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Ron Dayne to get bigger workload? (1 Viewer)

I'll be as protective of my postion as anyone else here, but that's because the numbers & history back my position up. But I'll recognize an alternative position that is also backed by some history & numbers.
But what IS your position Pony Boy? :confused: The only postion I see you taking in this and other threads, is that SSOG MIGHT be wrong.

Another thing is, you are taking a firm stance about a situation that no one else is willing to. The Den RB situation appears to be very cloudy, so when you come out and say "Mike Anderson is a stud", "Mike Anderson will be a top 10 guy this year", people will jump on you because they are not willing to take the same stance, for fear that their posts will be bumped and they'll be ridiculed and made fun of..
I agree with chedha. Cracks me up how some people are quite happy to rip SSOG a new one, but don't have the coconuts themselves to try and make sense of the Denver RB situation.Well actually I guess they are making a mini prediction. Seems to me that if they're in disagreement with SSOG, then they must be saying Anderson will NOT be the Denver RB. :D
It has been my position all week that given the information we have it is impossible to make an accurate prediction. He can guess and he has a chance of being right, but guessing is not the same as predicting.Until we see Mike and Ron run some more noone, not even shannahan apparently, knows what is going to happen.

SSOG claims to know what is going on with the Denver running situation when even the head coach has admitted he is not sure. That's not coconuts.. thats just guessing.

I agree with chedha. Cracks me up how some people are quite happy to rip SSOG a new one, but don't have the coconuts themselves to try and make sense of the Denver RB situation.

Well actually I guess they are making a mini prediction. Seems to me that if they're in disagreement with SSOG, then they must be saying Anderson will NOT be the Denver RB. :D
:lmao: again.I've been pushing since week 1 in the preseason that Dayne has been the best looking RB in the fold. Try pushing THAT position without ridicule.

It has been my position all week that given the information we have it is impossible to make an accurate prediction.
In other words, your postion is that you have no position....because there is not enough information for you to have a position......except that there is enough information for you to have the position that SSOG's postion is wrong.I get it! :loco:

I agree with chedha. Cracks me up how some people are quite happy to rip SSOG a new one, but don't have the coconuts themselves to try and make sense of the Denver RB situation.

Well actually I guess they are making a mini prediction. Seems to me that if they're in disagreement with SSOG, then they must be saying Anderson will NOT be the Denver RB. :D
:lmao: again.I've been pushing since week 1 in the preseason that Dayne has been the best looking RB in the fold. Try pushing THAT position without ridicule.
Saying that Dayne is the best looking RB in the fold is one thing, saying that Dayne will be a top 10 guy, or he'll be a stud this year is a different story
they are not willing to take the same stance, for fear that their posts will be bumped and they'll be ridiculed and made fun of..
:lmao: It's not the position he takes. It's the way he takes it. Fear is not an issue (and lmao @ being afraid).

I'll be as protective of my postion as anyone else here, but that's because the numbers & history back my position up. But I'll recognize an alternative position that is also backed by some history & numbers.

That's the difference. Unless he's a lurking Shanahan, there's no way he can state with absolute assurance the course of future events - especially thye DEN RB position & the way its shaking out this year. It's the difference between convincing others that your position is the right one and insisting that their position is the wrong one. One leads to healthy debate, the other leads to pissing contests.
Well i didn't mean fear in terms of being scared, I meant fear in terms of "losing board cred" or.. well you know what i mean..
I've been pushing since week 1 in the preseason that Dayne has been the best looking RB in the fold. Try pushing THAT position without ridicule.
Thank You Pony Boy, for stepping up to the plate. You will hear no ridicule from me on your postion of lard butt...er...I mean Dayne being the guy.Just kidding you on the lard butt thing PB. ;)

If Anderson can't get over his rib cartlidge injury, I think Dayne is far and away the next most likely back in Denver.

I don't think people have a problem with you making predictions. I think people may have a problem with the tone in your posts, which people could interpret to be arrogant or condescending..
It has been my position all week that given the information we have it is impossible to make an accurate prediction.
In other words, your postion is that you have no position....because there is not enough information for you to have a position......except that there is enough information for you to have the position that SSOG's postion is wrong.I get it! :loco:
I never said he was wrong. Just that he is guessing. He may very well be right in the end but any guess has a chance of being right.Let me ask you this. If Skelator is not sure of the RB situation in Denver, how can anyone else be?

Saying that Dayne is the best looking RB in the fold is one thing, saying that Dayne will be a top 10 guy, or he'll be a stud this year is a different story
So if I stated that Tony Richardson would supplant both Holmes & L Johnson by week 8 and then implied that anyone who didn't agree had to be a fool, I would gain great esteem in your eyes?
It's not the position he takes. It's the way he takes it. Fear is not an issue (and lmao @ being afraid).

I'll be as protective of my postion as anyone else here, but that's because the numbers & history back my position up. But I'll recognize an alternative position that is also backed by some history & numbers.

That's the difference. Unless he's a lurking Shanahan, there's no way he can state with absolute assurance the course of future events - especially thye DEN RB position & the way its shaking out this year. It's the difference between convincing others that your position is the right one and insisting that their position is the wrong one. One leads to healthy debate, the other leads to pissing contests.
Who says I'm stating anything with absolute assurance? It's the future. I can't predict the future. I don't possess any superhuman powers that the rest of you don't.There's a difference between saying something with conviction and saying something with absolute assurance.

Besides, I haven't seen history and numbers backing the other position. Where's Shanny's history of giving an RB returning from injury fewer carries in the second week back than in the first week back? Where's the history of Shanahan changing RBs based on 8 carries? I understand that the other side has reasons and valid points, and I've weighed in on why those reasons and valid points don't shake my conviction that Anderson is "the guy".

You have made my point for me. But let me rephrase it. The Denver RB situation is cloudy. For that reason alone claiming that Mike Anderson is a stud and proclaiming it as fact (nevermind the weak disclaimer in his sig) is guessing at best. Maybe it is the highest probability guess but he touts it as if it is fact.

