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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (2 Viewers)

No No: A Dockumentary

Doc about Dock Ellis, famous for pitching a no-hitter (with 8 walks and two hit batters) while tripping on LSD.

Kind of weird film, in that the audience (and film crew) watched/made the movie because of that event, kind of a celebration of high functioning drug abuse, but Dock (now dead from failed live /shocking) lived a much different life at the end, SO there was a disconnect that the film clearly celebrated his altered achievements, as did the audience, but the last act covered the part of his life where he cleaned up and became a drug/alcohol counselor.

I loved the first 2/3's of the movie and the interviews and recollections of players from the era (Enos Cabell, Al Oliver, etc.) were great.

Learning more about the character was very interesting and revealing, but also unsettling to have his domestic abuse revealed.

I recently watched the LT doc on HBO and it was very similar, but much slicker. Same story arc, same ending (without the early death).

3.4/5 stars

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Kick ### 2

I liked the first movie a lot more. But there are certainly some entertaining scenes in this one. Not Bad.



Finally about to finish up this series. Love it. My first thought was, "I wish there was more than one season." But now that I've watched a lot of it, I am surprised a network was willing to air it at all. So quirky and offbeat with no bankable actors.


Prince of Darkness

Really corny effort from John Carpenter. Despite a lot of cheese, there are some genuine scares in the movie.
Seriously, no one can define for me just what in the hell they were thinking making Rock of Ages? Was it just a delivery of a cool soundtrack (which is the films only - and I mean only) saving grace? Tom Cruise was..... what? Captain Jack Sparrow only dumb? Julianne Hough just needed a vehicle to show she can sing? Paul Giamotti lost a bet?

Seriously... What the ever loving holy mother of all things right in the world ****ing hell was that supposed to be?

Seriously, no one can define for me just what in the hell they were thinking making Rock of Ages? Was it just a delivery of a cool soundtrack (which is the films only - and I mean only) saving grace? Tom Cruise was..... what? Captain Jack Sparrow only dumb? Julianne Hough just needed a vehicle to show she can sing? Paul Giamotti lost a bet?

Seriously... What the ever loving holy mother of all things right in the world ****ing hell was that supposed to be?
they were banking on the recent successes of other broadway musical to movie jumps, and the fact the show is a lot of fun (one of the dads at my son's old school was in the original cast and had them do some numbers for the school's spring fundraiser). Seeing kick-### performers do great tunes from the 70s/80s amidst a self-aware goofy idiotic story seemed to work.

but I saw part of the movie too... really, really horrible. all of the fun/joy of the music was just drained by the karaoke star performances, leaving the viewer having to care about the story- which is as pointed out- idiotic.

Wife and i are both off and want to catch a rare weekday matinee (not an euphemism). Choices are; November man, Tammy, transformers, and let's be cops.

We decided to go to the LBJ Library.

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Watched 7500 and The Possession of Michael King today. Both were decent.

7500 ended too quickly, needed more time to explore the ending. Just happened to abruptly.

The Possession of Michael King started off slow, but worked out well. Some question marks about certain scenes but overall was worth the watch.

2 Guns - Run of the mill buddy flick. Some good action but overall, nothing special. The Spanish chick is hot and briefly topless. I know Wahlberg is somewhat limited but is Denzel stuck in these kinds of roles? 1.5/5

We're the Millers- While by no means destined to be a comedy classic, it was better than expected. Quite a few funny moments, especially in the first half. It did drag a bit towards the end and I fast-forwarded a little to get to the obvious ending. I've seen worse. 2.5/5

Walking Boot said:
jamny said:
We're the Millers- While by no means destined to be a comedy classic, it was better than expected. Quite a few funny moments, especially in the first half. It did drag a bit towards the end and I fast-forwarded a little to get to the obvious ending. I've seen worse. 2.5/5
I've seen this movie twice and both times it was laugh-out-loud, actual tears, funny for both me and the person I was with. I would agree that it's mostly front-loaded and can drag a bit later, but even so it's one of the funnier movies I've seen in a long time.
Not many movies can bring me to tears from laughter. This wasn't one of them.

