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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (1 Viewer)

SWC said:
so ive been keepin it straight and am right in my weight range i am sorry for not posting for a while in here just trying to hang on right now lost a really good buddy who was my best fishing buddy to a horrible disease about a week ago and have not been sleeping much at all as a result and just sort of following the impeachment angrily and using that to keep my mind off of it and trying not to fall in to a bottle not good stuff but hey im back and still keepin on and have stayed clean take that to the bank bromigos 
Sorry to hear it GB 

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Anyone try the new Sam Adams NA Hazy? I love beer for the flavors and can give or take the alcohol content, so this has peaked my interest. I live in California and haven't seen it sold here, but have gotten targeted with the ads.

I do love that a lot of small brew shops are starting to make low cal/carb/alcohol(its all relative) IPAs here.

SWC said:
so ive been keepin it straight and am right in my weight range i am sorry for not posting for a while in here just trying to hang on right now lost a really good buddy who was my best fishing buddy to a horrible disease about a week ago and have not been sleeping much at all as a result and just sort of following the impeachment angrily and using that to keep my mind off of it and trying not to fall in to a bottle not good stuff but hey im back and still keepin on and have stayed clean take that to the bank bromigos 
Keep at it SWC.  Sorry to hear about your friend.  For the politics stuff, you have to say 'LOVE IT'!

SWC said:
so ive been keepin it straight and am right in my weight range i am sorry for not posting for a while in here just trying to hang on right now lost a really good buddy who was my best fishing buddy to a horrible disease about a week ago and have not been sleeping much at all as a result and just sort of following the impeachment angrily and using that to keep my mind off of it and trying not to fall in to a bottle not good stuff but hey im back and still keepin on and have stayed clean take that to the bank bromigos 
Stay strong SWC! I'm sorry to hear about your friend. 

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SWC said:
so ive been keepin it straight and am right in my weight range i am sorry for not posting for a while in here just trying to hang on right now lost a really good buddy who was my best fishing buddy to a horrible disease about a week ago and have not been sleeping much at all as a result and just sort of following the impeachment angrily and using that to keep my mind off of it and trying not to fall in to a bottle not good stuff but hey im back and still keepin on and have stayed clean take that to the bank bromigos 
Sorry to hear about your loss.  Hang in there.  

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I thought I was really slow today, but my pace was 19:11, right where I want it.

I'm going to expand BF's point with a briefer metaphor. In golf, it's not about how good your good shots are, it's about how bad your bad shots are. Stay out of the trees and your score will immediately improve.

Skiing...yadda yadda

legs are so sore   Love it. 

ETA:  One of my favorite breweries is here in WY, Melvin. Love that too. :lmao:

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bostonfred said:
@krista4how is the new breath series going? I do plan on doing the balance practice you mentioned and maybe a couple others but went back to an old standby today Yoga for weight loss total body flow because i had some time to put a full hour in. 
Ah yes, I remember that one.  The Breath series is pretty good.  She's worked in some moves I don't recall doing in the prior four months of practice that I've had with her, so that's fun.  And I learned a couple of new breathing techniques that I like.  Might not be enough days that are challenging, but maybe there will be more on the way.  Halfway through as of today!

bostonfred said:
@krista4how is the new breath series going? I do plan on doing the balance practice you mentioned and maybe a couple others but went back to an old standby today Yoga for weight loss total body flow because i had some time to put a full hour in. 
Ah yes, I remember that one.  The Breath series is pretty good.  She's worked in some moves I don't recall doing in the prior four months of practice that I've had with her, so that's fun.  And I learned a couple of new breathing techniques that I like.  Might not be enough days that are challenging, but maybe there will be more on the way.  Halfway through as of today!
You might like yesterday's, by the way.  Day 14, called "Space."  It's a little longer than most have been and has a few more challenging bits (though nothing really difficult), and it's a really nice variety of stuff, including a few moves I hadn't done before.  One near the beginning made me really dizzy.

By the way, I won't be losing any weight this week, either.  And given that I'm heading to the Oregon coast for a week of debauchery in a week, let's just go ahead and say I'll start this weight loss thing on Feb. 1.  Goal between now and then will be simply not to gain any.

I'm less than 2 pounds above my original goal weight, but after getting another 10+ pounds down from that, I'm considering that smaller number my real goal weight and want to get back to that.

