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Ran a 10k in June (1 Viewer)

So I feel a little silly posting in this thread when I compare what I'm doing to what many in this thread are - it's sort of like talking about my stats in Pee Wee football when in a conversation with NFL players.

Anyway, I am in my last week of a "Couch to 5K in 8 weeks" program and I am running 3 miles per day at a 10 min mile pace. I have been doing this every other day and I feel comfortable throughout the run. I hadn't run in years and was never a competitive runner like some in this thread. I have a 5K in three weeks, then I am going to start training for another 5K later in the summer, a 10K in the fall and a mini marathon next spring.

I don't really have a goal for this 5K. I am going to use it for my baseline to judge my time in the

fall against.
This thread is for anyone who decides to hit the road. No one here cares about how fast the other is. Some of these nutcases doing 50k races started with this same kind of message a few years ago. Look forward to seeing your progress.

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So I feel a little silly posting in this thread when I compare what I'm doing to what many in this thread are - it's sort of like talking about my stats in Pee Wee football when in a conversation with NFL players.

Anyway, I am in my last week of a "Couch to 5K in 8 weeks" program and I am running 3 miles per day at a 10 min mile pace. I have been doing this every other day and I feel comfortable throughout the run. I hadn't run in years and was never a competitive runner like some in this thread. I have a 5K in three weeks, then I am going to start training for another 5K later in the summer, a 10K in the fall and a mini marathon next spring.

I don't really have a goal for this 5K. I am going to use it for my baseline to judge my time in the

fall against.
This thread is for anyone who decides to hit the road/trails. No one here cares about how fast the other is. Some of these nutcases doing 50k races started with this same kind of message a few years ago. Look forward to seeing your progress.
Fixed for duck's sake ;)

Put me in the same as everybody else column and welcome aboard phatdawg. Look forward to some race reports and hearing about progress.

So I feel a little silly posting in this thread when I compare what I'm doing to what many in this thread are - it's sort of like talking about my stats in Pee Wee football when in a conversation with NFL players.

Anyway, I am in my last week of a "Couch to 5K in 8 weeks" program and I am running 3 miles per day at a 10 min mile pace. I have been doing this every other day and I feel comfortable throughout the run. I hadn't run in years and was never a competitive runner like some in this thread. I have a 5K in three weeks, then I am going to start training for another 5K later in the summer, a 10K in the fall and a mini marathon next spring.

I don't really have a goal for this 5K. I am going to use it for my baseline to judge my time in the fall against.
Nice job. I started with couch to 5k also. I don't post much but I lurk in this thread often. It is a great source of info and inspiration. Stick around.

So I feel a little silly posting in this thread when I compare what I'm doing to what many in this thread are - it's sort of like talking about my stats in Pee Wee football when in a conversation with NFL players.

Anyway, I am in my last week of a "Couch to 5K in 8 weeks" program and I am running 3 miles per day at a 10 min mile pace. I have been doing this every other day and I feel comfortable throughout the run. I hadn't run in years and was never a competitive runner like some in this thread. I have a 5K in three weeks, then I am going to start training for another 5K later in the summer, a 10K in the fall and a mini marathon next spring.

I don't really have a goal for this 5K. I am going to use it for my baseline to judge my time in the fall against.
Ditto everyone else. I was never a runner and Couch to 5K was my gateway drug, too. I finished that first 5K and couldn't believe I actually ran 3.1 miles in 30 minutes. That was three marathons and five ultras ago.

My only advice would be to find some trails to run on, even if just to mix it up a little.
I live in Indiana. Trails are not so prevalent in my part of the world. I could run through a corn field and blaze a trail ... until the farmer catches me.

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Thanks for all the encouragement.

