July 6: Sends text message to Packers GM Ted Thompson

July 2: Favre says reports of return were "all rumor"

June 20: Favre tells coach Mike McCarthy he may want to play again

April 9: Says he might consider comeback if opportunity was presented

April 4: Agent reportedly contacts teams to gauge trade interest

April 3: Denies rumors of a comeback

March 6: Favre conducts retirement news conference

Jan. 20: Packers lose NFC Championship Game to the Giants in OT

-- Compiled by ESPN Research
Favre retires, he was not forced to retire...And before he says ANYTHING to Green Bay about playing QB for them, his agent talks to OTHER TEAMS about Favre playing for them.

Favre had no intention of playing for the Packers again after the NFC Championship Game.

He also had no intention of staying retired at any point this off-season.

As a vehement non-Packer fan born and raised in Wisconsin, the one thing I know for sure is that no matter who deserves more of the blame, no matter whether it's a good move or bad for the team... the one thing I know for sure is that the saga has produced more Pack fan angst (and thus more joy for me :popcorn: ) than I can remember in quite some time.

I've got no idea who deserves more blame in the fractured relationship, Favre or TT/MM, and none of us can know without having sat in on their meetings and conversations over the last few years. The truth is almost certainly a gray area, where both sides deserve plenty of blame for it going this far.

PR-wise and probably short-term (this year), it hurts Green Bay. Long-term, it helps them.

Many people say it hinges on what Rodgers does this year, but I don't think it does. There's all sorts of things that could cause Rodgers to struggle or disappoint this year (Favre's shadow, injuries, or things completely out of Rodgers' control). You have to evaluate the move as it stood; and as it stood, Favre retired.

The Packers moved on, something they inevitably must do -- and this is probably the best year they'd get to do it, with a solid, young team, a young QB that has spent years studying the system and another young QB to develop in case Rodgers bombs. I'd like it a lot more if they'd brought in a veteran to back up Rodgers -- shocked Pennington wasn't thrown in -- but still. If Favre had left in 2006/2007 they'd have been much worse off. If he'd left next year, they'd have been much worse off for 2009. This was the time to start moving on without really having a mess on their hands.

And Favre chose to retire, or at least announce that he was. If he really just wanted out of GB, he didn't have to do that. If he wasn't sure what he wanted, he didn't have to do that. Worst case, he could have played "will I, won't I" for another summer. It would have caused problems and may not have ended in a better result, but it would have at least made things easier on himself AND on management.

But while I really side with TT/MM on the issue of trading Favre (versus rolling over and kissing his ### to bring him back in at the 11th hour), there's absolutely no doubt that this was an absolute PR abomination on their part. I think they made the right decision, but handled it very, very poorly over the last couple months.

Which has put even more pressure on Rodgers, distracted the team, and pissed off fans (although not as many as you'd think, surprisingly).

All in all, I side with the guy who said it's not black and white, it's gray. Who's to blame and whether it was the "right" decision are far more complex questions than most people in this thread seem to think.

Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :popcorn: :thumbup:
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbup: :thumbup:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbup:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbup:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbup: :thumbup:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Do you seriously think Rodgers is better than Farve? Wow, do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? We shall see what happens, but I think the Pack made a big mistake. But to imagine that Rodgers is going to be better than Farve this season is a little silly to say the least.
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbdown: :jawdrop:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
You Rodgers' backers hang your hat quite tightly on that losing contest. If you're that excited about his performance against opponents who didn't gameplan or have footage of him, I can imagine how great this year will be with him starting for the first time and teams figuring out what they are facing sooner rather than later. People might not like that Crayton spoke out about it because he hasn't proven anything in the NFL yet, but what he said validated the people who are not impressed with Rodgers' play in that game.How's everyone feel about AR's camp and scrimmage play so far? Yes, change is very exciting!
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbdown: :jawdrop:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Wow! That is not a very bright way to make a determination about which QB is better but expected from larry_boy.
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :jawdrop:
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbdown: :jawdrop:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Do you seriously think Rodgers is better than Farve? Wow, do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? We shall see what happens, but I think the Pack made a big mistake. But to imagine that Rodgers is going to be better than Farve this season is a little silly to say the least.
Brett Favre: 5/14 for 56 yards, 2 INTsAaron Rodgers: 18/26 for 201 yards and 1 TDso the only place that we have to make any real comparison between the two, Rodgers actually won...We don't know how good Rodgers is, we don't know how well he'll play as the starter, its all a guess...But to assume that just because Brett is who he is that he is automatically better than a 25 year old first round pick (ESPECIALLY at 39 years old) is just silly and you know it.
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I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :jawdrop:
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :jawdrop:
I didn't ever say Rodgers was better than Favre...I said we don't know who is better and that the only comparison (the Dallas game) seems to say Rodgers was better... Is it not a very good comparison? Yeah, but there is no real way to compare the two.No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbdown: :jawdrop:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Do you seriously think Rodgers is better than Farve? Wow, do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? We shall see what happens, but I think the Pack made a big mistake. But to imagine that Rodgers is going to be better than Farve this season is a little silly to say the least.
Brett Favre: 5/14 for 56 yards, 2 INTsAaron Rodgers: 18/26 for 201 yards and 1 TDso the only place that we have to make any real comparison between the two, Rodgers actually won...We don't know how good Rodgers is, we don't know how well he'll play as the starter, its all a guess...But to assume that just because Brett is who he is that he is automatically better than a 25 year old first round pick (ESPECIALLY at 39 years old) is just silly and you know it.Really?let's compare, shall we:
What is silly are your recent posts on trying to compare Rodgers with Favre. Not even silly but downright pathetic.
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :jawdrop:
No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
What has Rodgers done in those 8 months?
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbdown: :jawdrop:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Do you seriously think Rodgers is better than Farve? Wow, do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? We shall see what happens, but I think the Pack made a big mistake. But to imagine that Rodgers is going to be better than Farve this season is a little silly to say the least.
Brett Favre: 5/14 for 56 yards, 2 INTsAaron Rodgers: 18/26 for 201 yards and 1 TDso the only place that we have to make any real comparison between the two, Rodgers actually won...We don't know how good Rodgers is, we don't know how well he'll play as the starter, its all a guess...But to assume that just because Brett is who he is that he is automatically better than a 25 year old first round pick (ESPECIALLY at 39 years old) is just silly and you know it.Really?let's compare, shall we:
What is silly are your recent posts on trying to compare Rodgers with Favre. Not even silly but downright pathetic.
I'm not really comparing them. I'm saying that there is nothing to compare them by.You can't take one game and assume careers by it... So, yeah, the Dallas game is a bad measuring stick... But its still the only one we have on any level...Which means that we can't, as of right now, really, truely know who would give Green Bay the better chance to win... All we know is that they chose Rodgers and stuck with him, probably in a large part due to the fact that they know Rodgers is here to stay and they had no real guaruntee Favre was going to stay or even play in the regular season (he could just retire again)
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :rolleyes:
No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
What has Rodgers done in those 8 months?
Practice with the team, work out with the team, be the leader of the team... Things that Favre should have been doing the last 3 years and, really, wasn't...
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.

Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...

I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.

Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.

Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.

They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :rolleyes:
No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
What has Rodgers done in those 8 months?
Practice with the team, work out with the team, be the leader of the team... Things that Favre should have been doing the last 3 years and, really, wasn't...
Are you really this ignorant?
Last edited by a moderator:
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :thumbdown: :rolleyes:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Do you seriously think Rodgers is better than Farve? Wow, do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? We shall see what happens, but I think the Pack made a big mistake. But to imagine that Rodgers is going to be better than Farve this season is a little silly to say the least.
Brett Favre: 5/14 for 56 yards, 2 INTsAaron Rodgers: 18/26 for 201 yards and 1 TDso the only place that we have to make any real comparison between the two, Rodgers actually won...We don't know how good Rodgers is, we don't know how well he'll play as the starter, its all a guess...But to assume that just because Brett is who he is that he is automatically better than a 25 year old first round pick (ESPECIALLY at 39 years old) is just silly and you know it.Really?let's compare, shall we:
What is silly are your recent posts on trying to compare Rodgers with Favre. Not even silly but downright pathetic.
All we know is that they chose Rodgers and stuck with him, probably in a large part due to the fact that they know Rodgers is here to stay
Really? What makes you so certain that Rodgers will not leave GB via free agency when he can to escape the shadow of Favre?
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.

Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...

I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.

Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.

Always drama with him in the off-season. :thumbdown:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.

They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :rolleyes:
No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
What has Rodgers done in those 8 months?
Practice with the team, work out with the team, be the leader of the team... Things that Favre should have been doing the last 3 years and, really, wasn't...
Are you really this ignorant?
Damn :goodposting:
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :goodposting:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :thumbdown:
No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
What has Rodgers done in those 8 months?
Practice with the team, work out with the team, be the leader of the team... Things that Favre should have been doing the last 3 years and, really, wasn't...
Are you really this ignorant?
I live in Wisconsin... All anyone talks about here is the Packers... All day, every day... Our sports talk during the baseball season is a recap of the Brewers game, a comment or two about it, and then the Packers for a couple hours...Its absurd... I know what is going on, I know what I'm talking about...Favre has been isolated from the team for a long time, he's said so himself... Its somewhat understandable, but Rodgers isn't... and I think that's a good thing...Rodgers is still improving, I also think that's a good thing because this whole team is improving and eventually Favre is gonna hit the wall and be horrible, and benching Favre is 100% unthinkable. Trading him can be justified on some level (even if no one is truely happy about it), but benching him is simply not an option...That means Favre could NOT stay here. He just couldn't.Rodgers fits the direction the team is going in, Favre doesn't. Rodgers is doing all the things it would have been nice if Favre could do for the last few years, but Favre was a 36 year old veteran on the youngest team in the NFL... He couldn't connect with them in the same way...Plus, Rodgers is younger, he isn't set in his ways, he can do new things, they can add things they couldn't with Favre...Is it ideal? No... Is Rodgers better, right now, than Favre is right now? Who knows... But Rodgers is the QB the Packers should be starting this season. It would be different if Favre had said in March when he first retired or June when he first waffled that he was coming back to Green Bay, but he didn't... He did everything he could to not come back to the Packers...
Ted Thompson and the Packers FO took the hard medicine and made the best decision for the long term viability of the franchise. I have more respect for TT after this because he proved that he is willing to take a bullet for the Pack and sacrifice his public image, which is what he gets paid to do. Even BF, with his repeated character assassinations of TT, didn't break him.Consider that a few months ago BF was retired and the Pack received nothing from his retirement other than additional cap space. Now they have draft pick(s) and BF becomes the Jet's problem.
And the Packers will have a much higher draft pick then they would have with Farve. That was probably a part of the plan, don't you think? :goodposting: :thumbdown:
Honestly, I don't understand why everyone thinks Favre is, right now, better than Rodgers...The only comparison I have of them is the Dallas game, and Rodgers played better...
Do you seriously think Rodgers is better than Farve? Wow, do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? We shall see what happens, but I think the Pack made a big mistake. But to imagine that Rodgers is going to be better than Farve this season is a little silly to say the least.
Brett Favre: 5/14 for 56 yards, 2 INTsAaron Rodgers: 18/26 for 201 yards and 1 TDso the only place that we have to make any real comparison between the two, Rodgers actually won...We don't know how good Rodgers is, we don't know how well he'll play as the starter, its all a guess...But to assume that just because Brett is who he is that he is automatically better than a 25 year old first round pick (ESPECIALLY at 39 years old) is just silly and you know it.Really?let's compare, shall we:
What is silly are your recent posts on trying to compare Rodgers with Favre. Not even silly but downright pathetic.
All we know is that they chose Rodgers and stuck with him, probably in a large part due to the fact that they know Rodgers is here to stay
Really? What makes you so certain that Rodgers will not leave GB via free agency when he can to escape the shadow of Favre?
What makes you think that he is going to leave the first chance he gets???All indications are that Rodgers likes it here and intends on staying as long as he isn't stuck being the backup his whole career... And he isn't, he's the starter now...That means that every reliable source of information is leaning towards him staying (and you are just making stuff up)
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was extremely surprised when they supposedly offered him 20 mil to stay retired while at that point in time Ryan Grant was still trying to get over league minimum out of them.If I was Grant at that point in time I would have been livid.Packers screwed up their personnal matters this spring, although Favre has become quite a prima donna the last few years.Always drama with him in the off-season. :goodposting:
Yes, it was hard for them to play poor with Grant while they were offering Favre that.I also heard some rumblings from older Packer veterans that are struggling now. It's hard for them to see that kind of money being thrown around when they feel like they could use a slice of it. And deserve some of it.J
They weren't playing poor with Grant... They weren't willing to throw a ton of money at Grant when he hasn't proven anything really... 10 games isn't proving yourself...
Yet you are willing to state that Rodgers is better than Favre based on ONE GAME. :thumbdown:
No one has seen Favre do ANYTHING in 8 months... and we don't have any idea how good Rodgers is going to be...
What has Rodgers done in those 8 months?
Practice with the team, work out with the team, be the leader of the team... Things that Favre should have been doing the last 3 years and, really, wasn't...
Are you really this ignorant?
