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Manti Te'o - Deadspin Article (1 Viewer)

'IvanKaramazov said:
'pantherclub said:
'HughHoney said:
'coolnerd said:
Call me silly, why does a Heisman level athlete in college need an online girlfriend to start with. I mean isn't college where literally everyone can find a "relationship" especially if you are a dude like that?
To hide something, my guess is that he's gay. The person behind the fake gf twitter account is a friend of Ta'o. Create a fake gf and nobody on campus or on the team wonder why you're not banging everything on campus. Ta'o obviously didn't think this plan through. I'm calling it now, he's gonna be the first openly gay player in the NFL.
No team would come withing 1000 miles of him if he came out as gay.Way too much baggage and distraction for any locker room
He's going to slide in the draft regardless, but I think he slides less if he comes out as gay. Otherwise, he's just crazy, and if you were a GM, why would you want to spend a 1st or 2nd round pick on a guy known to be a head-case?
I agree that he slides no matter what, but doubt anything he does can stop it. Having a "beard" is one thing if this is the case, but having a fake one that fake dies to gain publicity and draw inspiration from is kinda crazy by itself no matter the guys sexual preference. The whole thing is crazy and shows terrible judgement.
It will be Interesting to see if Minnesota is the team that rescues him from his free fall. After all they have several players that were his former teammates and a punter that is promoting himself as a gay rights advocate.

It will be Interesting to see if Minnesota is the team that rescues him from his free fall. After all they have several players that were his former teammates and a punter that is promoting himself as a gay rights advocate.
15 years ago they also got Randy Moss after his falling stock.
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So bizarre. I don't know what to think at this point.The really odd thing to me is the timing of her supposed death. If the girlfriend was a hoax that Te'o was part of, I'd think while in the midst of grieving for the death of his grandmother would be about the last moment I'd choose to kill off a hoax character. One can argue it would let his real grief pass as grief for both... but I just can't imagine someone doing that. It seems to me I'd feel like I was dishonoring my grandmother big time to do something like that.

It will be Interesting to see if Minnesota is the team that rescues him from his free fall. After all they have several players that were his former teammates and a punter that is promoting himself as a gay rights advocate.
Maybe Baltimore?When Brendon Ayanbadejo isn't running his mouth off about how the Patriots are big meanies for playing hurry up and not waiting for defenses to get set, he enjoys being an advocate for gay rights.
'Joe Summer said:
I'm super confused. Is the GF a hoax or is the hoax that the GF is a hoax the hoax?
Te'o claims that he met someone online who was named "Lennay Snuffaluffagus Kekua". He says he had a relationship with this person, and considered this person to be his girlfriend.Then the "girlfriend" got cancer and allegedly died.

Then a few weeks ago he claims that he received a phone call from her number. A woman on the phone told him that "Lennay Kekua" was a hoax.

So far, the mystery woman has not come forward. And no one has ever provided any evidence that "Lennay Kekua" (or any members of her family) ever existed.
It all makes perfect sense now.
'domvin said:
Lifelong ND fan.....I get up to one game a year now, down from the 3 or so I used to do with having a family...

he should slide down the draft board, Barrett Jones manhandled him. He could not get off blocks that night, and this was a supposed NFL caliber starting offensive line? Yeah, he's not going tobe able to disengage against NFL linemen. He'll need stud DTs in front of him to keep him clean so he can roam freely.

Maybe it was just one sample, this game...., but his play and demeanor were so poor this night. Watching that game, I kept asking myself why is their fiery leader not going nuts? Fire your teeammates up, you are the leader? There was nothing though? His play was awful against basically an NFL feeder team.

My question is, why is this coming out now? She passed in September? At least supposedly.

Didn't Notre Dame send flowers? Didn't ND research it and find out when the funeral was? Locate the obituary?

Didn't an alumni from one of the wealthiest schools in America, reach out and send flowers or a donation to a cuase on behalf of ND? Something???

My Father passed away, and my company sent flowers.....I didn't even tell them the date of the funeral or location....ABC company researched it on their end and figured it out..