I don't have any plans on doing a marathon or an ultra (that just sounds insane to me). However, I am enjoying running for really the first time in my life and I am looking forward to some 5Ks and just getting out and running regularly. I was an athlete in high school, but I never enjoyed running. I didn't even enjoy it when I was in great shape when I was in the Army. Now, I enjoy it.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

I don't have any plans on doing a marathon or an ultra (that just sounds insane to me). However, I am enjoying running for really the first time in my life and I am looking forward to some 5Ks and just getting out and running regularly. I was an athlete in high school, but I never enjoyed running. I didn't even enjoy it when I was in great shape when I was in the Army. Now, I enjoy it.
That's what I said (and several others). Setting the o/u on your first marathon at Oct 2015.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

I don't have any plans on doing a marathon or an ultra (that just sounds insane to me). However, I am enjoying running for really the first time in my life and I am looking forward to some 5Ks and just getting out and running regularly. I was an athlete in high school, but I never enjoyed running. I didn't even enjoy it when I was in great shape when I was in the Army. Now, I enjoy it.
That's what I said (and several others). Setting the o/u on your first marathon at Oct 2015.
I would take the over on that one! :D

I'm starting to remember what I don't like about marathon training. It's only been a few weeks at 50ish miles per week, and I don't even "officially" start my 12-week training program until next Monday, and already I'm tired ALL THE TIME...

I'm a complete wuss when it comes to sleep deprivation. If I'm consistently getting up at 3:00 or 4:00 to run, it means that after a few days of that I'm asleep by 8:00 even though it's still daylight out there. It's kind of life-disrupting. GB you guys who can function on 5-6 hours of sleep a night. I can't do it.
It's ridiculous. Usually I'm fine going on 5-6 hours of sleep. The last few days I've been getting plenty of sleep, and yet I'm still dragging ###. As we speak, it's not even 1 PM and I feel like pulling a Costanza and taking a nap under my desk for a bit...

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So I feel a little silly posting in this thread when I compare what I'm doing to what many in this thread are - it's sort of like talking about my stats in Pee Wee football when in a conversation with NFL players.

Anyway, I am in my last week of a "Couch to 5K in 8 weeks" program and I am running 3 miles per day at a 10 min mile pace. I have been doing this every other day and I feel comfortable throughout the run. I hadn't run in years and was never a competitive runner like some in this thread. I have a 5K in three weeks, then I am going to start training for another 5K later in the summer, a 10K in the fall and a mini marathon next spring.

I don't really have a goal for this 5K. I am going to use it for my baseline to judge my time in the fall against.
Ditto everyone else. I was never a runner and Couch to 5K was my gateway drug, too. I finished that first 5K and couldn't believe I actually ran 3.1 miles in 30 minutes. That was three marathons and five ultras ago.

My only advice would be to find some trails to run on, even if just to mix it up a little.
I live in Indiana. Trails are not so prevalent in my part of the world. I could run through a corn field and blaze a trail ... until the farmer catches me.
we call that speed work.

20 miles today. Had some serious problems. Intense stomach pain. Heart rate through the moon and I couldnt breathe. Finished at 1:15, Breathing just returned to normal a bit ago.

Everything was great until 15 miles in. Stomach is still awful and we have people coming over at 6pm. I hope it clears a bit by then because the smells that I am producing are indescribable.
The worst training run I've ever had was my last 22-miler before my last marathon. GI issues starting at mile 8 and just awful overall. PRed easily three weeks later. Don't sweat it.
The HR and can't breathe thing is a tad scary, no? Especially since it took quite a while to get his breathing back under control??
What's interesting is I had something similar happen to me last week. I was doing some hill sprints and feeling really well for the most part. On rep #7 I felt like my form was starting to go, so I figured one more and call it a work out. Well, the last rep I take off and my heart is just racing. I actually cut the rep a bit short and I drop to a knee. The workout is over but I'm a mile and half from my gym. Even after a decent break, I start jogging back and I can't seem to get more than a quarter mile with out stopping to walk...I'm totally out of breath. I took like 5 breaks in a 1.5 mile slow jog. It felt sorta like an anxiety attack. I didn't start to feel better until later that day. I chalked it up to possible dehydration but it was a bit scary. I was relieved when I worked out Saturday and my issues didn't reappear.
I'm hesitant to post it, but I'd hate myself if I didn't."It felt sorta like an anxiety attack" is a potential sign of atrial fibrillation. I wouldn't be totally dismissive of it since it didn't happen again. A-fib signs can come and go without a rhyme or reason.

I'd at least call your dr and ask their opinion.
So yeah, let's revisit this. I had another "episode" where my heart rate spiked working out a couple weeks ago and remembering this post I figured maybe you were right. Needless to say, I went to my doctor and then eventually made it to see a cardiologist. So far so good. (haven't had any episodes since) Last week the cardiologist said that he wasn't worried, said I could continue running and exercising but scheduled me for a stress test today and then I was fitted with some kind of monitor that's affixed to my chest for the next two weeks (real bummer is that it can't be submerged in water :( ).