I live in Wisconsin... All anyone talks about here is the Packers... All day, every day... Our sports talk during the baseball season is a recap of the Brewers game, a comment or two about it, and then the Packers for a couple hours...Its absurd... I know what is going on, I know what I'm talking about...Favre has been isolated from the team for a long time, he's said so himself... Its somewhat understandable, but Rodgers isn't... and I think that's a good thing...Rodgers is still improving, I also think that's a good thing because this whole team is improving and eventually Favre is gonna hit the wall and be horrible, and benching Favre is 100% unthinkable. Trading him can be justified on some level (even if no one is truely happy about it), but benching him is simply not an option...That means Favre could NOT stay here. He just couldn't.Rodgers fits the direction the team is going in, Favre doesn't. Rodgers is doing all the things it would have been nice if Favre could do for the last few years, but Favre was a 36 year old veteran on the youngest team in the NFL... He couldn't connect with them in the same way...Plus, Rodgers is younger, he isn't set in his ways, he can do new things, they can add things they couldn't with Favre...Is it ideal? No... Is Rodgers better, right now, than Favre is right now? Who knows... But Rodgers is the QB the Packers should be starting this season. It would be different if Favre had said in March when he first retired or June when he first waffled that he was coming back to Green Bay, but he didn't... He did everything he could to not come back to the Packers...
How does that back up your ignorant comment that Favre hasn't been a leader, hasn't worked out with the team, and hasn't practiced with the team for the last 3 years?
Last edited by a moderator:
How does that back up your ignorant comment that Favre hasn't been a leader, hasn't worked out with the team, and hasn't practiced with the team for the last 3 years?
Favre has been disconnected from the team for about 3 seasons now... He doesn't spend time with his teammates, he doesn't really connect with them... Yeah, he practices (once training camp/the season starts), but it isn't the same...Favre and others have said that... I mean, didn't Favre basically have his own locker room last season?Rodgers had the whole team (or the whole offense, don't remember which) stay with him and work out in Cali for a week this offseason... Its actually a team, not a team with some guy who shows up and plays QB but isn't really part of it...
I voted yes. they made a decision to move on with Aaron Rodgers and stuck with it despite the public pressure. i admire that.
Good post joffer. :unsure: Also I think people are coming down a little to hard on the Packers when Favre is just as much if not more so to blame for what transpired this off season in Green Bay.
How does that back up your ignorant comment that Favre hasn't been a leader, hasn't worked out with the team, and hasn't practiced with the team for the last 3 years?
Favre has been disconnected from the team for about 3 seasons now... He doesn't spend time with his teammates, he doesn't really connect with them... Yeah, he practices (once training camp/the season starts), but it isn't the same...Favre and others have said that... I mean, didn't Favre basically have his own locker room last season?Rodgers had the whole team (or the whole offense, don't remember which) stay with him and work out in Cali for a week this offseason... Its actually a team, not a team with some guy who shows up and plays QB but isn't really part of it...
For someone that claims to know about the Packers you have no clue about how hard Favre worked in the offseason, in addition to comments made by Peter King about how hard Favre studied and worked each week to prepare for the games and how that took a toll on him. Please stop because you are making yourself look very foolish.
How does that back up your ignorant comment that Favre hasn't been a leader, hasn't worked out with the team, and hasn't practiced with the team for the last 3 years?
Favre has been disconnected from the team for about 3 seasons now... He doesn't spend time with his teammates, he doesn't really connect with them... Yeah, he practices (once training camp/the season starts), but it isn't the same...Favre and others have said that... I mean, didn't Favre basically have his own locker room last season?Rodgers had the whole team (or the whole offense, don't remember which) stay with him and work out in Cali for a week this offseason... Its actually a team, not a team with some guy who shows up and plays QB but isn't really part of it...
For someone that claims to know about the Packers you have no clue about how hard Favre worked in the offseason, in addition to comments made by Peter King about how hard Favre studied and worked each week to prepare for the games and how that took a toll on him. Please stop because you are making yourself look very foolish.
I never said he didn't study or work week to week... I said he wasn't really part of the team in the off-season, and on some level in season either... All he did was show up and play or practice... that's it...But there's more to it than that...
How does that back up your ignorant comment that Favre hasn't been a leader, hasn't worked out with the team, and hasn't practiced with the team for the last 3 years?
Favre has been disconnected from the team for about 3 seasons now... He doesn't spend time with his teammates, he doesn't really connect with them... Yeah, he practices (once training camp/the season starts), but it isn't the same...Favre and others have said that... I mean, didn't Favre basically have his own locker room last season?Rodgers had the whole team (or the whole offense, don't remember which) stay with him and work out in Cali for a week this offseason... Its actually a team, not a team with some guy who shows up and plays QB but isn't really part of it...
For someone that claims to know about the Packers you have no clue about how hard Favre worked in the offseason, in addition to comments made by Peter King about how hard Favre studied and worked each week to prepare for the games and how that took a toll on him. Please stop because you are making yourself look very foolish.
I never said he didn't study or work week to week... I said he wasn't really part of the team in the off-season, and on some level in season either... All he did was show up and play or practice... that's it...But there's more to it than that...
Keep backpeddling larry. You don't seem to know much at all about the Packers. Good luck with Thompson's decision to move on with Rodgers. I hope it works our for you and maybe you can get a better grasp of Packer football. Take care.
How does that back up your ignorant comment that Favre hasn't been a leader, hasn't worked out with the team, and hasn't practiced with the team for the last 3 years?
Favre has been disconnected from the team for about 3 seasons now... He doesn't spend time with his teammates, he doesn't really connect with them... Yeah, he practices (once training camp/the season starts), but it isn't the same...Favre and others have said that... I mean, didn't Favre basically have his own locker room last season?

