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Official Thread: Things you thought weren't racist, but are (1 Viewer)

I think the author is a man. He does a character as a social justice warrior type person. 

Seems like a much smaller scale version of when Colbert did the Stephen Colbert Show parody. 

Tim, an analogy would be if somebody started a list of everything silly and wrong-headed about QAnon. Would it make any sense to object to such an exercise on the grounds that it doesn't pertain to people like Bob Dole and John McCain?  
I would strongly object if somebody suggested this was representative of the mainstream of the Republican Party. 
That’s why I disagree with Joe. It’s silly 

I strongly object to being silly!

Lawns aren't necessarily bad for the environment either.  I've lived in two different climates that didn't require you to water your lawn.  Grass grows naturally in lots of places and does nothing but help the environment.  

I would strongly object if somebody suggested this was representative of the mainstream of the Republican Party. 
That’s why I disagree with Joe. It’s silly 
But you acknowledge that QAnon is an actual thing that lots of people believe in, and that it has negative effects on our society, and that it would be good and healthy to have a laugh at their expense, right?

I strongly object to being silly!

Lawns aren't necessarily bad for the environment either.  I've lived in two different climates that didn't require you to water your lawn.  Grass grows naturally in lots of places and does nothing but help the environment.  
FALSE!!!!  remember there was a thread here entitled "Should lawns be banned"   For real.   Basically lawns are bad for climate change reasons.

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I strongly object to being silly!

Lawns aren't necessarily bad for the environment either.  I've lived in two different climates that didn't require you to water your lawn.  Grass grows naturally in lots of places and does nothing but help the environment.  
FALSE!!!!  remember there was a thread here entitled "Should lawns be banned"   For real.   Basically lawns are bad for climate change reasons.
Nobody is talking about naturally growing lawns that don't require intensive watering and/or fertilizing. You know that though. And the article you are referencing was about getting rid of lawns on public median strips in the desert

Nobody is talking about naturally growing lawns that don't require intensive watering and/or fertilizing. You know that though. And the article you are referencing was about getting rid of lawns on public median strips in the desert
Nothing I said whatsoever in my post was inaccurate

Nobody is talking about naturally growing lawns that don't require intensive watering and/or fertilizing. You know that though. And the article you are referencing was about getting rid of lawns on public median strips in the desert
Whomever said lawns were racist was talking about lawns you have at your white person home.   The link to the tweet we are talking about says:

Lawns are catastrophic environmentally yet are prized as a symbol of the white suburban dream.
I'm white and have lived in two different climates that required no watering of lawns at all.  Only one of them requires weed control once a year, but, it's my choice to do that with chemicals, it wouldn't be that hard to pull by hand.  The sweeping generalization is false.  In both those climates it would be beneficial environmentally to plant grass everywhere on your property.  

You could well be right. I was getting my info from here but we all know wikipedia isn't always right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titania_McGrath

Good gracious.  Who knows what to believe anymore.    Is that even air we are breathing???

It can be both.  The link to her live show Mike posted clearly says it's Dolye's creation.  I guess you'd have to go to the show to figure out if it's Dolye, some woman playing Titiana, or maybe Dolye in drag.  

Whomever said lawns were racist was talking about lawns you have at your white person home.   The link to the tweet we are talking about says:

I'm white and have lived in two different climates that required no watering of lawns at all.  Only one of them requires weed control once a year, but, it's my choice to do that with chemicals, it wouldn't be that hard to pull by hand.  The sweeping generalization is false.  In both those climates it would be beneficial environmentally to plant grass everywhere on your property.  
Sure.  It's better than concrete, but if you want a green award or something, the plot of grass and house displaced endemic habitat. 

I'm white and have lived in two different climates that required no watering of lawns at all.  Only one of them requires weed control once a year, but, it's my choice to do that with chemicals, it wouldn't be that hard to pull by hand.  The sweeping generalization is false.  In both those climates it would be beneficial environmentally to plant grass everywhere on your property.  
Not if you're going to use gas-powered mowers to mow it, gas-powered leaf-blowers to clear leaves in the fall, etc.  That doesn't make lawns racist or anything, but it should be clear that the standard mowed grass lawn is not particularly environmentally friendly.

I would strongly object if somebody suggested this was representative of the mainstream of the Republican Party. 
That’s why I disagree with Joe. It’s silly 
But I don't believe Joe has said anything about the twitter thread being representative of the mainstream of the Democratic Party. 

Not if you're going to use gas-powered mowers to mow it, gas-powered leaf-blowers to clear leaves in the fall, etc.  That doesn't make lawns racist or anything, but it should be clear that the standard mowed grass lawn is not particularly environmentally friendly.
Let's see the math here?  

