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Manti Te'o - Deadspin Article (2 Viewers)

How far is he going to fall in the draft? IMO, he will having trouble earning the respect of his teammates with his behavior and playing middle linebacker that is huge negative. Traditionally, the Mike backer is the toughest and most respected guy on the defense.

According to the presser... he thought she was real, and was talking to a fake girl the entire time? The fake girl called him a few weeks ago when he was at an award ceremony and said she wasn't dead? What the #### is going on?! haha

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....but according to his dad she visited them in Hawaii. Those Domers were sure slamming Johnny Football's lack of character versus Te'o's leading up to the heisman.

I'm super confused. Is the GF a hoax or is the hoax that the GF is a hoax the hoax?
Te'o claims that he met someone online who was named "Lennay Kekua". He says he had a relationship with this person, and considered this person to be his girlfriend.Then the "girlfriend" got cancer and allegedly died.Then a few weeks ago he claims that he received a phone call from her number. A woman on the phone told him that "Lennay Kekua" was a hoax.So far, the mystery woman has not come forward. And no one has ever provided any evidence that "Lennay Kekua" (or any members of her family) ever existed.
Shenanigans! How can he and his family explain this article/interview?http://articles.southbendtribune.com/2012-10-12/sports/34419536_1_brian-and-ottilia-manti-te-o-irish-head-coach
Page Not FoundWe're sorry. We couldn't find the page you requested. You can try to navigate to it from one of these pages:Shocking. Anyone have cliff notes on that disappearing article?
So Alabama exposes him as a fraud on the field, and deadspin exposes him as a fraud off the field. Hope he has a good combine.
ESPN had this story the day before ND's game. I'm thinking this may be why he didn't look like himself. JMHO
If true he really owes his teammates an apology for his play that night. He was supposed to be a team leader and it looks like he let them down big time when it mattered the most.
Shenanigans! How can he and his family explain this article/interview?http://articles.southbendtribune.com/2012-10-12/sports/34419536_1_brian-and-ottilia-manti-te-o-irish-head-coach
Page Not FoundWe're sorry. We couldn't find the page you requested. You can try to navigate to it from one of these pages:Shocking. Anyone have cliff notes on that disappearing article?
Cached Versionhttp://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Gsq3BkqY4-oJ:articles.southbendtribune.com/2012-10-12/sports/34419536_1_brian-and-ottilia-manti-te-o-irish-head-coach+brian-and-ottilia-manti-te&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safarihttp://jimromenesko.com/2013/01/16/south-bend-tribune-readers-have-questions-about-teo-story-from-october/
I'm super confused. Is the GF a hoax or is the hoax that the GF is a hoax the hoax?
Te'o claims that he met someone online who was named "Lennay Kekua". He says he had a relationship with this person, and considered this person to be his girlfriend.Then the "girlfriend" got cancer and allegedly died.Then a few weeks ago he claims that he received a phone call from her number. A woman on the phone told him that "Lennay Kekua" was a hoax.So far, the mystery woman has not come forward. And no one has ever provided any evidence that "Lennay Kekua" (or any members of her family) ever existed.
So ####### weird.
Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
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Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
No team would come withing 1000 miles of him if he came out as gay.Way too much baggage and distraction for any locker room
Can someone provide a FBG-like summary of this situation? I don;t want to waste time reading that article. It all seems so stupid.

Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
No team would come withing 1000 miles of him if he came out as gay.Way too much baggage and distraction for any locker room
He's going to slide in the draft regardless, but I think he slides less if he comes out as gay. Otherwise, he's just crazy, and if you were a GM, why would you want to spend a 1st or 2nd round pick on a guy known to be a head-case?
Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
No team would come withing 1000 miles of him if he came out as gay.Way too much baggage and distraction for any locker room
What about San Fransisco?
Lifelong ND fan.....I get up to one game a year now, down from the 3 or so I used to do with having a family...he should slide down the draft board, Barrett Jones manhandled him. He could not get off blocks that night, and this was a supposed NFL caliber starting offensive line? Yeah, he's not going tobe able to disengage against NFL linemen. He'll need stud DTs in front of him to keep him clean so he can roam freely.Maybe it was just one sample, this game...., but his play and demeanor were so poor this night. Watching that game, I kept asking myself why is their fiery leader not going nuts? Fire your teeammates up, you are the leader? There was nothing though? His play was awful against basically an NFL feeder team.My question is, why is this coming out now? She passed in September? At least supposedly.Didn't Notre Dame send flowers? Didn't ND research it and find out when the funeral was? Locate the obituary?Didn't an alumni from one of the wealthiest schools in America, reach out and send flowers or a donation to a cuase on behalf of ND? Something???My Father passed away, and my company sent flowers.....I didn't even tell them the date of the funeral or location....ABC company researched it on their end and figured it out..So, again, my question is why now? Is it because all of the awards have been announced?My take is ND was in on this just as much as Teo.....looks like a lot of cover up, and backtracking right now.

If he is lying he deserves every ounce of hate mail that he gets and deserves to fall as far as he will in the draft.I for one after seeing all this feel there are still too many questions unanswered to even give this massive liar the benefit of the doubt.Just such a shame a person has to do this when they are already the LB at a school with a lot of prestige.

Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
No team would come withing 1000 miles of him if he came out as gay.Way too much baggage and distraction for any locker room
I really hope you're wrong and that the athletes that we idolize deserve more credit than that.
'habsfan said:
'wdcrob said:
'Limp Ditka said:
Somewhere in South Bend, a closet door just opened.
But if the dude is gay and trying to hide it why go through all the publicity stuff? Seems like an odd way to keep everything quiet.
I kinda miss the days where someone said this and the first thing that came to mind was "skeletons"...
Thats actually what the guy meant..... I found it funny too.
Manti, in addition to Kekua, is dating a number of girls in the Niagara Falls area.Perhaps one of them will take the fall for him when they inevitably come out and produce "the girl who tricked him" (i.e. pretended to be Kekue), as the person he (allegedly) met at Stanford and went on vacation with his family.