Rodgers had the whole team (or the whole offense, don't remember which) stay with him and work out in Cali for a week this offseason... Its actually a team, not a team with some guy who shows up and plays QB but isn't really part of it...
For someone that claims to know about the Packers you have no clue about how hard Favre worked in the offseason, in addition to comments made by Peter King about how hard Favre studied and worked each week to prepare for the games and how that took a toll on him. Please stop because you are making yourself look very foolish.
I never said he didn't study or work week to week... I said he wasn't really part of the team in the off-season, and on some level in season either... All he did was show up and play or practice... that's it...But there's more to it than that...
Keep backpeddling larry. You don't seem to know much at all about the Packers. Good luck with Thompson's decision to move on with Rodgers. I hope it works our for you and maybe you can get a better grasp of Packer football. Take care.
from: http://www.madison.com/wsj/home/sports/297205
Meanwhile, in an interview with the Sporting News' Steve Greenberg that was posted on the magazine's Web site Monday, quarterback Aaron Rodgers sounds like someone who still expects to be the team's starter. Rodgers also subtly points out Favre, who dressed and showered in his own separate locker room, wasn't as accessible as he is to his teammates.

In his response to a question about the change from Favre to him, Rodgers replies, "I'm excited about doing things the way I want them. We're going to be a team that's united and connected.