jamny said:
We're the Millers- While by no means destined to be a comedy classic, it was better than expected. Quite a few funny moments, especially in the first half. It did drag a bit towards the end and I fast-forwarded a little to get to the obvious ending. I've seen worse. 2.5/5
yeah, i don't think i laughed much at all during this. it was pretty flat and predictable. whatsherface looked bored and showed almost no chemistry with the cast.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen

The Harder They Fall

Humphrey Bogart's last film. I didn't know it was his last film until I read the reviews afterwards, but the first thing I noticed was how unwell Bogart looked. His face looked bloated and jowly, while his body was frail and stooped. The plot is a run-of-the mill story about the corruption in the boxing industry. Very similar character as Rick Blaine--the outcast who operates only for himself but eventually makes the right choice and finds redemption. Another thing to notice was the differing acting styles of Bogart and Rod Steiger. I read that Bogart was not a fan of the Method style of the new generation (Brando/Newman/Woodward), and thought Steiger was kind of a hack.

Walking Boot said:
jamny said:
We're the Millers- While by no means destined to be a comedy classic, it was better than expected. Quite a few funny moments, especially in the first half. It did drag a bit towards the end and I fast-forwarded a little to get to the obvious ending. I've seen worse. 2.5/5
I've seen this movie twice and both times it was laugh-out-loud, actual tears, funny for both me and the person I was with. I would agree that it's mostly front-loaded and can drag a bit later, but even so it's one of the funnier movies I've seen in a long time.
I thought it was very funny. Sudekis probably won't have a career arc like Sandler or Ferrell, but he proves he can lead a movie. Aniston was good but is way too healthy and clean looking to be believable as a beaten-down stripper.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.

cosjobs said:
Snowpiercer - 7.5/10 - You have to decide to just go with it to enjoy it because the story and some of the characters are pretty insane. Very violent and dark with just enough camp (that I think was intentional) to avoid going too far off the rails (train pun!). Worth a viewing.
this guy did a superb analysis of it, i thought.
If Tilda Swinson doesn't get Best Supporting Actress, there is no justice in this world.
She was fine in it but not anything special IMO.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.
I can't get my wife to commit 3 hours to seeing it for some reason...even after telling her that I think it's the best film of the last ten years...and we have two boys about to enter this stretch of their lives (they are 6 and 8). I wonder if women perceive the movie less emotionally because of the title? It's as much about motherhood as it is about growing up.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.
I can't get my wife to commit 3 hours to seeing it for some reason...even after telling her that I think it's the best film of the last ten years...and we have two boys about to enter this stretch of their lives (they are 6 and 8). I wonder if women perceive the movie less emotionally because of the title? It's as much about motherhood as it is about growing up.
My wife will never see it for those reason- as well as not wanting to watch something that's not about fantasy. She likes her movies and TV to be escapist and mindless- does not want to have to think about things, as life has enough for her to think about. I am dying to see this, but will have to rent it and watch late night after she goes to bed.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.
I can't get my wife to commit 3 hours to seeing it for some reason...even after telling her that I think it's the best film of the last ten years...and we have two boys about to enter this stretch of their lives (they are 6 and 8). I wonder if women perceive the movie less emotionally because of the title? It's as much about motherhood as it is about growing up.
Agreed. First it is about the boy, but then it is Patricia Arquette's movie (and she is fantastic). Ethan Hawke comes and goes and is good when he is there, but is gone for big parts of the movie.

There were so many points in the movie where you that Oh Crap! but they pulled back Most notably when

they were horsing around in the unfinished house and you thought for sure somebody was going to get impaled on the blade
I'll be watching a sci fi / action classic double feature on the big screen this week:


I am geeked.
What can I say?. It was freakin' Aliens and freakin' Predator. End of review.
"hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

love those two movies you got to see.

was sad for me when they destroyed each franchise and then put out the terrible AVP movies.
It was a real treat. I think these movies are timeless. The effects still look great.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.
I can't get my wife to commit 3 hours to seeing it for some reason...even after telling her that I think it's the best film of the last ten years...and we have two boys about to enter this stretch of their lives (they are 6 and 8). I wonder if women perceive the movie less emotionally because of the title? It's as much about motherhood as it is about growing up.
My wife will never see it for those reason- as well as not wanting to watch something that's not about fantasy. She likes her movies and TV to be escapist and mindless- does not want to have to think about things, as life has enough for her to think about. I am dying to see this, but will have to rent it and watch late night after she goes to bed.
My wife was the same way, but in reality the movie is as much about the mom as it is the boy.