So, again, my question is why now? Is it because all of the awards have been announced?

My take is ND was in on this just as much as Teo.....looks like a lot of cover up, and backtracking right now.
ND Athletic Director:

Did you send those flowers to the funeral of Manti's girlfriend like I asked?Administrative assistant: No boss, I couldn't find the funeral information when I searched online.

ND Athletic Director: So, maybe you should ask Manti where to send them?

Administrative assistant: Oh yeah, I guess that would have been the common sense thing for me to do.

I just saw this in a NYT article comment section:"There is an interesting aspect of traditional Samoan culture, which is that there is no such thing as a gay male. Rather, there is a well-defined "third gender," the fafafina, or a biological male who, since youth, has accepted the dress, look, and manners of a female. The fafafina is not only accepted in Samoan culture, but respected and even sought after. Fafafina do not think of themselves as "gay." Nor are they "cross dressers," but are feminine in nature, even if not biologically.Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that for a fafafina to have sex with a Samoan male is considered a heterosexual union, and in fact many young Samoan males have their first sexual experience with a fafafina.Manti Te'o was born and grew up in Hawaii, not Samoa, but aspects of the Samoan culture still linger in Hawaii, though the fafafina way is probably practiced less openly in Hawaii.To complicate his cultural heritage, many Samoans are also Mormons, who have a strong antipathy towards gayness, esp. in males. Add to this his going to a Catholic school playing a macho sport, and you have a complex pyschological stew.What all this means in terms of Manti Te'o's sexual identity I have no idea, but the theme of his possibly creating the Kekua myth has prompted many to suggest that he was trying to project a heterosexual image for advantage in the Heismann trophy, a dubious idea, since it began way back in 2009, long before the Heismann award possibility came up."Maybe he's gay and doesn't even know it!

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The really odd thing to me is the timing of her supposed death. If the girlfriend was a hoax that Te'o was part of, I'd think while in the midst of grieving for the death of his grandmother would be about the last moment I'd choose to kill off a hoax character. One can argue it would let his real grief pass as grief for both... but I just can't imagine someone doing that. It seems to me I'd feel like I was dishonoring my grandmother big time to do something like that.
According to the deadspin article, there's a timeline where the girlfriend died first. There are several other accounts where his grandmother died first, but it makes a bit more sense that the "girlfriend died" part of the hoax rolled out, then Te'o found out his grandmother died soon thereafter for real.I agree that it would be very odd at best, and coldly calculating at worst, to roll out the "girlfriend dies" part of the hoax while you're still mourning your grandmother. Either way, I'm amazed that there are so many discrepancies in the media narrative that no one bothered to nail down.
"There is an interesting aspect of traditional Samoan culture, which is that there is no such thing as a gay male. Rather, there is a well-defined "third gender," the fafafina, or a biological male who, since youth, has accepted the dress, look, and manners of a female. The fafafina is not only accepted in Samoan culture, but respected and even sought after. Fafafina do not think of themselves as "gay." Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that for a fafafina to have sex with a Samoan male is considered a heterosexual union, and in fact many young Samoan males have their first sexual experience with a fafafina.
I think here in America we tend to go with the Andrew Dice Clay definition of gay.
It was a hoax. It's been done to someone before using the same name and same girls pictures. Cousins of the first victim were interviewed on ESPN today. The guy who did it's name is Ranaiah Toiasasoopu and he confessed everything to a woman that was interviewed on the phone and broadcast on ESPN today as well.

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Hasn't anyone here seen Catfish, either the movie or the tv program? This stuff is happening to everyone. Leave Mante alone.

If I'm a GM this guy would never get a call from me. He is not a good athlete IMO period. Then with this hoax baggage, it tells me his brain is not very athletic either.

