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Issues with LeagueSafe (2 Viewers)

the more i see stories about this i guess i would rather play at masters, nfb, fgc, etc... although they arent 100% payouts, they are all upwards of 80% and you'll guaranteed to be paid and dont have to worry about someone taking their deposit back.

plus unless you win or come in second, more likely then not, your not getting any of the action anyway

Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?

Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified

It's not a LeagueSafe issue, because that was their policy, as the manager explained to you. How is it a LeagueSafe issue that a LeagueSafe user was able to take an action on LeagueSafe that was completely in accordance with LeagueSafe's terms?
The manager explained that the policy changed. Saying that something was changed is not proof. I can prove what the policy currently is. The onus is on here to proove her claim. A person's testimony can be taken into consideredition, but considering the conversation thread, I don't think it was unreasonable of me to be skeptical of her claims.

Then it was not against their current policy to not grant refunds as long as it was well-before the start of the season.

She didn't say this.
Actually, yes, yes she did say this:

"We refunded his payment because he made the refund request well before the 2013 NFL season began."

That doesn't say what you're claiming it says.
Please elaborate as apparently my comprehension skills must be lacking.

IANAL so I don't know what their obligations are, and I won't speculate on that. If you can demonstrate that they violated some kind of law by not emailing you the revised terms, then I strongly suggest you make your case that way.

I agree that, potentially, they've done a poor job of communicating changes, maintaining formatting consistency on webpages, etc. And for that, you might hope that they'd be willing to offer you $300 for goodwill. But as far as I can tell, none of that actually obligates them to pay you the $300 Josh took.
The "we can change these terms whenever we want clause" doesn't mean that they aren't in fact liable for changing terms or that the consumer has to abide by them, depending on the change. Let's when you joined, the terms were that you could cash out your money free of charge. Then, after your league is over, they say, "Well, we changed our terms. Now you have to pay us a 25% withdrawl fee." You don't have to abide by the updated terms; you are only bound by the terms that we in place when the contract began (the initial transaction).
Um, right. That's exactly what they're telling you. Under the terms in place at that time, Josh was allowed to request a refund. The terms have since changed, but the new terms don't retroactively apply to when Josh got his money.
If you don't understand how terms work, then I would suggest you read up on them. You cannot change the terms of a contract once it has been entered into. That's the whole reason why you create a contract. This types of things are exactly what lead to class-action lawsuits. I got a small refund from a NetZero class action lawsuit a few years back exactly for this - changing the terms of a contract.

They did lie. They said it was their policy to refund money as long as a refund was requested "well before" the start of the NFL season. That is not what their terms say. It's a non-truth, whether it was deliberate or out of ignorance.
You're reading something into her statement that isn't there. She didn't say it was their policy to refund money as long as it was well before the start of the season.

She didn't? Hmm...

Oct 29 12:32 (CDT)
Hey Jared,
We refunded his payment because he made the refund request well before the 2013 NFL season began.
Sure looks like that is exactly what she said. She also went on to say:

At the time Josh received his refund, our policy, per our Terms of Service, was to refund a payment - no questions asked - until LeagueSafe's payment/refund deadline, which was 9/20.
So first she stated it was simply because the NFL season hadn't started, then stated it was becauase the payment/refund deadline had not been reached. According to her first statement, the requirement for a refund was that the NFL season had not started. Then she states that the requirement was that a refund was requested before 9/20.

If her first statement were correct, a refund could not have been given after kickoff of week 1.
According to her second statement, a refund could have been given up until 9/20 - a Friday, the day after the first week 3 game of the season.
According to the later statement, the T&C was changed on 8/16.

"Well before the NFL season" is not technically correct. The have not been forthright with their information or reasons for change.

I don't think it prudent for a service that intends to keep money "safe" to be so lackadaisical in how they protect it.

ADMIN - Can we get more control over Looking For Leagues?Posted by meyerj31 on 26 April 2013 - 02:09 PM

I'm getting a little annoyed by all the spam from companies who are advertising in here for leagues without 100% payouts. Why are you letting people advertise their own small businesses here?