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.
I can't get my wife to commit 3 hours to seeing it for some reason...even after telling her that I think it's the best film of the last ten years...and we have two boys about to enter this stretch of their lives (they are 6 and 8). I wonder if women perceive the movie less emotionally because of the title? It's as much about motherhood as it is about growing up.
My wife will never see it for those reason- as well as not wanting to watch something that's not about fantasy. She likes her movies and TV to be escapist and mindless- does not want to have to think about things, as life has enough for her to think about. I am dying to see this, but will have to rent it and watch late night after she goes to bed.
My wife was the same way, but in reality the movie is as much about the mom as it is the boy.
So it's escapist and mindless too?

I'll be watching a sci fi / action classic double feature on the big screen this week:


I am geeked.
What can I say?. It was freakin' Aliens and freakin' Predator. End of review.
"hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

love those two movies you got to see.

was sad for me when they destroyed each franchise and then put out the terrible AVP movies.
It was a real treat. I think these movies are timeless. The effects still look great.
Both are classics. :hifive:

Showing in Austin this Sunday:

Sunday Bloody Cinema: Inside and Martyrs Double Feature
If you're a fan of the horror genre, this is a must-see double bill. Two classics of the New French Extremity screen. Inside takes the home-invasion premise to bloody new heights, and the less you know about the wildly transgressive Martyrs going in, the better.
Sunday, 8pm

Not usually a horror fan, but like over the top transgressive. Later this year, they're showing an original, uncut Cannibal Holocaust.
Showing in Austin this Sunday:

Sunday Bloody Cinema: Inside and Martyrs Double Feature

If you're a fan of the horror genre, this is a must-see double bill. Two classics of the New French Extremity screen. Inside takes the home-invasion premise to bloody new heights, and the less you know about the wildly transgressive Martyrs going in, the better.

Sunday, 8pm

Not usually a horror fan, but like over the top transgressive. Later this year, they're showing an original, uncut Cannibal Holocaust.
No way I could watch those two movies back to back, especially on the big screen. it would be interesting to see people's reaction if seeing for the first time though.

Martyrs would be at the top of my hardest movies to watch list, but I did like it (as much as one can) and am glad I endured it.

I'll be watching a sci fi / action classic double feature on the big screen this week:


I am geeked.
What can I say?. It was freakin' Aliens and freakin' Predator. End of review.
"hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

love those two movies you got to see.

was sad for me when they destroyed each franchise and then put out the terrible AVP movies.
It was a real treat. I think these movies are timeless. The effects still look great.
Both are classics. :hifive:



Finally about to finish up this series. Love it. My first thought was, "I wish there was more than one season." But now that I've watched a lot of it, I am surprised a network was willing to air it at all. So quirky and offbeat with no bankable actors.

You going to follow this up by watching Serenity?

Boyhood - I loved it. It was amazing to see this kid grow 12 years in the span of 2 1/2 hours. And it doesn't feel that long. Matter of fact, I wanted it to go at least another 20 seconds.

A must see, though I don't think there is anything special seeing it on the big screen
I'd suggest seeing it on the big screen because it's rather subtle and any distractions can really take away. Not that their can't be distractions in a theater but to be locked in for 2.5 hours I think is important. It's a slow build of emotion. Going to the theater and really immersing yourself into it is my suggestion.

It's a unique experience and any film fan should seek it out.
I can't get my wife to commit 3 hours to seeing it for some reason...even after telling her that I think it's the best film of the last ten years...and we have two boys about to enter this stretch of their lives (they are 6 and 8). I wonder if women perceive the movie less emotionally because of the title? It's as much about motherhood as it is about growing up.
My wife will never see it for those reason- as well as not wanting to watch something that's not about fantasy. She likes her movies and TV to be escapist and mindless- does not want to have to think about things, as life has enough for her to think about. I am dying to see this, but will have to rent it and watch late night after she goes to bed.
My wife was the same way, but in reality the movie is as much about the mom as it is the boy.
Seems obvious the title is horrible. 12 Year's a Family?