I think the stress test went well today but I had an interesting argument with the nurse about what my max heart rate was. She was of the school that it's 220 minus your age and that's the end. I insisted that 185 couldn't possibly be my max because of past running experiences. She basically went on to tell me that it's possible to go past your max but it's very bad for you. On the last segment of my stress test I was at 196 for 3 minutes and could have kept going. What's the real deal?

I'm not a dr by any stretch but how would it be possible to exceed your max hr? Isn't your max the highest you can reach (and clearly if you are sustaining a 196 then 185 is not your max)? I thought it was pretty well known that the 220 minus your age calculation was just a general guideline.

Anyway I hope everything continues to check out for you. Good that you are having it looked at.

20 miles today. Had some serious problems. Intense stomach pain. Heart rate through the moon and I couldnt breathe. Finished at 1:15, Breathing just returned to normal a bit ago.

Everything was great until 15 miles in. Stomach is still awful and we have people coming over at 6pm. I hope it clears a bit by then because the smells that I am producing are indescribable.
The worst training run I've ever had was my last 22-miler before my last marathon. GI issues starting at mile 8 and just awful overall. PRed easily three weeks later. Don't sweat it.
The HR and can't breathe thing is a tad scary, no? Especially since it took quite a while to get his breathing back under control??
What's interesting is I had something similar happen to me last week. I was doing some hill sprints and feeling really well for the most part. On rep #7 I felt like my form was starting to go, so I figured one more and call it a work out. Well, the last rep I take off and my heart is just racing. I actually cut the rep a bit short and I drop to a knee. The workout is over but I'm a mile and half from my gym. Even after a decent break, I start jogging back and I can't seem to get more than a quarter mile with out stopping to walk...I'm totally out of breath. I took like 5 breaks in a 1.5 mile slow jog. It felt sorta like an anxiety attack. I didn't start to feel better until later that day. I chalked it up to possible dehydration but it was a bit scary. I was relieved when I worked out Saturday and my issues didn't reappear.
I'm hesitant to post it, but I'd hate myself if I didn't."It felt sorta like an anxiety attack" is a potential sign of atrial fibrillation. I wouldn't be totally dismissive of it since it didn't happen again. A-fib signs can come and go without a rhyme or reason.

I'd at least call your dr and ask their opinion.
So yeah, let's revisit this. I had another "episode" where my heart rate spiked working out a couple weeks ago and remembering this post I figured maybe you were right. Needless to say, I went to my doctor and then eventually made it to see a cardiologist. So far so good. (haven't had any episodes since) Last week the cardiologist said that he wasn't worried, said I could continue running and exercising but scheduled me for a stress test today and then I was fitted with some kind of monitor that's affixed to my chest for the next two weeks (real bummer is that it can't be submerged in water :( ).

I think the stress test went well today but I had an interesting argument with the nurse about what my max heart rate was. She was of the school that it's 220 minus your age and that's the end. I insisted that 185 couldn't possibly be my max because of past running experiences. She basically went on to tell me that it's possible to go past your max but it's very bad for you. On the last segment of my stress test I was at 196 for 3 minutes and could have kept going. What's the real deal?
Wow, first I'm glad you are listening to the warning signs. Two, I'm glad everything's checked out so far!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOF @ that nurse. I'd love to hear what her argument was... Not sure I'd feel comfortable with her being anywhere near me after hearing that.

She basically went on to tell me that it's possible to go past your max
That was my reaction as well. I was more stressed out arguing with her than I was on the treadmill. If my max is 185 then how the hell do a run a 5K with a higher heart than that for over half the race?
I can only assume she's using one of the 220-age type charts to get your max.

Maybe I should read the post before commenting. Bottom line, she's wrong to use the 220-age outdated crap.

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20 miles today. Had some serious problems. Intense stomach pain. Heart rate through the moon and I couldnt breathe. Finished at 1:15, Breathing just returned to normal a bit ago.

