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The Birther Conspiracy Thread (2 Viewers)

It wasn't stupid when they asked John McCain the same question.What is stupid is that it would take only 15 seconds to give permission to release the document. Now we are talking about in almost 3 years later. Seriously. Obama, and his cronies in the left wing media, are playing a political game with this and you blame the right wing? Look in the mirror. This should have been a non issue from the start.
Yes, it was stupid when they asked John McCain too. You're getting close to the truth here but not quite. You're right...it should have been a non-issue from the start, but a "game" has at least two participants. Problem with your framing here is the "conservatives" started the game and Obama played along. It's classic bait and switch only the conservatives baited AND switched themselves.
Hillary raised the issue first. No bait and switch.
Best thing about this is that is likely kills any hope of a Trump primary victory.

Him flailing about asking about school records reminded me of a pathetic Joe McCarthy insisting that communists were in the army.

I hate this issue. There are more important things to talk about. But this is become a hammer by the left to label the right wing as lunatics. We are dragged into threads like this kicking and screaming. I wish it would go away.
It will. I'm actually kind of surprised Obama did this now. It seems like it would have been more politically beneficial if he had released it closer to the primaries.On to the real issues (Pigford, Gunwalker, etc)
Only the power of trump could force obama to do this, muyabe this locks up the nomination for the donald!
Best thing about this is that is likely kills any hope of a Trump primary victory.Him flailing about asking about school records reminded me of a pathetic Joe McCarthy insisting that communists were in the army.
i disagreethe clintonsbeckrushmccainthe GOPnone of them could force the president to provide this. Donald is clearly more powerful than all of them. Obama fears him, he should win this walking away now
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Now that this is behind us
I've spotted some oddities in the document. The typewritten lines aren't parallel; they're jumping all over the place. The department of health numbers all curved in an arch, The “II” in his name is low, the year in his birth date is low, the 'm' in P.M. is off for whatever reason, the date in box 22 (AUG) slants at a diagonal. We either have the world’s worst typist in ’61, or something else. Even with old typewriters, having text appear evenly on the same horizontal line was easy enough.
Dear God :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I think this was an attempt at parody that failed because the author doesn't realize that most of his posts come across this way. It's like if Charlie Sheen tried to make fun of egotistical cocaine-fueled rants.
It wasn't stupid when they asked John McCain the same question.What is stupid is that it would take only 15 seconds to give permission to release the document. Now we are talking about in almost 3 years later. Seriously. Obama, and his cronies in the left wing media, are playing a political game with this and you blame the right wing? Look in the mirror. This should have been a non issue from the start.
Yes, it was stupid when they asked John McCain too. You're getting close to the truth here but not quite. You're right...it should have been a non-issue from the start, but a "game" has at least two participants. Problem with your framing here is the "conservatives" started the game and Obama played along. It's classic bait and switch only the conservatives baited AND switched themselves.
Hillary raised the issue first. No bait and switch.
She raised and dropped it. Birthers picked it up....call it what you want :shrug: to make yourself feel better.
When I heard that Obama was doing a presser on this, I said to my wife "someone read Drudge yesterday".

It does my heart good to see him running scared like this.