I think this should be reserved for nothing but 100% payout, personally commished leagues. Some of these links are taking 15-20% of the money out of the prizepool - robbery!

Can we get an admin's thoughts on this please? Do you have some deal with FFL that you allow all of their postings in here?
More to steal I guess.

Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified

Sounds like they're trying to pass their league issue (with this clown) onto LeagueSafe. The guy requested refund with commissioner access before the the access was taken away from him. I don't think the guy rambling on about his conversations with LeagueSafe understands this. LeagueSafe states they'll respond within 1 business day.......he requested the refund before you stripped away commissioner access (otherwise he'd have to go through the commissioner to get the refund)

The bottom line is this guy was granted commissioner access to your league. That isn't LeagueSafe's issue someone in your league had the confidence to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access. Had Josh not been granted 'commissioner access' this isn't an issue -- the payment deadline would have prevented the refund. :shrug:

Big thumbs down for trying to drag LeagueSafe in the mud with your League's mistake & issues. :thumbdown: Personally glad they told you to take your business elsewhere with your league drama. Sucks for your owners, but your trying to nitpick #### when it's apparent the mistake was to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access (and he requested refund with commissioner access on this way out)

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Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified

Sounds like they're trying to pass their league issue (with this clown) onto LeagueSafe. The guy requested refund with commissioner access before the the access was taken away from him. I don't think the guy rambling on about his conversations with LeagueSafe understands this. I can tell you they don't process the refund the same day....

The bottom line is this guy was granted commissioner access to your league. That isn't LeagueSafe's fault someone in your league had the confidence to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access. Had Josh not been granted 'commissioner access' this isn't an issue -- the payment deadline would have prevented the refund. :shrug:

Big thumbs down for trying to drag LeagueSafe in the mud with your League's mistake & issues. :thumbdown: Personally glad they told you to take your business elsewhere with your league drama.
Was it a mistake to make him the commish? Absolutely.

Is it a problem with LeagueSafe that they allow the commish to approve their own refund without a league vote? Absolutely.

Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified

Sounds like they're trying to pass their league issue (with this clown) onto LeagueSafe. The guy requested refund with commissioner access before the the access was taken away from him.

I don't think the guy rambling on about his conversations with LeagueSafe understands this. I can tell you they don't process the refund the same day....

At the end of the day, this guy was granted commissioner access to your league. That isn't LeagueSafe's fault someone in your league had the confidence to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access......

Big thumbs down for trying to drag LeagueSafe in the mud with your League's mistake & issues. :thumbsdown:
This isn't my first rodeo.

1. If this is the case, why didn't LeagueSafe make mention of it? I mean seriously, if the very simple answer is, "He requested the refund before the commissioner rights were transferred," why wouldn't they say so?

2. Why would they honor the refund request of a person who was currently the commissioner of a league that was completely vested? If only the person who has commissioner rights to the league can make distributions at the end of the season, wouldn't LeagueSafe, y'know, REQUIRE the league account to have a commish?

3. Josh didn't give me commish powers in LeagueSafe - he gave them to the prior commish. It was completely out of the blue. We had talked about playing through this year, and then me taking over LeagueSafe NEXT season. Then, out of the blue, Josh gives commish powers to the prior commish - who'd never used LeagueSafe - instead of me, the current commish who had used it before. Why give the commish powers to anyone at all, out of the blue, when we weren't pressing the issue at the time, and why give them to the old commish?

Thumbs down to YOU for not using logic and reason.

Was it a mistake to make him the commish? Absolutely.

Is it a problem with LeagueSafe that they allow the commish to approve their own refund without a league vote? Absolutely.
:goodposting: On both accounts.

Not saying I agree with the latter, but it is what it is. Josh had commissioner access when he requested the refund. And that's the sole reason he got the refund. It's pretty black and white. :shrug:

So ##### to LeagueSafe because you decided on a shady commissioner? (Or commissioner access in this case) C'mon. Get the #### outta here.

