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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (3 Viewers)

Ditkaless Wonders said:
I'm going with tortoise, not turtle.
See the Turtle of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the Earth. His thought is slow, but always kind. He holds us all within his mind. On his back all vows are made; he sees the truth but mayn't aid. He loves the land and loves the sea, and even loves a child like me.

The election wasn't "hacked". 
Oh, well then, I guess we should just drop any inquiry into it.  I mean, why care if our elections are not real?  No big deal.

Just how do you "know" the election was not hacked? 
It truly is amazing to see such a high level of certainty (and confidence in our government) from people who usually portray themselves as being skeptical of the government.

Abita Andygator®, a creature of the swamp, is a unique, high-gravity brew made with pilsner malt, German lager yeast, and German Perle hops. Unlike other high-gravity brews, Andygator® is fermented to a dry finish with a slightly sweet flavor and subtle fruit aroma.

Sounds pretty good.
It's very tasty.  And 8% alcohol.

Everyone that supports and enables Trump is a traitor.  No other way to put it. 

Don't take my word for it though.

Russia’s New Missiles Are Aimed at the U.S.
So, on the off chance that we might have chosen to do something destabilizing and provocative which would have forced them to respond, they went ahead and did something destabilizing and provocative which might force us to respond.  I seem to remember this play from the '60's and '70's. I would prefer that the script be retired, permanently.  Nobody enjoyed that show, except Northrup Gruman, Lockheed, etc.

So we have at least 3 people that have made a huge sweeping generalization that Trump supporters are traitors but TDS is not allowed here.
Plenty of messageboards if you don't like this one. Can we please quit the constant whining? Add something to the discussion or simply don't post. The constant crying is annoying. Thanks.

You think all beers with high alcohol taste sweet?  Purple Haze might be the sweetest beer I've ever tasted and it's only 4%  Albita is horrible.
Certainly not.  I just think that anyone who thinks all Abita beers are way too sweet should refrain from impairing his cognitive function.

Yep, I reported Sheriff Bart as soon as I saw the disgusting claim.  Not shocking that Johnnymac joined in.  So far no response from the Mods.  
Oh a ban would absolutely crush me. :lmao: JFC what a bunch snowflakes.  I call them like I see them.  You dont like it, I dont give a ####.

Instead, state voter rolls and the private technology firms responsible for manufacturing and administering election-related software and hardware, such as voter registration software and electronic polling stations, were "hacked."
Which ones?  Is there any evidence that it affected the vote tallies, or affected peoples' ability to participate in the election?  

Several states rejected DHS's claims about the vulnerabilities of their systems.  DHS undersecretary Christopher Krebs walked back much of the alarmism about the "21 states" claim.  He said:

Virtually every major outlet reported claims in September that Russian-government-backed hackers targeted the voting systems of 21 states. But last month Christopher Krebs, a senior cyber-security official at the Department of Homeland Security, informed a House panel that “the majority of the activity was simple scanning…Scanning is a regular activity across the Web. I would not characterize that as an attack.” He added: “When we talk about that scanning, it was not also necessarily an election system that was scanned.”

Krebs’s testimony did not ring out among the media that had fervently reported the scanning as a hacking attack, and continue to do so as part of Russiagate’s “virtually uncontested truths.” The actual substance of the “21 states” claim went largely underreported, outside C-SPAN and the marginal Russian website that took notice.

It was US officials who raised fears of the Vermont electrical utility hack, which, along with seemingly hundreds of other TrumpRussia stories, turned out to be completely false and blown way out of proportion.  People really need to stop falling for the security state fear campaigns.  

Which ones?  Is there any evidence that it affected the vote tallies, or affected peoples' ability to participate in the election?  

Several states rejected DHS's claims about the vulnerabilities of their systems.  DHS undersecretary Christopher Krebs walked back much of the alarmism about the "21 states" claim.  He said:

Virtually every major outlet reported claims in September that Russian-government-backed hackers targeted the voting systems of 21 states. But last month Christopher Krebs, a senior cyber-security official at the Department of Homeland Security, informed a House panel that “the majority of the activity was simple scanning…Scanning is a regular activity across the Web. I would not characterize that as an attack.” He added: “When we talk about that scanning, it was not also necessarily an election system that was scanned.”

Krebs’s testimony did not ring out among the media that had fervently reported the scanning as a hacking attack, and continue to do so as part of Russiagate’s “virtually uncontested truths.” The actual substance of the “21 states” claim went largely underreported, outside C-SPAN and the marginal Russian website that took notice.

It was US officials who raised fears of the Vermont electrical utility hack, which, along with seemingly hundreds of other TrumpRussia stories, turned out to be completely false and blown way out of proportion.  People really need to stop falling for the security state fear campaigns.  
You're still reading from 2017.  

And if you'd like to see what exactly Mueller said, he issued a report.

So we have at least 3 people that have made a huge sweeping generalization that Trump supporters are traitors but TDS is not allowed here.
Tbqh or fair, I think it's fine to argue that people are deranged or insane. Technically I think it's meant to anger people and elicit an emotional response, but if it's not it should be allowed. The point being that the person who is deranged cannot make a coherent argument. They will make wild emotional points, invent facts, and fail to point to anything. Meanwhile coherent, clear thinking folk will point to factual findings, government publications, details, traditional reporting. So judging by how people act online in this way is a good means for considering if the claim is made in good faith.

