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Just got back from the ER for wife and dog...both were attacked by pit (1 Viewer)

When my radio woke me up this morning two of the top five or so lead stories were pitbull attacks. Probably won't be any changes until 6 of top 5 stories are pitbull attacks because Democrat lawmakers don't want to offend their constituency.

When my radio woke me up this morning two of the top five or so lead stories were pitbull attacks. Probably won't be any changes until 6 of top 5 stories are pitbull attacks because Democrat lawmakers don't want to offend their constituency.
Took page 2 to blame Obama?

Slippin fellas!

When my radio woke me up this morning two of the top five or so lead stories were pitbull attacks. Probably won't be any changes until 6 of top 5 stories are pitbull attacks because Democrat lawmakers don't want to offend their constituency.
Took page 2 to blame Obama?

Slippin fellas!
Pitbull regulation is the third rail of politics, I thought everyone knew this, that's why I waited.

I'd assume your for outlawing anything that stupid people can use to accidentally kill or hurt others with? guns, cars, alcohol, etc...?

if a guy gets hammered and slams his pickup into a family of 4, are you calling for the banning of alcohol and large vehicles that can do more damage?

sorry to the OP. stupid people are the menace here, not a breed of dog.
I don't have a strong position on whether or not pit bulls should be banned. That being said, I think the the issue here is one of control. A large vehicle will not escape your garage when you're not looking and run over people on its own.
so? I thought we were trying to save lives here. what difference does it make that a truck can't drive itself? if we can save 1,000 lives per year by banning alcohol so people can't drive drunk, why not do it? I know why. because people will still find ways to get drunk and kill people by driving. so you know what happens if you ban pit bulls? the ####ty dog owners get Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shephards. and then we ban them. we ban all dogs over 8 pounds and we can all walk around with yorkies.

the issue is with stupid people. ban them and we solve the problem.

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Obviously, if the dog had a history of attacks, that's a huge problem. But let's say this was the first attack. Dog got loose from the house when the owner was in the garage and attacked the OP's wife and dog. Do you think that makes the owner stupid and irresponsible? Dogs escape the house all the time. They're dogs. Always looking for a split second when the door is swinging shut. Do you think it warrants the owner losing his retirement or getting jail time simply because his dog managed to slip out the front door?

If the answer to the above questions changes at all when the dog in question is a pit versus a poodle, then perhaps the issue really is the breed after all.
Yes. If you're getting a large breed you should know how to train and control your dog. A trained dog isn't "always looking for that split second when the door is swinging shut".

dogs don't just sit by the door waiting for it to be left ajar so they can run out and attack people. I have a very large male Rottweiler who has gotten out of the house/yard and handful of times over the last 3 years and he has never bitten or attacked anyone. the most he's done is smelled the neighbors ### as she was doing some gardening. and you know why? because he's been trained and socialized from the moment I got him. now if I got him as a pup and chained him in my backyard for the last 3 years, didn't train him or socialize him with people and other dogs, I'd say the chances of him doing some damage when he got out of the yard just went up 100x.

as it is, I have people coming and going from my backyard every weekend and the worst he's done to any of them is step on their foot (which can hurt, BTW).

I'm staying away from the general debate regarding the breed, but this particular dog needs to be put down. It has a history of anger management issues and is a danger to everyone.

Hope everyone is ok

I got attacked by a giant poodle in high school. And before anyone laughs, they are big.

dogs don't just sit by the door waiting for it to be left ajar so they can run out and attack people. I have a very large male Rottweiler who has gotten out of the house/yard and handful of times over the last 3 years and he has never bitten or attacked anyone.
Doesn't every dog owner say this when their dog attacks someone for the first time?

the most he's done is smelled the neighbors ### as she was doing some gardening. and you know why? because he's been trained and socialized from the moment I got him. now if I got him as a pup and chained him in my backyard for the last 3 years, didn't train him or socialize him with people and other dogs, I'd say the chances of him doing some damage when he got out of the yard just went up 100x.
So your premise is that the only pitbulls that attack are those that have been mistreated? You may very well be right, but I'm not so sure.

Hope everything turns out OK with the OP.

We have a pit bull down the street from us and it makes me nervous. It hasn't attacked anyone, but it barks a lot and it's just so damn big.

Why do people own pit bulls?
Small penis.
I honestly believe this is true.
There is a lesbian couple in our building that have a pit bull. She's only about a year old, but it might be the nicest, friendliest dog I've ever been around and she's beautiful.