Saying things like Ashley is the biggest deep threat in the game makes it even more difficult to take him seriously.
The entire future is cloudy. That's why it's predicting. Again, I have yet to see a valid explanation for why it's okay to predict the NYJ rushing situation, but not Denver's. I don't see why it's okay to predict that Rudi Johnson's YPC will drop this season, but not that Dayne won't beat out Anderson. Please tell me where the line is drawn where I'm not allowed to make predictions anymore.And I didn't say that Ashley Lelie is the biggest deep threat in the game. K.C. Joyner is. And I daresay he's done a little bit more research on the subject than you have.

It has been my position all week that given the information we have it is impossible to make an accurate prediction. He can guess and he has a chance of being right, but guessing is not the same as predicting.

Until we see Mike and Ron run some more noone, not even shannahan apparently, knows what is going to happen.

SSOG claims to know what is going on with the Denver running situation when even the head coach has admitted he is not sure. That's not coconuts.. thats just guessing.
Again, ALL THE FUTURE OF THE NFL IS CLOUDY. Who knew that Culpepper would have 10 turnovers by week 2? I mean, you could always say that it's impossible to make an accurate prediction. And that's the biggest cop-out in the history of fantasy football. You don't get on FBGs case because it's impossible to make an accurate prediction. Why are you getting on mine? You know, last offseason it was impossible to make an accurate prediction for Kevan Barlow. And this season it was impossible to make an accurate prediction about Fast Willie Parker, or Trent Dilfer, or Daunte Culpepper. And if that's so important to you, why are you frequenting a site dedicated to making predictions?And Shanahan never admitted he wasn't sure how Denver's situation was going to shake out. He said Anderson is the starter. He said Bell is the backup as long as he's healthy enough. He says he doesn't know how the carries will be distributed, because he doesn't know what's going to happen during the course of the game. But he's committed to Anderson/Bell/Dayne in that order. Seems pretty certain to me.

I love how everyone tells me I'm just guessing. That's the biggest cop-out in the history of fantasy football. I guess, if I'm right, it was all just one big lucky guess, right? Just like it was a lucky guess when I called Anderson to win the starting job, right? And when I started touting Dayne back in August, that was all a lucky guess, too, right? Well then heck, you might want to start listening to my guesses, because it seems I've been pretty lucky so far with them. :rolleyes:

Given the information we have, it's impossible to predict that Manning is the #1 QB in fantasy football. After all, I just looked over all the press releases, and there isn't a single one that says he won't be injured at all this season. Whatever shall we do? I know, how about we just don't make predictions for Peyton Manning. :hophead:

Thank You Pony Boy, for stepping up to the plate. You will hear no ridicule from me on your postion of lard butt...er...I mean Dayne being the guy.Just kidding you on the lard butt thing PB. ;)
Saying that Dayne is the best looking RB in the fold is one thing, saying that Dayne will be a top 10 guy, or he'll be a stud this year is a different story
So if I stated that Tony Richardson would supplant both Holmes & L Johnson by week 8 and then implied that anyone who didn't agree had to be a fool, I would gain great esteem in your eyes?
Apparently. Back it up with stats like historically he is the #1 threat to gain exactly 36 yards and blame his poor performances on the 3-4 defense. :lmao: Ok, now I am being mean, but seriously go back and read his posts they are kinda funny and kinda scary. Ever see "The Fan"? I wonder if Anderson needs to be warned about this guy.

It has been my position all week that given the information we have it is impossible to make an accurate prediction.
In other words, your postion is that you have no position....because there is not enough information for you to have a position......except that there is enough information for you to have the position that SSOG's postion is wrong.I get it! :loco:
I never said he was wrong. Just that he is guessing. He may very well be right in the end but any guess has a chance of being right.Let me ask you this. If Skelator is not sure of the RB situation in Denver, how can anyone else be?
Shanahan says Anderson is the starter. Shanahan says Bell is the primary backup and change of pace guy. How is Shanahan not sure about the RB situation in Denver? Please, explain this to me again? Shanahan isn't sure how the carries will shake out, but Vermeil has said he isn't sure how the carries will shake out in KC, too, and that doesn't stop people from predicting Holmes and Johnson. And Billick keeps talking about getting Taylor involved and then he doesn't do it, but that doesn't stop people from predicting J.Lew.And again, why is this a guess and not a prediction? Please, tell me what the difference is? I assure you, I didn't just throw darts at a dartboard here. So please, please, please, what on earth makes this a guess and not a prediction? Other than the fact that if you call this a guess enough times, you can tell me I was just lucky if I get it right, whereas if you acknowledge it's a prediction, then that means that maybe I actually was on to something when I called it.

Another thing is, you are taking a firm stance about a situation that no one else is willing to. The Den RB situation appears to be very cloudy, so when you come out and say "Mike Anderson is a stud", "Mike Anderson will be a top 10 guy this year", people will jump on you because they are not willing to take the same stance, for fear that their posts will be bumped and they'll be ridiculed and made fun of..
I agree with chedha. Cracks me up how some people are quite happy to rip SSOG a new one, but don't have the coconuts themselves to try and make sense of the Denver RB situation.Well actually I guess they are making a mini prediction. Seems to me that if they're in disagreement with SSOG, then they must be saying Anderson will NOT be the Denver RB. :D
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Saying that Dayne is the best looking RB in the fold is one thing, saying that Dayne will be a top 10 guy, or he'll be a stud this year is a different story
So if I stated that Tony Richardson would supplant both Holmes & L Johnson by week 8 and then implied that anyone who didn't agree had to be a fool, I would gain great esteem in your eyes?
Apparently. Back it up with stats like historically he is the #1 threat to gain exactly 36 yards and blame his poor performances on the 3-4 defense. :lmao: Ok, now I am being mean, but seriously go back and read his posts they are kinda funny and kinda scary. Ever see "The Fan"? I wonder if Anderson needs to be warned about this guy.
Saying that Dayne is the best looking RB in the fold is one thing, saying that Dayne will be a top 10 guy, or he'll be a stud this year is a different story
So if I stated that Tony Richardson would supplant both Holmes & L Johnson by week 8 and then implied that anyone who didn't agree had to be a fool, I would gain great esteem in your eyes?
Sure, if you had overwhelming evidence supporting your claim, then yes.
Apparently. Back it up with stats like historically he is the #1 threat to gain exactly 36 yards and blame his poor performances on the 3-4 defense. :lmao:

Ok, now I am being mean, but seriously go back and read his posts they are kinda funny and kinda scary. Ever see "The Fan"? I wonder if Anderson needs to be warned about this guy.
See, the funny thing here is that I predicted a bad rushing day for Denver a WEEK before they played San Diego, based on the 3-4 defense. So it's not like I was proven wrong and I'm now scrambling to find an excuse. I guess that was just a lucky guess, too, right?