Te'o calls the Combine a "very exhausting process."If he's this stressed out already, what does he think it's going to be like going up against 300lb linemen each week?
The more I use PFT for a source, the more aware I become that PFT seems to err on the side of muck raking over presenting all sides of an issue. Unfortunately they tend to be first get a story out so are still useful to hear what's breaking.I saw the interview and there is more that could have been said about this that PFT didn't. Like they could have mentioned that immediately before the question that PFT is quoting Te'o's answer to, that Rich Eisen asked him whether the combine was exhausting. So that was fresh on his mind as he started to answer Mayock's question about his drills.Sure, Te'o would have been better served PR-wise not mentioning it. Only making the comments he made about a desire to do better at his pro day. The best thing to say for public consumption is not always the truth though, and I think he was just being honest.But I'd be quicker to question the honesty of someone who said they didn't feel stressed or tired than I would criticize a guy who was tired out by a process that was in part designed to tire him out. There's no shortage of players who have told each year how exhausting the Combine process is. They just aren't under the same microscope.
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Te'o calls the Combine a "very exhausting process."If he's this stressed out already, what does he think it's going to be like going up against 300lb linemen each week?
The more I use PFT for a source, the more aware I become that PFT seems to err on the side of muck raking over presenting all sides of an issue. Unfortunately they tend to be first get a story out so are still useful to hear what's breaking.I saw the interview and there is more that could have been said about this that PFT didn't. Like they could have mentioned that immediately before the question that PFT is quoting Te'o's answer to, that Rich Eisen asked him whether the combine was exhausting. So that was fresh on his mind as he started to answer Mayock's question about his drills.Sure, Te'o would have been better served PR-wise not mentioning it. Only making the comments he made about a desire to do better at his pro day. The best thing to say for public consumption is not always the truth though, and I think he was just being honest.But I'd be quicker to question the honesty of someone who said they didn't feel stressed or tired than I would criticize a guy who was tired out by a process that was in part designed to tire him out. There's no shortage of players who have told each year how exhausting the Combine process is. They just aren't under the same microscope.
The catch-all to the "out-of-context" argument for defending Te'O for his "exhausting" and "stressed" comments is that the combine is by design meant to stress out and work over athletes to see what they have down deep inside. The combine like you said kicks everyone's ###, but the interview process is not the time for candor. The NFL scouts and GM's are looking for especially at the MIKE LB spot someone who is mean and tough and kind of an ####. No room for nice guys. They want the next Ray Lewis and Brian Urlacher. They want a mean streak with an edge. To say he's under some microscope doesn't give him any immunity from the criticism, nor should it. His hype will only ensure that no matter how he performs at his pro day or the backlash of the combine, he will probably still be overdrafted. Probably still making more money than other MIKE LB's who are more deserving.
This kid is just one bad pro day away from dropping like a rock.
He's one of the more fascinating scouting prospects in years.It seems like most talking heads will say, "it's all about the tape." Well, the tape showed Te'o as the clear leader AND playmaker on a top collegiate defense. It showed a guy who not only was a fundamentally sound tackling machine, but someone that could cover, and even generate an unusually high number of turnovers (7 interceptions). Yet, since the Combine I've heard at least a dozen of these same talking heads saying things like:"Those interceptions went right into his hands""He's not a three-down player""He's not athletic enough to cover NFL tight ends" :lmao: I have zero way of ever proving this, but if this whole Catfish thing never happened, I believe the vast majority of those pundits would be talking about what a playmaker he is and how you draft the film, not the measurables.
Manti Te'o wants to be judged off game tape

By Kareem Copeland

Around the League Writer

After hand-picked, contrived interviews with Jeremy Schapp and Katie Couric, there was no controlling the environment at the NFL Scouting Combine for Manti Te'o. Some long-time combine attendees said Te'o drew the largest group of media ever for his interview session. The former Notre Dame linebacker that was duped by Ronaiah Tuiasosopo into believing he was dating the nonexistent Lennay Kekua fared well but is ready to move on.

"For me, I'm glad the combine is done," Te'o told USA Today. "I've finished that, and now I'm focused more on specific things like my 40 (yard dash). I don't have to worry about so many other things.

"It's definitely difficult, I'm not going to say it's easy. It's hard, but it's definitely something you can work through."

Te'o won the Combine interview session but lost the workouts. His 4.82-second 40-yard dash was slower than 12 defensive linemen and two offensive linemen.