Brother in Law owns a large (at least 75-80lbs) blue pit bull... Great dog!! He rarely leaves the yard, but if he does it is on a leash. When they have company over, they'll put him in the basement or backyard, not because he is threat, just because of the perception. People who aren't scared will go into the basement or backyard and pet him, really great dog... My 1.5 year old son hopped on him and tried riding him like a horse, I'm very protective over my son and was standing right there, but the dog represents no danger and I wasn't worried at all. My boy then gave the dog his string cheese and the dog proceeded to lick my son's face. They have been very responsible owners and the dog really is a great.

On the other hand, as with all breeds, there are bad dogs and terrible owners... Banning Pit Bulls and all of the sudden Dolbermans or Rots become the target.

Hope everything turns out OK with the OP.

We have a pit bull down the street from us and it makes me nervous. It hasn't attacked anyone, but it barks a lot and it's just so damn big.

Why do people own pit bulls?
Small penis.
I honestly believe this is true.
There is a lesbian couple in our building that have a pit bull. She's only about a year old, but it might be the nicest, friendliest dog I've ever been around and she's beautiful.

Oh. Well good thing they own THAT animal. I mean, there are no other nice, friendly, beautiful animals to own in the world.

"Guys, I respect your opinion and all, but screw you, this mountain lion I keep in my yard is sooooooooooo sweet."

dogs don't just sit by the door waiting for it to be left ajar so they can run out and attack people. I have a very large male Rottweiler who has gotten out of the house/yard and handful of times over the last 3 years and he has never bitten or attacked anyone.
Doesn't every dog owner say this when their dog attacks someone for the first time?

the most he's done is smelled the neighbors ### as she was doing some gardening. and you know why? because he's been trained and socialized from the moment I got him. now if I got him as a pup and chained him in my backyard for the last 3 years, didn't train him or socialize him with people and other dogs, I'd say the chances of him doing some damage when he got out of the yard just went up 100x.
So your premise is that the only pitbulls that attack are those that have been mistreated? You may very well be right, but I'm not so sure.
its not just pitbulls but yes, they are either mistreated, untrained, unsocialized, or at the very least, were bred in someone's backyard from a dog with who knows what kind of temperament.

a well bred large breed dog who was been trained and socialized will not attack a human unless they feel threatened or feels someone in his family is threatened. and a well-trained dog with a sound temperament can identify threats better and quicker than most humans.

Brother in Law owns a large (at least 75-80lbs) blue pit bull... Great dog!! He rarely leaves the yard, but if he does it is on a leash. When they have company over, they'll put him in the basement or backyard, not because he is threat, just because of the perception. People who aren't scared will go into the basement or backyard and pet him, really great dog... My 1.5 year old son hopped on him and tried riding him like a horse, I'm very protective over my son and was standing right there, but the dog represents no danger and I wasn't worried at all. My boy then gave the dog his string cheese and the dog proceeded to lick my son's face. They have been very responsible owners and the dog really is a great.

On the other hand, as with all breeds, there are bad dogs and terrible owners... Banning Pit Bulls and all of the sudden Dolbermans or Rots become the target.
I don't think Dolbermans attack like this, do they? Aren't they like German Shepherds, a well-bred and highly trainable breed that doesn't get mixed up in too many of these types of incidents?

Rottweilers may be a different story, I don't know.

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I think the issue with Pit Bulls isn't necessarily the higher rates of attacks, but the higher rates of mortality among those attacks. A pit bull is simply a better killer than other dogs because they were bred to kill other dogs. My mom used to warn be about pit bulls when I was a kid in the 80s. It was known even then that when they decided to bite, they wouldn't let go.

dogs don't just sit by the door waiting for it to be left ajar so they can run out and attack people. I have a very large male Rottweiler who has gotten out of the house/yard and handful of times over the last 3 years and he has never bitten or attacked anyone.
Doesn't every dog owner say this when their dog attacks someone for the first time?

the most he's done is smelled the neighbors ### as she was doing some gardening. and you know why? because he's been trained and socialized from the moment I got him. now if I got him as a pup and chained him in my backyard for the last 3 years, didn't train him or socialize him with people and other dogs, I'd say the chances of him doing some damage when he got out of the yard just went up 100x.
So your premise is that the only pitbulls that attack are those that have been mistreated? You may very well be right, but I'm not so sure.
its not just pitbulls but yes, they are either mistreated, untrained, unsocialized, or at the very least, were bred in someone's backyard from a dog with who knows what kind of temperament.