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Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified
Big thumbs down for trying to drag LeagueSafe in the mud with your League's mistake & issues. :thumbdown: Personally glad they told you to take your business elsewhere with your league drama. Sucks for your owners, but your trying to nitpick #### when it's apparent the mistake was to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access (and he requested refund with commissioner access on this way out)
If they allowed him to get a refund with commissioner access, why would he transfer it to someone else? Seriously? He obviously didn't do it because he thought it was the "right" thing to do. I can only guess that LeagueSafe wouldn't grant him a refund if he was listed as commish, so he transferred in order to get his money out.

C'mon, man.

Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified
Big thumbs down for trying to drag LeagueSafe in the mud with your League's mistake & issues. :thumbdown: Personally glad they told you to take your business elsewhere with your league drama. Sucks for your owners, but your trying to nitpick #### when it's apparent the mistake was to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access (and he requested refund with commissioner access on this way out)
If they allowed him to get a refund with commissioner access, why would he transfer it to someone else? Seriously? He obviously didn't do it because he thought it was the "right" thing to do. I can only guess that LeagueSafe wouldn't grant him a refund if he was listed as commish, so he transferred in order to get his money out.

C'mon, man.
Someone else will have to explain it to you.

He requested the refund while having commissioner access -- which is the sole way to get one after the league's payment deadline. Again, it is black and white here.

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Hope you guys are able to get this squared away with him or LeagueSafe takes care of it. I guess they changed the policy to avoid this in the future, but it seems crazy to me that it was possible before and it wouldn't even notify you guys or require approval - someone being able to do what he did seems to defeat the purpose of the product?
well i think, if im understanding it correctly meyerj was a commissioner when this occured so no one was notified.. but i'd think if it wasnt the comission at minimum the commissioner should be notified

Sounds like they're trying to pass their league issue (with this clown) onto LeagueSafe. The guy requested refund with commissioner access before the the access was taken away from him.

I don't think the guy rambling on about his conversations with LeagueSafe understands this. I can tell you they don't process the refund the same day....

At the end of the day, this guy was granted commissioner access to your league. That isn't LeagueSafe's fault someone in your league had the confidence to grant this Josh bozo commissioner access......

Big thumbs down for trying to drag LeagueSafe in the mud with your League's mistake & issues. :thumbsdown:
1. If this is the case, why didn't LeagueSafe make mention of it? I mean seriously, if the very simple answer is, "He requested the refund before the commissioner rights were transferred," why wouldn't they say so?
Maybe you could explain your league drama to them....

Post a link to the OP even.

Was it a mistake to make him the commish? Absolutely.

Is it a problem with LeagueSafe that they allow the commish to approve their own refund without a league vote? Absolutely.
:goodposting: On both accounts.

Not saying I agree with the latter, but it is what it is. Josh had commissioner access when he requested the refund. And that's the sole reason he got the refund. It's pretty black and white. :shrug:
You're not reading the rest of the story. According to them, the terms at the time didn't require a commish to grant approval for a refund. If the rules at the time didn't require commish approval, it doesn't matter when he made the request. All that matters then would be that they didn't notify the league. That would be the issue - nobody got notified that this happened.

If they were lying about the change in terms (they may very well be telling the truth - who knows - but they've definitely lost my trust) - then if Josh had commish powers or not would come into play. But seriously, if a commish has to approve a refund, the person requesting a refund cannot be the commish at the time. That's the fox watching the hen house. The "fix" to one loophole would've created another.

All refunds must go through the commissioner after the league payment deadline....

It was that way in 2012.


As someone else mentioned prior, I don't agree with the commissioner having the ability to refund own funds (w/o league vote). It is what it is. I'm sure if that's brought up to LeagueSafe, it will most likely be changed.

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You are taking out your frustrations and trying to get a "big company" to refund your money, but all the while you're barking up the wrong tree.

You need to go after the dead beat owner.

And saying you won't use LeagueSafe again because of this, is a complete over-reaction by you and others who say the same thing. Quit with the drama, be a man and go after the person you should be going after.