"The 40 time measures what the 40 time's supposed to measure," Te'o said. "I think that's something I'm going to get better at. The only way from here is up. I'm definitely going to get better at that.

"As far as play, flip on the film. That's my play."

Te'o should be careful what he asks for, though. He was completely ineffective in the BCS Championship game against the Alabama Crimson Tide. Te'o missed tackles and was repeatedly blocked out of plays. There was plenty of strong tape against lesser opponents, but Alabama most closely resembled what he'll see on Sundays. The Heisman Trophy finalist does not want to be judged off that tape.
This kid is just one bad pro day away from dropping like a rock.
He's one of the more fascinating scouting prospects in years.It seems like most talking heads will say, "it's all about the tape." Well, the tape showed Te'o as the clear leader AND playmaker on a top collegiate defense. It showed a guy who not only was a fundamentally sound tackling machine, but someone that could cover, and even generate an unusually high number of turnovers (7 interceptions). Yet, since the Combine I've heard at least a dozen of these same talking heads saying things like:"Those interceptions went right into his hands""He's not a three-down player""He's not athletic enough to cover NFL tight ends" :lmao: I have zero way of ever proving this, but if this whole Catfish thing never happened, I believe the vast majority of those pundits would be talking about what a playmaker he is and how you draft the film, not the measurables.
Catfish or no Catfish, his 40 time is disappointing. He seems like a 3rd or later talent to me. If the Ravens got him at the end of the 2nd I think that would be a reasonable pick.I put him on par with Bradie James - someone who can carve out a nice NFL career but isn't Pro Bowl caliber.
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Manti Te'o looks like a new man on 'Game Changers'

By Dan Hanzus

Around the League Writer

Time has been good to Notre Dame's Manti Te'o, who becomes less of a spectacle with each day that takes him further from the hoax heard 'round the world.

The biggest curiosity surrounding Te'o is no longer Lennay Kekau. It's about football, and whether the Notre Dame star can translate his skills into success at the next level.

Te'o was the focus of the latest episode of the Steve Mariucci-hosted "Game Changers," which aired Tuesday on NFL Network. We watched it. Here are some takeaways:

» Te'o said he has thick skin, which has helped him handled the adversity. Asked if he's prepared for the inevitable teasing from future teammates, Te'o said, "I don't know specifically what they're going to do, but I know something's coming."

» During a workout session with Matt Barkley and Tyler Eifert, there's a mention of an imaginary receiver. This prompts Te'o to intone, "I'm good at imaginary stuff, you know?" Asked by Mariucci to repeat himself, Te'o replies, "Nothing."

» Te'o called the NFL Scouting Combine "exciting." Does this guy look excited to you?

» Asked why he was an every-down linebacker, Te'o heaped some heavy praise on a teammate: "Tyler Eifert is the best tight end/receiver in college football entering this NFL draft right now. Having to guard him every single day definitely got me better."

» Mariucci sat down with Te'o to watch tape of Notre Dame's blowout loss to Alabama in the BCS Championship. Te'o played poorly in the game, and the tape provided grisly proof. He told Mariucci he "wasn't himself" that night. Asked to elaborate, Te'o said he tried to do too much once Notre Dame fell behind early.

» For what's it worth, Mariucci left his visit with Te'o extremely impressed: "We all got a certain impression toward the end of his senior year, the Alabama game, the girlfriend scam and the combine. But after spending a full day with him at the IMG Academy, I'm sold on this guy."

Are you?

Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.
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Video Links:


Who is the real Manti Te'o?
02:29 – Willie McGinest, who spent time taping the show "Game Changers" with Manti Te'o, divulges what the Notre Dame star is like off the field.

'Game Changers': Manti Te'o on the field

04:38 – Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o hits the field with Steve Mariucci and Willie McGinest to work on movement and pass coverage drills.
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In case you missed it, "Lennay Kekau's" entry into the ESPN NCAA basketball bracket tourney won the whole thing. It was the most accurate entry of over 8.1 million.

In actuality, the guy who submitted it is from my hometown, and he didn't win any money directly from the entry - he'll be placed in a "pool" with a few thousand others and a winner will be drawn from it. Just another "hoax", he says.