Everything was great until 15 miles in. Stomach is still awful and we have people coming over at 6pm. I hope it clears a bit by then because the smells that I am producing are indescribable.
The worst training run I've ever had was my last 22-miler before my last marathon. GI issues starting at mile 8 and just awful overall. PRed easily three weeks later. Don't sweat it.
The HR and can't breathe thing is a tad scary, no? Especially since it took quite a while to get his breathing back under control??
What's interesting is I had something similar happen to me last week. I was doing some hill sprints and feeling really well for the most part. On rep #7 I felt like my form was starting to go, so I figured one more and call it a work out. Well, the last rep I take off and my heart is just racing. I actually cut the rep a bit short and I drop to a knee. The workout is over but I'm a mile and half from my gym. Even after a decent break, I start jogging back and I can't seem to get more than a quarter mile with out stopping to walk...I'm totally out of breath. I took like 5 breaks in a 1.5 mile slow jog. It felt sorta like an anxiety attack. I didn't start to feel better until later that day. I chalked it up to possible dehydration but it was a bit scary. I was relieved when I worked out Saturday and my issues didn't reappear.
I'm hesitant to post it, but I'd hate myself if I didn't."It felt sorta like an anxiety attack" is a potential sign of atrial fibrillation. I wouldn't be totally dismissive of it since it didn't happen again. A-fib signs can come and go without a rhyme or reason.

I'd at least call your dr and ask their opinion.
So yeah, let's revisit this. I had another "episode" where my heart rate spiked working out a couple weeks ago and remembering this post I figured maybe you were right. Needless to say, I went to my doctor and then eventually made it to see a cardiologist. So far so good. (haven't had any episodes since) Last week the cardiologist said that he wasn't worried, said I could continue running and exercising but scheduled me for a stress test today and then I was fitted with some kind of monitor that's affixed to my chest for the next two weeks (real bummer is that it can't be submerged in water :( ).

I think the stress test went well today but I had an interesting argument with the nurse about what my max heart rate was. She was of the school that it's 220 minus your age and that's the end. I insisted that 185 couldn't possibly be my max because of past running experiences. She basically went on to tell me that it's possible to go past your max but it's very bad for you. On the last segment of my stress test I was at 196 for 3 minutes and could have kept going. What's the real deal?
Wow, first I'm glad you are listening to the warning signs. Two, I'm glad everything's checked out so far!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOF @ that nurse. I'd love to hear what her argument was... Not sure I'd feel comfortable with her being anywhere near me after hearing that.
Exactly, what's worse is another nurse backed her up. These women are supposed to be trained medical professionals and they are still pushing this outdated crap? You'd think they'd a little more than that working for a cardiologist.

What was interesting is that since they put this monitor on me they told me to go a head and ramp my intensity back into my workouts. Well, I just scheduled VO2 max testing for tomorrow. I guess we'll see what my true max is soon enough.

These storms can suck it. Three huge trees down in my yard from the massive golf ball sized hail storm wednesday early am.Technically only one whole tree, but it was by biggest tree and as it fell it destroyed two huge branches(about 36 inches in circumference) on the way down.

Back is sore, legs are sore. Arms still feel like they are vibrating. I have piles of tree branches now everywhere and still a lot more cutting and moving to do. Worst timing with my marathon being sunday. Going to be sore as hell. And it is still pouring rain.


So I feel a little silly posting in this thread when I compare what I'm doing to what many in this thread are - it's sort of like talking about my stats in Pee Wee football when in a conversation with NFL players.

Anyway, I am in my last week of a "Couch to 5K in 8 weeks" program and I am running 3 miles per day at a 10 min mile pace. I have been doing this every other day and I feel comfortable throughout the run. I hadn't run in years and was never a competitive runner like some in this thread. I have a 5K in three weeks, then I am going to start training for another 5K later in the summer, a 10K in the fall and a mini marathon next spring.

I don't really have a goal for this 5K. I am going to use it for my baseline to judge my time in the fall against.
No reason to feel silly, phatdawg. You've gotta start somewhere. Great job so far!!
I second everybody else.
I third them. Good luck with the first 5K! If it's your first one, good news - you'll set a PR. :)
Ha...I remember posting something very similar to what phatdawg posted, and tri-man posted something very similar to the above. I remember thinking "what's a PR?" ...had to go look it up.

These storms can suck it. Three huge trees down in my yard from the massive golf ball sized hail storm wednesday early am.Technically only one whole tree, but it was by biggest tree and as it fell it destroyed two huge branches(about 36 inches in circumference) on the way down.