Was it a mistake to make him the commish? Absolutely.

Is it a problem with LeagueSafe that they allow the commish to approve their own refund without a league vote? Absolutely.
:goodposting: On both accounts.

Not saying I agree with the latter, but it is what it is. Josh had commissioner access when he requested the refund. And that's the sole reason he got the refund. It's pretty black and white. :shrug:
You're not reading the rest of the story.
I've read everything. If you don't want to listen, why not just ask LeagueSafe if he requested the refund with commissioner access? Instead of just pointing the finger at them because they don't follow every detail of your league's drama.

You need to be going after this Josh bozo and not dragging LeagueSafe through the mud along with it. Sucks for the innocent owners, but you've done a real good job taking the focus off this Josh bozo. I'm sure he's watching this thread smiling.

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So how does leaguesafe handle payouts at the end of the year?
Either the commissioner controls payouts....

Or by majority league vote.

Always make sure your league goes with the latter. It's the 1st thing I look at when joining a LeagueSafe league.

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So how does leaguesafe handle payouts at the end of the year?
Either the commissioner controls payouts....

Or by majority league vote.

Always make sure your league goes with the latter. It's the 1st thing I look at when joining a LeagueSafe league.
Sounds messy. Either you're back to relying on a commish who can direct the funds to himself or half the owners in the league disappear and the funds are tied up.

The manager explained that the policy changed. Saying that something was changed is not proof.
Of course. But the alternative is that a manager at LeagueSafe is blatantly lying to you, in writing, about the terms of their service with you. As an unbiased observer, I have no reason to suspect she would do that. If you can prove that she is, then you've got something.

I can prove what the policy currently is
That's both trivial and irrelevant.

. The onus is on here to proove her claim. A person's testimony can be taken into consideredition, but considering the conversation thread, I don't think it was unreasonable of me to be skeptical of her claims.
Take them to court then. In the meantime, we have her word against yours. Given that (a) I have no reason to suspect she'd lie about something like that and (b) your own testimony isn't entirely reliable, I know where I stand until you can prove otherwise. Considering the conversation thread, you're the one who made it adversarial. You're understandably upset, but you're taking it out on the wrong party. Josh owes your league $300, not LeagueSafe.

Please elaborate as apparently my comprehension skills must be lacking.
I think I already did in my last response. She didn't say that their policy was to refund money if it was requested well before the start of the season.

If you don't understand how terms work, then I would suggest you read up on them. You cannot change the terms of a contract once it has been entered into.
Right... which, once again, is exactly what they're telling you. They are applying the terms that were in effect at the time the transaction was made. So what is your point, exactly?

You're reading something into her statement that isn't there. She didn't say it was their policy to refund money as long as it was well before the start of the season.
She didn't? Hmm...

Oct 29 12:32 (CDT)

Hey Jared,

We refunded his payment because he made the refund request well before the 2013 NFL season began.
Sure looks like that is exactly what she said.
Right, well that's where you need to work on the reading comprehension, and just read what she actually said as opposed to what you think it is that she said. Once again, I already demostrated this to you in my last response from earlier today.

She also went on to say:

At the time Josh received his refund, our policy, per our Terms of Service, was to refund a payment - no questions asked - until LeagueSafe's payment/refund deadline, which was 9/20.
So first she stated it was simply because the NFL season hadn't started
No she didn't.

, then stated it was becauase the payment/refund deadline had not been reached. According to her first statement, the requirement for a refund was that the NFL season had not started.
No it wasn't.

Then she states that the requirement was that a refund was requested before 9/20.
Correct. This doesn't contradict her first statement.

According to the later statement, the T&C was changed on 8/16.

I don't think it prudent for a service that intends to keep money "safe" to be so lackadaisical in how they protect it.
Well, then you have the right to stop using their service, and tell everyone who will listen that you're disappointed in the service. You haven't demonstrated, however, that LeagueSafe owes you $300. :shrug:

You seem to be in the wrong here. Could they have offered you something (free service for X years)....sure

Do they have to? No.