In the PNW you aren't mowing once a week half the year, if that.  Yeah in Louisiana it's twice a week it grows so fast.  But, I need to see the carbon footprint math of your claim.  Go ahead and assume one acre of lawn.  TIA.

Let's see the math here?  

In the PNW you aren't mowing once a week half the year, if that.  Yeah in Louisiana it's twice a week it grows so fast.  But, I need to see the carbon footprint math of your claim.  Go ahead and assume one acre of lawn.  TIA.
You need math that shows the carbon footprint by using gas powered lawnmowers and/or leafblowers is larger than not using those things?

Let's see the math here?  

In the PNW you aren't mowing once a week half the year, if that.  Yeah in Louisiana it's twice a week it grows so fast.  But, I need to see the carbon footprint math of your claim.  Go ahead and assume one acre of lawn.  TIA.
You need math that shows the carbon footprint by using gas powered lawnmowers and/or leafblowers is larger than not using those things?
This is a decent synopsis.  No one is going to do the exact math for one specific area of the country.


That is wrong.

In the thread, https://twitter.com/TitaniaMcGrath/status/1281024046478614529?s=20 she reposted the tweet claiming "lawns are prized as a symbol of the white racist suburban dream."
My bad. 
I tried to find out where that quote came from originally. It certainly wasn’t from the Washington Post or any other reputable source. It’s from some radical nut on the Internet: 


So again I have to ask the question: why is this significant? Who cares what some extremist thinks? The only reason that I can see is that some people are out to attack all political correctness by labeling it as extreme. Which, I will repeat, is a lazy and silly argument. IMO. 

You need math that shows the carbon footprint by using gas powered lawnmowers and/or leafblowers is larger than not using those things?

This is a decent synopsis.  No one is going to do the exact math for one specific area of the country.

Compare real numbers it's not that hard.

Researchers from The Ohio State University have estimated that some lawns can sequester between 46.0 to 127.1 grams of carbon per square meter per year.  Math - That's 767 pounds per acre.  Link

According to the EPA, one gas lawn mower emits 89 pounds of CO2 and 34 pounds of other pollutants per year.  Link

Doesn't seem close if you look at actual numbers, which are quoted by some sites claiming the same thing you are.  Got any better numbers?


Compare real numbers it's not that hard.

Researchers from The Ohio State University have estimated that some lawns can sequester between 46.0 to 127.1 grams of carbon per square meter per year.  Math - That's 767 pounds per acre.  Link

According to the EPA, one gas lawn mower emits 89 pounds of CO2 and 34 pounds of other pollutants per year.  Link

Doesn't seem close if you look at actual numbers, which are quoted by some sites claiming the same thing you are.  Got any better numbers?
We aren't talking about either having a lawn, or having nothing. You would need to look at the difference between the lawn and whatever takes it place.

Also, I think most of us are not talking about lawns like the one linked above at Organic Lawn Care. That lawn is mown when it is 4 inches high, watered only once a week, and contains as few pesticides and fertilizers as possible.

I think we all know that the typical suburban bright green lawn that is watered daily and mown once a week and is littered with chemicals is not a good thing.

My bad. 
I tried to find out where that quote came from originally. It certainly wasn’t from the Washington Post or any other reputable source. It’s from some radical nut on the Internet: 


So again I have to ask the question: why is this significant? Who cares what some extremist thinks? The only reason that I can see is that some people are out to attack all political correctness by labeling it as extreme. Which, I will repeat, is a lazy and silly argument. IMO. 

Thanks. We'll just disagree. I pointed out you were wrong on this one. There are a bunch more from reputable main stream sites.

I get that you think this is "silly" as you've said it repeatedly. Seems odd you keep wanting to minimize or dismiss it but I think maybe Ivan was right above. I think this kind of thing minimizes real racist behavior.

Thanks. We'll just disagree. I pointed out you were wrong on this one. There are a bunch more from reputable main stream sites.

I get that you think this is "silly" as you've said it repeatedly. Seems odd you keep wanting to minimize or dismiss it but I think maybe Ivan was right above. I think this kind of thing minimizes real racist behavior.
I think it (these examples) are silly and should be minimized yes. It’s not odd; I am in favor of political correctness to an extent, and cancel culture and woke to an extent, and I think stuff like this is used to attack the movement in general. I WANT actual racism to be canceled. I WANT political correctness and a more civil society. The folks who bring up this sort of stuff don’t, IMO, they want to mock the entire idea by bringing up the most extreme examples. 