a well bred large breed dog who was been trained and socialized will not attack a human unless they feel threatened or feels someone in his family is threatened. and a well-trained dog with a sound temperament can identify threats better and quicker than most humans.
I think you've touched on the issue. Temperament. Sure, abusing or mistreating a dog can make them dangerous. I get that. But temperament is also something that can be innate. And I would imagine that determining whether it not your dog has a "sound temperament" isn't an exact science. And guessing wrong can be catastrophic.Getting back to my original point, is an owner stupid and irresponsible simply because they do not recognize a latent temperament in their dog until it's too late. Should a well meaning dog owner who has never mistreated his dog be punished criminally or lose vast sums of money in a civil action if they fail to recognize this trait until it is too late?

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I think the issue with Pit Bulls isn't necessarily the higher rates of attacks, but the higher rates of mortality among those attacks. A pit bull is simply a better killer than other dogs because they were bred to kill other dogs. My mom used to warn be about pit bulls when I was a kid in the 80s. It was known even then that when they decided to bite, they wouldn't let go.

They are the airplane accidents of accidents.

1000's of people die a year in car accidents and it's business as usual. A plane goes down with 178 people and people take notice

I'd assume your for outlawing anything that stupid people can use to accidentally kill or hurt others with? guns, cars, alcohol, etc...?

if a guy gets hammered and slams his pickup into a family of 4, are you calling for the banning of alcohol and large vehicles that can do more damage?

sorry to the OP. stupid people are the menace here, not a breed of dog.
I don't have a strong position on whether or not pit bulls should be banned. That being said, I think the the issue here is one of control. A large vehicle will not escape your garage when you're not looking and run over people on its own.
so? I thought we were trying to save lives here. what difference does it make that a truck can't drive itself? if we can save 1,000 lives per year by banning alcohol so people can't drive drunk, why not do it? I know why. because people will still find ways to get drunk and kill people by driving. so you know what happens if you ban pit bulls? the ####ty dog owners get Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shephards. and then we ban them. we ban all dogs over 8 pounds and we can all walk around with yorkies.

the issue is with stupid people. ban them and we solve the problem.
This is a horrible argument in gun control threads, but it's far worse in pit bull ones.

We don't ban cars because hundreds of millions of people use them safely, happily, and to the benefit of the US and its economy daily. We suffer the drawbacks because despite the dangers, they're essential to the continued operation of society as we know it. We don't ban alcohol because 2/3 of the adult US population drink it happily and responsibly, and because entire segments of the economy depend on it. We deal with its dark side by threatening to punish those who abuse it in a dangerous manner, but when the US took it away, the population went up in arms. It's got too much utility, both recreationally and economically, to snuff it and make it go away.

Pit Bulls have no upside as a pet for any but the tiny minority of rednecks and thugs who embrace them precisely because normal, rational people are afraid they may snap and kill their children or pets. They get outlawed, the vast majority of Americans instantly become happier and better off, and the economy doesn't suffer a whit. Put a spay/neuter policy into immediate effect, and after a twenty year window, start punishing people who still own them. You want to say a black market will emerge? Fine. It'll be far smaller, and less of a hazard to society than what's currently here.

I'm all for taking away the dangerous things that can (and do) harm innocents, that have no corresponding social good to redeem them.

Biggie makes some good points that hit home. My dog is half lab. There is no denying it. Every single person sees it. However, we do not know what the other half is. Many have suggested pit bull. She is the greatest dog, friendly and a great listener. However, in the back of my mind, I do get nervous that one day she might snap. This is not cause for me to get rid of her or put her down but it's there. She may not be half pit bull also. So there is that. She has been well socialized and has never shown aggression to animals or people.

If she ever did attack and hurt someone, I would outright offer to pay but would hate to lose my life's savings because of one incident

Hope everything turns out OK with the OP.

We have a pit bull down the street from us and it makes me nervous. It hasn't attacked anyone, but it barks a lot and it's just so damn big.

Why do people own pit bulls?
Small penis.
I honestly believe this is true.
There is a lesbian couple in our building that have a pit bull. She's only about a year old, but it might be the nicest, friendliest dog I've ever been around and she's beautiful.

Just give it time. Its just waiting until the opportunity presents itself to maul a child. Tick, tick, tick.