You might like yesterday's, by the way.  Day 14, called "Space."  It's a little longer than most have been and has a few more challenging bits (though nothing really difficult), and it's a really nice variety of stuff, including a few moves I hadn't done before.  One near the beginning made me really dizzy.
I'm intrigued. Might try a new one tomorrow morning. 

It's not something I should really comment on and I'm not judging, but I do worry because you've put in so much effort to get healthy and you're under a lot of stress. If you're comfortable with where you're at then do your thing but please keep an eye on it. 

I have definitely gone through stretches where I drink too much and then dialed it back and there are almost as many times I'd have appreciated someone saying something to me as times I'd have preferred they go #### themselves. 
I wanted to address this, I also wanted to think about it before I make a response. 

MoP is out of tequila right now and I have decided to not run out and go buy a couple more bottles right now. 

I truly appreciate everyone's concern. I was not fine, repeat I was not fine and I shouldn't blow it off like I had it all under control. I did pull out of thru a heavy heavy load of Tennis and exercise especially this week where I was on the courts even more than I like to post up. I'm pale by nature but I have been getting a lot of sunshine and Vitamin D, my skin tone looks amazing, this is the darkest I've ever been 😂

And folks I haven't seen in a while wanting to buy me a cup of coffee and ask how I did all this. The reason i was downing the tequila is because I am scared...scared of moving to a new city and having to still manage and keep our home here in Florida. We can't get settled because we know we have to zone in and make some real decisions in the coming weeks. Thankfully I have a couple outlets that will help me figure this out and they involve a fuzzy yellow ball and some really fun light up tires and spokes at night as we ride around the neighborhood causing children to scream at their parents "I want those" or the one we like is when a little boy or girl shouts "I love your lights/tires" and my wife and I always respond "we love you too".  

Cheat day today.  I’m probably under my calorie goal (I stopped tracking after my feast of a dinner).  Started the day with a 2 egg spinach and mushroom omelette (no salt, no cheese) and 5 tater tots.  Lunch was a half cup of veggie fried rice.  For dinner, we cooked a ton of Indian food (I made a shrimp tikka masala dish).  I’m guessing I ate close to 900 - 1000 calories.  And then we had dessert.

Fortunately I exercised in the morning and burned 600 calories so I’m probably ok.  But my sodium was definitely over my limit.  Oh well - if I can manage 6 good days a week I’ll be happy.

I wanted to address this, I also wanted to think about it before I make a response. 

MoP is out of tequila right now and I have decided to not run out and go buy a couple more bottles right now. 

I truly appreciate everyone's concern. I was not fine, repeat I was not fine and I shouldn't blow it off like I had it all under control. I did pull out of thru a heavy heavy load of Tennis and exercise especially this week where I was on the courts even more than I like to post up. I'm pale by nature but I have been getting a lot of sunshine and Vitamin D, my skin tone looks amazing, this is the darkest I've ever been 😂

And folks I haven't seen in a while wanting to buy me a cup of coffee and ask how I did all this. The reason i was downing the tequila is because I am scared...scared of moving to a new city and having to still manage and keep our home here in Florida. We can't get settled because we know we have to zone in and make some real decisions in the coming weeks. Thankfully I have a couple outlets that will help me figure this out and they involve a fuzzy yellow ball and some really fun light up tires and spokes at night as we ride around the neighborhood causing children to scream at their parents "I want those" or the one we like is when a little boy or girl shouts "I love your lights/tires" and my wife and I always respond "we love you too".  
Kudos to you for sharing all of this MoP.  It’s really important for me to admit, out loud, when I’m experiencing fear.  If I keep it to myself.....that stuff chews me up.

Good luck with the decisions you have upcoming.  I know how stressful moments in life can be.  Been there.   If I can be of help ever, shoot over a PM.

You might like yesterday's, by the way.  Day 14, called "Space."  It's a little longer than most have been and has a few more challenging bits (though nothing really difficult), and it's a really nice variety of stuff, including a few moves I hadn't done before.  One near the beginning made me really dizzy.
Ok i did this one and I assume the one that made you dizzy was the twisting back and forth with quick breaths... that was a little weird but in Andrea we trust. The toe stands weren't new but those are killer on my quads and fascia. I am really enjoying any star/warrior/anything standing with legs wide now that I've figured out how to use strong legs in those positions.  That tabletop quad stretch was new and good too. 