You’d be wrong about me then. 
I wasn’t referring to you. You didn’t write the article. You’re reacting to it, which is fine. I have no idea what you think about political correctness, but there’s no reason for me to believe that you would desire to mock it. 

There’s something else about this that bothers me as well. More and more we’re living in a society in which we essentially have two sides, and the two sides believe the absolute worst about each other. Conservatives think that liberals hate them and want to control their lives by telling them what to think and what medicine they have to take. Liberals think that conservatives hate them and want to impose the Handmaids Tale or a Trump led dictatorship. 
The truth is that most people are good and don’t have hate and aren’t extreme. There are evil people in the world but they’re few and far between. 
We, all of us, need to move away from using extreme anecdotal examples in order to demonize: the other side. I’ve been as guilty of it as anyone here. But it needs to stop.  


We aren't talking about either having a lawn, or having nothing. You would need to look at the difference between the lawn and whatever takes it place.

Also, I think most of us are not talking about lawns like the one linked above at Organic Lawn Care. That lawn is mown when it is 4 inches high, watered only once a week, and contains as few pesticides and fertilizers as possible.

I think we all know that the typical suburban bright green lawn that is watered daily and mown once a week and is littered with chemicals is not a good thing.
You keep missing my most obvious points.  Grass in Louisiana grows 6 inches a week, is cut at least 4 inches high and devours its own clippings.  Never, ever watered.  I started out with the fact that some regions don't require you to ever water your lawn.  C'mon.

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You keep missing my most obvious points.  Grass in Louisiana grows 6 inches a week, is cut at least 4 inches high and devours its own clippings.  Never, ever watered.  I started out with the fact that some regions don't require you to ever water your lawn.  C'mon.
You know that your Louisiana lawn is atypical right? I am not arguing that your particualr lawn

You know that your Louisiana lawn is atypical right? I am not arguing that your particualr lawn
And my lawn in the PNW and many other locations that aren't what you have in your head as typical? By doing that you are arguing about my particular lawn.   :lol:

This is a definitive statement:

Lawns are catastrophic environmentally yet are prized as a symbol of the white suburban dream.
And it's not true in many many cases.  Case closed.

There’s something else about this that bothers me as well. More and more we’re living in a society in which we essentially have two sides, and the two sides believe the absolute worst about each other. Conservatives think that liberals hate them and want to control their lives by telling them what to think and what medicine they have to take. Liberals think that conservatives hate them and want to impose the Handmaids Tale or a Trump led dictatorship. 
The truth is that most people are good and don’t have hate and aren’t extreme. There are evil people in the world but they’re few and far between. 
We, all of us, need to move away from using extreme anecdotal examples in order to demonize: the other side. I’ve been as guilty of it as anyone here. But it needs to stop.  
wikkid posted a thing by a guy that he often disagrees with, Jordan Peterson, saying something to this effect, only doing it in a spiritual/Christian way. We're increasingly divided by perception, not in reality. We all are so close in our aims and desires that the intensity of the cleavage is surprising. 

Then again, @Maurile Tremblay, who I hesitate to @ but then maybe he can chime in, has linked in the past to a great Slate Star Codex essay that examines political tribes and divisions and finds that the most vehement disagreements often come from people that are similarly situated only with different perceptions of the Good. It was an interesting essay, and I'm not sure if Peterson or Slate Star has the final word. 

We shall see. 

As far as this subject goes, I do know that PC is a problem. You've never seen that nor agreed that it is. We totally disagree on that subject, but it's not enough for a revolution, IMO. I think it's a speed bump rather than an earthquake chasm. 

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Today my friend texted me after finishing a meeting at his company where they discussed blacklisting certain vendors who were unethical/incompetent.   The meeting devolved into whether the terms "blacklist" and "whitelist" are racist.   Although these terms are business terms that have been used for hundreds of years, the argument is that because "blacklist" is bad and "whitelist" is good they are inherently racist.   Apparently the push is to replace them with "blocklist" and "allowlist."

Today my friend texted me after finishing a meeting at his company where they discussed blacklisting certain vendors who were unethical/incompetent.   The meeting devolved into whether the terms "blacklist" and "whitelist" are racist.   Although these terms are business terms that have been used for hundreds of years, the argument is that because "blacklist" is bad and "whitelist" is good they are inherently racist.   Apparently the push is to replace them with "blocklist" and "allowlist."
That sounds straight out of Martin Lawrence in Boomerang where he argues that pool is racist because the white ball chases the colored balls around the table before it meets its main mark -- the black eight ball. 