Brother in Law owns a large (at least 75-80lbs) blue pit bull... Great dog!! He rarely leaves the yard, but if he does it is on a leash. When they have company over, they'll put him in the basement or backyard, not because he is threat, just because of the perception. People who aren't scared will go into the basement or backyard and pet him, really great dog... My 1.5 year old son hopped on him and tried riding him like a horse, I'm very protective over my son and was standing right there, but the dog represents no danger and I wasn't worried at all. My boy then gave the dog his string cheese and the dog proceeded to lick my son's face. They have been very responsible owners and the dog really is a great.

On the other hand, as with all breeds, there are bad dogs and terrible owners... Banning Pit Bulls and all of the sudden Dolbermans or Rots become the target.
I don't think Dolbermans attack like this, do they? Aren't they like German Shepherds, a well-bred and highly trainable breed that doesn't get mixed up in too many of these types of incidents?

Rottweilers may be a different story, I don't know.
My grandparents had a doberman when I was a little kid. Greatest dog ever. Was once stabbed, but still able to fend off a robber that broke into their home one night. This same dog would let me climb all over him and ride him around like a horse.

Biggie makes some good points that hit home. My dog is half lab. There is no denying it. Every single person sees it. However, we do not know what the other half is. Many have suggested pit bull. She is the greatest dog, friendly and a great listener. However, in the back of my mind, I do get nervous that one day she might snap. This is not cause for me to get rid of her or put her down but it's there. She may not be half pit bull also. So there is that. She has been well socialized and has never shown aggression to animals or people.

If she ever did attack and hurt someone, I would outright offer to pay but would hate to lose my life's savings because of one incident
Dogs don't "just snap"

Dog bite statistics from 1982-2013 (molosser breeds):

Breed - Bodily harm - Child Victims - Adult Victims - Deaths - Maimings - % of total dog population

Pit bull 2792 1114 1047 263 1677 6.0%

Rottweiler 514 290 136 81 294 2%

Husky 79 49 5 25 24 .07%

Wolf hybrid 85 70 5 19 49

Bullmastiff 105 42 39 15 61 .02%

German shep. 102 63 30 15 63 2.1%

Pit bull-mix 191 75 45 12 102

Akita 68 43 21 8 50 1%

Boxer 62 19 21 7 29 1.4%

Chow 58 37 17 7 39 .009%

Ger. shep-mix 43 28 12 7 28

Doberman 18 9 9 7 10 1.4

These numbers are pretty staggering to me. Big disparity between pitbulls and all other breeds.

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Dog bite statistics from 1982-2013:

Breed - Bodily harm - Child Victims - Adult Victims - Deaths - Maimings - % of total dog population

Pit bull 2792 1114 1047 263 1677 6.0%

Rottweiler 514 290 136 81 294 2%

Husky 79 49 5 25 24 .07%

Wolf hybrid 85 70 5 19 49

Bullmastiff 105 42 39 15 61 .02%

German shep. 102 63 30 15 63 2.1%

Pit bull-mix 191 75 45 12 102

Akita 68 43 21 8 50 1%

Boxer 62 19 21 7 29 1.4%

Chow 58 37 17 7 39 .009%

Ger. shep-mix 43 28 12 7 28

Doberman 18 9 9 7 10 1.4

These numbers are pretty staggering to me. Big disparity between pitbulls and all other breeds.
I see you conveniently skipped posting the relevant stats regarding poodles.......Hmmmm........

dogs don't just sit by the door waiting for it to be left ajar so they can run out and attack people. I have a very large male Rottweiler who has gotten out of the house/yard and handful of times over the last 3 years and he has never bitten or attacked anyone.
Doesn't every dog owner say this when their dog attacks someone for the first time?

the most he's done is smelled the neighbors ### as she was doing some gardening. and you know why? because he's been trained and socialized from the moment I got him. now if I got him as a pup and chained him in my backyard for the last 3 years, didn't train him or socialize him with people and other dogs, I'd say the chances of him doing some damage when he got out of the yard just went up 100x.
So your premise is that the only pitbulls that attack are those that have been mistreated? You may very well be right, but I'm not so sure.
its not just pitbulls but yes, they are either mistreated, untrained, unsocialized, or at the very least, were bred in someone's backyard from a dog with who knows what kind of temperament.