Back is sore, legs are sore. Arms still feel like they are vibrating. I have piles of tree branches now everywhere and still a lot more cutting and moving to do. Worst timing with my marathon being sunday. Going to be sore as hell. And it is still pouring rain.

That sucks. :thumbdown:

Could you maybe find a different marathon in a week or two? On top of the physical stuff, I can't imagine your head is gonna be right for this one, either.

Signed up today for the Glacial 50K in October. Wanted to get in ahead of the July 1 price increase.

Saw my massage therapist yesterday morning, and she said that the "ropiness" in my hip flexors is almost gone. Also did yoga yesterday afternoon for the first time in a month. I've never sweated so much in my life...

6 easy miles this afternoon, then I'll do a 15-mile long run either tomorrow or Sunday. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Some of you guys are lucky to live where there are beautiful trails through the mountains and sometimes you guys encounter amazing wildlife while running. I wanted to post this video to show you guys the type of wildlife I occasionally get to see on my runs.

This incident occurred about 3/10 of a mile from my house, on a road I run on very frequently.

The video shows that we have wild, primitive creatures with reptilian brains living here. Those are the people. It also shows we have alligators.

Some of you guys are lucky to live where there are beautiful trails through the mountains and sometimes you guys encounter amazing wildlife while running. I wanted to post this video to show you guys the type of wildlife I occasionally get to see on my runs.

This incident occurred about 3/10 of a mile from my house, on a road I run on very frequently.

The video shows that we have wild, primitive creatures with reptilian brains living here. Those are the people. It also shows we have alligators.
That's a good area to throw a fartlek in. I'd recommend at least 2 to 3 miles.

These storms can suck it. Three huge trees down in my yard from the massive golf ball sized hail storm wednesday early am.Technically only one whole tree, but it was by biggest tree and as it fell it destroyed two huge branches(about 36 inches in circumference) on the way down.

Back is sore, legs are sore. Arms still feel like they are vibrating. I have piles of tree branches now everywhere and still a lot more cutting and moving to do. Worst timing with my marathon being sunday. Going to be sore as hell. And it is still pouring rain.

That sucks. :thumbdown:

Could you maybe find a different marathon in a week or two? On top of the physical stuff, I can't imagine your head is gonna be right for this one, either.
here is what it looked like


These storms can suck it. Three huge trees down in my yard from the massive golf ball sized hail storm wednesday early am.Technically only one whole tree, but it was by biggest tree and as it fell it destroyed two huge branches(about 36 inches in circumference) on the way down.

Back is sore, legs are sore. Arms still feel like they are vibrating. I have piles of tree branches now everywhere and still a lot more cutting and moving to do. Worst timing with my marathon being sunday. Going to be sore as hell. And it is still pouring rain.

That sucks. :thumbdown:

Could you maybe find a different marathon in a week or two? On top of the physical stuff, I can't imagine your head is gonna be right for this one, either.
here is what it looked like

Oh man. That sucks.

Just finish up after you're done running your marathon Sunday afternoon. :excited:

Just picked up my bib for the half tomorrow. Got a sneak peek at the elite entries and the bib numbers are ordered by PRs. My 1:08:12 is seeded 45th, going to be a fun race.

The video shows that we have wild, primitive creatures with reptilian brains living here. Those are the people.
Exactly. Who the hell would be so stupid?!
No telling, but idiots abound everywhere. Gators are pretty docile, but not in my worst drunken stupor would I consider jumping an 11 footer. Even without the teeth (and, more importantly, tail) a gator that size weighs ~400lbs. I don't think that guy with those size arms is moving anything like that, living or dead.

Moving day is tomorrow and my girlfriend will likely leave me if I try and take off for a 4-hour long run this weekend. So I was out the door about 5:30 this morning to get in 20 and chase a little vertical. I ended up with 3,500'-4,000' of climbing (Strava and Garmin are always different), and other than a little low point on my way up that climb the 2nd time at around mile 15 I felt pretty good throughout. I tested my UCAN Super Starch fueling, with a Vespa before and one VFuel gel during, and my energy was pretty good.

I'm happy to get this in a day early with some form of Western States pacing duties awaiting me next Saturday night (won't know what the plan is until we're all up in Squaw on Friday afternoon). I'm going to do a mini-taper next week to be sure I'm as prepared as I can be to help out my speedier friend somewhere after mile 78 or so.