but bit but CNN told me that he couldn't release the long form eben if he wanted to
CNN got that wrong, or Obama pulled some strings not available to everybody else.
Hawaii authorities apparently made an exception for Obama:
...the White House decided to release copies of President Barack Obama’s “long form birth certificate,” in an attempt to quiet conspiracy theorists who believe the president was born elsewhere. The president had already released a version certified by the state of Hawaii, but because of the “volume of requests” for the birth certificate, the president asked the state to make an exception and release the original document.
more stuff here about communication between the White House and the Hawaii Dept. of Health
never mind the statute (posted earlier), the state directror of heatlth's statemnets and all of those internet postings of actual long form Hawaii birth certificates...
I hate this issue. There are more important things to talk about. But this has become a hammer by the left to label the right wing as lunatics. We are dragged into threads like this kicking and screaming. I wish it would go away.
And when Obama chooses not to talk about it, and deal with real issues, he's slammed. Nice work here.
Hillary raised the issue first.
You keep saying this. It is wrong.Hillary did not start it. Lunatics started it. They happened to be supporters of Hillary.
You are right, I don't know who or how it was raised.OTOH issues are raised by supporters all the time. Many times the candidates do not want to raise the issue directly so they order there supporters to do it. Who knows, but it wasn't the right wing who first raised the issue.
Hillary raised the issue first.
You keep saying this. It is wrong.Hillary did not start it. Lunatics started it. They happened to be supporters of Hillary.
You are right, I don't know who or how it was raised.OTOH issues are raised by supporters all the time. Many times the candidates do not want to raise the issue directly so they order there supporters to do it. Who knows, but it wasn't the right wing who first raised the issue.
But it WAS the right wing that took it this far. What distinction do you think you're making?
but bit but CNN told me that he couldn't release the long form eben if he wanted to
CNN got that wrong, or Obama pulled some strings not available to everybody else.
Obama had his lawyers argue that there was an exception to the rules to allow release of the document under these limited circumstances.
Why did Obama spend over $2 million in legal fees trying to get the long form released? Something is fishy here
but bit but CNN told me that he couldn't release the long form eben if he wanted to
CNN got that wrong, or Obama pulled some strings not available to everybody else.
Hawaii authorities apparently made an exception for Obama:
...the White House decided to release copies of President Barack Obama’s “long form birth certificate,” in an attempt to quiet conspiracy theorists who believe the president was born elsewhere. The president had already released a version certified by the state of Hawaii, but because of the “volume of requests” for the birth certificate, the president asked the state to make an exception and release the original document.
more stuff here about communication between the White House and the Hawaii Dept. of Health
never mind the statute (posted earlier), the state directror of heatlth's statemnets and all of those internet postings of actual long form Hawaii birth certificates...
Yeah, the claim of an "exception" to release the form is bizarre. Obama could have requested it and released it himself at any point. He simply chose not to until now. Only he knows the reasons for that. Could have been political calculation or just as likely could have been that he viewed the entire thing as ridiculous and beneath him. Odd to make that claim though when it's so easily disproven.
Oh the political games people play. The issue is an issue because the left wants it be. In a way that is exactly what I have been saying all along.
Are you under the impression that the World Net Daily is a leftist rag? Is Orly Taitz a Democrat?
WorldNetDaily is out to make a fast buck off of the most partisan folks it can find. I'm don't think they they even belive some of the stuff the publish

Submitted by jj1234 on Wed, 2011-04-27 10:22.This seems very suspicious to me. People still need to question the authenticity of this. Don't believe what Obama wants to spoon feed you to believe. The real question here is why is there no religous affiliation on the document? There is on any other birth certificate. The answer is because Obama's worst fear is that the American people know that he is in fact a Muslim. I don't trust this man at all. He is destroying this country and he is full of lies.Submitted by Pokey on Wed, 2011-04-27 10:39.Well obviously you are extremely unintelligent, so I'll try to keep this simple... Do you really think that a fetus and/or a day old infant is capable of having religious beliefs? That's like if Bush's certificate noted under medical conditions: Alcoholic. Please read a book (besides the Bible).Submitted by jj1234 on Wed, 2011-04-27 11:04.Let me clarify what I meant to say. It states the mother's religous affiliation. If Obama's mother was muslim than Obama was raised Muslim. I am not ignorant. I graduated from a very prestigious private university.
I can't wait for a humble and sincere apology from Donald Trump, Michelle Bachman, Fox News, and the entire tea party organization.

Like everything else, there is a political motivation in the release. My thinking is that MAYBE the Obama machine DOES want Trump to have something to hang his hat on. There is basically no way on earth Donald Trump can emerge from a general election as the victor. He'll get killed in the debates and his own financial record is AWFUL. Conversely, the longer the GOP doesn't have a front-runner, the greater the possibility that a true fiscal-conservative type can emerge from nowhere and give Obama a real challenge, a challenge he may not be able to rise up to.

Still a lot of time til the primaries, but in 2008 the GOP was EAGER for Hillary to win the nomination because they thought she'd be an easier opponent because she was so divisive. Could be a bit of the same from the Obama group here regarding Donald...