Pretty sure my upper legs used to be super weak at everything except my quads... now I feel stronger just doing everyday things like walking up stairs or bringing in the groceries.  I still want more core work and need to burn a few calories so I'm doing a random day 6 of one of these and I'll probably do a good long row today... agree with you that these aren't as challenging as some others but definitely some interesting new stuff. 

I dont think I'm going to do all 30 days of this one but I will try some especially if you like them.. Thanks for sharing the good ones..

Edit - did day 6 of Revolution, lots of core with a good combination of planks crunches bicycles and oblique crunches with eagle legs. 

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Ok i did this one and I assume the one that made you dizzy was the twisting back and forth with quick breaths... that was a little weird but in Andrea we trust. The toe stands weren't new but those are killer on my quads and fascia. I am really enjoying any star/warrior/anything standing with legs wide now that I've figured out how to use strong legs in those positions.  That tabletop quad stretch was new and good too. 

Pretty sure my upper legs used to be super weak at everything except my quads... now I feel stronger just doing everyday things like walking up stairs or bringing in the groceries.  I still want more core work and need to burn a few calories so I'm doing a random day 6 of one of these and I'll probably do a good long row today... agree with you that these aren't as challenging as some others but definitely some interesting new stuff. 

I dont think I'm going to do all 30 days of this one but I will try some especially if you like them.. Thanks for sharing the good ones..

Edit - did day 6 of Revolution, lots of core with a good combination of planks crunches bicycles and oblique crunches with eagle legs. 
Yes, it was that part that made me dizzy.  It went away quickly, but getting onto all-fours was a little challenging for a second.

Avoid today's, called "Discipline."  All breathing with a couple of stretches thrown in.

Yes, it was that part that made me dizzy.  It went away quickly, but getting onto all-fours was a little challenging for a second.

Avoid today's, called "Discipline."  All breathing with a couple of stretches thrown in.
Weird that she's doing a whole month of this during the peak of her popularity. This seems like the time for her to invest in a cool set and send positive thoughts while doing some indoor exercise and preaching health... I get that it would be very off brand for her to hire a dance team for her intro and replace benji with a robot dog with lasers but this seems like it would slightly alienate a lot of her fan base at a time when she could be bringing more people in to the fold. 

The scale says I gained 2.4 of the 2.5 pounds I lost the previous week. I had a ruinous amount of carbs and sodium last Sunday night, but I usually do a better job of fighting something like that to a standstill six days later. Back to the grind, though weather is going to be a challenge Tue-Thur.

Weird that she's doing a whole month of this during the peak of her popularity. This seems like the time for her to invest in a cool set and send positive thoughts while doing some indoor exercise and preaching health... I get that it would be very off brand for her to hire a dance team for her intro and replace benji with a robot dog with lasers but this seems like it would slightly alienate a lot of her fan base at a time when she could be bringing more people in to the fold. 
I would pay for the robot dog with lasers (if she kept Benji, too), but yeah, you make a good point.  The month isn't my favorite at all, but I have other Adriene experience so know it's not typical.  I have a couple of friends who are doing this month as their first, though, and I am not sure they'll be sold on her after this.

For those of you who allow yourselves true cheat days, how many do you typically do in, say, a month? One of the best programs I was on called for 6 days of being religious on the plan, then on the 7th day if you wanted 2 Big Macs or double doubles it’s allowed. The magic of it was because you could, you didn’t. Maybe you’d let the SuperBowl be your cheat day however most weeks I just didn’t do it. But if I wasn’t allowed to have one I might have taken more. All psychology. 

For those of you who allow yourselves true cheat days, how many do you typically do in, say, a month? One of the best programs I was on called for 6 days of being religious on the plan, then on the 7th day if you wanted 2 Big Macs or double doubles it’s allowed. The magic of it was because you could, you didn’t. Maybe you’d let the SuperBowl be your cheat day however most weeks I just didn’t do it. But if I wasn’t allowed to have one I might have taken more. All psychology. 
For me the hardest part about cheat days isn't the extra calories from that day but getting back to good the next day. The first time I took a real cheat day, I ended up missing my goal the next 3 days because the spell was broken and I knew that going over for a day wasn't the end of the world. I've since learned how to go on and off my diet and I do think there's some good reasons to reset your metabolism and take a cheat day periodically. 