When you throw down the challenge and all but threaten to make this as publically embarrassing as possible for them, are you expecting them to cave in?

You tried to be a bully.....it failed....the end.

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I agree with all of Ignoratio Elenchi's posts in this thread.

Maybe LeagueSafe should have just paid the $306 instead of taking up its employees' time responding to emails and leaving the league members disappointed and frustrated. That's a judgment call I won't try to second-guess either side on.

But it doesn't sound like LeagueSafe is obligated to chase Josh down for the money or to make good on his debt.

Josh requested a refund, and they had a "grant all refunds with no questions asked" policy at the time (if the request was made before 9/20, which it was in this case).

As soon as the money was refunded, the league was notified by a posting on the league site.

The LeagueSafe policy was a poor one, and they have since changed it. But according to the operative terms at the time, LeagueSafe 100% owed the money back to Josh. If Josh had made the request and LeagueSafe had refused it, Josh would have had a valid claim against LeagueSafe. But LeagueSafe can't owe the money both to Josh and to the rest of the league at the same time. ("We pay out double on refund requests!" would not be a sensible policy.) Since they owed it to Josh, they couldn't have owed it, and don't owe it, to the rest of the league.

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So how does leaguesafe handle payouts at the end of the year?
Either the commissioner controls payouts....

Or by majority league vote.

Always make sure your league goes with the latter. It's the 1st thing I look at when joining a LeagueSafe league.
Sounds messy. Either you're back to relying on a commish who can direct the funds to himself or half the owners in the league disappear and the funds are tied up.
If there aren't enough yes votes for payout within 7 days (either 51% or 100% of all owners based on settings) then it goes by just the people voting (either 51% or 100% of all voters)

So how does leaguesafe handle payouts at the end of the year?
Either the commissioner controls payouts....

Or by majority league vote.

Always make sure your league goes with the latter. It's the 1st thing I look at when joining a LeagueSafe league.
Sounds messy. Either you're back to relying on a commish who can direct the funds to himself or half the owners in the league disappear and the funds are tied up.
If there aren't enough yes votes for payout within 7 days (either 51% or 100% of all owners based on settings) then it goes by just the people voting (either 51% or 100% of all voters)
Wonder what's happened when they've had a 100% league vote 11-1. Leaguesafe has to be sitting on unclaimed funds.

I shared the story, as requested by others, as a warning of the kind of issues you can have with a service such as this.

You are welcome to ignore it if you like.

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So how does leaguesafe handle payouts at the end of the year?
Either the commissioner controls payouts....

Or by majority league vote.

Always make sure your league goes with the latter. It's the 1st thing I look at when joining a LeagueSafe league.
Sounds messy. Either you're back to relying on a commish who can direct the funds to himself or half the owners in the league disappear and the funds are tied up.
If there aren't enough yes votes for payout within 7 days (either 51% or 100% of all owners based on settings) then it goes by just the people voting (either 51% or 100% of all voters)
Wonder what's happened when they've had a 100% league vote 11-1. Leaguesafe has to be sitting on unclaimed funds.
After a specified period of time, two weeks, or 30 days (I forget which) there is a LeagueSafe rep personally handling the account to verify the correct funds to be dispersed.

The same thing happens when a commish doesn't get involved to initiate the end of year vote (which, believe me, has happened... usually when the commish is doing poorly and doesn't continue managing the league.


So how does leaguesafe handle payouts at the end of the year?
Either the commissioner controls payouts....Or by majority league vote.