It was warm and humid out there, but I channeled the frustration over my ongoing women problems and managed a pretty good workout with the 2 x 2M cruise intervals. The recovery jog between sets was a little longer than I'd like (2:45), but I nailed the paces on the intervals (6:32/6:30, 6:33/6:33). Overall 8 miles at 7:22/mile including warm and cool.

10- to 12-mile MLR tomorrow depending on how I feel.
So I think I'm peaking about 12-1/2 weeks too early...

Just like last Wednesday, I didn't feel like running AT ALL today on the heels of last night's speed work (especially with the heat and humidity), but I got out there anyway, and I had another good run. Did 12 miles in 1:32:40 (7:44 avg/mile), covering the first half in 48:00 (8:00) and the second half in 44:39 (7:27). Last two miles were 7:16 and 7:08.

I need to figure out where this is coming from....and bottle it. After logging 50 miles in the last 6 days (including a couple of hard efforts), tomorrow is a much-needed rest day. Massage in the morning and yoga in the afternoon.
Pretty easy to figure where it's coming from when you look at where you've been.
Whatcha mean?
You have a huge base that you acquired by pounding out huge miles. You then did a huge number of events stacked together and really didn't take an off season. Your body finally said enough and forced you to take some down time. Now that your rested/recovered, you're reaping both the rewards of being fresh and the base you acquired. Hence I'm not surprised that you're seeing these types of training results and you should have a really good season in front of you.

Quite honestly your training regime was bordering on something a pro would do, except you had the stress of a full type job and weren't eating/drinking/sleeping like a pro would. On top of that you were racing more often than a pro would.

Just "signed up" for a 50k in January.


No shirts, awards, fees, etc. So it's pretty much just 75 people getting together to run.

Simple as trail running should be.
Nice, I've always wanted to do a Fat ###.
Wait, that sounded bad......
Lol Never heard of one before. Is this a series?
Nope, it's just a remnant of the early days of trail/ultra running - an informal race with minimal to no aid, no schwag, no entry few, just some dudes getting together to run some trail miles. Not sure where the term Fat ### came from originally, but it's the term used for these kinds of events.

My 10K is in the books. It was about 85 at the start, so I decided to abandon any particular time goal and just go out at a pace that I thought I could hold. I still ended up with a small positive split, but most people faded a lot worse than I did and I noticed that I extended my lead over slower runner by quite a bit during the last couple of miles. This is a small event (~60 folks) so you're running alone a good chunk of the time. With about a mile to go, I finally reeled in a lone guy that I had been gaining on for a while. Upon passing him he said "You got me -- I'm hurting bad here" but I figured if he had the energy to strike up a conversation, he probably had quite a bit left in the tank. Sure enough, he passed me back 3-4 minutes later with a half mile to go. Sandbagging mother####er. :angry: He and I laughed about that after the finish.

Finished in 47:27, about a minute off my PR. I thought that might have been good for an AG win because I didn't see anybody obviously in their 40s ahead of me, but the race director just sort of packed up without announcing any results, so I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Regardless, that's a poor 10K time for me attributable to the weather. I was doing 5-6 mile tempo runs a couple of months ago at that same pace or faster, but of course those were on nice 40 degree days. No worries.

My 10K is in the books. It was about 85 at the start, so I decided to abandon any particular time goal and just go out at a pace that I thought I could hold. I still ended up with a small positive split, but most people faded a lot worse than I did and I noticed that I extended my lead over slower runner by quite a bit during the last couple of miles. This is a small event (~60 folks) so you're running alone a good chunk of the time. With about a mile to go, I finally reeled in a lone guy that I had been gaining on for a while. Upon passing him he said "You got me -- I'm hurting bad here" but I figured if he had the energy to strike up a conversation, he probably had quite a bit left in the tank. Sure enough, he passed me back 3-4 minutes later with a half mile to go. Sandbagging mother####er. :angry: He and I laughed about that after the finish.

Finished in 47:27, about a minute off my PR. I thought that might have been good for an AG win because I didn't see anybody obviously in their 40s ahead of me, but the race director just sort of packed up without announcing any results, so I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Regardless, that's a poor 10K time for me attributable to the weather. I was doing 5-6 mile tempo runs a couple of months ago at that same pace or faster, but of course those were on nice 40 degree days. No worries.
Ooof 85 sucks. Good smart racing there, Ivan. :lol: @ sandbagger"I was doing 5-6 mile tempo runs a couple of months ago at that same pace or faster, but of course those were on nice 40 degree days."