"We've spent a lot of time together doing team functions, a lot of times at my house this offseason, and I think we've definitely gotten closer as a team. I don't think we had that as much last year. I don't ever want guys to feel like they can't talk to me or approach me. We're doing this together. I'm always open to suggestions. I think my teammates would all say I'm very approachable and pretty personable as well."
Favre had his own Locker Room...Favre demanded that the team make personnel decisions to his liking, he demanded coaching decisions, and held the team hostage with this "Will he, or won't he" :shrug: for years now...

Favre was not a team player, has not been for a long time... and it is time they got rid of him.... and that is from someone who doesn't even remember a Packer game without Brett Favre...

larry_boy....If Favre was such a terrible teammate for the last 3 years and the Packers went 13-3 last year with that terrible teammate and leader as QB....what do you predict for the Packers this year and next year since they have a new leader?

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larry_boy....If Favre was such a terrible teammate for the last 3 years and the Packers went 13-3 last year with that terrible teammate as QB....what do you predict for the Packers this year and next year since they have a new leader?
I don't know... there's more to being a good team that just having a good leader... Favre brought it on the field, even if he did nothing with the team off the field...However, if Rodgers is above average, I think the team will win the division again.You need to remember that it wasn't Favre and Favre alone who won last year... No one can cover the WRs that Green Bay is throwing at them... and if they do figure out a way to do it, stopping Grant from running it down thier throats then became impossible...Favre had it easy. Honestly, as much as I think everyone overstated how bad he was when it was happening, I think his season 2 and 3 years ago are more showing of Favre's skill level at this point in his career than last year was... Last year was good because the team was that good. It was by far the most talented team Favre had around him ever. If Favre had been as good last year as he was in 1996, we would have probably won more games than we did and we would have been in the Super Bowl.
larry_boy....If Favre was such a terrible teammate for the last 3 years and the Packers went 13-3 last year with that terrible teammate as QB....what do you predict for the Packers this year and next year since they have a new leader?
I don't know... there's more to being a good team that just having a good leader... Favre brought it on the field, even if he did nothing with the team off the field...However, if Rodgers is above average, I think the team will win the division again.You need to remember that it wasn't Favre and Favre alone who won last year... No one can cover the WRs that Green Bay is throwing at them... and if they do figure out a way to do it, stopping Grant from running it down thier throats then became impossible...Favre had it easy. Honestly, as much as I think everyone overstated how bad he was when it was happening, I think his season 2 and 3 years ago are more showing of Favre's skill level at this point in his career than last year was... Last year was good because the team was that good. It was by far the most talented team Favre had around him ever. If Favre had been as good last year as he was in 1996, we would have probably won more games than we did and we would have been in the Super Bowl.
Are you serious? You truely have no clue and based on what you said that talent and Rodgers should get the Packers to the Super Bowl since you feel the team is better off with Rodgers than Favre.
larry_boy....If Favre was such a terrible teammate for the last 3 years and the Packers went 13-3 last year with that terrible teammate as QB....what do you predict for the Packers this year and next year since they have a new leader?
I don't know... there's more to being a good team that just having a good leader... Favre brought it on the field, even if he did nothing with the team off the field...However, if Rodgers is above average, I think the team will win the division again.You need to remember that it wasn't Favre and Favre alone who won last year... No one can cover the WRs that Green Bay is throwing at them... and if they do figure out a way to do it, stopping Grant from running it down thier throats then became impossible...Favre had it easy. Honestly, as much as I think everyone overstated how bad he was when it was happening, I think his season 2 and 3 years ago are more showing of Favre's skill level at this point in his career than last year was... Last year was good because the team was that good. It was by far the most talented team Favre had around him ever. If Favre had been as good last year as he was in 1996, we would have probably won more games than we did and we would have been in the Super Bowl.
Are you serious? You truely have no clue and based on what you said that talent and Rodgers should get the Packers to the Super Bowl since you feel the team is better off with Rodgers than Favre.
I believe I said that the "franchise" is better with Rodgers than Favre... I don't know if the team will play better with Rodgers than they did with Favre, we won't know that 'til the season starts...However, the team (outside of Rodgers) is improved from last year to this year, IMO...oh yeah, and I do happen to think the Packers have a shot at the Super Bowl this year, no matter who thier QB is (Rodgers, Brohm, or Favre)

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