That sounds straight out of Martin Lawrence in Boomerang where he argues that pool is racist because the white ball chases the colored balls around the table before it meets its main mark -- the black eight ball. 
The article I read about it also suggests that "black sheep"  and "black market" are equally racist.

Didnt think this was a new thread worthy, so i bumped this one.

I posted this in a Disney FB Group (one that shares memes and bad humor, not a typical mom's Disney group). We were talking about Club 33 which is an ultra exclusive restaurant in Disneyland with a very hefty membership cost and long waiting list.  

Then, I got this reply:

:confused:   I honestly didn't think or intend to write anything truly racist. So I replied with this: 

I then got attacked by another poster saying  "it was super racist. Stop justifying"

So, was I being racist? It certainly wasn't the intent. IMO, I think we are really washing down the true meaning of the word when you go after someone for something like this. 
Officially the definition of Racism is
• a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
• the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another
• a political or social system founded on racism and designed to execute its principles

To me the bolded part is the most important part of the term, and in no way was I inferring any Intent to oppress or be superior to the server. 

I may be a middle aged white guy, but I don't think i did anything wrong. If I did I'll own it, but I am def confused on this whole modern idea of racism. 
I'm usually the person who complains that everything is considered racist nowadays and people get offended by everything but I do think what you said can be considered borderline... offensive. Let's go with that.

That sounds straight out of Martin Lawrence in Boomerang where he argues that pool is racist because the white ball chases the colored balls around the table before it meets its main mark -- the black eight ball. 
Amazing reference.    :lmao:    Damn I love that movie.  

Asparagus Spears??!!   If we were white, they'd be Asparagus Tips! 

That sounds straight out of Martin Lawrence in Boomerang where he argues that pool is racist because the white ball chases the colored balls around the table before it meets its main mark -- the black eight ball. 
Ice hockey....a bunch of white men smack a black puck around with a stick trying to put it back In its cage. Once it gets there, a siren sounds and a whole bunch of white fans stand and cheer. 

(satire of course)

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Just getting back to this and I see the thread has gotten busy. 

Thanks for the replies, so I'll own my comment as offensive. I still have a hard time considering it "racist." There really should be a term in the middle there b/c IMO it pales in comparison to those who have suffered real damaging issues due to racism. And everyone who points at every little thing as racist just dilutes the term. 

Today my friend texted me after finishing a meeting at his company where they discussed blacklisting certain vendors who were unethical/incompetent.   The meeting devolved into whether the terms "blacklist" and "whitelist" are racist.   Although these terms are business terms that have been used for hundreds of years, the argument is that because "blacklist" is bad and "whitelist" is good they are inherently racist.   Apparently the push is to replace them with "blocklist" and "allowlist."
Clearly your friend and his company are part of the radical fringe, right?

Today my friend texted me after finishing a meeting at his company where they discussed blacklisting certain vendors who were unethical/incompetent.   The meeting devolved into whether the terms "blacklist" and "whitelist" are racist.   Although these terms are business terms that have been used for hundreds of years, the argument is that because "blacklist" is bad and "whitelist" is good they are inherently racist.   Apparently the push is to replace them with "blocklist" and "allowlist."
Muhammad Ali talks about this in this clip


We, all of us, need to move away from using extreme anecdotal examples in order to demonize: the other side. I’ve been as guilty of it as anyone here. But it needs to stop.  

you said in another thread just a day or two ago ...

Based on your stated views I don’t want unity with you on these issues. I want to force my views upon you, and I will continue to support candidates who pledge themselves to do so. 

you said in another thread just a day or two ago ...

Based on your stated views I don’t want unity with you on these issues. I want to force my views upon you, and I will continue to support candidates who pledge themselves to do so. 
Yes, and that is true. But I don’t believe your point of view is evil, and I don’t think YOU are evil. I want to defeat you because I think you are wrong. 

Today my friend texted me after finishing a meeting at his company where they discussed blacklisting certain vendors who were unethical/incompetent.   The meeting devolved into whether the terms "blacklist" and "whitelist" are racist.   Although these terms are business terms that have been used for hundreds of years, the argument is that because "blacklist" is bad and "whitelist" is good they are inherently racist.   Apparently the push is to replace them with "blocklist" and "allowlist."
So this company would rather take a lessor product/service because of their moral compass?    I really don’t need to know about my trash removal’s views on woke topics.

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I also find it fascinating folks seem intent on arguing this or claiming it's like flippantly labeling the right as white supremacists without clear evidence . This is basically Bill Maher stuff. And that seems to normally get little pushback here. 
Bill has actually drifted away from the hardcore left, closer to center now.  He does attack the D’s.


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