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Streaming or currently airing TV shows (AKA Netflix thread) (8 Viewers)

Shimmer Lake wasnt too bad. Some solid dark comedy worked into a murder mystery plot.
This movie had some good things going for it (acting and photography). But I mostly found it to be a Tarantino ripoff that was tonally uneven. The movie wasn't funny when it attempted humor, and the dramatic material was heavy-handed and out of place.

This movie had some good things going for it (acting and photography). But I mostly found it to be a Tarantino ripoff that was tonally uneven. The movie wasn't funny when it attempted humor, and the dramatic material was heavy-handed and out of place.
Agree about the tone. Don't see Tarantino there

El Floppo said:
I love BB, but I remember eye-rolling my way through some of it, with some crazy/ridiculous behaviors and action. I don't remember ever doing that with The Wire which I prefer- but yeah, it was a long time ago and I've forgotten most of it.

anyways... we started Shooter, the tv version of the marky-mark movie. yeah- typing that out... it's pretty much as good as what I just typed out.
That show did such a great job mixing comedy and drama, and going back and forth between the two effortlessly. That helps in suspending disbelief. But the only thing I can remember that was truly ridiculous was when they robbed the methylamine from the train. But even that episode was loaded with so much suspense that the unbelievable plot could be forgiven.

jdoggydogg said:
This movie had some good things going for it (acting and photography). But I mostly found it to be a Tarantino ripoff that was tonally uneven. The movie wasn't funny when it attempted humor, and the dramatic material was heavy-handed and out of place.
I'm not going to totally disagree, but its a fun little nexflix movie.  I'm a big Rob Corrdry fan, so I enjoyed his role.

That show did such a great job mixing comedy and drama, and going back and forth between the two effortlessly. That helps in suspending disbelief. But the only thing I can remember that was truly ridiculous was when they robbed the methylamine from the train. But even that episode was loaded with so much suspense that the unbelievable plot could be forgiven.
Magnets?  Science beeyotch?

The Wire and Sopranos will always have the 1 and 2 place in my heart since those two shows blazed the trail for what a non-network seasonal show based on the strength of its characters and storytelling could be.

Just groundbreaking.

Finished S2 of "Master of None" and liked it. Perhaps not as much as S1 but this certainly felt more ambitious. I give Aziz points simply for making a more complicated product this season instead of just doing more of the same. I would have liked more of certain ideas teased out rather than tacked on (ie Chef Jeff et al) but whatever. They did good work there for S2.

Are they available on Netflix?  I can't find either movie
Sorry, Gold is on Redbox and apparently Z isn't out yet. I watch on alternative innernets sights that typically, when a release is out in HD, signals it's out for mass distribution. Sorry

Sorry, Gold is on Redbox and apparently Z isn't out yet. I watch on alternative innernets sights that typically, when a release is out in HD, signals it's out for mass distribution. Sorry
Look at me...I'm too fancy for Netflix.

Watched the GLOW series, it was OK. The documentary was actually very good and I'd recommend it.

My father, Brother and I used to watch GLOW back in the late 80's so there was a nostalgic feel for me. I hadn't thought about those ladies in a long time, despite the turrible hair the spank bank was well stocked with GLOW ladies back in the day. So much 80's cheese. . . . .  :thumbup:

The Wire and Sopranos will always have the 1 and 2 place in my heart since those two shows blazed the trail for what a non-network seasonal show based on the strength of its characters and storytelling could be.

Just groundbreaking.
agree but add deadwood

started watching S2 of The Missing (might be on Starz)... already a notch below S1, which was quite good. this one is throwing some goofy stuff into the mixer (surrounded by ISIS!) and also is using a jumpy time-line narratively (that part is actually working pretty well).

did anybody watch Shooter? I think I've given up after 2 episodes.

If you liked Narcos, give El Chapo a try. 

I switched the language to English because I didn't feel like reading the subtitles. Good story line through the 5 episodes I've watched. 

"Masterminds" with Zach G, Kristin Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, and Owen Wilson. Directed by the same guy that did Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite. Remarkably unfunny considering the talent. Hess just can't direct a scene and resorts to the same style of storytelling found with NP. He's just a hack.

"Inside Llewyn Davis" by the Coen Brothers. Meh. It's a handsome film with good performances but I didn't give a damn about any of the story or characters really.

"Masterminds" with Zach G, Kristin Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, and Owen Wilson. Directed by the same guy that did Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite. Remarkably unfunny considering the talent. Hess just can't direct a scene and resorts to the same style of storytelling found with NP. He's just a hack.

"Inside Llewyn Davis" by the Coen Brothers. Meh. It's a handsome film with good performances but I didn't give a damn about any of the story or characters really.
I did the Netflix download with Masterminds to watch on a flight and was pleasantly surprised.  I laughed out loud a few times and really enjoyed it.  Maybe I'm hacky. 

I did the Netflix download with Masterminds to watch on a flight and was pleasantly surprised.  I laughed out loud a few times and really enjoyed it.  Maybe I'm hacky. 
if you liked Napoleon Dynamite - of which there are many - then i can understand. i'm not one of those people.

"Masterminds" with Zach G, Kristin Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, and Owen Wilson. Directed by the same guy that did Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite. Remarkably unfunny considering the talent. Hess just can't direct a scene and resorts to the same style of storytelling found with NP. He's just a hack.

"Inside Llewyn Davis" by the Coen Brothers. Meh. It's a handsome film with good performances but I didn't give a damn about any of the story or characters really.
Since you don't like Masterminds, then definitely avoid Gentlemen Broncos. Hess is like a lesser Wes Anderson. Can we please just stop it with every single scene being so affected and obsessed over and just write an interesting story?

Llewn Davis is just about the worst Coen movie.

I just finished Master of None:
Question about the ending...

Does he get the girl? I think he does but they throw so many curveballs to make the viewer think that a sad ending is coming (Jeff being a perv, Rachel makes an appearance, Francesca about to leave with Pino). And the last bed shot only lasted about a second.

Also, I wonder if Chef Jeff isn't really the bad guy that people are making him out to be.

I finally finished the season and I would say that the answer is no, for some of the reasons that you alluded to.  I think it was either a cliffhanger for a story still in progress or just her bittersweet memory of an alternate reality (does that even make sense?) that she knows she wants but just can't have.

I also thought that the Chef Jeff storyline ended a little bit abruptly and the general writing of all of that was a little bit stilted, though Bobby Canavale was good and clearly one of the best actors on the show.
S1. I start at the beginning, I'm not an animal.

Look I don't need everything to be perfect all the time, but the acting in this thing is ####### dreadful.
Season 2 was absolutely better.  But if someone didn't like season 1 (which I'm not sure you can legitimately opine in this case having only watched 2 episodes), they probably wouldn't like season 2 that much.

I will stipulate the following about season 1 for sure: the acting of the main characters (Noel Wells aside) is not good.  The flow of the dialogue and writing in general is definitely stilted and could certainly be improved by a more seasoned screenwriter (though I thought Yang did a lot of that on on Parks & Rec. Ashame that Harris died before they really got everything done, as I would suspect that he would have had a bigger influence on some of the craft of writing.)

What I liked about season 1 was more the style, the underlying themes, the observations, and generally well-represented reflections of modern life and what it is like to be in society today (at least for people not already married and/or with lives that started on specific track early), in addition to the unabashed examination of a variety of viewpoints (from age, race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.)

I think that these themes are amplified in season 2, along with a lot of improvements on the cinematic quality and directorial expertise.  Also, improvements in the acting by default because of some different people getting a lot more of the screen time.  Though for sure the writing still has that stilted quality to it at times.  


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