Saying that Dayne is the best looking RB in the fold is one thing, saying that Dayne will be a top 10 guy, or he'll be a stud this year is a different story
So if I stated that Tony Richardson would supplant both Holmes & L Johnson by week 8 and then implied that anyone who didn't agree had to be a fool, I would gain great esteem in your eyes?
No, I would just know that your kidding around... Now if you started posting volumes of information as to why that was your take, and you had a rebuttal for everyone who wouldn't agree with you... that's a different story.. and if it actually happened.. :bow:
And I didn't say that Ashley Lelie is the biggest deep threat in the game. K.C. Joyner is. And I daresay he's done a little bit more research on the subject than you have.
There are intangibles to consider that the stats alone wont tell you. That is the difference between a stats freak and someone who understands football.
Again, ALL THE FUTURE OF THE NFL IS CLOUDY. Who knew that Culpepper would have 10 turnovers by week 2? I mean, you could always say that it's impossible to make an accurate prediction.
:bs:Predicting LT's year is MUCH different than predicting Andersons. Anderson has a lot more variables to consider and until those issues are made clear you closer to guessing than making an informed decision.
And Shanahan never admitted he wasn't sure how Denver's situation was going to shake out. He said Anderson is the starter. He said Bell is the backup as long as he's healthy enough. He says he doesn't know how the carries will be distributed, because he doesn't know what's going to happen during the course of the game. But he's committed to Anderson/Bell/Dayne in that order. Seems pretty certain to me.
And then he went and moved Dayne up to #2 on the depth chart. Yeah, real clear.
And Shanahan never admitted he wasn't sure how Denver's situation was going to shake out. He said Anderson is the starter. He said Bell is the backup as long as he's healthy enough. He says he doesn't know how the carries will be distributed, because he doesn't know what's going to happen during the course of the game. But he's committed to Anderson/Bell/Dayne in that order. Seems pretty certain to me.
And then he went and moved Dayne up to #2 on the depth chart. Yeah, real clear.
Clouds below:
RMN Link

Dayne may carry on

Running back has chance to expand his role after injuries, strong showing

By Lee Rasizer, Rocky Mountain News September 20, 2005

"Everybody's going to get a chance to play some," Broncos coach Mike Shanahan said. "I can't tell you exactly what our plan is. We have to decide it ourselves."

Neither Anderson nor Dayne was sure how the carries will shake out in the immediate future.
I won't speak for the other two, but I'll give you my "guess" here (and yes, that's all it is):

1) I actually do believe Shanny that MA will start this week.

2) I think Dayne will get involved again

3) I think Dayne will outperform MA by a small margin, likely somewhat attributable to MA's rib injury - and the carry load will be about even this week

4) Week four will again be cloudy

5) Q's resigning isn't just related to Bell's injury, but also related to MA's injury and the fact that the backfield depth isn't looking as great as it once was as a result of the two injuries.

6) Eventually, Dayne will take over the "starting" job with Bell and Anderson coming in plenty in certain situations.

7) No single back becomes a super stud in Denver this year as has happened in years past, but Dayne finishes with better numbers than the others.

Before you ask for the thought process/support for my opinions above, I'll just say that I'm relying on the same body of evidence that has been posted here all week and all year, and reaching a different conclusion than others.
Good job Paper Lions. :thumbup: May not be what people want to see happen in Denver, which has been a bona fide stud RB producing system for years now, but could be how it pans out.

It has been my position all week that given the information we have it is impossible to make an accurate prediction.
In other words, your postion is that you have no position....because there is not enough information for you to have a position......except that there is enough information for you to have the position that SSOG's postion is wrong.I get it! :loco:
I never said he was wrong. Just that he is guessing. He may very well be right in the end but any guess has a chance of being right.Let me ask you this. If Skelator is not sure of the RB situation in Denver, how can anyone else be?
Shanahan says Anderson is the starter. Shanahan says Bell is the primary backup and change of pace guy. How is Shanahan not sure about the RB situation in Denver? Please, explain this to me again? Shanahan isn't sure how the carries will shake out, but Vermeil has said he isn't sure how the carries will shake out in KC, too, and that doesn't stop people from predicting Holmes and Johnson. And Billick keeps talking about getting Taylor involved and then he doesn't do it, but that doesn't stop people from predicting J.Lew.And again, why is this a guess and not a prediction? Please, tell me what the difference is? I assure you, I didn't just throw darts at a dartboard here. So please, please, please, what on earth makes this a guess and not a prediction? Other than the fact that if you call this a guess enough times, you can tell me I was just lucky if I get it right, whereas if you acknowledge it's a prediction, then that means that maybe I actually was on to something when I called it.
A guess is an opinion based on little or no evidence. A prediction is a statement based on observation, experience or scientific reason. I would say your predicting Anderson will be the starter, based on your observation of Shannahan stating that Anderson will in fact be the starter.
Ok, what are those opinions/guesses? All I see them do is argue with him about the merits of Anderson, while offering nothing except "the magic 8-Ball says try again later." That is weak. Anyone playing this game can tell it is cloudy. SSOG attempts to see through the fog, while others only walk around aimlessly in it. His point is that, to him, it is not cloudy. He believes Shanny when he says MA is the starter. Personally, I don't see why most don't.

Oh, and "Dayne/Bell will get his/her shot" does not qualify. Give me your guy and back it up. The limb awaits...
Why does there have to be a guy?Why is it not OK to look at the fog and say, "Damn, that's some fog"?

Why is it OK to look at the fog and say, "It sure is sunny around Mike Anderson"?

Why is it not OK to look at the available backs in Denver and say, "None are good enough to be the man"?

Why can't the 2005 Broncos be similar to the 2001 Broncos?

I'll go 30% to Anderson, 25% to Dayne, 3% to Bell, 2% to Johnson, and 40% to no man.

A guess is an opinion based on little or no evidence. A prediction is a statement based on observation, experience or scientific reason. I would say your predicting Anderson will be the starter, based on your observation of Shannahan stating that Anderson will in fact be the starter.
If healthy Anderson will be the starter this week. I have no problem with that prediction.When he says that Anderson will be a "stud" RB this year, that is where he is guessing. There are too many unknowns to predict that, health concerns and competittion for the job being the biggest two.