a well bred large breed dog who was been trained and socialized will not attack a human unless they feel threatened or feels someone in his family is threatened. and a well-trained dog with a sound temperament can identify threats better and quicker than most humans.
I think you've touched on the issue. Temperament. Sure, abusing or mistreating a dog can make them dangerous. I get that. But temperament is also something that can be innate. And I would imagine that determining whether it not your dog has a "sound temperament" isn't an exact science. And guessing wrong can be catastrophic.Getting back to my original point, is an owner stupid and irresponsible simply because they do not recognize a latent temperament in their dog until it's too late. Should a well meaning dog owner who has never mistreated his dog be punished criminally or lose vast sums of money in a civil action if they fail to recognize this trait until it is too late?
first of all, people should stop buying dogs from backyard breeders in the newspaper. its stupid and irresponsible. so, after you get a pup from a reputable breeder who breeds with temperament specifically in mind (as well as a few other things), you train and socialize him continually from a pup through adulthood. to not train and socialize your dog is irresponsible.

do these simple things and the chances of 'guessing wrong' I'd put at about 1/4 the chance of getting struck by lightning, if that.

I'm going to dispute a dog acting like the sweetest dog in the world, then all of a sudden he is charging out of a door to attack someone across the street. there had to be signs before it got to that point if he had been trained and socialized. but yes, there should be fines and repercussions if your dog gets out of your yard and attacks someone.

Dog bite statistics from 1982-2013:

Breed - Bodily harm - Child Victims - Adult Victims - Deaths - Maimings - % of total dog population

Pit bull 2792 1114 1047 263 1677 6.0%

Rottweiler 514 290 136 81 294 2%

Husky 79 49 5 25 24 .07%

Wolf hybrid 85 70 5 19 49

Bullmastiff 105 42 39 15 61 .02%

German shep. 102 63 30 15 63 2.1%

Pit bull-mix 191 75 45 12 102

Akita 68 43 21 8 50 1%

Boxer 62 19 21 7 29 1.4%

Chow 58 37 17 7 39 .009%

Ger. shep-mix 43 28 12 7 28

Doberman 18 9 9 7 10 1.4

These numbers are pretty staggering to me. Big disparity between pitbulls and all other breeds.
When adjusted for the percent of population, the pitbull numbers seem to be pretty on par with Rotts and not as bad as Bullmastiffs.

Dog bite statistics from 1982-2013:

Breed - Bodily harm - Child Victims - Adult Victims - Deaths - Maimings - % of total dog population

Pit bull 2792 1114 1047 263 1677 6.0%

Rottweiler 514 290 136 81 294 2%

Husky 79 49 5 25 24 .07%

Wolf hybrid 85 70 5 19 49

Bullmastiff 105 42 39 15 61 .02%

German shep. 102 63 30 15 63 2.1%

Pit bull-mix 191 75 45 12 102

Akita 68 43 21 8 50 1%

Boxer 62 19 21 7 29 1.4%

Chow 58 37 17 7 39 .009%

Ger. shep-mix 43 28 12 7 28

Doberman 18 9 9 7 10 1.4

These numbers are pretty staggering to me. Big disparity between pitbulls and all other breeds.
I didn't realize they were such a large percentage of the dog population.

I see you conveniently skipped posting the relevant stats regarding poodles.......Hmmmm........
The study I am referencing was for molosser breeds and did not include poodles. Sorry. But I am sure their bite statistics are high.

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dogs don't just sit by the door waiting for it to be left ajar so they can run out and attack people. I have a very large male Rottweiler who has gotten out of the house/yard and handful of times over the last 3 years and he has never bitten or attacked anyone.
Doesn't every dog owner say this when their dog attacks someone for the first time?

the most he's done is smelled the neighbors ### as she was doing some gardening. and you know why? because he's been trained and socialized from the moment I got him. now if I got him as a pup and chained him in my backyard for the last 3 years, didn't train him or socialize him with people and other dogs, I'd say the chances of him doing some damage when he got out of the yard just went up 100x.
So your premise is that the only pitbulls that attack are those that have been mistreated? You may very well be right, but I'm not so sure.
its not just pitbulls but yes, they are either mistreated, untrained, unsocialized, or at the very least, were bred in someone's backyard from a dog with who knows what kind of temperament.

a well bred large breed dog who was been trained and socialized will not attack a human unless they feel threatened or feels someone in his family is threatened. and a well-trained dog with a sound temperament can identify threats better and quicker than most humans.
I think you've touched on the issue. Temperament. Sure, abusing or mistreating a dog can make them dangerous. I get that. But temperament is also something that can be innate. And I would imagine that determining whether it not your dog has a "sound temperament" isn't an exact science. And guessing wrong can be catastrophic.Getting back to my original point, is an owner stupid and irresponsible simply because they do not recognize a latent temperament in their dog until it's too late. Should a well meaning dog owner who has never mistreated his dog be punished criminally or lose vast sums of money in a civil action if they fail to recognize this trait until it is too late?
first of all, people should stop buying dogs from backyard breeders in the newspaper. its stupid and irresponsible. so, after you get a pup from a reputable breeder who breeds with temperament specifically in mind (as well as a few other things), you train and socialize him continually from a pup through adulthood. to not train and socialize your dog is irresponsible.

do these simple things and the chances of 'guessing wrong' I'd put at about 1/4 the chance of getting struck by lightning, if that.