I may have been too hasty in eulogizing this thing. At the very least, today is certainly the best "series finale" in the history of comedy.
Series finale? Nay, this is the moment when Gob finds those contracts signed by Saddam Hussein. Fasten your seat belts, 'cause this is getting kicked up to a level you never knew existed.
Like everything else, there is a political motivation in the release. My thinking is that MAYBE the Obama machine DOES want Trump to have something to hang his hat on. There is basically no way on earth Donald Trump can emerge from a general election as the victor. He'll get killed in the debates and his own financial record is AWFUL. Conversely, the longer the GOP doesn't have a front-runner, the greater the possibility that a true fiscal-conservative type can emerge from nowhere and give Obama a real challenge, a challenge he may not be able to rise up to. Still a lot of time til the primaries, but in 2008 the GOP was EAGER for Hillary to win the nomination because they thought she'd be an easier opponent because she was so divisive. Could be a bit of the same from the Obama group here regarding Donald...
This is good news for Republicans. Because everything is always good news for Republicans.
Daily Kos is seeing this as a canny move by Team Obama:


Wed Apr 27, 2011 at 09:10 AM PDT.

Releasing birth certificate is a good move

by Kos

Sure, it might seem like "giving in" to the enemy -- responding to right-wing hysteria and releasing the long-form birth certificate. But here's why the move is a canny one:

1. It keeps the issue in the news. Even more so, it gives it that much more visibility. And let's face it, this is a huge loser for the GOP. What better way to show how out-of-touch and irrational Republicans are, than to rub this in their face.

2. The media has already treated the birthers harshly, equating them with the truthers (and deservedly so). But while the truthers never got buy in from any progressive of note, the birthers have been fully embraced by top conservative leaders. Heck, Donald Trump has based his presidential flirtations entirely on birtherism. So if the media was harsh to the birthers before today, how do you think they'll react when the headlines are: Trump Adviser: Even If Long-Form Birth Certificate Is Genuine, It Doesn’t Prove Anything.

3. The narrative now is how Republicans deal with this outburst of crazy. It's the kind of GOP vs GOP story we rarely get. Enjoy it.

4. The entire birther movement used to revolve around the single question: "Why won't Obama release his long-form birth certificate". While their claims were idiotic, that demand had a smidgeon of reasonableness to it. Now that Obama has verified the obvious, the birthers have lost all semblance of rationality. At this point, those who cling to their Kenyan theories are beyond redemption. (As we all knew they were.)

Look, there's a reason why key Republican strategists are trying to shut this thing down.

Top Republicans who see the “birther” movement as a potential harm to their party are again disavowing the disproven conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born overseas and is ineligible to be president.
The head of the RNC has been waging a losing battle for his party's sanity:

The chairman of the Republican National Committee said Tuesday President Obama was born in the U.S., with Reince Priebus' comment coming as questions about Obama's birthplace face a revival, fueled lately in part by Donald Trump, who is mulling a 2012 GOP presidential bid
.Karl Rove, among others has minced no words about it:

Former Bush adviser Karl Rove is calling on GOP politicians to avoid falling into the “birther” movement trap and to stop fueling rumors that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

“Within our party, we’ve got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight,” Rove said Wednesday night on Fox News.
Rove spun his own fantastic conspiracy theory -- that the White House was behind the birther rumors. That was patently ridiculous at the time, but no longer. The White House has smartly thrown kerosene on the fire. Rove is right, the issue is impossible for the media to cover without making Republicans look insane. So the more Team Obama can focus attention on the fact that just a third of Republicans believe Obama is a U.S. citizen, the better for Team Blue.

So today's move was nothing short of brilliant.
Hillary raised the issue first. No bait and switch.
It was a Hillary supporter, not Hillary. And they quickly dropped the issue once the bithers took the bait.
Oh the political games people play. The issue is an issue because the left wants it be. In a way that is exactly what I have been saying all along.
two thirds of Republicans have doubts about Obama's legitimacy. Stop. Just stop.
I can't wait for a humble and sincere apology from Donald Trump, Michelle Bachman, Fox News, and the entire tea party organization.
Good luck with that. Trump is already shticking it up as "I was the only one who finally made him release the BC."Now he's demanding to see Obama's school record because he heard that he was a poor student.

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