As I said before, if Shanny admits to not knowing what they are going to do, how can any assertion about what they will do be anything other than a guess?

Vermeil has said he isn't sure how the carries will shake out in KC, too, and that doesn't stop people from predicting Holmes and Johnson.
That's because it doesn't matter how the carries shake out in KC, whether you have Holmes or Johnson, you will get nice production. In Den., the running game is not quite as productive as KC, so if you don't have the starter your more than likely not going to see very good production at all.. Well everyone is second guessing themselves with who the starter will be, so people would prefer to avoid the situation

A guess is an opinion based on little or no evidence. A prediction is a statement based on observation, experience or scientific reason. I would say your predicting Anderson will be the starter, based on your observation of Shannahan stating that Anderson will in fact be the starter.
If healthy Anderson will be the starter this week. I have no problem with that prediction.When he says that Anderson will be a "stud" RB this year, that is where he is guessing. There are too many unknowns to predict that, health concerns and competittion for the job being the biggest two.

As I said before, if Shanny admits to not knowing what they are going to do, how can any assertion about what they will do be anything other than a guess?
Well that technically is a prediction also, because he's basing that statement on historical data over the years..
I have no idea who the man will be or if there will even be a man. For all I know it may be Kyle Johnson. He has more fantasy points than anyone else in the backfield to date! What I do know is that Mike Anderson was basically free/late round pick so it is all upside for me and most and he is the most likely featured back. Can't beat that.

A guess is an opinion based on little or no evidence. A prediction is a statement based on observation, experience or scientific reason. I would say your predicting Anderson will be the starter, based on your observation of Shannahan stating that Anderson will in fact be the starter.
If healthy Anderson will be the starter this week. I have no problem with that prediction.When he says that Anderson will be a "stud" RB this year, that is where he is guessing. There are too many unknowns to predict that, health concerns and competittion for the job being the biggest two.

As I said before, if Shanny admits to not knowing what they are going to do, how can any assertion about what they will do be anything other than a guess?
If he ignores what is going on right now, it is a guess.Well that technically is a prediction also, because he's basing that statement on historical data over the years..
Okay, SSOG, take off your orange colored glasses & listen carefully.  This is what Shanahan is all about:

On the positive side, Shanahan has the respect of his peers as far as offensive scheming.  I've heard HCs & DCs galore say for years that DEN is one of the hardest teams to prepare their D teams for because of the mismatches that Shanahan can create.  Shanahan also has an incredibly uncanny knack for taking RBs out of nowhere & turning them into studs repeatedly.  He coaches one of the best rushing attacks in NFL history with extremely low draft picks & other team's castoffs at RB.  It's truly amazing how he does it year after year.  I'll give him the nod here in both cases.

Now for the negative.  Besides RBs & LBs (positions which have very similar required skill sets), and about a 50/50 position at O-line, Shanahan can't evaluate talent worth a damn.  I'll offer up his drafts and his FA pickups as direct evidence.  Shanahan drafts so poorly at all other positions that he has to go and pick up other team's throw aways to bolster his team.  With his massive ego, he is firmly convinced that he can rehab & refresh any player that he picks up.  So what we end up with in DEN is a mishmash of incapable young players meshed in with over-the-hill or attitude problem vets.  That's a bad combination.

Shanahan caught lightning in a bottle one time.  He inherited Elway, he uncovered his stud RB low in the draft in TD, and he struck gold with FA vets like McCaffrey, Romanowski, & Zimmerman.  He threw that group together and for 3 years there was no better team in football.  But he saw how that formula worked & has stuck to it (because of his massive ego) well after that spectacular team had the wheels come off the cart. 

The problem with the formula is that for some odd reason - as good as a O mind that he is - he can't draft & develop a QB or a stud WR.  I think his ego comes into play here too.  He feels that he shouldn't have to develop these players - that they are men and they should take care of their own development.  But these guys need some serious tutoring in the speed & schemes at the NFL level, as well as lessons in maturity, that Shanahan doesn't feel that he has to give them.

Then you add his attitude towards D-linemen - when they become successful & want more money he just casts them off because he is convinced that he can just draft another young stud or grab a vet off the junk pile (he did it with both Berry & Hayward, who they could really use) to fill in for these guys.  And like he can't find a WR that develops into a #1 WR type in 10 years of trying, he can't find draft a CB and develop him either.  He doesn't help the D backfield at all by constantly casting away premier pass rushers, putting mediocre or worse D-linemen out there and forcing the DBs to cover for extended periods.

What we end up with in Shanahan's formula are teams that are repeatedly mediocre.  They are .500 teams that every other year manage to win a couple of more games than they lose, sneak into the playoffs as a wildcard, and then get massacred in the first round of the playoffs by legitimate playoff teams.

Shanahan's ego has convinced him that he can develop a championship team with this formula, and he refuses to look at the results of the past 6 years of evidence of his formula's failure.  He refuses to admit that he could possibly be a crappy drafter, so we get year after year of kids coming in that can't possibly succeed at the NFL level.  And this year's draft is proof positive of that.  3 CBs with significant warts & Clarett with his first 4 picks?  That's freakin' terrible.  So he brings in the CLE D-line, Dayne, & Terrell and figures that he can compete for a Superbowl yet again with this bunch of miscreants.

And the real problem is that his RB mojo might be wearing off.  His last two "stud" RBs that he got out of the draft - Griffin & Bell - appear instead to be flops, 3rd down RBs at the very best.  Picking up Dayne may save his #### this year, getting DEN back to around .500 once Dayne gets a chance to run full time.

Shanahan is an awful drafter, and he is just as bad at evaluating veteran talent at all positions besides RB, LB, and occasionally OL.  He needs to recognize his weaknesses & give up control of the player movement.  But with his massive ego he can't - he just can't.  He has read his press clippings for way too long and is firmly convinced that he is indeed the "Mastermind".  In the meantime, the rest of the league is laughing at him - and he can't hear it.  And in the meantime, DEN will spend their time within a couple of games of .500, making the playoffs every once in a while & getting crushed in the first round by more talented teams.  We'll keep seeing mediocre to terrible QB play, WR play, DL play, & CB play & then the next year he'll pick up a bunch of losers in the draft, have to pay them good rookie $$$, realize after offseason camps that they can't play, pick up mediocre to poor vets off of other team's cuts because he is hard against the cap & can't afford impact FAs, tell all the DEN believers like you out there that this year he has a SB team, and it will start all over again next year.