Regardless of what the "real" story was behind the whole Lennay Kekua, it appears to be costing this kid millions.

Regardless of what the "real" story was behind the whole Lennay Kekua, it appears to be costing this kid millions.
Possibly, but it's not like he's a no-brainer first round player either just from a pure talent and value perspective. There was only one inside linebacker drafted in the first, Alec Ogletree, 30th overall.

Regardless of what the "real" story was behind the whole Lennay Kekua, it appears to be costing this kid millions.
Possibly, but it's not like he's a no-brainer first round player either just from a pure talent and value perspective. There was only one inside linebacker drafted in the first, Alec Ogletree, 30th overall.
I think front offices lost faith in his ability to be a leader in the lockor room and/or are worried about the respect his teammates would give him if he was put in that position. While he wasn't the most spectacular LB in college football last year I'm pretty confident he would have been the 1st drafted if this whole issue hadn't arisen, which I also believe affected his play in the BCS Title game.


Manti Te'o not drafted in first round solely because of Alabama game

Mike Freeman

National NFL Insider
NEW YORK -- If you believe the Invisible Woman had anything to do with Manti Te'o not getting drafted in the first round, you would be wrong.

After interviews with a number of team personnel executives, it's clear the entire catfishing thing with Te'o was a non-factor. Not one person whom I talked to cared about it. Not one. No one gave a damn. I'm not so sure some of the older scouts understand what the hell catfishing is.

After discussions with teams, it's clear what happened to Te'o -- the Alabama game destroyed his stock. In that game, Te'o looked significantly slower.

The overall belief among teams is that what happened in that game wasn't an oddity; it was Te'o being exposed when going against better competition.

The belief among many in the media was that teams would overlook that game -- there were leaks from teams indicating they would do just that -- and he would be drafted in the first round. But as with everything this time of year, those leaks were all lies.

"He can be groomed, and the speed can be slightly improved," said one scout, "but that Alabama tape doomed him [from being drafted in first round]. And look at where all of those Alabama players were drafted [on Thursday]."

Translation: There were three consecutive Alabama players drafted in the first round, the first time that three players from one school were drafted consecutively in the first. The league clearly values Nick Saban and the Alabama system. The fact that Te'o got smoked against that team severely injured his stock, doing so more than teams were letting on before the draft.

"You can't draft a guy in the first who gets blown out like that against the best competition," said a second scout.

There were scouts telling me that they wouldn't be shocked if Te'o dropped into the third round, but some of that is the ol' smokescreen.

The Vikings were allegedly interested in Te'o in the first round. They passed. The Bears had interest. They passed. The Ravens ... pass.

So Te'o waited, and he will wait some more on Friday. The question is: How long?
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Manti Te'o impressing at San Diego Chargers practice

By Chris Wesseling

Around the League Writer

San Diego Chargers rookie linebacker Manti Te'o finally ended his silence Tuesday, telling reporters he's definitely "reaped the benefits" of his media hiatus.

"I've had the time to focus on the plays and focus on what goes on on the field," Te'o said, "and that has definitely helped me improve."

While Te'o failed to regale the media throng with anything particularly enlightening, we discovered Tuesday that the former Notre Dame star already has exceeded expectations on the field.

Kevin Acee of UT-San Diego -- the most trusted voice on the Chargers' beat -- places Te'o in the company of defensive lineman Kendall Reyes and former outside linebacker Shawne Merriman as the most NFL-ready players drafted by the Charges in the past nine years.

The Bolts are "thrilled" with Te'o's on-field progress to date, ESPN.com's AFC West blogger Bill Williamson adds.

The analysis of those covering the team echoes that of veteran fullback Le'Ron McClain, who said two weeks ago that Te'o had "caught everybody's eye to see that he's a great player."

The early returns suggest the Chargers might have lucked into a second-round steal after Te'o's fake-girlfriend scandal and pedestrian 2013 NFL Scouting Combine performance sabotaged his draft value.

Follow Chris Wesseling on Twitter @ChrisWesseling.
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