Always make sure your league goes with the latter. It's the 1st thing I look at when joining a LeagueSafe league.
Sounds messy. Either you're back to relying on a commish who can direct the funds to himself or half the owners in the league disappear and the funds are tied up.
If there aren't enough yes votes for payout within 7 days (either 51% or 100% of all owners based on settings) then it goes by just the people voting (either 51% or 100% of all voters)
Wonder what's happened when they've had a 100% league vote 11-1. Leaguesafe has to be sitting on unclaimed funds.
After a specified period of time, two weeks, or 30 days (I forget which) there is a LeagueSafe rep personally handling the account to verify the correct funds to be dispersed.The same thing happens when a commish doesn't get involved to initiate the end of year vote (which, believe me, has happened... usually when the commish is doing poorly and doesn't continue managing the league.
Why not just pay back the money?

it seems like league safe is good as long as you dont have a #### head in your league.
If you can trust everybody in your league, there would be no need nor desire to use a website like league safe in the first place.

That's kind of the entire point of a site like league safe...to protect other people in case one of the managers turns out to be a #### head

I agree with all of Ignoratio Elenchi's posts in this thread.

Maybe LeagueSafe should have just paid the $306 instead of taking up its employees' time responding to emails and leaving the league members disappointed and frustrated. That's a judgment call I won't try to second-guess either side on.

But it doesn't sound like LeagueSafe is obligated to chase Josh down for the money or to make good on his debt.

Josh requested a refund, and they had a "grant all refunds with no questions asked" policy at the time (if the request was made before 9/20, which it was in this case).

As soon as the money was refunded, the league was notified by a posting on the league site.

The LeagueSafe policy was a poor one, and they have since changed it. But according to the operative terms at the time, LeagueSafe 100% owed the money back to Josh. If Josh had made the request and LeagueSafe had refused it, Josh would have had a valid claim against LeagueSafe. But LeagueSafe can't owe the money both to Josh and to the rest of the league at the same time. ("We pay out double on refund requests!" would not be a sensible policy.) Since they owed it to Josh, they couldn't have owed it, and don't owe it, to the rest of the league.
The bolded is pretty much the main point to me. It was exceptionally dumb for LeagueSafe to have had that policy.

For that reason, and that simple reason alone, the correct business decision would have been to refund the OP's money.

Just this thread alone has cost them many times that amount.

Leonidas said:
ebsteelers said:
it seems like league safe is good as long as you dont have a #### head in your league.
If you can trust everybody in your league, there would be no need nor desire to use a website like league safe in the first place.

That's kind of the entire point of a site like league safe...to protect other people in case one of the managers turns out to be a #### head
My main money league is this exact situation. Longtime league, close, trusting group. We still use leaguesafe. Why? Because it's easier to pay via e-check through an independent party, cash out through that party, etc. Sure, we could use paypal - but I've heard quite a few horror stories about high dollar amounts in Paypal setting off red flags that lock your funds. As the commish, I used to keep the funds, but holding onto 2400 dollars that isn't yours is a ....messy thing to do.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
I've never used LeagueSafe and have no dog in the fight.

IMO you got scammed by a shady owner, not by LeagueSafe. The manager's explanation is reasonable and consistent.
Had he paid the commissioner directly and that guy left with it then you guys would be crying he should use League Safe.

ebsteelers said:
Agent575 said:
ebsteelers said:
it seems like league safe is good as long as you dont have a #### head in your league.
But if you don't have one of those in your league, then screw leaguesafe and someone just hold the money.

Seems like a whole lot of hassle happening here considering you were supposedly using a service that's entire point is to make the financial end of running a league hassle-free.
the problem with that is..

your gonna trust a complete stranger with 3600 dollars?

i know it sucks but at least the players are only getting scammed out of 300 in this case and not the whole 3k
No, I don't play in a league with a commissioner I don't trust. When I join a league with folks I don't know, I do my best to see what their history is and start with an amount of money I am willing to lose if my judgement about them is wrong. From there, trust is either built or not.

Leaguesafe preys on all of you who fail at doing the above. It's not hard to avoid losers. Calling out losers on the internet is pointless since they can change their handle/avatar or whatever and start again but gaining a positive reputation takes doing the right thing time and time again. Leaguesafe claims to take the hassle out of the financials of fantasy football but I have read countless accounts where things went wrong for people which is asinine. This story, regardless how you spin it with their terms and conditions never should have occurred because that is the entire stupid premise of what they are supposed to be doing. The fact they wouldn't just rectify it with this league to "prove they give a damn" says a lot to me.