It's the same old merry-go-round, year after year.  If that's what you want & you think is great to be a fan of - hey, more power to you.  But I see the man behind the curtain, I have ceased to be impressed & realize that the SB years were the fluke instead of the past 6 years being the fluke, and I'd prefer to see the team suffer some setbacks for 3-4 years if that's what it takes to make them a legit SB contender again.  This .500 +/- 2 games every year, year in & year out, with a gigantic dropping of trou in the first round of the playoffs every other year sucks.  And it can be attributed to 1 man, and 1 man only - and his massive ego.

Like it or don't like it, that's the way it is my friend.
Wow. Nice post. when's your book coming out?? ;)
I think it already did come out ;) (i.e. it's posted here)

Predicting LT's year is MUCH different than predicting Andersons. Anderson has a lot more variables to consider and until those issues are made clear you closer to guessing than making an informed decision.
Oh, and Daunte Culpepper didn't have any variables surrounding him during the preseason? I suppose the loss of his offensive coordinator, his all-pro center, and the best WR in the NFL don't count as variables. And that's why everyone was "predicting" how his season would turn out, rather than just guessing.And how about those people picking up Ricky Williams, "predicting" he'll win the starting job. Why aren't you getting on all of their cases for guessing? I mean, are there no variables involved there?

Even LT himself. LT caught a pass in every single game of his career, except for the last two. Don't you think that counts as a "variable"?

All of this "guess" crap is, quite simply, :bs: . Unless someone has a crystal ball, ALL NFL predictions are merely educated guesses.

And then he went and moved Dayne up to #2 on the depth chart. Yeah, real clear.
Shanahan never moved Dayne up to #2 on the depth chart. Look it up for yourself. See Ron Dayne? He's the third name under RB. That's because he's third on the depth chart.You see, we're speculating when we say that Dayne will be the one to take over if Anderson goes down. There has been no concrete evidence from the organization that that is the case. And yet, somehow, for SOME CRAZY REASON... if we look at the #3 RB and say he's going to be the #2, that's "PREDICTING", but if we look at the #1 RB and say that he's the #1, that's "GUESSING". Please explain that one to me. Pretty please.

"Everybody's going to get a chance to play some," Broncos coach Mike Shanahan said. "I can't tell you exactly what our plan is. We have to decide it ourselves."
Hey look, there's a quote of Shanahan saying he doesn't know how the carries will be distributed against Kansas City at a time where he doesn't know the extent of Bell's injury, he doesn't know how Mike Anderson reacted to his return to action, he doesn't know that they're about to resign Bell, and he hasn't spent any time gameplanning for next week yet.Oh yes, coaches should know during their postgame conference what, exactly, their gameplan will be for the next game.

Why does there have to be a guy?

Why is it not OK to look at the fog and say, "Damn, that's some fog"?

Why is it OK to look at the fog and say, "It sure is sunny around Mike Anderson"?

Why is it not OK to look at the available backs in Denver and say, "None are good enough to be the man"?

Why can't the 2005 Broncos be similar to the 2001 Broncos?

I'll go 30% to Anderson, 25% to Dayne, 3% to Bell, 2% to Johnson, and 40% to no man.
I can't for the life of me tell if this is supposed to be a joke or not. I think it's supposed to be a joke, but just in case you're serious... the reason this season isn't like 2001 is because Terrell Davis isn't trying to make a comeback from a career-ending injury.
If healthy Anderson will be the starter this week. I have no problem with that prediction.

When he says that Anderson will be a "stud" RB this year, that is where he is guessing. There are too many unknowns to predict that, health concerns and competittion for the job being the biggest two.

As I said before, if Shanny admits to not knowing what they are going to do, how can any assertion about what they will do be anything other than a guess?
Shanahan admitted that Anderson is the starter. The starter in Denver is traditionally a stud. I can see where it's just guesswork when I say that Anderson is a stud.Read the interview again. Shanahan says he doesn't know what his gameplan for KC will be. Hmmm... perhaps he doesn't know what he's doing against KC because the question was asked at the postgame conference after SD? Naaahhh... that'd make too much sense. So let's ignore the fact that Shanahan explicitly spells out the depth chart earlier in the interview and focus on the fact that he doesn't know how the carries will break down a full day before he even begins planning the game.

My God... only in Denver can a poster look at the depth chart, see who is #1, and say "That RB is #1!", and then get roundly yelled at for just "guessing". If anything, saying that the guy listed at #1 is #1 is simply stating the obvious. It's the people who say that the guy listed at #1 *isn't* #1 that are guessing.

If I looked at Green Bay's depth chart and said that Ahman Green was #1, would you say I was guessing there, too?

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OK SSOG...it is time to come clean. It is very obvious to me that you are in fact Mike Shanahan and your EGO has sadly evolved to the point that you spend countless hours posting on all the Fantasy Football Forums just to support your claim of being some sort of genius!Fess up! We know it is true! :D ;)

Ok, what are those opinions/guesses? All I see them do is argue with him about the merits of Anderson, while offering nothing except "the magic 8-Ball says try again later." That is weak. Anyone playing this game can tell it is cloudy. SSOG attempts to see through the fog, while others only walk around aimlessly in it. His point is that, to him, it is not cloudy. He believes Shanny when he says MA is the starter. Personally, I don't see why most don't.

Oh, and "Dayne/Bell will get his/her shot" does not qualify. Give me your guy and back it up. The limb awaits...
Why does there have to be a guy?Why is it not OK to look at the fog and say, "Damn, that's some fog"?

Why is it OK to look at the fog and say, "It sure is sunny around Mike Anderson"?

Why is it not OK to look at the available backs in Denver and say, "None are good enough to be the man"?

Why can't the 2005 Broncos be similar to the 2001 Broncos?