There's a trend towards "reverse dieting" where they explicitly take time off their diets and reset their metabolisms. I'm not sure whether there's science behind it, but a good rule of thumb I've heard was to aim for ten percent of your weight and then take a break to let your body and skin reset to your new shape. 

In between... i think it matters for two reasons. One is psychological- i need that cheat day to keep going or I'll lose focus. That depends on the person but I'd guess every two weeks is about right.  The other is physical. Keeping your body under stress constantly is not good and weight loss is stress. Thats why the recommendation is not to lose more than 2 lbs per week - if you red line your engine non stop for weeks on end you'll damage the car. If you're doing this for an extended time then you might want to try cheat days to make it sustainable. 

My approach of eating back my exercise calories builds in some "cheating" in the sense that I usually aim for 1500 calories per day and had nearly 2300 today but they were healthy foods and I did a ton of exercise so I stayed under my net calorie goal. I had a similar cheat day yesterday, ended under 1500 net calories but ate about 2000 before exercise. There are other days I just eat 1500 or less. So I'm constantly mixing things up that way while still staying under 1500 net calories. I don't feel any need to cheat yet but if I start to plateau or feel fatigued I'll probably take a day or two off. 

I’m in for a rowing challenge.  Got a water rower about 2 months ago and doing that almost exclusively.  Love going out to the garage and putting something on Netflix and rowing 30-60m.  I haven’t picked up a weight or done a push up in 3+ months but just doing steady state on the rower has me feeling so much stronger.

count me in!
how is your water rower working out? i bought a rower about a month and a half ago. Got a cheaper brand cause i wasn't sure how much i would use it. I get to it about 4 times a week, so might think about getting an upgrade

Week 1 in the books. No issues with diet this week. Been walking 3 miles a day with a 12lb weight vest and then skiing 90 minutes in the evenings. Gonna add some push-ups this week to get moar swole. 

1/4 - 171.3 lbs

1/11 - 168.2 lbs
Week 2 down. I did so awesome I was expecting a lot more. Lol. Oh well, 2 more weeks to go. PS - push-ups hurt!

1/4 - 171.3 lbs

1/11 - 168.2 lbs

1/18 - 167.4 lbs

how is your water rower working out? i bought a rower about a month and a half ago. Got a cheaper brand cause i wasn't sure how much i would use it. I get to it about 4 times a week, so might think about getting an upgrade
It is working out great.  Use it 4-5 days per week.  I do notice a slight noise every so often when rowing and believe it is where the roller hits the side rail.  Was checking it out yesterday and believe I just need to make sure it is aligned evenly on both sides.  Other than that minor issue everything is great and would recommend.

Ok i did this one and I assume the one that made you dizzy was the twisting back and forth with quick breaths... that was a little weird but in Andrea we trust. The toe stands weren't new but those are killer on my quads and fascia. I am really enjoying any star/warrior/anything standing with legs wide now that I've figured out how to use strong legs in those positions.  That tabletop quad stretch was new and good too. 

Pretty sure my upper legs used to be super weak at everything except my quads... now I feel stronger just doing everyday things like walking up stairs or bringing in the groceries.  I still want more core work and need to burn a few calories so I'm doing a random day 6 of one of these and I'll probably do a good long row today... agree with you that these aren't as challenging as some others but definitely some interesting new stuff. 

I dont think I'm going to do all 30 days of this one but I will try some especially if you like them.. Thanks for sharing the good ones..

Edit - did day 6 of Revolution, lots of core with a good combination of planks crunches bicycles and oblique crunches with eagle legs. 
If you're enjoying the power poses, you find plenty of those in today's Breath practice, called "Explore."  Various warriors, lunges, chair pose, etc.  Nothing new, but good for some of those bits.

If you're enjoying the power poses, you find plenty of those in today's Breath practice, called "Explore."  Various warriors, lunges, chair pose, etc.  Nothing new, but good for some of those bits.
My bits could use a day off but might try this tomorrow 

How's your walkabout going 

My bits could use a day off but might try this tomorrow 

How's your walkabout going 
I'm doing well on the walking, ahead of schedule at this point.

I forgot to mention that, as expected, last week didn't go well.  I gained back the 0.6 pounds plus another 0.2 pound.  I'm trying to be relatively good this week until vacation starts Friday night; then all bets are off.  I'll have to reset Feb. 1.

I'm doing well on the walking, ahead of schedule at this point.