Snowpiercer - 7.5/10 - You have to decide to just go with it to enjoy it because the story and some of the characters are pretty insane. Very violent and dark with just enough camp (that I think was intentional) to avoid going too far off the rails (train pun!). Worth a viewing.
this guy did a superb analysis of it, i thought.
If Tilda Swinson doesn't get Best Supporting Actress, there is no justice in this world.
I think that ship has sailed, wasn't this film released in 2013?

Time Kibitzer said:
Snowpiercer - 7.5/10 - You have to decide to just go with it to enjoy it because the story and some of the characters are pretty insane. Very violent and dark with just enough camp (that I think was intentional) to avoid going too far off the rails (train pun!). Worth a viewing.
this guy did a superb analysis of it, i thought.
If Tilda Swinson doesn't get Best Supporting Actress, there is no justice in this world.
I think that ship has sailed, wasn't this film released in 2013?
Watched it last night- this movie was ridiculous and mostly bad.

Tilda Swinton did chew up the scenery (pun intended) though.

Time Kibitzer said:
Snowpiercer - 7.5/10 - You have to decide to just go with it to enjoy it because the story and some of the characters are pretty insane. Very violent and dark with just enough camp (that I think was intentional) to avoid going too far off the rails (train pun!). Worth a viewing.
You face looks like Tilda swinson chewed it up.

Saw the movie "When The Game Stands Tall" over the weekend.

I went into it only having seen the trailer and not really knowing anything more about the story.

Negatives: I don't much care for the acting of Jim Caviezel and MIchael Chiklis or Laura Dern for that matter and there is a secondary story line of an interfering parent that is really annoying.

Positives: It's a movie about high school football. It goes right along with all the others:

Remember The Titans

Friday Night Lights

Varsity Blues

All the Right Moves

Ender's Game:

Blah. This more on more in the background. Thought the book was overhyped when I read it a few years back, and didn't like the screen translation any better. Mostly it just made me wish I was watching a movie from an era when Harrison Ford actually had some charisma.

Willow Creek:

Bobcat Goldthwait's romp into the found footage horror genre. Decent movie if you are a fan of the genre. At least the characters had a sense of humor and you could see glimpses of Bobcat's dark comedy in some of the dialogue. The story is a couple visiting the sites of the famous Bigfoot sighting and hijinx ensue. I was a fan of the genre, but more and more I am just done with it. Probably a little too much saturation of it - used to be a movie here or there sprinkled in, now I was looking at the new releases for horror and it felt like most of the ones that looked interesting used that technique.

Ender's Game:

Blah. This more on more in the background. Thought the book was overhyped when I read it a few years back, and didn't like the screen translation any better. Mostly it just made me wish I was watching a movie from an era when Harrison Ford actually had some charisma.
I liked it :shrug:

The Woman In Black - 7.25/10

As someone who is not generally a fan of the horror genre, I thought this one was sufficiently creepy. Starts slow and it's nothing earth shattering but I enjoyed myself.
I liked it, too. Old fashioned, creepy, suspense in scary setting.
I like that it breaks with traditional ghost convention with the ending. Normally once you help a vengeful spirit out that spirit finds peace and leaves you alone. But this one keeps on with the hate even though the main character didn't even have anything to do with her kid.
No really, it's a spoiler. Don't click the link if you don't want to be spoiled. I'm not kidding.Agreed on all points, worth a view if you like the haunted house genre. :)

Otis and Dog Soldiers:

Couple of off-beat horror movies that were kinda fun for what they were trying to be. I think 5 years ago I would have liked them a bit more, but older grumpier me thought they were OK.