I'll go 30% to Anderson, 25% to Dayne, 3% to Bell, 2% to Johnson, and 40% to no man.
This is a metaphor, right? That's awesome, 'cause you can't tackle fog.
So, what have we learned?Ashely Lelie is THE deep threat in the NFL and Mike Anderson is the starter in Denver. :popcorn:

My God... only in Denver can a poster look at the depth chart, see who is #1, and say "That RB is #1!", and then get roundly yelled at for just "guessing". If anything, saying that the guy listed at #1 is #1 is simply stating the obvious. It's the people who say that the guy listed at #1 *isn't* #1 that are guessing.

If I looked at Green Bay's depth chart and said that Ahman Green was #1, would you say I was guessing there, too?
Again, I am not saying you are guessing when you say that Mike Anderson is the starter in week 3. You are guessing when you proclaim that he will be a stud RB this year. Yes, history shows that the starter of the majority of the games in Denver is a stud RB. There are too many variables and uncertainties to declare that Anderson will be the starter for the majority of the games in Denver and in the two games he has played in he has yet to put up good numbers or score a TD.Stating he is number one this week is obvious. Stating he is a stud RB this year is wild speculation. Rely on the past all you want, but there are too many issues in the present to assume that history will repeat itself. Injury and compettition being the 2 major ones.

Jeff Legwold, of the Rocky Mountain News, reports Denver Broncos RB Mike Anderson (ribs) practiced again Thursday, Sept. 22, and is expected to start during Week 3.


COVERING HIMSELF: Running back Mike Anderson can't wait to ditch the flak jacket he has been wearing to protect his injured rib cage.

The device, he believes, contributed to his first-quarter fumble against the Chargers because he had grown accustomed to tucking the ball close to his body and not having a barrier preventing that.

"I don't plan on wearing it (Monday)," Anderson said, though he quickly changed his mind. "No, I take it back. I'm wearing it. But I prefer not to. I don't want to get set back any longer or have it hinder me longer than it already has."

Anderson, who can breathe normally but still has issues with contact on the injured area, hoped to be cleared to ditch the extra padding by the Oct. 2 game in Jacksonville.

"I can't wait until that day," he said.

My God... only in Denver can a poster look at the depth chart, see who is #1, and say "That RB is #1!", and then get roundly yelled at for just "guessing". If anything, saying that the guy listed at #1 is #1 is simply stating the obvious. It's the people who say that the guy listed at #1 *isn't* #1 that are guessing.

If I looked at Green Bay's depth chart and said that Ahman Green was #1, would you say I was guessing there, too?
Again, I am not saying you are guessing when you say that Mike Anderson is the starter in week 3. You are guessing when you proclaim that he will be a stud RB this year. Yes, history shows that the starter of the majority of the games in Denver is a stud RB. There are too many variables and uncertainties to declare that Anderson will be the starter for the majority of the games in Denver and in the two games he has played in he has yet to put up good numbers or score a TD.Stating he is number one this week is obvious. Stating he is a stud RB this year is wild speculation. Rely on the past all you want, but there are too many issues in the present to assume that history will repeat itself. Injury and compettition being the 2 major ones.
Okay... I'm predicting that the guy who is #1 on the depth chart will remain the starter all season, then, barring catastrophic injury. I still don't see how this qualifies as "guessing".You all talk about how Dayne (the #3 on the depth chart) will be Anderson's backup when he goes down (in other words, that he's really the #2), and that's somehow a "prediction". You all predict that Dayne (the #3 on the depth chart) will be the #1 at some point during the season, and again, that's a "prediction". Meanwhile, I say that Mike Anderson, who is currently #1, will remain #1, and that's just a guess? That's less supported by the facts than all of this stuff that you're touting? Give me a break.

If I pointed you to a team's depth chart, and I said "predict who will finish the season #1", who would you predict? The guy first on the depth chart, or the guy third on the depth chart? Who do you think is more likely to finish the season as a starter?

The only situation where I think it's "predicting" to say that the #2 will become the #1 is Chicago, and that's because they drafted a guy in the top 5, and he would already be the #1 if he hadn't held out of camp.

Okay... I'm predicting that the guy who is #1 on the depth chart will remain the starter all season, then, barring catastrophic injury. I still don't see how this qualifies as "guessing".
On most teams I would agree with you. I think that you are ignoring a number of factors involving the Denver situation.
You all talk about how Dayne (the #3 on the depth chart) will be Anderson's backup when he goes down (in other words, that he's really the #2), and that's somehow a "prediction".
The GM said it. The Head Coach said it. We are just pointing it out to you.
You all predict that Dayne (the #3 on the depth chart) will be the #1 at some point during the season, and again, that's a "prediction". Meanwhile, I say that Mike Anderson, who is currently #1, will remain #1, and that's just a guess? That's less supported by the facts than all of this stuff that you're touting? Give me a break.
Don't go putting words into my mouth. I never said Dayne will be #1. I only said that there is enough of a chance given the current situation that calling Anderson a Stud is premature.
If I pointed you to a team's depth chart, and I said "predict who will finish the season #1", who would you predict? The guy first on the depth chart, or the guy third on the depth chart? Who do you think is more likely to finish the season as a starter?
For some teams that is easy. In SD, it is clear who the starter will be week 14 assuming he does not get injured. There is no one else on the team close to LT's talent.For some teams it isn't so easy. Ronnie Brown is the #1RB right now. Who will it be week 14? Holmes is the #1 right now, who will it be week 14? Some situations are much clearer than others, Denver is a team where this year you can not assume the guy starting this week will be the starter down the road. He is banged up and there are backs behind him of comprable talent just waiting for a shot. I am not saying Dayne is the man. I am saying that if you think you know who the man in Denver is and who will remain the man all season long you are ignoring the facts presented to you.
Been reading this thread from the beginning. Sorry I haven't thrown my :2cents: in yet, SSOG. Anyway, I don't see why everyone is jumping down SSOG's throat for having an opinion/prediction/whatever about how the Denver backfield will sort itself out. Don't like it, fine. State your opinion / prediction clearly and concisely. Then in 14 weeks we'll take a look back and see who was more "correct."For me, I'm on Mike's side. Finally got to watch the GOTW replay of the Broncs and Chargers. Thought Mike looked fantastic all the way late into the 3rd quarter. Which is about the time I'd expect him to slow down, or start really feeling the effects of the torn/strain cartiledge. Also, thought Dayne looked very pedestrian. Ran hard, but looked about the same to me. Does a good job of getting low, hitting holes hard (they were HUGE on his first few runs), but he just doesn't have the leg drive that you'd want when running inside. His legs just look to lock up at first "high" contact, he doesn't even look to be trying to push/gut out a few more yards. That won't make him a starter...ever.Everyone makes a huge deal out of 4th and 1. You guys realize that the 4th and 1 was there because Dayne could NOT get 2 yards on the 3rd and 2 off left tackle run right before that...right??*hears crickets chirping* Yeah, I thought so.