I have a league that started last year...I did my best to explain my situation so that folks would trust me with the money...we eventually got a full league. I went out of my way to make every movement of money transparent for my owners. We are in our second season and I can comfortably say that I have 23 owners who would vouch for me on that level. Point of the story is, you can find someone trustworthy if you try and they can prove themselves trustworthy if they really want to. Avoid the rest.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
I've never used LeagueSafe and have no dog in the fight.

IMO you got scammed by a shady owner, not by LeagueSafe. The manager's explanation is reasonable and consistent.
Had he paid the commissioner directly and that guy left with it then you guys would be crying he should use League Safe.
Exactly. My issue with LeagueSafe is who would have thought they'd have these policies in the first place? I'm guilty of not doing due diligence before agreeing to use them, but their policies (even now) are terrible. The blame is certainly on Josh Meyer but LeagueSafe failed to do what they are supposed to do - protect the league's money from unscrupulous members. They can claim that they were only following their T&C but that doesn't mean they didn't fail at their job.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
I've never used LeagueSafe and have no dog in the fight.

IMO you got scammed by a shady owner, not by LeagueSafe. The manager's explanation is reasonable and consistent.
Had he paid the commissioner directly and that guy left with it then you guys would be crying he should use League Safe.
Exactly. My issue with LeagueSafe is who would have thought they'd have these policies in the first place? I'm guilty of not doing due diligence before agreeing to use them, but their policies (even now) are terrible. The blame is certainly on Josh Meyer but LeagueSafe failed to do what they are supposed to do - protect the league's money from unscrupulous members. They can claim that they were only following their T&C but that doesn't mean they didn't fail at their job.
How did they fail in this? An owner asked for a refund WAY before the season started. It is not like he took out other members money. No one in the league noticed it, but the info was there.

LeagueSafe does not know the details, did the draft for this league even take place yet, how do they know?

They had a hole in their procedure, WHICH WAS THERE BECAUSE THEY WERE TRYING TO PROTECT OWNERS as explained in the manager email. It is not like the hole was there because of gross incompetence (I am making an assumption based on info provided here, I have never used them)

How did they fail in this? An owner asked for a refund WAY before the season started. It is not like he took out other members money. No one in the league noticed it, but the info was there.


LeagueSafe does not know the details, did the draft for this league even take place yet, how do they know?
We're a dynasty league that drafted in February. The start of the NFL season is inconsequential. Why would we set a payment date of 3/1 if we were a redraft team? It's a poorly designed site that allows someone to get a refund for a league 4 months after a payment deadline.

As a far as not noticing he had done this, there should have been no reason why we needed to log in to our LeagueSafe account and constantly check it.

And he did take the other members money since he paid to be in the league and drafted his team. That money is owed to the person who wins the league this year.

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I also want to reiterate that we changed our policy, in part, because of this exact situation. There are two sides to the payment deadline/refund issue. One is your side. The other is a dishonest league commissioner who creates what appears to be a legitimate league, gets 10 or more people to pay their entry fee, and then bumps their deadline way up to "trap" the league funds in an effort to simply allocate them back to himself at the end of the season. Up until very recently, we've always erred on the side of the individual owner, and our refund policy reflected that by offering a "no questions asked" refund policy up until a couple of weeks into the regular season. Owners were therefore protected against a fraudulent commissioner whose sole goal was to get people to pay into a league he never had any intention of playing out fairly. However, in response to several other situations just like yours, we decided to amend the refund policy to grant commissioners some extra protection against unscrupulous owners as well
For a company pioneering a new service, the initial policy, designed to protect the individual, makes sense. But it wasnt perfect. They saw the problem and made changes to give even better protection in the future.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
I've never used LeagueSafe and have no dog in the fight.