I don't care how many times I tell myself that conditions have a ton of influence on performance, I don't know that I can ever come to peace with it. Drives me crazy.

My 10K is in the books. It was about 85 at the start, so I decided to abandon any particular time goal and just go out at a pace that I thought I could hold. I still ended up with a small positive split, but most people faded a lot worse than I did and I noticed that I extended my lead over slower runner by quite a bit during the last couple of miles. This is a small event (~60 folks) so you're running alone a good chunk of the time. With about a mile to go, I finally reeled in a lone guy that I had been gaining on for a while. Upon passing him he said "You got me -- I'm hurting bad here" but I figured if he had the energy to strike up a conversation, he probably had quite a bit left in the tank. Sure enough, he passed me back 3-4 minutes later with a half mile to go. Sandbagging mother####er. :angry: He and I laughed about that after the finish.

Finished in 47:27, about a minute off my PR. I thought that might have been good for an AG win because I didn't see anybody obviously in their 40s ahead of me, but the race director just sort of packed up without announcing any results, so I guess I'll have to wait to find out. Regardless, that's a poor 10K time for me attributable to the weather. I was doing 5-6 mile tempo runs a couple of months ago at that same pace or faster, but of course those were on nice 40 degree days. No worries.
Ooof 85 sucks. Good smart racing there, Ivan. :lol: @ sandbagger"I was doing 5-6 mile tempo runs a couple of months ago at that same pace or faster, but of course those were on nice 40 degree days."

I don't care how many times I tell myself that conditions have a ton of influence on performance, I don't know that I can ever come to peace with it. Drives me crazy.
Congrat Ivan. Sounds like you adjusted appropriately for the conditions.

Ned - I used to have the same thing until I moved to altitude. It's not the same thing but it helped me see that certain conditions will make an impact on you and if I don't adjust appropriately bad bad things happen.

SFBayDuck said:
FUBAR said:
SFBayDuck said:
SFBayDuck said:
FUBAR said:
Just "signed up" for a 50k in January.


No shirts, awards, fees, etc. So it's pretty much just 75 people getting together to run.

Simple as trail running should be.
Nice, I've always wanted to do a Fat ###.
Wait, that sounded bad......
Lol Never heard of one before. Is this a series?
Nope, it's just a remnant of the early days of trail/ultra running - an informal race with minimal to no aid, no schwag, no entry few, just some dudes getting together to run some trail miles. Not sure where the term Fat ### came from originally, but it's the term used for these kinds of events.
Cool. Would like a t shirt, but having no entry fee makes up for that.

There's another local, larger 50k in April, couldn't do it this year but maybe next year.

Finished the week with a 15k run, mostly in zone 3. It's been a while since I've ran this route and I forgot that between 10-13k is constantly uphill. That starts with a good 1/2 k where I ran it hard enough to let my HR peak up to 180, from there I kept it in the 150s until my watch died with 2k left. I just have to get used to how long I can get from the watch.

Now off to the survival sprint with my wife! Should be fun, even if she dreamed that I left her behind at one of the obstacles. :stirspot:

Best fn run of the year so far. 16mi @ 8:39/145 with a nice hilly stretch from miles 7-9. And I ate no gels! Just a tbs of peanut butter on an english muffin and some coffee before I hit the road.

Best fn run of the year so far. 16mi @ 8:39/145 with a nice hilly stretch from miles 7-9. And I ate no gels! Just a tbs of peanut butter on an english muffin and some coffee before I hit the road.
Dear God. That's killing it.

Is this training for Philly or something else? Sorry if I missed it earlier.

Anyways, I basically haven't logged any serious miles since my HM like 4 weeks ago due to my first ever bad back (hello 30 years old, hate you so far) and a ridiculous work and family schedule (hello jerkass kids, love you) but after doing some stretches and stuff my back was finally good enough to hit the road last week. Took it easy and ran a couple 3-4 milers. Gotta ramp it up pretty significantly for the Chicago Marathon in Oct.

Also my gf (her first ever "race") and I ran the Warrior Dash last Sat. Sappy finish line photo.


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