I'm going to dispute a dog acting like the sweetest dog in the world, then all of a sudden he is charging out of a door to attack someone across the street. there had to be signs before it got to that point if he had been trained and socialized. but yes, there should be fines and repercussions if your dog gets out of your yard and attacks someone.
Good points. Unrelated, some folks think buying dogs from breeders, even reputable ones, is irresponsible (or even immoral).

Dog bite statistics from 1982-2013 (molessor breeds):

Breed - Bodily harm - Child Victims - Adult Victims - Deaths - Maimings - % of total dog population

Pit bull 2792 1114 1047 263 1677 6.0%

Rottweiler 514 290 136 81 294 2%

Husky 79 49 5 25 24 .07%

Wolf hybrid 85 70 5 19 49

Bullmastiff 105 42 39 15 61 .02%

German shep. 102 63 30 15 63 2.1%

Pit bull-mix 191 75 45 12 102

Akita 68 43 21 8 50 1%

Boxer 62 19 21 7 29 1.4%

Chow 58 37 17 7 39 .009%

Ger. shep-mix 43 28 12 7 28

Doberman 18 9 9 7 10 1.4

These numbers are pretty staggering to me. Big disparity between pitbulls and all other breeds.
Actually, not really. If you multiply the rottweiler stats by 3 to even out the 6% owned vs. 2% owned, the deaths are about the same and the other numbers aren't that far off.

So, it's a big disparity between pitbulls/rotts and all other breeds. You could lump Huskys and Bull Mastiffs there too, but I doubt we'd ever see it get anywhere close to 6% ownage (luckily).

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wonder if those stats came from dogbite.org, a site/person who has an unhealthy hate for bully breeds?

Good points. Unrelated, some folks think buying dogs from breeders, even reputable ones, is irresponsible (or even immoral).
why? if the answer is because the dog pounds are already overloaded, that's a direct result of backyard breeding.

Dog bite statistics from 1982-2013:

Breed - Bodily harm - Child Victims - Adult Victims - Deaths - Maimings - % of total dog population

Pit bull 2792 1114 1047 263 1677 6.0%

Rottweiler 514 290 136 81 294 2%

Husky 79 49 5 25 24 .07%

Wolf hybrid 85 70 5 19 49

Bullmastiff 105 42 39 15 61 .02%

German shep. 102 63 30 15 63 2.1%

Pit bull-mix 191 75 45 12 102

Akita 68 43 21 8 50 1%

Boxer 62 19 21 7 29 1.4%

Chow 58 37 17 7 39 .009%

Ger. shep-mix 43 28 12 7 28

Doberman 18 9 9 7 10 1.4

These numbers are pretty staggering to me. Big disparity between pitbulls and all other breeds.
I didn't realize they were such a large percentage of the dog population.
When lumped into "pit bull" the breeds that make up "pit bull" are one of the most popular breeds. Hundreds of thousands of them.

So, it's a big disparity between pitbulls/rotts and all other breeds. You could lump Huskys and Bull Mastiffs there too, but I doubt we'd ever see it get anywhere close to 6% ownage (luckily).
you would if you banned those other breeds.....

So, it's a big disparity between pitbulls/rotts and all other breeds. You could lump Huskys and Bull Mastiffs there too, but I doubt we'd ever see it get anywhere close to 6% ownage (luckily).
you would if you banned those other breeds.....
Pretty much. Ban pitbulls, the low lifes of this earth just move on to something else and they become the new killer breed.

If you are going by percentage on those charts, Bullmastiffs are by far the most dangerous, which isn't a surprise.
I've never fostered one, but the one's I've met always seemed so laid back. Its a shame that they'll have to be added to Otis's kill list.
They're nasty dogs... Not a fan and I love just about all dogs, except bulldogs (they're ugly and nasty).

If they made up the same population as Pit Bulls, their bodily harm numbers would be 31,500 and deaths attributed to them would be about 4,500 using these charts.


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