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Been reading this thread from the beginning. Sorry I haven't thrown my :2cents: in yet, SSOG. Anyway, I don't see why everyone is jumping down SSOG's throat for having an opinion/prediction/whatever about how the Denver backfield will sort itself out. Don't like it, fine. State your opinion / prediction clearly and concisely. Then in 14 weeks we'll take a look back and see who was more "correct."
I think the manner in which he presents himself invites opposing opinions.Also, he said that Ashley Leile is the biggest deep threat in the NFL. I know he was citing someone else but you can't bring that kinda stuff around here and expect not to hear about it.
On most teams I would agree with you. I think that you are ignoring a number of factors involving the Denver situation.
What factors am I ignoring? Mike Shanahan has called the guy the starter, and given him the starter's workload of carries. Shanny obviously still trusts him (3rd-and-2 call). Did Dayne outperform him for maybe 3 minutes at the end of the game? Yes. Did Anderson outperform Dayne for the 8 weeks leading up to those 3 minutes? By a large margin. Do I think those 3 minutes outweigh those 8 weeks? Are you CRAZY?Again, Anderson is listed at #1. His coach has endorsed him at #1. His coach has yet to say a negative thing about his play as #1. Why am I "guessing" when I say that he's going to remain #1?

The GM said it. The Head Coach said it. We are just pointing it out to you.
Actually, no, the GM never said it. He said you'd see both Dayne and Bell if Anderson went down, and said that Dayne was potentially the type of back that could wear a defense down with 20 carries, which they liked. And right before he said any of this, HE SAID MIKE ANDERSON WAS THE #1 GUY. So you're high on Dayne because Sundquist likes him, and low on Anderson despite the fact that Sundquist likes him more?And Mike Shanahan said it? Please, please find this quote for me. All I see is this:

Shanahan said Anderson remains the starter heading into the game against the Kansas City Chiefs at Invesco Field at Mile High on Monday night.

He also seemed to endorse Bell as the primary backup, if his left ankle heals quickly.
I see where Shanahan said Anderson was #1. I see where Shanahan said Bell was #2. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. But thanks for "pointing it out" to me.
Don't go putting words into my mouth. I never said Dayne will be #1. I only said that there is enough of a chance given the current situation that calling Anderson a Stud is premature.
And there's enough of a chance that Martin gets injured that calling him a top 20 back is premature. And there's enough of a chance of Johnson getting more carries that calling Holmes a stud is premature. Welcome to the world of predicting. The only time that it's NOT premature to predict who the top 10 backs for the season will be is around week 17. I don't see you getting on anyone else's case for making predictions, though. Or, as you call them, "guesses".
j3r3m3y]For some teams that is easy. In SD, it is clear who the starter will be week 14 assuming he does not get injured. There is no one else on the team close to LT's talent.

For some teams it isn't so easy. Ronnie Brown is the #1RB right now. Who will it be week 14? Holmes is the #1 right now, who will it be week 14?

Some situations are much clearer than others, Denver is a team where this year you can not assume the guy starting this week will be the starter down the road. He is banged up and there are backs behind him of comprable talent just waiting for a shot.

I am not saying Dayne is the man. I am saying that if you think you know who the man in Denver is and who will remain the man all season long you are ignoring the facts presented to you.
Anderson can lose his job with a season ending injury. I recognize that risk, yes. That is the same risk that faces every single starting RB in the entire NFL. As to losing it to a guy who is just as talented behind him... Mike Anderson has been #1 on the depth chart since last January. There have been no blips on the radar. He has never been passed. Bell and Dayne had 8 weeks to try to outplay him in the offseason, training camps, and preseason... and the result? Gary Kubiak comes out and says that Mike Anderson had the best TC/Preseason he has ever seen any player have, and Kubiak has coached Elway, Davis, Young, Rice, etc., etc., etc. Mike Shanahan and Ted Sundquist have never once wavered in their support of Anderson as the #1 back. Mike Anderson is banged up, yes, but he was even MORE banged up last week, and he still got 15 carries. And every week he's a little bit less banged up.Again, I just don't understand why it's such a stretch of the imagination to assume that the guy who is #1 on the depth chart EARNED that position through 8 solid weeks of spectacular play, and won't LOSE that position based on 3 minutes of solid play by his backup. Why do you assume that Dayne will outperform Anderson for the rest of the year? He hasn't yet.

Been reading this thread from the beginning.  Sorry I haven't thrown my :2cents: in yet, SSOG.  Anyway, I don't see why everyone is jumping down SSOG's throat for having an opinion/prediction/whatever about how the Denver backfield will sort itself out.  Don't like it, fine.  State your opinion / prediction clearly and concisely.  Then in 14 weeks we'll take a look back and see who was more "correct."

For me, I'm on Mike's side.  Finally got to watch the GOTW replay of the Broncs and Chargers.  Thought Mike looked fantastic all the way late into the 3rd quarter.  Which is about the time I'd expect him to slow down, or start really feeling the effects of the torn/strain cartiledge.  Also, thought Dayne looked very pedestrian. Ran hard, but looked about the same to me.  Does a good job of getting low, hitting holes hard (they were HUGE on his first few runs), but he just doesn't have the leg drive that you'd want when running inside.  His legs just look to lock up at first "high" contact, he doesn't even look to be trying to push/gut out a few more yards.  That won't make him a starter...ever.

Everyone makes a huge deal out of 4th and 1.  You guys realize that the 4th and 1 was there because Dayne could NOT get 2 yards on the 3rd and 2 off left tackle run right before that...right??

*hears crickets chirping*  Yeah, I thought so.
Those 2 cents aren't worth very much if you think Dayne looked very pedestrian. He averaged 5.5 YPC. If Dayne was pedestrian, how would you describe Anderson? (who managed just 5 more yards with almost twice the carries).Edited to add, do I read this correctly, Mike looked "fantastic all the way late into the 3rd quarter" ?? I guess by fantastic you mean 3.2YPC & a Fumble with no scores.