I forgot to mention that, as expected, last week didn't go well.  I gained back the 0.6 pounds plus another 0.2 pound.  I'm trying to be relatively good this week until vacation starts Friday night; then all bets are off.  I'll have to reset Feb. 1.
Relatively good in 2020-21 is like heroic any other years. 

I'm still around.  Still tracking food with MFP and getting walks in while staying off the booze.  

I had a 4-day weekend, hit over 10k steps 3 of 4 days.  Didn't track dinner one day, but shouldn't have gone over.  

Weight is holding steady, which just shows that my first few weeks weigh-ins were a little misleading. 

I need to reduce the sodium still, and I'd like to get 10k steps everyday this week.

Good work all!  You got this!

@DA RAIDERS please tell me you went to Snake River Brewery a few times in Jackson.  One of my favorite places in the world.  

Poke_4_Life said:
I'm still around.  Still tracking food with MFP and getting walks in while staying off the booze.  

I had a 4-day weekend, hit over 10k steps 3 of 4 days.  Didn't track dinner one day, but shouldn't have gone over.  

Weight is holding steady, which just shows that my first few weeks weigh-ins were a little misleading. 

I need to reduce the sodium still, and I'd like to get 10k steps everyday this week.

Good work all!  You got this!

@DA RAIDERS please tell me you went to Snake River Brewery a few times in Jackson.  One of my favorite places in the world.  
Not yet. But I’m still here!  Going to thai me up  tomorrow. Great Thai food and Melvin’s brewery. 

I’m still here!  Just nothing interesting going on.  Doing the yoga and 4+ miles daily.  Today’s yoga is “Strength” so should be a good one.

Where is @kevzilla?  No updates since Sunday.


I don’t read that thread but saw Otis as the last poster in it earlier this morning.  Has even Otis abandoned his own thread?
Otis is making progress with tracking calories and actually seems to be getting into it.  He went to his Mexican place last weekend and stayed under his calorie goal even with a beer.  He measured his wine last night with a measuring cup. He's waking up and rowing and talking about how many calories he has left for the day. It's not uncharted territory but this feels like he's turning a corner. 


Otis is making progress with tracking calories and actually seems to be getting into it.  He went to his Mexican place last weekend and stayed under his calorie goal even with a beer.  He measured his wine last night with a measuring cup. He's waking up and rowing and talking about how many calories he has left for the day. It's not uncharted territory but this feels like he's turning a corner. 
I have to say...  seeing you two banter about counting calories in that thread was hilarious.  

I’m still here!  Just nothing interesting going on.  Doing the yoga and 4+ miles daily.  Today’s yoga is “Strength” so should be a good one.

Where is @kevzilla?  No updates since Sunday.
Tweaked my route on Monday. If I keep walking faster, I'll need this route to fill up my lunch hour.

Rained out yesterday, may get rained out today and tomorrow. But I'll watch the radar, and if there's a dry patch at lunch or after work, I'll be out there.

You all have gotten quiet.  

Under my calories yesterday, another day over 10k steps, and still no booze.  

Steady as it goes.
Despite the title, this thread seems to be more focused on exercise whereas that thread is focused more on diet.  Although there is spillover of both topics in both threads.  I wasn't planning to post in that thread (and still don't very often) but there has been good some advice in there.  I'm still in status quo mode - exercising a lot, no booze during the week and watching my calories/sodium.  Good job on the no booze.  

It wasn't fun, but it got done.TM

Tried my new route again, but this time like I had to meet my time constraints, which I did. Almost 40 seconds per mile faster, taking almost two minutes off the total. Now at 54 minutes and change, that's as close as I can cut it. I added maybe 1/8 mile.

Despite the title, this thread seems to be more focused on exercise whereas that thread is focused more on diet.  Although there is spillover of both topics in both threads.  I wasn't planning to post in that thread (and still don't very often) but there has been good some advice in there.  I'm still in status quo mode - exercising a lot, no booze during the week and watching my calories/sodium.  Good job on the no booze.  
It does seem like this one has more overall health instead of just weight loss at this point.  I'll try to post more of my very boring updates to keep it active.

Today's Adriene was "Strength," which was good albeit short.  If anyone's looking for a quick bit of nice strength training, I recommend it.

I've been up since 4 a.m. due to excitement, and despite now being knee deep in a bottle of wine, I feel like my adrenaline might make it not a bad weight day for me.  


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