IMO you got scammed by a shady owner, not by LeagueSafe. The manager's explanation is reasonable and consistent.
Had he paid the commissioner directly and that guy left with it then you guys would be crying he should use League Safe.
:rolleyes: I can't speak for anyone else, but if you asked me I'd tell you not to play fantasy football for real money with complete strangers. I certainly wouldn't be "crying" about anything.

My issue with LeagueSafe is who would have thought they'd have these policies in the first place?
Which policy? The one where if you give league safe $300 of your own money to hold for fantasy football, you can ask them to give you your $300 back before the football season starts? Is that the egregiously nonsensical policy you're taking issue with?

I'm guilty of not doing due diligence before agreeing to use them, but
No but. If you're going to send your money to someone, you should know the terms of the agreement. If you don't bother to do your due diligence, you don't get to complain later that their policies are "terrible."

The blame is certainly on Josh Meyer
Yep, he did a ####ty thing.

but LeagueSafe failed to do what they are supposed to do - protect the league's money from unscrupulous members.
They didn't fail. The "unscrupulous" member took his money back in July. It's not like he was 0-7 in late October and then took his money back. It's entirely a league issue that no one bothered to notice that Josh was playing for free all year and then decided to abandon his team.

Their job is to protect the interests of their users. ####ty as his actions may have been, Josh was one of their users. They are obligated to protect his interests as well. How much outrage would there be if OP sent LeagueSafe $300, requested a refund and they refused to give him his own money back?

They didn't fail. The "unscrupulous" member took his money back in July. It's not like he was 0-7 in late October and then took his money back. It's entirely a league issue that no one bothered to notice that Josh was playing for free all year and then decided to abandon his team.
It doesn't matter that it was July - he drafted in February. As far as anyone in the league was concerned there was no getting a refund after that.

Even if we had noticed it (again, why should we constantly have to check LeagueSafe for things like this) good luck trying to sell a $300 team that had already drafted.

The problem I have here is not neccesarily the fact that their policy was flawed for refunds, but that they felt no need to send out an automated email to the league or at least the commish. No one logs into LeagueSafe once everything is paid in and set up... And LeagueSafe should know this.

I also find it interesting that no one from the site has posted in this thread. They've had a presence on this board in the past.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
I've never used LeagueSafe and have no dog in the fight.

IMO you got scammed by a shady owner, not by LeagueSafe. The manager's explanation is reasonable and consistent.
Had he paid the commissioner directly and that guy left with it then you guys would be crying he should use League Safe.
:rolleyes: I can't speak for anyone else, but if you asked me I'd tell you not to play fantasy football for real money with complete strangers. I certainly wouldn't be "crying" about anything.
My issue with LeagueSafe is who would have thought they'd have these policies in the first place?
Which policy? The one where if you give league safe $300 of your own money to hold for fantasy football, you can ask them to give you your $300 back before the football season starts? Is that the egregiously nonsensical policy you're taking issue with?
I'm guilty of not doing due diligence before agreeing to use them, but
No but. If you're going to send your money to someone, you should know the terms of the agreement. If you don't bother to do your due diligence, you don't get to complain later that their policies are "terrible."
The blame is certainly on Josh Meyer
Yep, he did a ####ty thing.
but LeagueSafe failed to do what they are supposed to do - protect the league's money from unscrupulous members.
They didn't fail. The "unscrupulous" member took his money back in July. It's not like he was 0-7 in late October and then took his money back. It's entirely a league issue that no one bothered to notice that Josh was playing for free all year and then decided to abandon his team.Their job is to protect the interests of their users. ####ty as his actions may have been, Josh was one of their users. They are obligated to protect his interests as well. How much outrage would there be if OP sent LeagueSafe $300, requested a refund and they refused to give him his own money back?
As a Leaguesafe user, I was a bit scared to step into this thread. That said, this post should be the end of this discussion. Leaguesafe acted in accordance with their T&C's. They've since recognized a flaw in these and amended them. All the claims being made now by this league's members against Leaguesafe seem a bit misplaced.

I'd be frustrated too, but it's pretty clear that there was no fault in what Leagusafe did in this situation based on their T&C's. End of story.


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