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SSOG, we are now just repeating things we have already said.I will leave the thread with this:A) His injury risk is not equal to any other RB. He is already hurt. The nature of his injury makes him much more likely to be replaced due to injury.B) Even when he is the starter Bell will come in if at all able as a change of pace back. Bell does not fill the role that Anderson does. Dayne does. This is why Dayne is the backup to Anderson even though he is currently listed as the #3. I believe you understand this fully and are being willfully obtuse because you feel it detracts from your "prediction".C) Here is my prediction: Anderson does not finish the year in the top 5 for RB's which is my completely arbitrary qualifier for being a "stud".For the sake of clarity top 5 in fantasy points using the following scoring method:1 point per 20 yards rushing.1 point per 20 recieving.6 points per TD.-1 per fumble.Sig bet?

Those 2 cents aren't worth very much if you think Dayne looked very pedestrian. He averaged 5.5 YPC. If Dayne was pedestrian, how would you describe Anderson? (who managed just 5 more yards with almost twice the carries).

Edited to add, do I read this correctly, Mike looked "fantastic all the way late into the 3rd quarter" ?? I guess by fantastic you mean 3.2YPC & a Fumble with no scores.
You're joking right? Do you think that yards per carry absolutely always = lookign good? Man, I guess someone like Sproles must be the 2nd coming of Barry Sanders! Damn, he's got 12.0 YPC!! GET HIM NOW!!!You use your stats as the be all end all...me, I'll watch football and make my decision.

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SSOG, we are now just repeating things we have already said.

I will leave the thread with this:

A) His injury risk is not equal to any other RB. He is already hurt. The nature of his injury makes him much more likely to be replaced due to injury.
How? If he were likely to be replaced because of his injury, wouldn't he have been replaced when it was at its worst? Why would they replace him after he has already started recovering?
B) Even when he is the starter Bell will come in if at all able as a change of pace back. Bell does not fill the role that Anderson does. Dayne does. This is why Dayne is the backup to Anderson even though he is currently listed as the #3. I believe you understand this fully and are being willfully obtuse because you feel it detracts from your "prediction".
Are you kidding? I was one of the guys touting Dayne as the guy to become "The Guy" if Anderson got hurt, way back in August. I agree that I *believe* he'll be the main ballcarrier of Anderson goes down. I'm just saying that it's silly that that classifies as a "prediction", while saying the #1 is going to remain the #1 classifies as a "guess". There's a lot more support for the second viewpoint than the first.
C) Here is my prediction: Anderson does not finish the year in the top 5 for RB's which is my completely arbitrary qualifier for being a "stud".

For the sake of clarity top 5 in fantasy points using the following scoring method:

1 point per 20 yards rushing.

1 point per 20 recieving.

6 points per TD.

-1 per fumble.

Sig bet?
No, no sig bet. I'll sig bet you that he's top 10 in PPG from here on out for as long as he's a starter, though. That's my completely arbitrary qualifier for being a "stud". In my mind, first round picks are all "studs", so saying only the top 5 RBs are "studs" is silly.You game? Sig bet that says Mike Anderson, from week 3 until he suffers an injury that forces him from the starting lineup, will be top 10 in PPG. And if he stays healthy but gets passed up by Dayne, I automatically lose. Up for it?

No, no sig bet. I'll sig bet you that he's top 10 in PPG from here on out for as long as he's a starter, though. That's my completely arbitrary qualifier for being a "stud". In my mind, first round picks are all "studs", so saying only the top 5 RBs are "studs" is silly.You game? Sig bet that says Mike Anderson, from week 3 until he suffers an injury that forces him from the starting lineup, will be top 10 in PPG. And if he stays healthy but gets passed up by Dayne, I automatically lose. Up for it?
Sure thing. As soon as he starts a game, but does not finish in the top 10 in average ppg from week 3 on you lose.
No, no sig bet. I'll sig bet you that he's top 10 in PPG from here on out for as long as he's a starter, though. That's my completely arbitrary qualifier for being a "stud". In my mind, first round picks are all "studs", so saying only the top 5 RBs are "studs" is silly.

You game? Sig bet that says Mike Anderson, from week 3 until he suffers an injury that forces him from the starting lineup, will be top 10 in PPG. And if he stays healthy but gets passed up by Dayne, I automatically lose. Up for it?
Sure thing. As soon as he starts a game, but does not finish in the top 10 in average ppg from week 3 on you lose.
What? What are you talking about? Was Peyton Manning not top 10 in points per game last season because he didn't finish in the top 10 on week 17?I didn't say that he would be a top 10 scorer every single week. If I was saying he'd be top 10 every week, why on earth would I have said "points per game"? Points per game means TOTAL POINTS divided by TOTAL GAMES. So he'll be top 10 in PPG over the span starting this week and ending either at the end of the season, or when he loses his starting job due to injury.

Do you need me to spell this out for you in crayon?

Alright, here is the sig bet. First, we establish the time frame. The time frame BEGINS this week, and ENDS either at the end of the season, or when Mike Anderson loses his starting job due to injury. At the end of the time frame, the sig bet is that Mike Anderson will be among the top 10 scorers at the RB position over that span. Or, in other words, there will not be 10 RBs who scored more points over the span beginning in week 3 and ending either in week 17, or when Anderson loses his job due to injury, whichever comes first.

Is this acceptable? You've certainly got the safer side of the sig bet, since predicting ANY player for a top 10 season is certainly a risky move. Are you satisfied with this sig bet, or are you going to try to find more loopholes in the language because you're nervous that you'll lose?

Oh, I'm also going to add the stipulation that if Anderson gets lost for the season due to injury in a game where he fails to get at least 10 carries, that game is NOT included in the time span. That way, if Anderson gets injured on the very first carry of a game, his PPG numbers aren't unnaturally killed (like they were against Miami). In addition, if Denver clinches a playoff spot early, and Shanahan doesn't play his starters in some late season games (as is his wont), then those games also don't count.

Is this agreement acceptable to all parties involved?

Edit: None of that wacky 1 point for 20 rushing/1 point for 20 receiving scoring, either. This is the Footballguys forums, so we're using standard footballguys scoring. Take it or leave it.

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