About the traitor accusation: a federal judge used that term. Yes he later curbed it as legal finding after some prodding from Mueller's staff but that was a finding from a judge on the face of things about Trump's own proposed VP pick, who was his chief foreign policy advisor, and who indeed became White House National Security advisor, Michael Flynn. - And then there is a president who invited the help of a foreign adversary, who got it, celebrated it, promoted it, then tried to tell the American people it had not happened, and even indeed per a recent report certainly seems to have repeatedly tried to cover it up. - I'd agree with the judge in the Flynn case that it's not literally treason, true. But it is something.

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Tbqh or fair, I think it's fine to argue that people are deranged or insane. Technically I think it's meant to anger people and elicit an emotional response, but it's not it should be allowed. The point being that the person who is deranged make a coherent argument. They will make wild emotional points, invent facts, and fail to point to anything. Meanwhile coherent, clear thinking folk will point to factual findings, government publications, details, traditional reporting.

About the traitor accusation: a federal judge used. Yes he later curbed it as legal finding after some prodding from Mueller's staff but that was a finding from a judge on the face of things about Trump's own proposed VP pick, who was his chief foreign policy advisor, and who indeed became White House National Security advisor, Michael Flynn. - And then there is a president who invited the help of a foreign adversary, who got it, celebrated it, promoted it, then tried to tell the American people it had not happened, and even indeed per a recent report certainly seems to have repeatedly tried to cover it up. - I'd agree with the judge in the Flynn case that it's not literally treason, true. But it is something.
So you think it is ok to say Trump supporters are traitors?

So you think it is ok to say Trump supporters are traitors?
I don't think it's really appropriate, but then I don't think the Trump supporters really know the facts when you drill down on it.

And I think you should be able to argue if someone is deranged. But if the point is to upset them so the argument ends, no. Same goes for the people slinging the T-word around.

Now Trump, or Flynn or Manafort & Co., were his or their actions traitorous? I think that's fair game. Frankly anything said by a federal judge should be fair game.

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Fair game for what? Saying Trump supporters are traitors?
Please read what I said. No frankly I don't think it's appropriate, because it's probably designed (like TDS) to make people upset. I don't think Joe should have to go around playing whackamole on his Friday afternoon to multiple grown men either.

I think it's fair game to discuss whether the principles in the Mueller report are traitorous though. At that point it's a matter of self-examination.

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Is this where I post economic news?  MAGA!!!
Yes it is and then you can add that despite a very strong economy that President Trump has become the first President in history that could not in 2 1/2 years  eclipse a 45-50% approval rating. Tis what happens when you have an inept leader in terms foreign policy, immigration, coupled with complete indecency  and dishonesty second to no other President in our history. Yes by all means bring up that subject.

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To clarify do you mean that, in your opinion, no vote was changed as a result of the Russian hacking, or that not enough votes were changed to materially impact the ultimate result?  
I find it hard to believe any votes were changed but even if so, not enough to materially impact the ultimate result.

I agree with you and so does Trump that we need to keep foreign interference out of future elections.

So you are keeping the door open that it's ok to call Trump supporters traitors.
I don't think that is appropriate, for what it is worth.  I also have no idea whether Trump is a traitor or not.  The Mueller report didn't look into a lot of stuff that I think gets to the heart of the Trump/Russia relationship.

Based on the effort Trump put in to derail and obstruct the investigation, I still believe he has a lot to hide and that he (or Trump Co.) is beholden to Russian interests.  No one does the things Trump did to obstruct the investigation if they do not have something to hide. 

Well, actually, maybe Trump.  He lies and cheats with such regularity that maybe he just couldn't help himself.

Fair game for what? Saying Trump supporters are traitors?
Please read what I said. No frankly I don't think it's appropriate, because it's probably designed (like TDS) to make people upset. I don't think Joe should have to go around playing whackamole on his Friday afternoon to multiple grown men either.

I think it's fair game to discuss whether the principles in the Mueller report are traitorous though. At that point it's a matter of self-examination.

"Traitor" has basis in fact. ("X did Y, Y is a violation of law, therefore X is a traitor")

"Derangement" has no basis in fact.

It would be one thing if the people crying "Derangement" actually laid out a fact-based argument to support their cries. But they never have.

I find it hard to believe any votes were changed but even if so, not enough to materially impact the ultimate result.

I agree with you and so does Trump that we need to keep foreign interference out of future elections.
Thanks.  I find it hard to believe that votes weren't changed as a result of the Russian efforts.  there are a lot of people that are really gullible and easily persuaded.  But I agree with you that there is no evidence at all that enough were changed to affect the outcome.

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I find it hard to believe any votes were changed but even if so, not enough to materially impact the ultimate result.

I agree with you and so does Trump that we need to keep foreign interference out of future elections.
I don’t think you meant it as so, but this reads horribly nonchalant toward the prospect and potential success of illegal vote changing.  There should be no R v D, pro-Trump v anti-Trump angle to this subject, it is purely American.  The Mueller investigation identified and charged actual crimes on this subject and we should not be so “whatevs” when escalating their interference to the level of changing votes; it should be more “even if only one vote, so help me...” I honestly can’t believe we have a working relationship with Russia right now


"Traitor" has basis in fact. ("X did Y, Y is a violation of law, therefore X is a traitor")

"Derangement" has no basis in fact.

It would be one thing if the people crying "Derangement" actually laid out a fact-based argument to support their cries. But they never have.
What?  Bold is incorrect and I've seen the fact based argument for TDS laid out many times: See the cell pool thread.  There are dozens of examples in there.

ETA:  Now I think about it, saying things like an attributive noun that exists in the English language has no basis in fact might be thought of as something that exhibits derangement.

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