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The thing that no one seems to be discussing is that Brian Te'o, Manti's father, said Kekua visited them in Hawaii and he (Brian) called her with congrats when she left the hospital. Manti himself said Kekua was his sideline guest at the Stanford-Notre Dame game. If Manti is being victimized here, how is this possible? The entire Te'o family is lying through their teeth.

The thing that no one seems to be discussing is that Brian Te'o, Manti's father, said Kekua visited them in Hawaii and he (Brian) called her with congrats when she left the hospital. Manti himself said Kekua was his sideline guest at the Stanford-Notre Dame game. If Manti is being victimized here, how is this possible? The entire Te'o family is lying through their teeth.
Exactly. Makes me think that Tuiasosopo was their guest and the family felt compelled to keep Manti's personal preferences private for obvious reasons.
'Phenix said:
'Raiderfan32904 said:
'Donnybrook said:
How far is he going to fall in the draft?
I'm hoping that he falls to the 2nd round and for the Raiders to trade up to get him. Stock value dropping over what? That LB from No-Such-Dame U can still play the game.
We already know Raiders and their fans have zero honor, why should this change the fact if they wanted him or not.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here? The team that drafts him has "zero honor?" There aren't any NFL teams with "honor."He'll get drafted where his talent dictates. His team's fans won't give a crap if he's crazy as long as he can make enough tackles.
'HughHoney said:
'coolnerd said:
Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
I'm pretty sure there was another nfl player that came out of the closet a few years ago. Forgot his name
'HughHoney said:
'coolnerd said:
Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
I'm pretty sure there was another nfl player that came out of the closet a few years ago. Forgot his name
He came out after his playing career. There are no openly gay players in the NFL, or any of the four major North American sports for that matter.
Re-hearing Manti's interview with Gene Wojo makes this all the more baffling. He's talking about how he fell asleep talking to her every night, how she couldn't sleep without knowing he was on the other line.So I have to ask...he never Facetimed her? They didn't ever think to get a webcam hookup to see each other while chatting? Never occurred to either one of them over months and months of 8-hour conversations?

The thing that no one seems to be discussing is that Brian Te'o, Manti's father, said Kekua visited them in Hawaii and he (Brian) called her with congrats when she left the hospital. Manti himself said Kekua was his sideline guest at the Stanford-Notre Dame game. If Manti is being victimized here, how is this possible? The entire Te'o family is lying through their teeth.
Brian Te'o only repeated what his son told him. Brian never said that the family met Lennay Kekua -- he only said that Kekua visited Manti when Manti was in Hawaii. (Because that's what Manti told his father.)Also, I don't think Manti ever said she was a "sideline guest" -- just that he met her after the Stanford game in 2009. Obviously that's a lie, but Manti is apparently claiming that he felt like he had to make up that story because he was too ashamed to admit that he met her online.

Re-hearing Manti's interview with Gene Wojo makes this all the more baffling. He's talking about how he fell asleep talking to her every night, how she couldn't sleep without knowing he was on the other line.So I have to ask...he never Facetimed her? They didn't ever think to get a webcam hookup to see each other while chatting? Never occurred to either one of them over months and months of 8-hour conversations?
All so strange.
Re-hearing Manti's interview with Gene Wojo makes this all the more baffling. He's talking about how he fell asleep talking to her every night, how she couldn't sleep without knowing he was on the other line.So I have to ask...he never Facetimed her? They didn't ever think to get a webcam hookup to see each other while chatting? Never occurred to either one of them over months and months of 8-hour conversations?
Great question. This mess is very bizzare. Obviously, there is more to this story than just a "hoax".
'HughHoney said:
'coolnerd said:
Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
I'm pretty sure there was another nfl player that came out of the closet a few years ago. Forgot his name
Randall Gay :P

I recall a newspaper article detailing an injury report years ago which said something like...Koppen injured, Gay Probable...or something like that.

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Re-hearing Manti's interview with Gene Wojo makes this all the more baffling. He's talking about how he fell asleep talking to her every night, how she couldn't sleep without knowing he was on the other line.So I have to ask...he never Facetimed her? They didn't ever think to get a webcam hookup to see each other while chatting? Never occurred to either one of them over months and months of 8-hour conversations?
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Something is definitely not right and this whole story is very bizarre and confusing, I don't understand the motive(s) at all.
He came out after his playing career. There are no openly gay players in the NFL, or any of the four major North American sports for that matter.
Which is why even if he is gay he'd rather everyone just think he was a big dummy.And there have been plenty of known big dummies in the four major North American sports.
He came out after his playing career. There are no openly gay players in the NFL, or any of the four major North American sports for that matter.
Which is why even if he is gay he'd rather everyone just think he was a big dummy.And there have been plenty of known big dummies in the four major North American sports.
His draft stock would be hurt worse if he came out as gay than if he got arrested for drugs or got drunk and ran over someone. What teams don't want and can't stand is a distraction and being gay is about as distracting to the locker room environment as anything I could dream up.On the other hand if he is gay I hope it comes out before the draft because it would make for a fascinating story. How far would he fall? Would he even get drafted? If not would he have grounds to sue due to sexual discrimination? If he did land on a team as the first openly gay player on a major sports team would he be alienated from his teammates, ridiculed by fans and live a miserable shamed existence? Or would he end up being a hero to gay people and getting more endorsements and publicity than he ever could have imagined otherwise?

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