Captain America - The Winter Soldier:

I have thought about this for a couple days, and I think this is the best super hero movie to come out in a long time. Can't think of another one that I enjoyed so much all the way through. I ended up watching it twice in 2 days. Felt like a Bourne movie, and that is a good thing. First, I thought the action was great. It set the tone with the opening sequence on the ship and didn't let up. Loved the way the camera moved and gave you a sense of where you were and the scale of what was going on. Second, CA was more of a badass during the battles in this one. Loved how he moved around and used the shield in more creative ways. Third, I really liked the rapport he was with Black Widow and Falcon. Fun to watch. Mix all that in with a great plot with some good twists and I thought it was as much fun as I have had watching a movie in awhile. 9/10

I might get blasted for it, but I would put it slightly ahead of Dark Knight and Avengers as far as superhero movies go. I think DK drags a tad at the end with Two Face, and don't love the alien baddies at the end of The Avengers. I had one slight knock on CA 2, but it was maybe a 4 minute scene and didn't take much away from the movie.

Long story short - see this movie now, even if you didn't dig on the first one much (I was a fan of that one too, fwiw).

Captain America - The Winter Soldier:

I have thought about this for a couple days, and I think this is the best super hero movie to come out in a long time. Can't think of another one that I enjoyed so much all the way through. I ended up watching it twice in 2 days. Felt like a Bourne movie, and that is a good thing. First, I thought the action was great. It set the tone with the opening sequence on the ship and didn't let up. Loved the way the camera moved and gave you a sense of where you were and the scale of what was going on. Second, CA was more of a badass during the battles in this one. Loved how he moved around and used the shield in more creative ways. Third, I really liked the rapport he was with Black Widow and Falcon. Fun to watch. Mix all that in with a great plot with some good twists and I thought it was as much fun as I have had watching a movie in awhile. 9/10

I might get blasted for it, but I would put it slightly ahead of Dark Knight and Avengers as far as superhero movies go. I think DK drags a tad at the end with Two Face, and don't love the alien baddies at the end of The Avengers. I had one slight knock on CA 2, but it was maybe a 4 minute scene and didn't take much away from the movie.

Long story short - see this movie now, even if you didn't dig on the first one much (I was a fan of that one too, fwiw).

Loved pretty much everything about this movie and agree with everything you said. The Dark Knight trilogy is a masterpiece. But let's face it, TDK is dreadfully somber. The action scenes in CA2 are just incredible.

A critic on the /filmcast joked that Captain America 2 inserted a live action tribute to Splinter Cell with that stealthy set piece on that docked ship.

Captain America - The Winter Soldier:

I have thought about this for a couple days, and I think this is the best super hero movie to come out in a long time. Can't think of another one that I enjoyed so much all the way through. I ended up watching it twice in 2 days. Felt like a Bourne movie, and that is a good thing. First, I thought the action was great. It set the tone with the opening sequence on the ship and didn't let up. Loved the way the camera moved and gave you a sense of where you were and the scale of what was going on. Second, CA was more of a badass during the battles in this one. Loved how he moved around and used the shield in more creative ways. Third, I really liked the rapport he was with Black Widow and Falcon. Fun to watch. Mix all that in with a great plot with some good twists and I thought it was as much fun as I have had watching a movie in awhile. 9/10

I might get blasted for it, but I would put it slightly ahead of Dark Knight and Avengers as far as superhero movies go. I think DK drags a tad at the end with Two Face, and don't love the alien baddies at the end of The Avengers. I had one slight knock on CA 2, but it was maybe a 4 minute scene and didn't take much away from the movie.

Long story short - see this movie now, even if you didn't dig on the first one much (I was a fan of that one too, fwiw).
I can't put it as high as you, but it was a huge improvement over the first one.

Watched Grudge Match last night. Although cheesy, this movie was not marketed well at all. Actually had some funny parts (mostly delivered by Alan Arkin and Kevin Hart). Not a great movie by any stretch but it will probably get a couple channel surfing stop bys from me.

The Fault in Our Stars:

Exactly how I thought it was going to be, which is a good thing. Right along with Perks of Being a Wallflower and Spectacular Now as far movies aimed for that demographic that deals with tough issues fairly well. I will fully admit, I cried. Thinking about what I would do if my son was in similar situations. 7/10

That said, not exactly sure what I am looking for, but are there any movies about teens that don't suffer from Juno syndrome where all the kids are well read and constantly dropping witty one-liners?


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